Oh, what the hell. Relationship meme-y quiz thing, found via Dooce.

What are your middle names?

Mine is Lee, JB’s is William.

How long have you been together?

Just about exactly ten years: we started dating in 1999, and got married in 2001.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?

Maybe a year or so? We were both working for a company in Corvallis called Acres Gaming. I was their receptionist, JB was in purchasing. There was this whole thing about how employees were supposed to use a side door to avoid walking through the front office and disturbing the front desk person and JB would always come BARGING through the front door and stomp right by my desk on his way to the mailroom. He had me at RUDE BARGING ASSHOLE WHAT IS HIS GODDAMNED PROBLEM .

Who asked whom out?

I did my level best to send every message possible that I would be more than receptive to a, you know, overture on his part, but it wasn’t until I left that job and moved to Portland that we started talking over email and eventually dating. I’d say it was a mutual interest at that point, rather than one person asking the other out.

How old are each of you?

JB is 35, and as of today, so am I.

Whose siblings do you see the most?

Definitely JB’s, being as how I am an only child.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?

Ah, that would probably be parenthood.

Did you go to the same school?

Nope. JB graduated from Oregon State University, and I *mumble mumble something school of hard knocks? mumble*

Are you from the same home town?

No, JB is originally from Coos Bay, Oregon, and I was born in Manassas, Virginia. One of us has fond memories of hush puppies, the other knows how to skin an elk.

Who is smarter?

JB is definitely smarter with numbers, logic, maps, and the uncanny ability to recognize actors’ voices in commercial voiceovers or animated films. I’m usually better with, uhhhh . . . what are those things called? Words. Yeah.

Who is the most sensitive?

Me, definitely. I am a delicate flower, when I’m not busy horrifying people around me with bukkake references.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?

A nearby sushi restaurant in Bellevue called Tuna House. Yes, we most often eat out as a couple at the TUNA HOUSE. Heh.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?


Who has the craziest exes?

Neither, I guess. No drama there. 

Who has the worst temper?

Hmm, probably me. I’m more apt to burst into flames during an argument, while JB is more of the issue-a-withering-statement-and-freeze-you-out-for-the-rest-of-the-night type. It’s been a long time since I’ve thrown anything at him, though, so maybe I’m making progress.

Who does the cooking?

JB’s idea of cooking is dialing a pizza place, so that would be me.

Who is the neat-freak?

JB is surprisingly anal about how dishes are supposed to be put in the dishwasher — I say surprisingly because this is the same man who recently tried to kill me with a horror-movie-esque knife arrangement — but I’m typically the one chasing down the majority of the clutter in our house. I wouldn’t say either one of us is a neat freak, though. Parenthood and neat-freakedness do not mix.

Who is more stubborn?

We are both hideously stubborn. It’s like two donkeys living together, and judging by Riley’s emerging heel-digging traits, our children are probably going to be GIANT PAINS IN THE ASS. Even more so than normal, I mean. 

I’ll tell you, though, JB’s stubbornness eclipses mine in certain areas. Example: so every time JB calls that aforementioned pizza place, he insists he has a coupon for a large pizza and demands the coupon price. He has never owned such a coupon and I don’t even know why he started saying he did, but usually the delivery guy doesn’t ask for it and the web of lies can continue. This week, however, the guy on the phone got cocky with JB and started asking for details — what did the coupon say, when did it expire, etc — and finally said, “Look, do you have a coupon or NOT?” JB kept saying he DID, but his WIFE had it so he couldn’t give out DETAILS, he’d just hand it over when the pizza was DELIVERED, GOD.

So the delivery guy shows up and it turns out, it’s the same guy who was on the phone. And instead of dying of SHAME, JB just says, “Dude, here’s the deal, I’ve got a twenty dollar bill here. I couldn’t find the coupon, but you can either ring it up at the more expensive price and take a smaller tip, or you can use the (FAKE) coupon price and keep the change. Your choice.”

Delivery guy goes for Option B, and JB’s all, SCORE. Even though it cost the SAME. Because damn it all, he has to get that (NONEXISTENT) COUPON PRICE, or the WORLD IS GOING TO END.

Who hogs the bed?

Neither, unless JB’s hoping for a little somethin’ somethin’. Which reminds me of the conversation we had yesterday after I’d gotten home from my uber-early flight from LA and had crawled into bed hoping for a quick nap before picking up the kids.

JB: “So . . . backdoor?”
Me: “You’re funny.”
JB: “Front door?”
JB: “. . . mouth?”

Who wakes up earlier?

JB, usually, but not by much.

Where was your first date?

A New Year’s Eve party. He showed up with a backpack full of Coors Light. HOT.

Who is more jealous?

Neither of us, really.

How long did it take to get serious?

Not long. We started dating in January of 1999, and had moved in together by the summer.

Who eats more?

He usually eats more during a meal, but I’m the one who snacks pretty much all night long. (Here is where JB would like to say something about a protein snack, but for god’s sake, I’m talking about baby carrots.)

Who does the laundry?

JB can put dirty clothes in the washing machine and turn it on, I don’t think he’s physically capable of the remaining steps. Sometimes I “accidentally” drop his clean underwear on the dog-hair-littered floor as I’m taking it out of the dryer. What?

Who’s better with the computer?

I used to be the only one with a Mac, so at one point he was far better than me with a PC but could not figure out how to use the Finder in Mac OS X (“I AM CLICKING THE SMILEY FACE WHAT NOW?”). Now that he’s got a MacBook, he’s probably more proficient at me in general, although I’m better at certain apps.

Who drives when you are together?

JB, almost always. He has “control issues” and clearly fancies himself the better driver. I’ll concede to his superior ability to back into tight parking spots and navigate off-road, but I’d also like to point out that only one of us has received, like, three speeding tickets in the last year.

Your turn! Come on, it’s more fun than that 25 Things quiz.


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samantha jo campen
15 years ago

I’m an only child too! Sweet.

And I love JB’s pizza coupon obsession. That is just hilarious, and probably something I would do based on PRINCIPLE.

15 years ago

I think my husband hogs the bed for the same reason, he’s just not as eloquent as JB. Here are mine:


Hope you had a great birthday!

15 years ago

I’m doing mine on my facebook, aww. But I loved reading your answers! JB cracks me up.

15 years ago

Happy Birthday!

I’ll have to do this on my blog this weekend. Thanks for posting your answers.

15 years ago

Oh, what the heck. Read all about us (names withheld on the blog because of my husband. Too bad there wasn’t a question on “who is the most paranoid someone will find out where we live and hunt us down and steal our identies”). PS Happy Birthday!


15 years ago

I currently have no “other” so can’t play.

However; Happy Birthday! And I must say that your hair is looking extra fabulous these days. Love the curl.

15 years ago

Ok Ok, I did it too. Happy birthday! JB and his pizza deal crack me up.

15 years ago

So your hubby likes to serve protein shakes too huh? Christ almighty!

15 years ago

What are your middle names?
Mine is Kathleen, his is John.
How long have you been together?
married for 24 years and together 26 years.
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Maybe a couple weeks.
Who asked whom out? he did.
How old are each of you?
He is 50, and I am 42.
Whose siblings do you see the most?

Neither, I was raised an only child and he is an only child.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?

Ah, that would probably be parenthood.
Did you go to the same school?

Same college.

Are you from the same home town?
Who is smarter?
kind of the same.
Who is the most sensitive?
Where do you eat out most as a couple?

A lil bbq place.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

Who has the craziest exes?

I guess I do
Who has the worst temper?
He does. He is quick to yell, but I am slow to anger. When I finally lose it, I burn bridges.

Who does the cooking?

I do

Who is the neat-freak?

he is by far.
Who is more stubborn?

We are both hideously stubborn.
Who hogs the bed?

I do

Who wakes up earlier?

HE does.
Where was your first date?

We went to breakfast then to watch the sunrise on the ocean.
Who is more jealous?

Neither of us, really.

How long did it take to get serious?

Not long.
Who eats more?

bout the same
Who does the laundry?
Isn’t that why we have kids?
Who’s better with the computer?

Who drives when you ride together? Him , he HAS to drive. Not sure what that deal is about but he MUST drive.

Shutter Bitch
15 years ago

my own stab at it: http://shutterbitch.wordpress.com/2009/02/20/reconcilable-differences-and-similarities/

JB? Your pizza buying skillz? Teh Awesome! You made it about his own greed, not yours! You’d be wicked to argue with, and maybe should consider a career change as carnival barker or lawyer. Same thing, right?

15 years ago

Happy Birthday!

If there were any guy answers, I missed them, so briefly:

Middle names?
Hers is Kathleen. Mine is R. (Bit of a story there, which will have to wait for another time.)

How long together?
27 years.

How long did we know each other before dating?
About 2 months. It would have been 5 hours except for a misunderstanding.

Who asked whom?
She asked me. I was going to ask her initially but thought she was unavailable. She finally got tired of waiting and asked me to lunch to find out WTF. Went pretty quickly from there.

How old are we?
I’m 52. If you think I’m putting her age down here you are nuts! The most I dare say is that she is a little older…

Whose siblings do we see the most?
Probably a tie; we don’t see any of them very often. I have two and she has one, none live anywhere near us. My brother is the closest, about 13 hours away by car.

Hardest situation?
#2 son (hers from prior marriage). Long and painful story but it’s looking like it might have a happy ending.

Same school?
Nope, I went to CMU, she went to U Cincinnati.

Same home town?
Nope. Pittsburgh and Cincinnati.

Me, for most things. She reads people a lot faster and better than I do.

Most sensitive?
Definitely her.

Where do we eat out most?
Recently it’s been Patron’s, a super Mexican place. I like their food and I don’t even like most Mexican food.

Furthest travel together?

Craziest ex’s?
Not applicable; Her ex is deceased, and I can’t really claim any “ex’s”.

Worst temper?
We’re fairly even tempered. She is crabbier when she gets tired, so I guess she wins.

Who cooks?
In the last couple years it’s been me. Most of our married life it was her.

Who is the neat-freak?
The what? :)

Who is more stubborn?
Definitely me.

Who hogs the bed?
We had a king size bed from day 1. She moved around a little more but neither of us are natural bed hogs.

Where was our first date?
Lunch at Uncle Charlie’s (which no longer exists).

Who is more jealous.
She is. Fortunately the only time it was a problem was due to a misunderstanding.

How long did it take to get serious?
About 30 seconds, or 4 months, depending on how you want to interpret “serious”. Love at first sight, both directions.

Who eats more?
Definitely me. Luckily I don’t gain weight as easily, although it’s getting harder to keep it off as I get older.

Who does the laundry?
Mostly she does, although I’ll do some of it.

Who’s better with the computer?
Me, it’s what I do for a living. She’s pretty good at it though.

Who drives?
Usually me, although it’s not a big deal. We’ll share driving on longer trips.

15 years ago

Hmmm…JB sounds ridiculously like my husband. Except my husband calls it a protein shake, not a protein snack. =)

15 years ago

Happy Birthday!!!!

15 years ago

Also, I’m gonna take a crack at the survey. And since I don’t have a blog anymore, I’ll take up your bandwidth with my drivel, mmmmkay? ;)

What are your middle names?
Mine is Lyn, his starts with an E., he’d kill me for posting it.
How long have you been together?
It will be 17 years as a couple in May, and we’re coming up on our 13th wedding anniversary.

How long did you know each other before you began dating?
About a year. Met through a mutual friend and we both harbored secret crushes until we went to Apple Blossom Festival (Wa state folks will recognize that as our annual Boozefest/Teenagers Behaving Badly event in Eastern Washington.) with all of our friends on a camping trip. I *forgot* my pillow in the trunk of the car and shared his. And yes, it was completely innocent. For a couple of weeks. ;)

Who asked whom out?
It was just sort of a mutual crush that ignited.

How old are each of you?
I am 35, hubby is 36.

Whose siblings do you see the most?
Um, that’s about even I think. We see his brother about as often as we see mine.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Parenthood. Vices. *cough*HIS*cough*

Did you go to the same school?
No, different high schools. I went to college, and he did the school of hard knocks. ;) Incidentally? Much better choice on his part, as he didn’t have student loans, and ended up with the better job. GO FIGURE.

Are you from the same home town?
No, but we grew up close to one another. We’re pretty sure our paths crossed 1000 times, but we never met during our high school days.

Who is smarter?
He’s very smart in some things (math, computers, emergency medical care) and I’m smarter in others (photography, budget, insurance coverage arguing)

Who is the most sensitive?
ME. But he’s surprisingly sensitive at times I absolutely wouldn’t expect him to be.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?

We don’t. We rarely eat in restaurants for a variety of reasons, much to my displeasure. The place we’ve been to most frequently though, is our friends’ restaurant called Buck’s American Cafe in Everett. GREAT food, fabulous atmosphere.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Grand Cayman Island or Jamaica, whichever is furthest. (I’m too lazy to check)

Who has the craziest exes?
Hmmm….. neither really. Both of our most significant exes are decent folks getting on with life just like we are.

Who has the worst temper?
That is most definitely ME. Oh. Mah. GAWD. I have a wicked temper that causes my head to spin 360 degrees, and flames to shoot out my nose and ears. It takes a lot to get me there, but when it happens, he does a very elegant tuck and roll.

Who does the cooking?
We both do. But he is MacGuyver in the kitchen. He can look in the pantry, find a paper clip, a coffee filter and a potato and come up with a 4 course meal. And it ALWAYS tastes good. He has never botched a single attempt. I like to cook and bake, but need a recipe as a jumping off point most of the time.

Who is the neat-freak?
Huh. I guess me? I can deal with a messy room for awhile if I can close a door on it. But then it gets to me eventually, and I go on an 8 hour declutter/cleaning spree at full tilt boogie until it’s completely clean and usable. Our main living spaces have to be mostly put together before I can relax for the night.

Who is more stubborn?
I’d say we’re equally (horribly, annoyingly) stubborn. But mine is worse because it’s punctuated with my previously mentioned temper.

Who hogs the bed?
Me. I flail. And talk in my sleep.

Who wakes up earlier?
Him. I am NOT a morning person.

Where was your first date?

His house. Room full of friends, watching a movie and eating pizza. We were always with a gaggle of friends.

Who is more jealous?
Him about any male admirers I may have had (NOT many, lol). Me about his time away on hunting trips and relative freedom to pick up and go somewhere without parent guilt.

How long did it take to get serious?

Uh, minutes? We were pretty much stuck together with glue from the moment we got together.

Who eats more?

He eats bigger meals, unless we’re talking about steak. I can put away a steak like nobody’s business and it is dangerous to get near my plate if there’s one on it.

Who does the laundry?
*heavy sigh* ME. Laundry is one of two ‘jobs’ that he screwed up SO badly once, I took it off his roster. Don’t want to do laundry? Wash your wife’s white clothes with your brand new red sweatshirt. Don’t want to wash the serve ware? Break your wife’s favorite hibiscus platter. She’ll never ask you to do it again. Perhaps I should revise that question about who is smarter……..

Who’s better with the computer?

Oh I hate to say this, but him. I am much more adept at the iPhoto though.

Who drives when you are together?
Almost always him. Unless we’re going out, and he’s planning to tie one on. Then I’m driving, and we’re taking my car.

15 years ago

This is such a fun meme. I’m really enjoying reading them all over the blogosphere =)

That and the conversation between the two of you is pretty funny. It sounds like something my husband would say to me…

15 years ago

Hope you had a fantabulous birthday! Here’s our relationship meme: http://vlynn.livejournal.com/98446.html

15 years ago

Thanks to SJ I now have the jingle for the Chesapeake Bay Seafood House (get all the seafood…you can eat!) running through my head. :) hushpuppies rock.

15 years ago

I didn’t know you were born in Manassas Thats right down the street Backback full of beer – my kind of guy!


[…] Heart U Jump to Comments I saw this marriage Q&A thing over at Sundry’s website and then back at Dooce’s,and since both kids are napping right now, why not?  I wonder how far I’ll get without having to shove a binkie back into a certain someone’s mouth?  My guess is five seconds, tops.  […]

15 years ago

I would just like to say that the coupon story made me laugh and laugh.

15 years ago

OMG I have the perfect shirt for you re: your naptime dialogue with JB:

Mimi All Me
15 years ago

I read this late, but it is awesome. I’m from Southern Oregon too, and JB sounds like the guys that I grew up with. Know how to skin an elk? Check. Coors Light in the backpack? Check!

14 years ago

old writing but interesting to be read…happy and fun couple :)

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