Do any of you happen to remember that old Ren & Stimpy episode where they run out of money and they’re starving so they masquerade as babies? (“Cute nothin’! They’re deadbeats! Babies have the world’s easiest lives. People feed them, they clothe them, they carry them everywhere they go and they expect nothing in return! In fact, I hear they don’t even have to WIPE themselves!”) Every time I see Dylan walking, I think of how he looks exactly like Ren & Stimpy did when they were pretending to be babies and walking in these great staggering, half-falling steps, with their arms outstretched and lines of drool coming from their mouths.


There must be something going on with the early stages of walking where it’s like putting on mascara: impossible to do with your mouth shut. He accompanies his wobbly steps with great happy screeches and a lot of furious panting, and oh, it is just so funny and awesome and joyous. (It provides a very nice break from some of his other favorite activities of late, which involve screaming, fishflopping, and throwing a goddamned CONNIPTION over having his diaper changed.)


We got out Riley’s old pushtoy for Dylan to walk behind, and at first it seemed like maybe the best idea any of us had ever had, because hello, how cute is this?


And also, my god, where has the time gone?


Then I remembered why the pushcar can be such a source of frustration for very little kids: they’re thrilled with it as long as they have forward momentum, but the instant it gets pushed into a corner or the wall or whatever, they have a total meltdown and collapse on the floor making dying-wildebeest noises, at which point, if there is an older brother around, the car promptly gets backed over someone’s finger, and then you have to do some deep breathing exercises because you are about to FEDEX ALL THESE PAIN-IN-THE-ASS CHILDREN TO OCTOMOM.

Anyway! The real reason I’m posting is to ask for hair advice. I’ve been growing mine out for a while and it’s officially gotten to a stage where I can barely stand it: it takes forever to blow-dry, and it’s all frizzy and unruly and needs a ton of styling to look halfway decent. I kind of like the wavy thing I’ve been doing lately with a curling iron, but again, it takes forever.

So I have an appointment for tomorrow, but I’m going back and forth on whether I should cut it back to the short bob that’s easy to dry and straighten, or just get it trimmed, keep growing it out, and hope that having it shaped will help with the amount of time it takes to style it? I keep lusting after longer hair, but I’m also thinking that maybe 1) I don’t have the patience for it, and 2) my curly-underneath, flat-on-the-surface cowlicky fuzzy hair isn’t really meant to BE long.







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samantha jo campen
15 years ago

I can’t even fully express how much I love those pictures of Dylan walking.

And your hair looks cute no matter what so I have nothing to offer.

15 years ago

You look great in both, but are able to carry off the short, when lots of us cannot. Go with what is easy… have enough to do right now as it is!!

Jennifer Mincey
Jennifer Mincey
15 years ago

Your hair looks really pretty longer. But I certainly understand your struggle. I always seem to lust after long hair and I can never make it. In fact, I recently cut mine to a bob that is shorter than your shorter picture. I think if you are miserable with the time it takes to care for it and style it… cut it. Good luck with your decision.

15 years ago

I like it a little longer right now. So cute! I always think I want to cut my hair off when I go to get it cut, but then my stylist convinces me we can just make it better by a new cut. I think shaping the current lenght and thinning it a bit would probably work wonders on your styling time. That is what I have discovered with my half-curly/half-straight and too thick hair. And I like my hair to be long enough to put back somehow when exercising…

15 years ago

You often talk about your hair’s natural texture, which sounds exactly like mine, but then in photos your hair looks sleek, cute, stylish, and nothing like the texture you claim to have.

Thus, if your hair is naturally like mine yet you can make it look as good as it does (note above comments), AND it’s easy, then I would say keep it shorter & easier.

On the other hand, I tried to do your hairstyle and I found it MORE work then long hair, which for me means shoulder-length. For me, with my own curly-underneath, flat/straight on top, cowlicky, frizzy hair, length helps the curls (when they appear) look more like they are supposed to be there, ditto for the frizz that creeps in. And there’s always the pony tail option if all else fails. So longer hair is easier in some ways even if it does take more time to blow-dry & style.

My point? Your current length is probably the most difficult one — too long for one style, too short for the other — so if you REALLY want that long hair then I suggest you try to suffer through this stage & just get the hair shaped up. I think things will get better. On the other hand, can you stand to wait several more months, though, for this to happen? You can ALWAYS get it cut short again, but it will take months of growing just to get back to where you are now.

Still, I wish I could have a cute bob like yours.

Michelle Whitehurst
15 years ago


I just got done reading everything on your site from 06 to yesterday. I just wanted to tell you how completely I enjoyed reading your blog. You made me laugh so hard so many times and you have a very down to earth writing style that I liked a lot. Just wanted to thank you for writing and sharing your life with us. I’m gonna go now before I start screaming like a japanese fangirl or something.

Thank you.

Michelle Whitehurst

PS. I tried to use the e-mail but it would go through, hence this in your comment section. Not trying to be creepy or anything.

15 years ago

You know what Dylan looks like in those pictures? He’s a frat boy at a party, hoisting his plastic cup of beer over the dance floor. He’s yelling “WOOOOOOOO!!!”

15 years ago

I am currently growing my hair out, only because with these children I can’t seem to make it in for a haircut. But my problems aside, I would say that it’s super-easy to cut hair, not so easy to grow it. So if you’re on the fence keep growing it out, just because that’s the most easily-reversible decision.

15 years ago

Kimbo is right. It’s the growing-out stage that will drive you craaaazy. When you make it to the ponytail stage, everything gets easier.
(Well, except the toddler/pushtoy frustration.)

Anonymous New York
15 years ago

Your hair looks really great right now. I like the short bob, too, but I really like it now. Maybe if they take out a little of the thickness and trim it you’ll get rid of some of the problems.

I totally know that Ren and Stimpy episode. I love Dylan’s surprised and joyous faces. Such a funny contradiction to Riley’s suspicious face as a babe.

Michelle Whitehurst
15 years ago

Also, love your hair as is now. I think stick with growing it. :)

15 years ago

I don’t think I’ve seen the baby episode! My favorite is the one where Ren eats the bar of soap thinking it’s an ice cream bar.

Personally, I think you should grow it out. I prefer long hair on women, especially young Moms.

15 years ago

First, your hair is gorgeous. But if it’s taking too long, by all means do something!

1. Consider having it straightened. Maybe not the whole thing, but the bits that are really annoying the crap out of you.
2. You could do the opposite and perm it, but that’s like twice as much work and requires insane grow out, so I doubt you’d want that. (Spiral perms don’t make you look like a poodle, just in case you’re wondering. You can also get a body perm which is more like…..a soft wave. I think….my mom’s a hair dresser but it’s been a while since we’ve talked perms.)

That’s all the advice I have, sorry. It’s a good length and cut though, I wouldn’t change that. The roundness really softens your face and makes you look lovely.

15 years ago

The important question is what does your hair look like un-styled? As the proud/frustrated owner of multi-textured hair, at any length I just layer the heck out of it and blow the bangs straight-ish. Takes 2 minutes.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Okay, both cuts look short to me but I like the current one the best. It’s fuller and bouncier. Other than that I can’t help you at all; I’m currently growing my hair out to donate to Locks of Love. Right now it’s 11″ at it’s longest layer; I need at least 10″ to donate. Can’t wait to see your new hair!

15 years ago

ALSO: I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some of Dylan’s moves on Sweatin’ to the Oldies.

15 years ago

I have hair that sucks ass to dry etc. But I found the best for me is bed head’s afterparty. I put a little bit on while my hair is wet and it blow dries like a friggin dream… quick and soft and I love it.

15 years ago

I absolutely love the long wavy look, and frequently lust after it for my own greasy flat head of hair!

Also, boys, so cute!

Shutter Bitch
15 years ago

I vote longer. I like them both, but there’s something a little more feminine about the wavy look. And in fact, I have similar hair in texture and in style, and have taken to using a barrette and am tired and sick of the bleh I feel about my hair lately. So maybe a haircut is in order for myself as well.

How cute is Dylan!? Hell, Fedex him to me. I’ll take a bite out of those thighs.

15 years ago

Wavy look!

15 years ago

Shorter bob! it looks great on you!

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
15 years ago

I have the same type of hair and I am growing it out. Do it!!

15 years ago

I’ve been growing my hair for about a year and a half now–the longest part reaches the tops of my shoulder blades and the shortest parts are just below my chin. I thought it would be so awesome and gorgeous, but you know what? It looks pretty stupid and I wear it up almost every day. Gonna give it a few more months, but if I’m not rocking it by summer it gets the axe. Cute short hair totally spoils you!

Also, I kind of need to see a picture of your UNstyled hair to believe it’s not naturally cute. Anyone else with me? ;-)

15 years ago

If you can white knuckle it (and not throw your brush at the mirror every morning), let it get past shoulder length and then you can just pull it back or up when you don’t have the time to flat iron it. Do you have a CHI? If not, trust me, it makes life as a flat ironer much easier.
I personally LOVE the stacked bob but I also understand your lust for long sleek hair.
See how long you can go with it. Make it a challenge and fun!! Then if you totally hate it, you can donate it to locks of love.

15 years ago recently plugged a hair device called the “bandette” comb which might help you get through this stage. its a large-ish hair comb with an attached hair band that you can stretch over a bun to secure it even further. sort of hard to describe but it makes it very easy to make an updo that is a touch classier than a ponytail, and its really freaking secure in my hair. it budges less than a ponytail i think. you can get it at The Icing at the mall, mine cost $5.50. ps.- it seems like my hair if fairly similar to yours right now, and i’m also at the yucky growing out stage.

Yet Another Jenny
15 years ago

I think your lush layers are gorgeous, but I’m guessing that being able to pull it back in a ponytail would be a godsend on hectic mornings. Maybe try a trim for now, reserving the right to go for a real cut in a coupla-three weeks?

15 years ago

I love the shorter version. It really brings out your face!

Amber S
Amber S
15 years ago

I love Elizabeth Keener’s haircut and if my bangs would fall the way yours do I would totally cut my hair like hers. It’s about the length that yours is now but with more layers. Very sexy.

15 years ago

Oh for chrissake, you look wonderful in both of them, and I can’t be trusted to DECIDE or even WEIGH IN.

So with that in mind, I must say go with whatever causes you less angst to do every day. That’s what always wins on my head.

Jen - Mom of 4
Jen - Mom of 4
15 years ago

I love the longer style. But totally understand the pain the neck stage of growing it out. I would talk to your stylist – if she doesn’t come up with a decent solution then cut it. I do think it looks cute either way, but just prefer the softer look on you lately.

15 years ago

Grow it!
“Corpse hair” is exactly how my hair looked when air dried until I changed the way I cared for it. I layered the hell out of it and stopped using sulfates and silicones. There are some fantastic products out there that help turn frizz into curls and waves. My favorites are DevaCurl and MopTop. Now I can air dry and then just tweak the top layer with a curling iron – super easy and my hair is finally in good condition.

15 years ago

Love the short cut – it’s way more hip IMHO.

The toddle photo sequence is adorable! :)

15 years ago

Shorter! You seem to have a spunky, easy outlook on life, and that’s the haircut that matches your words. (Plus, it’s very darling short!)

15 years ago

I think we have the same hair… I wonder every morning… how can one head sport curly, straight, frizzy, fine, greasy, AND dry hair at the SAME TIME??? V. Annoying. God bless Whoorl, for she turned me onto the magical concoction known as Frederik Fekkai Glossing Cream. Amen. Their shine spray is good too… even air dried, the glossing cream at least gets rid of all the frizz…

Go for the long layers… it’s a bitch to get past that in-between stage, but worth it.

15 years ago

I say keep it long and see if the shaping, etc.. from the cut helps with the styling time. If it doesn’t then cut it shorter, best of both worlds.

15 years ago

I love it shorter!

15 years ago

I’m with Jonniker — whatever feels like less bother. I will say though, a good cut can solve a multitude of sins.

15 years ago

Don’t tell the others, but Dylan is by far my favorite internet baby. Look at that face!!! I can only hope that one day my own babies will be that cheesy. I heart him.

I acutally really like the longer hair on you. Maybe try thinning it out but keeping it long? you can always change your mind and chop more off later.

15 years ago

I vote short for the coiffure, or heavy texturization (lots of layers and point cutting) to give it movement.

Dylan’s thighs are particularly delicious looking by the way…very VERY munchable. Like I have to tell YOU…

15 years ago

I am loving your hair right now. I like the length and the wave. Don’t they have wave perms that don’t require you to grow it out more? Or have you tried the sleeping curlers?

15 years ago

When I had long hair, I would let it air dry, and then beat it into submission with product and a straightening iron. OR, I would wash it at night, and then put it in a braid to sleep. In the morning, it would still be slightly damp, but when it air-dried, it would retain nice waves from the braid. But, blow drying took next to forever, and by the time I was done, I was SO FREAKING OVERHEATED from having the stupid hair dryer running for so long that all I could do was lay on a cement floor and pant.

That long-ass comment to say: It looks really cute short, and you will not like to blow dry it when it gets to shoulder-length and beyond.

15 years ago

I like it short.

15 years ago

I think you look kick-arse with both styles. I like the funkiness of the shorter hair style, love the softness & texture of the longer. I wonder if trimming, a little thinning & shaping (so, really, just typical maintenance of how great it looks longer) would help with the time it takes to do it? If it did, I’d be inclined to go that way. But seriously, you look great with either.

Also, I had a fight with my husband a day ago. A humdinger of a fight that made me want to feed his penis through a vintage meat grinder. We’re still (while we’ll be more than okay) in that shitty recovery period. I just wanted to say, your “HONK” in that tweet up there on the left gave me a much needed laugh. SO fucking funny it’s seriously made my day :).

15 years ago

Just get the trim and give it a chance. If you cut it back to the bob, you might wish you hadn’t. I love, love, love the Dylan walking pics and the old pic of Riley. So sweet and hilarious! :)

15 years ago

First, Dylan?!?! ACK! Makes me ache!

Second, the hair, I love it shorter. ‘Course I might be partial to it because that’s how mine is. A bob with a short back and longer front. My hair is THICK and like you, the bottom curls more than the top layers. I have my stylist cut the shit out of it with thinning shears and it helps with the drying time AND the ease of styling. That might work for growing it out too!

15 years ago

Looks great both ways. I say cut it short – easier to blow dry… then put some curl in it with the curling iron. Best of both worlds!

15 years ago

I have friends that have had great success with curlers, both velcro and … hot. I forget what they are called. Hot rollers?
Anyway. You plug them in. Maybe you could keep growing it and ask your stylist about curling options that are less of a pain than a curling iron?

I FEEL YOU on the damned walking toys. We don’t have them but my girl MAKES a walking toy out of everything – her little rocking chair, her stand up toy, regular kitchen chairs – grrrr. She gets SO, SO mad when she drives herself into a corner, which happens every 30 seconds or so. Fun!

15 years ago

You have such volume!! Beautiful! And I would think that short is easiest for a mom right now… Later you can have long locks… :)

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