Iced jasmine tea, tan lines, farm animals, picnic blankets, frisbees, playgrounds, grilled hotdogs, walks to the store, ice cream, runny noses, blight-ridden tomatoes yanked, hopefully non-blight-ridden tomatoes planted, random acts of gardening, dog hair, smeary sunglasses, morning waffles, afternoon cookies, a thousand tantrums, a thousand pleasantries.

How about yours?






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Mary Beth
Mary Beth
15 years ago

‘Bones’ marathon, hormonal coma, cheeseburgers, chilly rain and chilly toes, ice cold beer, internet shopping (shh don’t tell anyone), period movies with my daughter, sleepy kitty, Happy Birthday!, and never-ending laundry.

15 years ago

Ooh, I’ll play!

Dog bathing, bathroom cleaning, laundry washing, grocery shopping, peanut butter pie making, talking, hugging, happy birthday singing, picture taking, cupcake eating, puppy petting, welcome home greeting, peanut butter pie serving, watching gift opening, happy birthday saying, Chinese leftovers eating.

15 years ago

Paintball, clean carpets, tune road bikes, ride to Balboa, Star Trek, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Frost/Nixon, Passengers, VW Engine, Sex

15 years ago

Water park, sunscreen, cannon balls, floppy hats, Italian Ice, “Taco Fun Night”, glass of wine, four new teeth, more wine, bloody lip, toenail painting, spilled juice, belly laughs, family “jam sessions”, board games, looooong naps.

Eric's Mommy
15 years ago

Son puking, Red Sox, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Trap shooting, Parade watching, Remote Control Motorcycle, Sunshine loving, Icecream eating, Lame Party, Breaking Bad.

15 years ago

Painting a two-story stairwell, by myself, with no scaffolding.

That is AMAZING, beautiful weather you’re having for the holiday weekend, as well!

Melissa D.
Melissa D.
15 years ago

First swim at pool, gardening, daughter pooped on the potty (YES!), son ate dirt, hot slide at park, road trip to kiddie theme park, too much sun and heat, slushies, ice cream, tantrums abound, cold chardonnay, theme park garden and butterfly garden. And Chocolate!!!

15 years ago

Knitting, unknitting, re-knitting, cursing yarn, aching hands, movie watching, afternoon delighting, real estate lusting, planning decor for condo not yet purchased, planning vacation (food-centric), kitty sitting, making nachos, surfing internet, watching baseball, making meatballs, playing Wii, taking walks with husband, reading Marshall Karp books, enjoying self.

15 years ago

Double nonfat latte, parade watching, back-of-neck sunburn, digging in yard, raspberry Italian soda, new Mexican restaurant with new friends, double nonfat latte, fast-and-long bicycle rides, orange custard French toast, low-tide beach walkabout, tidepool-treasure hunting, blue-sky marveling, double nonfat latte.

15 years ago

My Birthday! Strawberry Pancakes, Awesome Gifts, Flower Planting, Target, Hibachi Japan, Metropolis Popcorn! DQ Ice Cream Cake, Baby’s 3rd Tooth, Yard Work, Walmart, Pizza, Tinkerbell Movie, Cavs Game Anxiety, 3 AM Angry Baby, McDonald’s Iced Mocha, Awesome Parade, Candy Catching Extravaganza, Family Picnic, Exhaustion.

15 years ago

sleeping, helping friends move, strawberry beer, whole foods, herb planting, sweaty park walking, sea scallops and risotto, wine on the porch, role models (surprisingly funny!), running into friends at 2 AM, neighborhood bar, late night walk, morning rain, huevos rancheros, bbq with new coworkers, imminent summer, snuggling, naps, cat-petting, finding wasps nest in the hammock, cookie baking, lovin’.

15 years ago

Xbox360 playing (particularly Call of Duty); The Office watching; laundry mountains; pizza; good breakfasts; rainy afternoons; computer games; writing; reading; ipod marathons; long hot baths; cat-snuggling; fat beagle kisses; quick naps.

15 years ago

In-laws visiting, funkia transplanting, Red Wings watching, baby pool filling, spray bottle battling, whoopie pie making, (marshmallows next), food coma recovering, organic lemonade sipping, baby not sleeping, weekend almost over.

15 years ago

Dance show (is it too late to be a ballerina?), dinner party and card-playing beatdown, breakfast burritos, bug man, three book reading, every restaurant closed at 8pm, general slothfulness, Indy car, bowling, asshole cashier at grocery store, afternoon nap.

15 years ago

Bowling, softball, Frisbee, warm weather that reminds me of California and almost makes me miss it, NOT getting up at 5frickin30 on a Monday morning.

15 years ago

Grocery store, Petting Zoo, bath time, Pens win, Detroit win, sick hubby, Memorial Parade, rocks, another bath, grilling and being thankful for all who have served when Lord know I could not.

15 years ago

marathon shopping, adult conversations, long car rides, late nights, early mornings, MIL and SIL visit, overpriced attractions, good times, high maintenance toddler, car purchase, hungry kids, senior photos, cranky mom, early night.

15 years ago

Cat puke, overnight guests, overeating, wineries, casinos, $$$jackpot!, sunbathing, flatulence, Columbia river recreation, mani-pedi-haircut, relaxation, post-weekend housecleaning, laundry, ironing, blessed, happy, tired.

15 years ago

Housecleaning, party preparation, piles of pulled pork, homemade BBQ sauce, keg o’ beer, multitude of friends, nephew nibbling, slip n’ slide, bonfire, dirty sticky kids, party cleanup, hungover husband, laundry, park playtime, walk in the sunshine, exploring the beach at low tide, working.

15 years ago

Your weekend sounds awesome! Beautiful pictures! :)

Mine… Had to work, but work was good, smiling kids, excited parrots, yesterday evening sirens; huge fire across the street, everyone okay, then home with the hubby today, naps abound, snuggling kitties while watching planet earth, and as usual, too much time on the internet.

15 years ago

Friends, INSANE puppy, sun showers, a mini-pool (aka Jacuzzi with ice in it), East Coast Conference game, missing my husband, grilled corn on the cob, and avoiding cleaning.

Audubon Ron
15 years ago

I’ve been reading a lot of blogs lately. Gosh SOO many. But you, kick my ass.

Shadows of peace back at’cha.

15 years ago

baseball game, packing house, lemonaid, growing belly, maternity shopping, naps, sleep, ice cream, canoeing, writing, lake walks, grilling burgers…

15 years ago

14 hour trip home in the van from Virginia Beach, Tinkerbell, freeze pops, freshly made wheat bread, Marley & Me, walks, everyone sleeping in, playing catch, shooting toddler baskets, coffee, laughs, hugs, wet smooches, a bunch of toddler meltdowns, a few mommy meltdowns. Fairly well rounded.

15 years ago

Three-day weekends lose their luster when you’ve been unemployed for ten months, old Simpsons episodes, cryptic statuses on Facebook, mid-life crisis, cat made me smile every day, burrito, library books, uncertainty, Trader Joe’s Ultra Chocolate ice cream, geeking out with MacBook media center, sleeping in, hope.

15 years ago

Homework, country house, grilling, roasting marshmallows, dine-in Pizza Hut (oh, the novelty!), hard as rock beds, hiking through the woods, new toys, driving through small towns, no TV, small-town ice cream, Outback, imagining a simpler life, long walk, quick dip in the pool.

Sounds like you had a great weekend. Love the pictures of the boys at the playground.

15 years ago

napping, roommate with a cold, sunshine, impatiens, bagels, choir rehearsal, 8 game losing streak, laundry, clean the bathroom, money planning, Vantage Point, hot dogs, Midnight Mansion, advil and amoxicillin (root canal today, bah,) bills paid, IHOP, groceries, crossword puzzles, forty-one words

15 years ago

Road trip for fireworks. Puppy snuggles. Rock picked. Harry Potter movie “marathon”. Cat in heat, won’t shut up. Leveled up in one of our Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. Took the puppy to watch parade. Made pancakes for dinner. Finally got the grill home.

15 years ago

Night at Museum 2, swimming, swimming, gardening, weed whacking, church, swimming, eating out, marinading, bbq, friends over, chatting, playing, swimming, sending youngest to room far too often.

15 years ago

Weekend away with family, out on the lake, boat motor fire (towed to shore), margaritas, relaxing on patio, grilling, grilling, grilling, Apples to Apples, bonfire (s’mores!), 2-year-old who won’t sleep, Teddy Bear Park, long nap (heavenly).

15 years ago

sleeping in, yardwork, sunburn, soccer, golf, because of golf getting drunk by 6PM, visiting my best friend’s baby, giggling at baby, phonecall’s to boyfriend living two hours away, drinking new (for us in Canada)bud light lime!

15 years ago

Oh, and the colorful, summery photo’s are EXCELLENT!

15 years ago

totally stole this idea for a blog post (I have serious blogger block right now); thanks.

15 years ago

Frantic packing, leisurely drive, sunny days, beautiful lakes, gorgeous spring-running streams, wildflowers, lazy afternoons, morel hunting, elk sightings, walks with the family, chasing our toddler on his ATV, coyote serenades, exploration, amazing views from a lookout close to camp, laughing, family, ahhhh… I am rejuvenated.

15 years ago

Most of this was really fun:

“Superbad,” raucous laughter, farmer’s market, a special dinner, cleaning house, visit with friends, adult time while kids played independently (light at end of tunnel!), grilling, fresh corn, strawberry-rhubarb pie, s’mores, kids on the slip ‘n’ slide, rollercoasters, bird shit in my hair, reading Twilight books AGAIN.

15 years ago

Eldest’s fifth birthday. “I am five!” Who invited 20 preschoolers to my house? Was that me? Self, we have to talk. “Am I still five?”Yes, dear. Still five, and still high from the sugar on that fairy cake. Was that even food? I see Nana gave you another loud, battery-powered plastic toy. Your birthday’s next, Mom. Revenge will be mine. Can I have a beer now?

15 years ago

Stir fry, toddler fever, fattening foods, beach, beer, basketball, Terminator, family bonding, character building exercises, dead computers, sand dunes, glad to be back at work!

15 years ago

travel, visiting family, cranky toddlers, sun, cool wind, old amusement parks, highway robbery, tasty fries, bugs, should have brought a book, rest, dog hair, pregnancy, grown-up conversations, frustration, parades, rides, pure happiness, terror, walking, aches, home again

15 years ago

Ear infection, baby not eating, both kids snot producing, zoo, aviary, mini road trip, too damn many salt and vinegar chips.

Would have liked more onion rings.

Can I move into your commenter’s house who did all the knitting and re-knitting? That sounds fat and snot free.

Not so sorry to be at work, either.

15 years ago

Two cookouts, watermelon covered kids, homemade Marionberry cobbler with vanilla ice cream, delicious cheeseburgers, time spent with great friends, farmers market, swimming lessons, sunshine, gardening, riding bikes, trips to the park, one really great nap, popsicles, laughter, fun, two exhausted little boys on Monday night.

The Informal Matriarch
15 years ago

just so ya know, If you put the tomatoes in the same spot then they’ll probably get blight again, I hate to be the barer of bad news….but the blight fungus will be everywhere now…SORRY! *hugs* :D

15 years ago

Lunch with sis, Night at the Museum, baby snuggling, good talk with old friends, school work, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, cross stitching, tv watching, newborn baby snuggling, deliver food to exhausted new parents, Facebook, drink with friends, reading, talk on phone.

15 years ago

Frantic packing, leisurely drive, sunny days, beautiful lakes, gorgeous spring-running streams, wildflowers, lazy afternoons, morel hunting, elk sightings, walks with the family, chasing our toddler on his ATV, coyote serenades, exploration, amazing views from a lookout close to camp, laughing, family, ahhhh… I am rejuvenated.

15 years ago

OK, that was weird… the second entry was *not* from me.

15 years ago

Phone call, tears, airplane ride, tears, funeral, tears, placing pictures of my kids in the casket, MORE TEARS. Food, laughter, remembering, new shoes, yelling at various relatives who STILL SMOKE, spending time with Mom. Jr passing EOG’s with flying colors, more food, less tears, LOVE.


[…] Holiday weekend in 46 words or less All amp Sundry Posted by root 21 minutes ago ( I see nana gave you another loud battery powered plastic toy probably get blight again i hate to be the barer of bad news but the blight fungus will Discuss  |  Bury |  News | Holiday weekend in 46 words or less All amp Sundry […]