1) Thank you, thank you, thank you for the kind words you’ve sent my way. And a special teary thank you to Eliza, whose email on October 21 last fall sent me on a path to finishing a marathon. Thank you.

2) It is the damnedest thing, but everything that was so horrible about the race has already downgraded in my brain from Vividly Awful Experience I Never Want to Repeat to Amusing Self-Deprecating War Story. I mean, at mile 24 I told everyone within earshot that I was never doing a marathon again, ever. And I absolutely meant it. Yet less than 24 hours later I started thinking how it was almost funny how destroyed I was at the end—ha ha, remember when I was half-dead and was *thisclose* to shitting my pants?—and all the bad moments now seem small in comparison to the good. Which is NOT how it felt at the time, so what the hell?

Anyway, totally thinking about the Portland marathon in October.

3) We got home yesterday and I’ve got about twenty-seven loads of laundry to do, the house is a mess, I’m far enough behind in class I can’t make heads or tails of the study guide the teacher sent out (“Krebs cycle”? “Mitochondria”? “Oxaloacetate”?), I need to catch up on work email, and the fridge is somehow both empty and smelly. I’m glad to be back, but our meandering trip in Oregon—outside of cell service, where the traffic consisted of wild turkeys scuttling across the road—made me wish we could slow our lives down a little. Maybe a lot.




4) JB and I were married nine years ago today. Nine years! My god, I love that sumbitch.



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14 years ago

A big fat hearty “you’re welcome” and “I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT.” Sending lots of love & pride your way.

14 years ago

Congratulations on your anniversary! A lovely milestone. :-)

14 years ago

Congrats on your anniversary!

14 years ago

Happy anniversary! If you do the Portland marathon, I’d totally be there cheering you on!

14 years ago

Happy Anniversary :)

14 years ago

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!

14 years ago

Happy anniversary!

14 years ago

Happy Anniversary to you and JB. And another marathon? I say DO IT!

14 years ago

So you’re telling me that running a marathon and the body/ minds ability to make it seem
less painful/horrific to endure… Is like birth?! Lol. I told my little girl and everyone else in the labor room with me that I would NOT be giving her biological siblings!! She’s 11 months now and I’m starting to convince myself that I may actually choose iveyive birth again… Maybe! Although I think I just puked a little in my mouth…
Congrats to you on reaching your running goal and your 9 year amniversary!

14 years ago

I did the Portland Marathon (walked it-and yes, that does take ALL damn day) and there was something about live music at every turn that kept me going…..Very fun

14 years ago

Another marathon? Oh Linda, first thing I thought, and I thought it with nothing but awe and respect, but, “B!tch crazy.” You’re an inspiration really. Now if only I would get off my rear end and start hitting the pavement. And lo, I need to.

Congratulations again on the marathon! And on nine years. Holy cow. JB looks like an infant. What is he? like 14 there? Crazy.

14 years ago

Congratulations on the marathon – that is an enormous accomplishment that you can be totally proud of. Before I messed up my knees, I was running 4-5 miles several times a week and I can say it NEVER occurred to me to attempt training for longer distances. You are one amazing lady!

Also, congratulations on the wedding anniversary. It seems from reading your blog for many many years that it’s been a great 9 years!

14 years ago

What a difference between the last picture in this post and the first picture in the last one! You’re a beautiful bride and you two look so giddy-happy, but there is something about that picture after the marathon, both of you, your smiles and the excitement in your eyes. It’s… well, it’s neat is all I can say.

Congrats to you!

14 years ago

JB looks like a high school kid in the wedding picture. Who knew you robbed the cradle? :-)

14 years ago

Congratulations! You are such a great couple and beautiful family!

14 years ago

Happy Anniversary!!

14 years ago

You two were meant to be together, loving, laughing and experiencing life to the fullest. The added blessing is the two wonderful sons you have created.Congratulations!!

14 years ago

Happy anniversary! I hear the first 9 years are the hardest.

14 years ago

Happy anniversary! Also watch out for those turkeys…little bastards will attack!

14 years ago

Happy Anniversary!

Kim Hartman
Kim Hartman
14 years ago

Congratulations, on all of it! Keep up the great work running.

Amy M.
Amy M.
14 years ago

Congrats on 9 years of marriage to a great catch & your marathon finish. Both are fantastic accomplishments! Have a wonderful day!

14 years ago

05/05/01 ? We did 08/08/01 so the date would be easy for DH to remember!

That being said, I have a girl crush on you…congrats on your physical fitness, and crazy marathon running. You are inspriring me to get off the couch and become “fit before 50”.

14 years ago

Congrats! You have simply not aged one bit since your wedding picture!

14 years ago

Happy anniversary! I love that your wedding pic is right over your post-marathon pic which includes both of you.

You both look like leaner, fitter versions of your wedding-day selves, but while you have maintained a high level of hotness all along, please permit me to observe that JB has ratcheted up from sweet boy to mraow! I am happily settled with my own hottie, but I’m just sayin’, I can still appreciate from a distance…

14 years ago

I am so happy for you! I wish I could run a marathon, but that will never happen. I don’t think I could stand the training, and my knee is super bad. Glad your back home and I hope the mountain of laundry doesn’t make you work on Mother’s Day.

Oh, and happy anniversary!

14 years ago

Krebs cycle is a bitch, this helped me a lot: http://www.johnkyrk.com/krebs.html

14 years ago

Congrats on finishing a marathon – holy crap.

And can I just ask how the hell you don’t get blisters? I can’t walk over 2 miles without getting some sort of tenderness on the back of my damn ankles.

April G.
April G.
14 years ago

Happy anniversary!

All I remember from my Gen Ed biology class is The Mighty Mitochondria: the cell’s powerhouse. Maybe that will help. :)

14 years ago

I nodded in recognition of your section (2) description of post-race thoughts over time. I remember someone saying once (of triathlons when I was doing a lot of them): when you’re in the middle of the race, you’re saying “never again,” but as soon as you cross the finish line you’re saying “when’s the next one?” That was so, so true and I think that happened to me during every single race! And I kept signing up for another one, every time.

But I want you to get back on your bike and start training for a century ride, dammit! :)

14 years ago

Congrats! You both look even better today!!!