Ah, Memorial Day weekend—time to fire up the grill, get out the sunscreen, dust off the bikini, and . . .

Well, or not. See you NEVER, summer.







We’re still having a good time, crappy weather and all, and I hope you are too. What have you been up to this holiday weekend? Did you attend any memorial events, or hang out with family, or go to work, or? Inquiring minds want to know.


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Mama Ritchie
14 years ago

Looks damp, but beautiful nonetheless. I am currently ‘working’ because those Asians over there in, like, Asia don’t celebrate Memorial Day. And I won’t even be firing up the grill because that would mean we would be refilling our propane tank just in time to… MOVE back to the DAMP but BEAUTIFUL SEATTLE! :) Can’t wait to see you!

14 years ago

It’s rainy and gloomy in Chicago today, too (hence me being on the computer!). But the weekend was sunny and warm, and we planted flowers on our deck and ate Colombian food and grilled out and stayed up late chatting with family and friends, and I ran seven miles for the first time yesterday. So! Not a bad holiday weekend at all.

Great photos of all that green…

6512 and growing
14 years ago

What a gorgeous shade of green! (how’s that for positivity?)

When the kids get up from their naps, we’re headed into the woods to grill elk meat, pick wild nettles, shoot bows and romp around like puppies.

14 years ago

Honestly, this looks like my kind of weather, and I LOVE all the green. What I’m doing in scorching So Cal is beyond me. We did enjoy some pool time and BBQ though!

Melissa H
14 years ago

Would you like to see 4 trillion photos of our weekend? Probably not but: http://underconstructionblog.typepad.com/under_construction/2010/05/the-drive-through-my-very-favorite-landscape-in-a-beautiful-time-of-year-with-amazing-clouds-all-taken-out-the-window-i-was.html You should probably know that it stopped raining about 20 seconds before that first photo was taken. It’s been a SUPER wet spring here, too (and I live in California for gosh sakes).

Kelley O
Kelley O
14 years ago

Same as I did the other 2 days of my 3 day weekend: took a NAP. :) Read my book. Stayed inside where it was cool. Did the elliptical this morning and watched an episode of Six Feet Under while I did it. Oh, and cleaned up cat puke. Twice. But the cat puke part was only today, not the other 2 days. So there’s that. Your green is beautiful though.

14 years ago

I had to work Saturday & Sunday, but I’m taking Tuesday & Wednesday off in exchange to hang out with my kid, so I guess it’s okay. It’s been terribly hot and sticky, but today it’s not as bad so we’re trying to get some yard work done. WOO, live large! Our kid is too little to do any holiday-type stuff anyway, so I guess we’ll make up for it next year.

14 years ago

By some sort of law, there is always charred meat, rain or shine. That being said, I also try and dedicate one day to doing jack shit. That day happens to be today. It is currently 4 pm and I haven’t even showered and have napped and eaten pie for breakfast.

Sometimes we need the gloomy days too.

14 years ago

I took Friday off…Thursday night my husband and I celebrated our two-year wedding anniversary with steaks and wine at home by candlelight. Friday we drove to my parents’ cabin. Saturday we woke up to a gorgeous day, but had to go to a wedding nearby. Sunday we woke up to thirty less degrees and thunderstorms. Today we left on a sunny day, climbing to 80. Now I’m pouting because I don’t want to get organized or go back to work tomorrow.

14 years ago

I’ve lived in the Pacific NW for almost 18 years and I still can’t get used to the fact that it’s 55 and raining like hell this week-end. Sigh. No big plans. My son played with a bunch of friends, my daughter took naps and crawled around. We tried to get some yard work done in between deluges. Not a bad week-end generally, but Summer how I miss you.

14 years ago

I ran a 1/2 marathon yesterday thanks to YOU! Thanks for the inspiration! No – not gonna do a full, but maybe another half is in my future :-) My son, parents and husband (he also ran) met me at the finish and I thought about you and your boys! Thanks for all you do for this random mom in Boston.

14 years ago

upstate ny was absolutely gorgeous this weekend….hung with my 2 little boys and husband and now i’m at work getting a little holiday pay ;) and of course reading your blog…lol

14 years ago

I love your outdoors photos because it is SO STARKLY DIFFERENT from where I live.

It’s already been miserably hot here every day for a couple of months. But it’s fun to be able to get out to my mom’s pool.

We had a lazy day eating hot dogs and listening to the radio and floating around while the baby napped in the shade.


14 years ago

My husband and I both ran our first 1/2 marathon in Boston yesterday. Then we took of for Cape Cod to hang out with friends. Thanks for all the inspiration. I’m also a full time working Mom of 2. My son is 6 and I also have a 3 year old daughter. It’s so nice to know there are others out there going through a lot of the same motions!

Eric's Mommy
14 years ago

I just watched Avatar and that tree looks like it belonged in the movie.

We didn’t do too much. Went to a cookout at the in-laws yesterday, Husband worked this morning, watched a couple movies.

14 years ago

We celebrated yesterday with lots of good food, beer and a Tide Slide (aka Slip ‘n Slide ‘n Concussion). It was great fun, even if I am 8 mos pregnant and had to observe two out of the three primary activities. Today, we helped clean up before leaving for home, and I’ve mostly slept since.

14 years ago

I live in Anchorage, and we have your warm weather. It has been in the 80’s the last few days, which is UNHEARD of around these parts. Been a really wild and sunny weekend-very enjoyable.

14 years ago

Here in Michigan the weather was BEAUTIFUL! (sorry). Mid to high 80’s all weekend with a thunderstorm and steady rain since 2 p.m. today.

We had some friends visit from Chicago and had a great time watching their boys and our boys play together.

Today we attended our city’s Memorial Day Parade which was very local and homegrown. Both sets of our parents joined us, and then they came over for lunch.

Nothing too exciting, but very fulfilling.

14 years ago

Traveled to the Eastern Shore of Virginia: Chincoteague and Assateague Islands. Saw the wild ponies, huge turtles and awesome birds. Played in the cold, cold ocean. Stopped at a roadside produce stand for tomatoes, corn and cherries. Ate a chocolate covered banana. Stopped at the Wallops Island Visitor Center where we took a “field trip to the moon.” Drove home with the rest of humanity.

14 years ago

I had a blissful weekend! Spent Saturday morning listening to Peter, Paul & Mary and Billy Joel and talking about how the songs were such a big part of our upbringing, grocery shopping, and having a bbq with my in-laws (first grill of the season!). Yesterday was spent 100% in my bathrobe, but included making a delightful brunch and having corn on the cob (again, first of the year) with dinner, in addition to watching a marathon of a fantastic UK reality show called Grease: The High School Musical (totally uplifting and enjoyable). Today, though I had to pop into the office for a it, I spent the day by myself, at my favorite park, alternating between napping in the sun, wading in the cascading pools, and reading a great book. FANTASTIC WEEKEND!

14 years ago

i spent the weekend in buffalo preparing for and then attending my sister’s bridal shower. buffalo had beautiful, perfect weather–high 70s and sunny, no humidity. why it always gets such a bad wrap, i dont know! summers there are perfect. then i came back to lovely nyc this morning and work tonight. so if it makes you feel any better, it was beautiful here and i spent the day napping in bed before working tonight. it was a good weekend, though. :)

14 years ago

Spend the holiday fixing my wife’s condo so we can rent it again.

14 years ago

I got to see a gorgeous Memorial Day… through a window, since I was working all day. Ah well, maybe next year…

14 years ago

I can’t believe how green the grass is. Looks like it was photoshopped. The boys, as always, look like they are have an awesomely cute time.

14 years ago

We had the big family friend grill out party at our house. Had a large blow up pool for the kids and a slip and slide too. We had bean bag toss and music playing and plenty of food and good conversation with old friends we had not seen in years. Was a great time.
Sorry we had all the sunshine too.

14 years ago

Well sunshine may not have been there, but it still looks gorgeous! I’m glad you were able to have fun w/o the sunshine!!

Life of a Doctor's Wife

So glad you guys were able to enjoy the outdoors despite the lazy-butt sun’s failing to make an appearance!

We had blistering heat and sunshine that ended in an explosive thunderstorm yesterday. Complete with HAIL!

I hope you get your summer soon!

Pieces of a Sometimes Extraordinary Life

The boys’ faces in the last photo prove that sun is completely overrated.

(And I’m dying to know what you’re showing them in the second photo. It looks like you’re pointing to…dirt.)

14 years ago

Camped in the Michigan lower peninsula. Ate s’mores, burned stuff, and didn’t exercise at all (even with Impending Half-Marathon of Doom hanging over my head). It was the perfect weekend.

14 years ago

@Pieces: it’s a slug — one of about a HOJILLION that we saw over the weekend. : )

14 years ago

great photos! Looks like you guys totally enjoyed each other other and the weekend despite the sucky weather. I went on my very first Girls Weekend this weekend. It was very restorative, actually. I posted about it here: http://livefromthefence.blogspot.com/2010/06/restorative-powers-of-girls-weekend-and.html

14 years ago

Fantastic weekend camping at western ny Jellystone park with my husband and two boys. Great weather, waterpark, mini golf, and neighbors with kids around the same ages as mine. Doesn’t get much better than that!!

14 years ago

Can I ask where you were for those pictures? I’m looking for places like that around here (we live in the South End near Puyallup), but everything is paved or has huge hills, which isn’t conducive to a pair of 3 year olds who will invariably oscillate between “I want to go home” and “I don’t want to go home” depending on what their brother or sister wants to do, as long as they are exactly and diametrically opposite.

I sometimes dread long weekends in the PNW because there are only so many times you can play Candyland when no one follows the RULES and the game never ends! Thank god the sun came out yesterday.

14 years ago

Joe: the first few photos were taken at the Cougar Mountain Coal Creek area – http://www.seattlepi.com/getaways/402997_hike12.html It’s gorgeous, and our kids did pretty well on the trails. The last couple were at a nearby blueberry farm.

14 years ago

We spent the weekend at Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Park. We got rained on AND snowed on, but it was still awesome! (It’s the first REAL vacation I have been able to take my kids on in 10 years.) Now I have over 300 digital photos to upload and sift through when I get home, along with 300 work emails! Still worth it, though!

14 years ago

DUDE, I KNOW. I live in Western BC, so we’re just a bit north of you, and this weather can BITE ME. I took a whole week off to go on a vacation with my daughter, just her and I. The weather SUCKED. Ten days vacation with a toddler? Fun. Ten days vacation INDOORS with a toddler? Kill me now.

14 years ago

We went on our annual trek across the North Cascade pass to Winthrop. We camped (and by ‘camp’ I mean, parked our very nice travel trailer in a full hook up site and plugged it in) from Friday through Tuesday. The weather wasn’t horrid like it was on this side of the mountains, but it wasn’t typical Eastern Washington heat, either. : / We went to the rodeo on Saturday, and grilled every meal. This was our easiest camping trip yet, with the 9 year old. Every year seems to get a little better, because he’s requiring less constant supervision. I however, now need a vacation to recover. We’re still working on the whole ‘balance of parenting duties’ while on vacation.

14 years ago

Yes but in return you get the most beautiful green EVER! It was 85 and sunny in LA over the weekend and brown, brown, brown. Wanna trade?

14 years ago

I beat my “to do” list into submission!