
Good choices, bad choices, and the inability to tell the difference.


The driveway of a house I’ve never seen:

Screen shot 2010-07-13 at 10.20


This xkcd comic:

Screen shot 2010-07-13 at 10.18.29 AM


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14 years ago

Do it! Do it!

Actually, did you know that if you hover over xkcd you get alt text? Seriously, that discovery blew my mind (and sucked up many many hours of re-reading xkcd).

14 years ago

I just want to fast forward abot 6 months from now and come on here and read about how your all settled in to your new home, both boys are loving it, and you and JB have never been happier!! I know its your future, you just have to jump!!!

14 years ago

Last December, my husband came home with the news that his boss had offered him a temporary position in Asia a year. We couldn’t pass it up. We packed our suitcases, locked up our house and boarded the plane (for 19 hours, ugh.). We’ve been here 3 months. It’s not all roses and sunshine, my husband works a lot, we’re so far from our friends and family and even with the expat perks, we’re not saving a nickel. But, we’re having a great time and getting to go on some awesome adventures. Beaches in Malaysia, Indonesia, temples in Vietnam… I don’t know if my two little ones will remember much of this experience, but my husband and I are making memories we’ll be able to share with them when they’re older. I’m not sure why I shared this, it’s not nearly as monumental as the permanent changes your family is considering. I guess my point is, change is hard, taking risks is even harder (especially if you’re a worrier like me). And what we get is not always what we expect, but sometimes it’s even better than we could imagine. Good luck with your choices.

14 years ago

John Lennon fell in love with Yoko Ono at her art exhibit. He climbed up a ladder and looked into a peek-hole and saw, “Yes.”

14 years ago

Another internet stranger nodding along with you with only words of encouragement. Do it.

14 years ago

They’re all good choices. It’s the non-choices that will hurt you.
We will only regret things we didn’t do and never things we were brave enough to do.

14 years ago

Follow your heart.

14 years ago

linda- JUST DO IT! take the plunge!!! Seriously. You’ll never know what happens if you dont, and with all the posts you do about this we all know how much you want it. Your family has so much joy and love in one another that you cant fail. Like Sara said, FOLLOW YOUR HEART!

14 years ago

I can tell you’re almost ready. We love you and we’ll be there when you land! Can’t wait to share this journey with you. Do you need to review your blog archives to see how every time you’ve taken a risk, good things have followed? Don’t let fear take this away from you. You’ll live your whole life wondering “what if…”

14 years ago

My thoughts are too confused right now to post an insightful comment, but I was looking at the picture of the driveway, and I thought “I wonder if there’s enough rom there to start a commune.”

9 years ago

1) piki for music: category (classical, rock, pop, alt, blues), live or situdo, format (lp, cd, cassette, digital), sort by year, sort by band member name or band name or song title, a) to buy online or in store b) to listen to streaming2) piki for vitamins/supplements for example, i have to consume 100 grams of protein every day and i have a surgically modified’ stomach that only hold 4oz. i have to get the biggest bang for the buck, so to speak AND not go over 5 grams of sugar per serving. this is DAUNTING to find the matches for me. if there were sort options showing all nutritional data for vitamins and supplements with a piki, it would be SO much easier! (pill strength, how many in the bottle, how many you have to take a day, form {capsule, softgels, tablet, caplet, chewable, liquid, gummie, sublingual} and if it’s food-based, standardized , organic, country of origin, etc .)3) along the same lines as #2, a piki for recipes many of them show calories, fat and protein, but FEW show sugar grams. if ALL pertinent data for nutrition were shown, meal planning would be much easier for moms, dads, care-givers, etc you could also list which ones are best for diabetics, those with heart conditions, specific food allergies, the ones that work best with specific diets (atkins, south beath, zone, carb lovers, etc)4) piki for cosmetics: skin care, make-up, hair care, men’s items, bath and body, mani/pedi, etc. all of these categories could be piki’d by price, organic, cruelty free, ingredients you DO want (and ones you DON’T), by color grouping a) examples in skin care would include: face (cleansers, toners, moisturizers, serums, targeted issues {acne, wrinkles, rosacea}), eye, lip, neck/decollete. b)examples in make-up: face (foundations, concealers, primers, shine control/blotting papers, bronzer, luminizer), eye (shadow, primer, liner, mascara, false lashes, lash growth stimulators, lash curlers, makeup sponges, brushes), cheeks (stains/gels, powders, creams), lips (glosses, lipsticks, lip balms/treatments, plumpers, exfoliators), nails (polish, base/top coats, clippers, files, nippers, creams) c) examples in hair: shampoo, contitioner, treatments/masks, sprays, gels, mousses, styling tools (brushes, combs, dryers, curlers, irons) d) ex in mens: shaving, hair, body (including deo, foot care), skin care e)bath/body: shower/bath gels, body sprays, lotions/creams, cellulite treatments, stretch marks treatments, self tanners, sunscreens you get the picture . 5) a piki for fashion womens’, mens’, childrens’, teens a) breakdown categories: tops, bottoms, outerwear, sleepwear/intimates, hosiery, shoes b) then, by style, price, size (and all these categories are broken down further by season, fiber content, organic, country of origin, designer, etc ) 6) a piki for fitness geared to specific locations/cities/neighborhoods showing the type of sport, the gym, style of class, body areas it targets, if it’s outside, singles, couples, families, would include court sports, boating (we have free kyaking here in nyc!), walking/hiking tours, equestrian, swimming, age groups, fitness levels, if it’s good for a particular injury one may be recovering from, if it’s a solitary or social nature, etc 7) nightlife: clubs, plays, movies, music, art gallery, museums. rate them by price, hotness , type of crowd it attracts, dress codes, age groups expected, if they are supporting a cause , etc i hope you like these ideas and accept me with an account!


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I wouldn’t prefer Newt as VP to Romney, he isn’t very well-tempered. On the other hand, I wouldn’t mind West, Jindal, or perhaps someone else from the military as a running mate, I think it likely that Romney would choose a military man as the running mate to cover his own lack of military experience, should the opportunity come his way.