I was in a neighborhood Walgreens the other day and there it was, an entire half-aisle of autumn decorations. Thanksgiving items, to be specific. Leaf-themed votive candles and pilgrim-shaped salt and pepper shakers and turkeys and bulging horns-a-plenty.

I did not, in fact, drop to my knees and release a window-shattering howl of despair, but I can assure you that the only reason I resisted this action is because I’ve seen those Walgreens floors. No human knee or other uncovered body part should ever encounter its MRSA-laden surface.

Still. I kind of hope whoever’s in charge of their merchandising schedule gets a pumpkin rammed up their ass this fall. Screw you, drugstore seasonal display, it’s still summer and it’s going to STAY summer until I goddamned well say it’s not.






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14 years ago


14 years ago

Dude, I woke up on Saturday morning to 48 degrees, rain, and a report of snow in the mountains I can see from my bedroom window. BIG middle finger to mother nature. Take fall and shove it, lady.

14 years ago

I like the 2nd picture. I can just imagine the caption: “Kids, I’ve asked you a few hundred times to let me finish my book” !!

I love fall. Just for the record. However, I do not love it when it’s still fucking AUGUST. Mother nature’s not pushing it the damn retailers are. I’m sure when I go to Costco later this month they’ll have their Christmas decorations up.

Marie Green
14 years ago

Yes, YES, agreed. See also: swim suit displays in January (which is a v. v. depressing reminder of just HOW FAR summer is away, and kinda cruel.)

We’re soaking up every last drop of summer, too.

14 years ago

AMEN! It’s been face-melting hot this summer, but I will take it over the cold and snow any day. Autumn is my favorite season, but I am just not there yet. Once we go to the beach…then I’ll be ready.

14 years ago

I love that Dylan has his shoes on. Buck nekkid, but everything’s cool ’cause he’s got shoes on. Give him a clipboard and a TPS report and he’s ready to run an office!

14 years ago

Please know that the entire state of Texas is green with envy for your impending fall.


Amy M.
Amy M.
14 years ago

I agree for the most part, but I’d be okay with an overnight frost/freeze to kill the giant flock of mosquitoes around my house & all the ragweed.

14 years ago

Shit, easy for you to say, when you live somewhere that doesn’t have a heat index of 115 degrees with a jillion percent humidity. I say BRING IT ON to the fall.

14 years ago

I know you guys up there had a cold, rainy start to the summer but here it’s been like a zillion degrees with Assface percent humidity for like six months, so I am SO ready for fall.

That being said, in that last picture all I hear is “Now, now Dylan. Put your teeny weenie away for story time.”

14 years ago

Hmm. I get that way with every holiday EXCEPT Halloween and St. Patrick’s, but thats because I get absolutely insanely giddy over them. I have a serious anticipation for the Halloween stuff they’re going to put out after Labor Day weekend. I have to get to it asap before it gets picked over when the sane people decide its time to shop for it. LOL

14 years ago

No kidding, especially since this summer in the NW has been a total piece of shit. My kid’s been swimming a total of about 5 times because who the hell wants to swim when it’s 68 degrees and misting? Summer is supposed to be our reward season here. So far our reward has been a big dog turd. Bah.

14 years ago

And from your Southern Hemisphere readers… YAY summer’s coming!

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
14 years ago

THANKSGIVING!? They even skipped over Halloween? I love the fall and I am looking forward to it but it’s still summer, come on!

14 years ago

I live in the heat/humidity but in no way am I ready for fall.

The nekkid picture of Dylan just sent me over the edge laughing.

14 years ago

It’s always that way in the stores. Infuriates me. I live in Florida, where it is hot and will continue to be hot until, oh, late October at least, and even then it’ll go into the 80s every day and I have even seen people running on the beach wearing jogging shorts with their Santa hats at Christmas.

This weekend my son went out to buy a new pair of flip-flops. None to be had. He went to nine stores before finally finding some at KMart. Because, it’s time for fall clothes, you know, despite the fact that it’s 95 with 90% humidity and we can easily wear sandals up into December or January or even all year in a mild winter.

14 years ago

It’s been the hottest damn summer on record and yet I still don’t want it to end. THat said, I am very ready for school to start because our routine will go back to normal and I won’t have to pay someone to entertain my kids all day.

Also – love the NAKEDNESS!

14 years ago

A. What Valerie said.
B. Dollar Tree this week had their front aisle done up 1/3 Halloween, 1/3 Christmas, and then 1/3 Thanksgiving. Tacky and weird.

14 years ago

Seems like summer gets shorter as I get older.

14 years ago

i miss your links to the other blogs you read? Will you be putting them back on your blog?


14 years ago

Jess: they’re here. Just click the “links” tab up at the top.

14 years ago

here on the east coast of hell, my daughter walked out of the door into the 3 o’clock inferno and said: “it’s burning hot like an oven.” and she was right.
i try not to complain about the weather or rush seasons but goddam i’m ready for summer to end.

14 years ago

The leaves here are CHANGING COLORS. And we haven’t even had our summer yet. It’s 60 degrees and overcast every damn day and the leaves are red and gold and ARGH it’s not fair. Come Sept. and Oct., though, I’ll be begging for cool-breeze mercy.

14 years ago

at least he’s wearing shoes ;)

Looks like Rebecca Stevenson isn’t having any commercialized autumn forced on us. Been enjoying our 90+ degrees? I’ve cocooned the back of my house around the window a/c unit — it’s ugly, it’s dark, but it’s coooooool

14 years ago

HA! Glad to see I’m not the only one taking naked shots! We just downloaded 250 pictures off the camera and it’s very clear to us now that we shouldn’t have bothered buying the boy summer clothes :)

14 years ago

Here where I am we are just waiting for the cool breath of fall…*sigh*.

Though I do remember the wonderful summers in Seattle, short though they may be. You still have half of August, all of September (which is usually a surprisingly wonderful month in the NW) and then sometimes a wee bit of October before the winds howl & the rain comes.

14 years ago

Ahaha! Love the censor oval.

14 years ago

Seriously, the pre-season marketing drives me up a wall.

That picture of Dylan though helps make it better. Naked baby in sandals? So awesome. He looks like he should be a statue over a fountain.

14 years ago

Living in Minnesota, we appreciate the summers. But people STILL complain when it’s 90 degrees. HELLO, it’ll soon be negative 18, shut up about 5 days of 90!

14 years ago

My kiddo is water-logged, as he’s spent 6-7 hours every day in our neighbor’s beautiful pool. It’s hard to imagine that summer is already coming to an end, when it JUST began! :( I work in a little boutique, and just yesterday unpacked boxes of Halloween decorations, and a few Christmas ornaments. We’re not displaying them yet though!!

14 years ago

SO there with you. I nearly passed out when I saw the Christmas ornaments up in the Hallmark store in JULY. JULY!!!

Renee from GA
Renee from GA
14 years ago

If I lived in a more reasonably terperate clime I might agree. But it has been so ridonculously hella hot and humid this summer I have wanted to die on more than one occasion. Please, God, bring on the fall!

Renee from GA
Renee from GA
14 years ago

terperate? TEMPERATE. GAH.

14 years ago

I’m with Valerie – here in SC we’re literally counting the days until we get some relief. It’s all relative though; I’m sure I’d be feeling the same way you are if I lived there. But man I’d sure like to find out for sure someday.