Goodbye vacation and sick time. Goodbye free massages, computers, and meals. Goodbye quiet office to myself and uninterrupted hours to get my work done. Goodbye friends and coworkers, hallway conversations, funny emails. Goodbye stability.
Goodbye soul-sucking commute. Goodbye not seeing my kids for eight hours a day. Goodbye unrewarding paychecks, not giving a shit, and giving too much of a shit. Goodbye job that stopped being right for me a few years ago, and started being actively wrong for me six months ago.
Yesterday I said goodbye to Workplace. Today I am officially a self-employed freelance writer who works from home.
Hello to dreams coming true.
You inspired the hell out of me when you enrolled in school. It’s really amazing to watch you. I’d wish you good luck but you don’t even need it. Congrats!
Yeah! Congratulations; so happy for you.
What the hell were you thinking?!?!? Have you fallen on your head?
Sorry… too many positive happy squee/ love comments. I had to.
You my dear….. will be fine.
man, it must feel good to be a gangsta.
AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I’m sure it’s a little scary but you will make it work and will be a million times happier. Not to mention, the commute alone! So happy for you!
Wishing you the Best of luck!
So happy for you and looking forwarding to reading lots more from you.
Yay! So happy for you!!
I quit my job 5 years ago to be a freelance photographer/designer/teacher and I have never regretted it. I know you won’t either. Best of luck with everything!!
I love hearing about people who take charge of their lives! It is inspiring!
:-D All the best for you and your family!!
can i tell you that i cried a little for you the other night when you were stuck in traffic on the way home on riley’s birthday. (via twitter)
and i just cried a little for you right now.
so excited for you & your family.
Oh my god, I’m so happy for you.
Your kids will thank you for this someday. You can never get this time back with them. Best thing I ever did was quit to stay home with my son. Now that he’s in middle school, I’m back to the grind, but I wouldn’t trade a paycheck for what I got out of the time at home.
The world is your oyster, now go make me some smoked ones, with brie please.
I am so happy for you. Yay you!
That is great news Linda. I’m looking forward to more of your excellent writing. I think you have it in you to do great things.
Congratulations, Linda!
Awesome. Congratulations!
good for you linda!!!!!! i love that you are bold enough to take a risk and go for your dreams!
Yay! Yay! Yay!
Way to go Linda, I am so proud of you!!
Congratulations! Go, you!
“Uh yeah, Hi Sundry, Bill Lumbergh here. Uh yeah, ah, I almost forgot in your exit interview…I’m also going to need you to go ahead and come in on Sunday, too. We, uhhh, lost some people this week and we sorta need to play catch-up. Mmmmmkay? Thaaaaaanks. Call me back.
This may be my very first comment on your blog since I started reading you ages ago…..WHAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, so liberating. I quit my job after my son was born, and I found the only things that I missed were reading on the train on the way to/from work and getting dressed up. Eight months into this new life, I’ve found new opportunities opening up that are far more fulfilling than the previous corporate grind. Can’t wait to hear about yours. Congrats!
Get out there and bust a nut girl. I am so proud of you!!! Wonderful things will come from your courage. What a gift you have given yourself and your family.
Wow! This is exciting news. I’m thrilled that you did it. Gives hope for those of us who are still in the ‘dreaming about it’ phase.
Ecstatic for you. Truly. Ever since I discovered your wonderful blog, I’ve been voting you Most Likely to Succeed in my head. Can’t wait to see what you do next.
Way to go!You are a true inspiration.
Now can you offer any advice to a writer/editor who just had a baby who hopes to freelance?
Seriously. I have no idea how to break into this world without falling prey to the scams.
And I don’t know if I can mentally handle going back to my soul-sucking job in order to pay for leaving my little guy in daycare.
I was a brand new person the day I quit a job that stopped being right for me. Way to go! I hope you find the same relief.
Go you! Congratulations!
Wow. And yay! Good luck with the next chapter.
WOW, congrats!!
Yay! Congratulations!!
Hooray! Congratulations and good luck.
Damn it must feel good……
Yay for you! What a great step. You must feel like a million bucks. You inspire me!
Wow! Have been waiting to see if you would do this. I’m a little envious (even though I love my job). Looking forward to reading about your and your family’s new adventures.
Big hairy balls of steel, and I am so proud of you. You inspire the HELL out of me. Can’t wait to see where these dreams take you.
WOW!!! I never say this, but: YOU GO GIRL!
Holy Crap! Congrats-does it feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders?
congrats! Not so sound overly cheesy, but you are such an inspiration for me.
I hope I get to write the same post one day. Hopefully one day soon!
Woo hoo! Congratulations and all the best for much success!!
Holy shit, good for you!
Congratulations! That’s wonderful and a HUGE, brave step to take.
YAY! So happy for you! Congratulations! It has been so amazing following your journey over the past couple of years. You are such an inspiration! You will be successful at anything you do. Congrats again!
CONGRATULATIONS! I am sure you will find it to be better than you thought it could be. Best of luck.
Yes, Yes, a thousand times YES!
Wonderful! Keep a’ going!