Goodbye vacation and sick time. Goodbye free massages, computers, and meals. Goodbye quiet office to myself and uninterrupted hours to get my work done. Goodbye friends and coworkers, hallway conversations, funny emails. Goodbye stability.
Goodbye soul-sucking commute. Goodbye not seeing my kids for eight hours a day. Goodbye unrewarding paychecks, not giving a shit, and giving too much of a shit. Goodbye job that stopped being right for me a few years ago, and started being actively wrong for me six months ago.
Yesterday I said goodbye to Workplace. Today I am officially a self-employed freelance writer who works from home.
Hello to dreams coming true.
Wow! That is phenomenal!! I am so proud of you and so excited to see what this new venture brings.
I have to say, the way that you continually work to better your self and your life (when you were already damn awesome to begin with) is truly inspiring.
I got teary when I read this entry. Thank you for always reminding the rest of us that we are the masters of our own destinies.
Congrats! An exciting new change! So brave of you to take the leap…
Holy crap!! Good for you!! I hope this is just the first of the Big Decisions that fall into place for you and your family as you make your Big Moves. Inspiring!
“Leap and a net will appear” – Zen saying
The above quote constantly reminds me that sometimes it’s okay to take the plunge; that everything will work out.
Congratulations and good luck making those dreams come true!!
How totally awesome! I am constantly amazed at what incredible writing you produce on a “part-time” basis. I can’t wait to see what full-time looks like. Congratulations Linda!!! You are (again) an inspiration; for your brilliance, your humor, your tenacity and your moxie! I stand in awe…
Ok, first you go back to school and then you quit your soul sucking job while I still sit here too scared to move. JEALOUS!
AAAA! Congratulations on a huge decision…
Good for you!! Way to take a leap – it’s not easy. But, as “they” say – nothing worth having/doing is. Good luck!
HELL YEAH! Congrats!
Oh, congrats. It’s a fabulous scary thing!
Congrats on being so brave! You and JB are just the dream doers. Amazing.
Good for you, Linda! Can’t pursue dreams when something like that is holding you back. Best of luck!
Don’t look back.
Oh, wow. Congrats, congrats, congrats. So thrilled for you!
Wow!! Congrats!
congratulations! and .. I am envious, too. Hope it all goes as well as you want and deserve it to!
Congratulations! You are one of my favorite blogs to read – you have an awesome gift with the words, and I love your attitude. Good luck and enjoy each day!
YAAAAY! Oh, Linda, that is so exciting! CONGRATULATIONS!!
amazing and inspiring Linda! don’t look back and don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
Congratulations Linda. Hope my husband doesn’t find this post cause he’ll ban me from reading you.
Now you’re really going to have to go to that block party so you actually have face to face adult conversations with people other than the AF delivery guy.
All the best.
WOO WOO WOO!!! Congrats!
I am so very proud of you, Linda. You are brave, intelligent and such a wonderful inspiration. I am cheering for you all the way!
Congrats. And also, I will be waiting for the instructional post telling the rest of us HOW to become work from home freelance writers. :)
Stuck in Corporate Comm
You did it!
You did it!
So happy for you!
Linda, you totally made me teary. I’m so happy for you. Dude, congratulations. You are such a badass. I know you’ll be able to weather the change and all it entails. Great job!
Oh happy day!!! Congratulations!
That took guts: congratulations!!!
Yay! Congratulations. I look forward to reading all your new material.
Awesome!!! I wish I had the balls.
You did it! You continue to be an inspiration to us all.
Go, you! Congratulations, Linda!
Scary as it may be…congratulations!!!
You are amazing. You will never regret this! GO YOU!
Congrats! I’m reminded of this wonderful quote:
Freedom lies in being bold. ~Robert Frost
Yay! Very exciting.
Congratulations. Kudos on following your dream!
Wow, what timing. I’ve come full circle and just returned to work after being a freelance writer at home for almost 10 years. Kids are now 9 & 12… funny how perspectives change with time… never thought I’d love going back to work. :) Good luck to you.
Support husband to quit his job and realize his dream? Check. Run a 5K? Check. Learn to swim? Check. Triathalon? Check. Half-marathon? Check. Marathon? Check. Put house on the market? Check. Say goodbye to your job and chase your own dream? CHECK.
Congratulations! You’re awesome.
Best feeling EVER, amirite???
Uh.. yeah… Bill Lumbergh here. I thought I would just call again and remind you that the workday starts at 8am today not 9am. Yeah. Alrighty then we will be seeing you soon then. I’m gonna need those TPS reports as soon as you get them collated. If you could really get a rush on those that would be great. Thanks.
I’m rooting for you! You’ll do great and I’m in such awe and respect of you (can you be “in respect of” someone?) for taking these (calculated) risks and doing what feels right for you and your family. Rock on Linda, you are an inspiration!
Congratulations, Linda! Life’s just too damn short to play it safe.
Best wishes!
Make it a book. Please make it a book! BOOOOOK!!!
Congratulations, Linda! Wishing you all the best in making the rest of your dreams come true too!
Yay! Congrats and good luck!