JB and Riley are on their way to Oregon today for a weekend camping with JB’s family. The menfolk will be deer hunting during the morning and the rest of the time will be spent hanging around camp, so it was a good opportunity for Riley to come along. JB tried to convince me that all four of us should go, but after carefully considering my choices—driving eighty trillion hours for the dubious pleasure of being unwashed and chilly for three days while chasing two kids around, or staying at home and being able to watch all the zombie movies I want from the comfort of my ass-dent on the couch—I said gosh, PASS.

Riley was pretty much losing his mind with anticipation all week long over this trip. When it came time to pack the truck yesterday, he took his helper role quite seriously.

(Please note holstered cap pistol, in case of rogue deer sightings.)

So it’s just me and Dylan this weekend, which I’m kind of looking forward to. It’s rare that I have alone time with either kid, and it’s such a different experience. It’s especially nice to hang out with Dylan right now because I can just take the time to listen to his weird little conversations without fielding nonstop requests from his brother. Plus, with Riley gone we don’t have to ever turn on that annoying-ass Sid the Science Kid. “May I show you how I groove?” NO YOU MAY NOT.

Now, because I haven’t asked this question in a while and I always like hearing your answers: what are you up to this weekend?



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13 years ago

heading to LA to see my husband (who’s there for work) and to gorge myself at CRAFT. thank you in advance, tom colicchio.

13 years ago

Hmm. Hoping to enjoy some outdoors sunshine this weekend. Probably the last we will see of it in Seattle for a couple months. :) Grilling some veggies and chicken and catching up on DVR’d TV tonight (I know. So exciting but damn if the couch doesn’t sound wonderful!) Walking the dog, playing a soccer game, pedicure and helping a friend move also are on the schedule for the next couple days.

13 years ago

I know I have to go stupid grocery shopping, but after that I’m not planning on getting off my ass. The only thing that could make it more perfect would be a SciFi movie about giant mutant man-eating piranhas starring a member of the Brady Bunch or something.

Heather C
Heather C
13 years ago

I am at this very moment on a bus to Montreal, where I will be spending the weekend geeking out at a science fiction convention. I kind of want to kill the teenaged girl next to me for not respecting the arm-rest boundary rule. She keeps poking me with her pointy elbow.

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
13 years ago

Sounds like Riley will have a lot of fun!

Eric has swim team practice tomorrow bright and early. Then he is staying over at his Grandparent’s for the night and going to see The Owls of Ga’Hoole in 3D. Sunday I am going out to lunch with a crazy ex coworker, then to the in-laws for dinner.

13 years ago

It is our turn to host the U of I vs. Ohio State tailgate tomorrow. Today (so far), I have made two dozen+ mini lemon & poppyseed glazed muffins, a big pan of fudge caramel brownies, homemade salsa, there is 7# of pulled pork for sandwiches in the crockpot, I have purchased all of the beer/rum/vodka/ Bloody mix/ OJ/ chips/ plus all the plates, napkins, forks, glasses, grills, homemade pickled green beans and pickles, buns etc. etc. etc. AND we have to leave at about 6:15 in the AM. I still have to make all the mini bagels with smoked salmon, cream cheese, tomatoes and red onions sometime later tonight.

Thank GOD we only have to do this once a year. Stupid 11:00 games, you have to make shit for both before and after the game. Tomorrow night? I shall crash.

13 years ago

I think I’m passing the boy off to spend the night with his cousin at Gramma’s house. I love that he’s big enough to enjoy it now! I plan to use that time to either go sing karaoke or make an apron for a friend. Most likely, we will stay in.

Tomorrow we are celebrating apples with a parade and the rest of the weekend will be determined as we go.

13 years ago

We’re going to the regional ultimate frisbee tournament in Virginia!! Fun times.

13 years ago

Peggasus-GO ILLINI!

13 years ago

Headed to Golden Gardens on Saturday for a beach barbecue. The theme is WIENERS! (The kind you roast!) (I didn’t come up with the theme.) Sunday is The City of Hope 5K in which my husband, son and I will be walking, rather than running.

Mainly, though, I’m just looking forward to eeking out one last decent weekend, weather wise, here in Seattle.

13 years ago

Mostly staying in and making art. Saturday night meeting friends in a bar for a birthday. Sunday staining the 100 ft long fence my husband built before the rainy season comes.

13 years ago

this weekend is the giant hardly strictly bluegrass festival in golden gate park. i’ll be there all weekend, except on saturday night when i’ll be enjoying the smooth sounds of arcade fire at the lovely greek theatre. october is typically “summer” in san francisco, but apparently the weather gods missed that memo since it’s cold as shit right now. onward, dressed in layers!

13 years ago

The Grandma’s laugh in Sid the Science kid drives me crazy. She sounds like a nimrod.
This weekend my mom is in town visiting, which thrills me to the moon and back. My husband and I will have a date night and finally see Easy A, which I hope is fantastically funny.
Also, I hope to watch many episodes of my current obsession, Veronica Mars. Have fun with Just Dylan. I have Just E and Just T now that they are both in preschool on different days. I did that on purpose, and am glad I did. So I totally understand how great one on one time can be. They could have been in the SAME class.

13 years ago

I’m leaving both kids with my mother and Mike and I are heading to an impromptu Mediterranean cruise we booked with the extra money….oh god, I can’t even finish that sentence it’s so absurd.

The farmer’s market and working. I know. You wish you were me.

13 years ago

Suncoast Race for the Cure 10K in St. Petersburg! My first 10K on my way to my first 1/2 marathon November 21st!

13 years ago

Hitting up the county fair tomorrow so that my in utero baby girl may experience the joy that is Funnel Cake, and then going to paint my little man’s new big boy bed fire engine red to match his Rodeo Cowboy big boy room.

chillin in my underwear on Sunday, if all goes right in the world.

13 years ago

Tonight we are going to have a bonfire with some adult friends that will involve grown up hot chocolate and monster mix. Tomorrow afternoon we are going to the orchard for apple picking and apple doughnuts. Sunday will be spent making apple crisp and watching football. Perfect fall weekend.

13 years ago

Starting new season of indoor soccer for my girl. Practice tonight and game tomorrow morning (who came UP with this schedule??). If the weather holds, we’ll hit up a playground or go for a good 4-wheeler ride! And then we’ll probably rake away the last of our fallen leaves and be ready for winter’s arrival next week.

13 years ago

paying a condolence call, cleaning, and getting ready for my trip to VT next week. Also watching as much baseball as humanely possible. Try not to be too jealous.

13 years ago

15k race in the a.m. … Followed by four year old’s soccer team pictures … Followed by a six year old’s birthday party … sneaking in pages of David Sedaris’s new book whenever I can.

Riley’s going to have a blast.

13 years ago

Tomorrow is cycling class in the AM, LSU game at noon, then family swim time at the gym. We’re teaching our almost 2 year old to swim. Sunday we’re going to Remlinger Farms for the Fall Festival because I’ve heard it’s pretty neat. Hoping it will be a relaxing weekend! Have fun with Dylan!

13 years ago

laundry laundry laundry
AND one last saturday on the boat before we pull it out of the water for the winter

Singing my guts out sunday a.m. at church, it is St.Francis Sunday, so everyone gets to bring their pets for a blessing. More kinds of lovely than I can explain.

Have yourself a fabulous one on one weekend with that little man.

13 years ago

We are doing a few events from this http://www.riverrockschattanooga.com/ over the weekend, and I am really looking forward to the balloon ride. I think my 3 year old will pee in her pants due to excitement, or, she will be a screaming, huddled mass at the bottom of the basket. It could go either way. Fun times!

Enjoy your time with Dylan and the zombies!

13 years ago

Friday: First wedding planning meeting in T-minus one hour!

Saturday: S is playing a gig at an outdoor venue in the afternoon.

Sunday: It’s October so…time to do our 2009 taxes before the 15th of the month. Urg.

13 years ago

Saturday meeting a friend for breakfast and then taking the kid to a mommy&me gymnastics class.

Sunday yoga class in the morning and a writing date (with myself) in the afternoon. Should be a good weekend!

13 years ago

Tomorrow is, felicitously enough, both my birthday and the first day of Daddy and Kidlet swim lessons. Looking forward to a rare morning to myself after the mister and the little dude make me breakfast in bed. Then Sunday I”m hoping to get some bulbs planted, and maybe a long hike over at Manassas Battlefield.

13 years ago

Am going to have delicious, delicious food and drinks tonight and going to see Who’s Live Anyway show tomorrow, woo hooo!

Allison Martin
13 years ago

Tonight… glamourous night of errands at Walmart and Petco. Tommorrow, driving to Centralia to meet a friend and adopt a wee babeh kitteh. Who I am thinking of naming Hank. Other than that, probably some laundry and other crap. Lots of laying around I hope. Enjoy your time with Dylan!

13 years ago

More of the same for me, I’m afraid … 27 weeks pregnant and on bedrest. Boo hoo! And it’s my anniversary too.

13 years ago

The 16 year old boy of the family I nanny for is participating in a Battle of the Bands Saturday night, which I’m more excited about than even he is, I’m sure.

Then Sunday my long distance boyfriend and I are going to have a Very Serious Conversation about whether or not we can feasibly get married next summer. Eeeek!!

Have fun with Dylan, he seems like such a hoot!

KC Brown
KC Brown
13 years ago

Hosting a Stop Child Trafficking Now walk on Saturday with Hubby and the kids walking, then I want to clean the house and do some scrapbooking, plant bulbs, do the laundry, ironing and grocery shopping, but I will probably collapse on the couch, Sunday go to church, a Harvest festival and watch all the football I can just to see the highlight bits of my team since I live out of the area now.

13 years ago

Finished work today, scarfed down dinner (made by my saint of a husband), went to a team practice at the gym (while same husband put the kiddos to bed), now I’m cleaning up dinner stuff. Tomorrow I have to buy winter wardrobes for both kids at a local consignment sale, teach a class, shower, meet up with the husband to take the kids while he goes to the hockey game. Sunday is my huband’s, roomate’s, and best friend’s, birthday (like Libras much? It’s also the birthday of my kids’s daycare lady.) and my daughter has another birthday party to go to in the afternoon, then we’re all going to my mom’s for dinner.

Lots of fun in there, but I’m tired just thinking about it all!

13 years ago

We’re going to the Salmon Days Festival on Sunday which I’m really looking forward to. Plus a birthday party on Saturday when I get to meet DS’s first crush and her mother for the first time.

13 years ago

My daughter has a soccer game, then we’re going to go pick apples. And after that we’ll make an apple pie, which we’re taking over to some friends’ house. And then they will feed us dinner and we’ll watch a (blargh) football game on their ginormous television while the children run amok.

13 years ago

working saturday, sunday, monday and tuesday nights. last night and tonight are my weekends! rainy rainy days in nyc that have left me a homebody. spent my days off watching DVDs (reliving my high school/college days and watching felicity. seriously.) playing wii, and watching the ryder cup coverage while doing laundry and swapping out my shorts for cords. mmmm, fall.

13 years ago

ooh, forgot to say that i hope you have a teriffic weekend with d! i may be almost 30, but i still like having one-on-one time with my mom or dad!

13 years ago

Tomorrow is our second house showing in the 155 days our house has been on the market (can we all cross our fingers pretty, pretty please?) and then we have a football game in the evening. Sunday brings nothing but a Thirty-One party and then there will be a few hours left to sit on my butt and do nothing but watch videos on youtube and stuff.

Lori O
13 years ago

I spent the evening tonight with my 3-year-old daughter since Daddy was away at a concert. We made a date of it: mac n’ cheese, ice cream, finger painting, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It was a surprisingly perfect evening (even with the best of intentions those don’t work out as often as I’d like without her ending up in a tantrum of sorts). Rest of the weekend will be cleaning and packing for our first family road-trip vacation to Florida that starts next weekend. ‘Twill be an adventure!

13 years ago

We’re going hiking tomorrow, and then I want to spend several hours doing more cooking than is necessary. Sunday…well, Sunday will probably be a stressful frenzy of preparation for the workweek and company next weekend, so I’m focusing on Saturday right now.

Mama Ritchie
13 years ago

Jen and I are taking the kids to Salmon Days in Issaquah – wanna come??

13 years ago

Saturday is our neighborhood yard sale, and since my husband is teaching a class I have to do it all by myself. I’d better sell a lot of junk, man :P

Sunday I plan to hang out in front of the TV a lot in payment for my slaving over the yard sale on Saturday.

13 years ago

Running a 5K with my 12 year old this morning (or rather, the gun goes off and I lumber around the course in his wake!). Tap shoe shopping with 5 year old in the afternoon. Tomorrow going to try my first British Military Fitness class. Not sure I will be able to walk after that. Sounds like your ear will be chewed off after that camping trip!

13 years ago

“‘May I show you how I groove?’ NO YOU MAY NOT.” Oh, how I love you!

This weekend, I am running in my first (and probably only) half marathon. I think it’s kind of your fault with all your “You can do it! Running is cool!” posts. If you hear some psychic noise coming from St Louis, it will just be me cursing your name.

13 years ago

Racing (rowing) in the Occoquan Challenge. It’s a 5,000 meter course with a wicked 180 degree turn in the middle of the race. Sucks to be a starboard rower, which luckily I am not.

13 years ago

So far I did laundry, unloaded and loaded dishwasher, fed and dressed kids while letting husband sleep in. Now responding to a work deadline for 9 am on a Saturday – WTF – and then going to Chuck E Cheese (both kids have colds – so no pool today – and too hot/humid still in S. Florida to enjoy the park). Afternoon puppet show for Hispanic Heritage Month at the library. I’m just glad I’m HOME and trying to ignore work. Have fun with Dylan this weekend!!

13 years ago

thanks to you I signed up for Crossfit! Sat 9a.m. class here I come! Hope I can walk next week

13 years ago

I am on my way to MAUI with my best friend, for 8 glorious days!!! Please don’t hate me. My husband and I take this trip every 1-2 years and stay at our friend’s place. This time, my mom’s health hasn’t been great, and she didn’t feel comfortable taking our son that long, so we were going to cancel. BUT, my husband already had the time off work, and insisted that I go and take my friend with me. He goes hunting for 10-12 days every Fall, and felt like he could finally even out the playing field a bit by giving me the chance to get away on this vacation. YES, and thanks! Wooooot! I’ll be posting pics on facebook, ad nauseum for the next 8 days, if you’re interested. ;) Let the name calling commence….

13 years ago

wiring the new double oven, as my husband refuses to do any electrical work…..

13 years ago

I’ll be spending my weekend either glued to the computer (I’m supposed to be studying right now) or glued to my fabulous cash register at my fabulous minimum-wage job. Happy weekend to me!