JB and Riley are on their way to Oregon today for a weekend camping with JB’s family. The menfolk will be deer hunting during the morning and the rest of the time will be spent hanging around camp, so it was a good opportunity for Riley to come along. JB tried to convince me that all four of us should go, but after carefully considering my choices—driving eighty trillion hours for the dubious pleasure of being unwashed and chilly for three days while chasing two kids around, or staying at home and being able to watch all the zombie movies I want from the comfort of my ass-dent on the couch—I said gosh, PASS.

Riley was pretty much losing his mind with anticipation all week long over this trip. When it came time to pack the truck yesterday, he took his helper role quite seriously.

(Please note holstered cap pistol, in case of rogue deer sightings.)

So it’s just me and Dylan this weekend, which I’m kind of looking forward to. It’s rare that I have alone time with either kid, and it’s such a different experience. It’s especially nice to hang out with Dylan right now because I can just take the time to listen to his weird little conversations without fielding nonstop requests from his brother. Plus, with Riley gone we don’t have to ever turn on that annoying-ass Sid the Science Kid. “May I show you how I groove?” NO YOU MAY NOT.

Now, because I haven’t asked this question in a while and I always like hearing your answers: what are you up to this weekend?



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Kristin H
Kristin H
13 years ago

It’s my birthday today, and we got up to a sun room with 6 inches of water on the floor. I’m fighting a serious case of the birthday grumps with running, caffeine, and some loud-ass Jay-Z.

13 years ago

Heather C:Sci-Fi convention = awesome. And as far as the poking, well.. I’ve been there, dude. POKE BACK.

The Munckin and I are heading to a Kickball for Cancer game and then coming home to clean, study,study,and study some more. It’s funny how no matter what I’m reading, even if it’s Political Theory textbooks, she’s just as into it as if it was “Goodnight Moon”.

13 years ago

This weekend will be awesome: the neighbors are throwing an octoberfest party to celebrate the maturity of their home brew (there shall be much beer) and we’ll all bring goodies and watch all the neighborhood kids loose their minds in the backyard inflatable pool slide and treehouses. Then it’s home-time so that my beloved husband might take advantage of intoxicated me after some zombie movies and cookie dough. Sunday is all about waffles and sleeping late and then in the afternoon we’ll do some chores and errands.
This weekend, it’s all ours! Huzzah!

13 years ago

Just relaxing now before running the Disney Wine/Dine Run here in Orlando. http://www.winedinerun.com – it starts at 10pm tonight, and finishes inside the Epcot Food & Wine Festival – each runner gets a free cocktail and a free food sampling! UM YES PLEASE. Not sure how fast I’ll be this time around, but I’m sure it will be fun.

13 years ago

Most of all of my days involve getting the baby to take an effing nap, already, for the love of God.

That and a chilled bottle of wine and I’m set.

13 years ago

What I want to know is what the FUCK is up with Sid’s hair. Everyone’s hair, actually. And in the begninng, when he’s getting dropped off, and he and his mom do that weird ass dance? WHAT THE HELL.

It’s creepy as shit. I’d rather watch Dora. Or run over myself with the car. Repeatedly.

13 years ago

Preparing to leave for the beach to get MARRIED next Saturday! Woot!

13 years ago

((thows the horns))
Touch a Truck weekend with my 2 year old … waaaahooooo!

Oh, and sinking into utter panic about my debut coming up in a couple of weeks.

Jessica v.
13 years ago

I’m spending the weekend in Austin with some girlfriends. It is awesome – hope yours is too!

13 years ago

Today I have a “soup exchange”. The deal is that several friends and I are each making a big pot of food (soup, casserole, whatever), and bringing 6 portions here to my place. Then, we’ll swap! Great for single people who don’t want to eat the same thing for a week but want something healthy and home-cooked and affordable. (we have rules like no processed crap, etc.)

Better go put my soup on! Hope your weekend with Dylan is going superbly. :)

13 years ago

Last night my husband and I went to an extremely soppy White Sox game with some dear friends who we will be leaving behind when we move to Portland at the end of this month. We ate too much, laughed at incredibly immature things, and made memories to last a lifetime. Oh, and drank lots of beer.

Today, I drive back to my hometown to retrieve my boy from my mom and let her spoil us both this afternoon.

Such a great weekend.

Hope you have a great one, too! Can’t wait to hear about it.

13 years ago

My weekend was spent cleaning, telling the kids to BE NICE, and attempting to fix my son’s Transformers which is a hopeless cause because I’m awful at putting things together.

I hope you had an enjoyable weekend!

13 years ago

LOVING that pic of Riley! Went camping for the weekend, still needing my inhaler. Camped with just my youngest; it is nice to have them alone for a while. Now that mine are older they fight with each other a lot; when they are apart they behave just fine.

13 years ago

Child birthing classes Saturday and Sunday. Ugh. Not feeling any better about pushing this kid out. I told the hubby weeks ago that I was scared and he just laughed at me. After yesterday and the videos…he is scared for me. I reminded him that this was all his fault. :o)

13 years ago

A little late, but I went to a Girl Scout Leader’s retreat. UGH I never imagined I would be THAT mom, but it was super awesome and I am so inspired to do great things with our girls!

13 years ago

Joining in late…hope the boys had a great trip hunting! My hubby took my boys on a drive last weekend to the hills 30 minutes south of us. They came across a cow moose and her calf drinking at a water trough on BLM ground. Stopping to take pictures, my hubby heard the bb gun being pumped repeatedly and went to see what the 5 year old was doing. He seriously told his dad that he was going to shoot the moose so we could have meat for winter! Maybe we should remind them when the proper hunting seasons are and that a bb gun will only piss off a mama moose, not get her into our freezer! Boys are always good for excitement!