I would have guessed that horse-(HORSE!) loving Dylan would be the one interested in being a cowboy for Halloween this year, but it turns out he’s going to be a fractious 2-year-old that will rip your head clean off if you try and stuff him in a costume. Riley, on the other hand, is totally ready for the range.
Man, I can’t wait for Halloween. Three reasons:
1) You best believe this whole business of not eating a bunch of sugary bullshit at night is going right the fuck on HOLD for the 31st. There will be an unholy party happening in my food-hole, and all the Mars products are coming.
2) The kids going berserk every time someone knocks on the door. Which is like twice, since no one comes to our house, but hey, more candy for me.
3) Walking Dead premiere on AMC. Oh HELL yes.
What kind of costume plans—kid or otherwise—are in place at your house?
I have a two year old as well, and we have a lion costume, but it is 50/50 if he will wear it. No costume, no candy is the rule though, so that may be enough encouragement.
He crawled in bed with me this morning, cuddled in close and said, “Mama, is today the day we go ask the neighbors for candy?”
I’m going to a Walking Dead premiere showing at a local movie theater. If I don’t die of anticipation first.
Up until today my 2 year old was going to be Diego until I decided that was too boring. Then I had a stroke of genius – his name is Cash, why not dress him as cash? :)
My almost 5 yr old daughter who could play Snow White’s stunt double wants to be a flippin butterfly. The almost 3 yr old boy who tells me every color is his favorite and he HAS TO HAVE everything that flashes across the screen, is dead nuts set on wearing a hand me down tiger costume that will hopefully fit come the 31st. I’m going as a MILF. It’s a stretch, but I’ll give it a try.
My 6 year old daughter is going as pink wonder woman, so unpatriotic, but whatever, and my 4 month old son is going as a peanut. Which is fitting because he is under 11 lbs at 4 mos old!
Riley’s costume is awesome!
Eric wants nothing to do with Halloween, can you believe that? He has always been scared of the older kids that go out in the really scary costumes. I told him last year HE should go as something really scary so he scare the bigger kids. That didn’t cut it. So rather then waste my money on a costume for him, this year he is wearing the chicken mask my Husband wore to hand out candy a few years ago. It’s kind of scary but he doesn’t care for some reason. Plus I am taking him trick or treating at my in laws where there aren’t many people.
Naughty nurse. Oh…wait.
My almost 4YO will be Oscar the Grouch assuming I can come up with a homemade version. My 6YO wants to be some kind of princess butterfly – lots of pink/purple tulle, wings, and “a head-piece with strings and beads hanging off it.” yeah, I’ve got some work to do…
My 18 month old is going to be a monkey for about 30 seconds while I take a picture and then he’s going to be a naked screaming terror. Just like every day.
Luckily, we live on a VERY well visited street so I have a legitimate reason to buy $100 worth of candy and sit on my porch all night shoving it in my face while occasionally begrudgingly giving it to the troublemakers who ring the bell.
my 2 little boys are going to be monsters. i bought vests on etsy that have hoods with an eye and 2 horns. i know they wont keep a regular costume more than 5 minutes, but a vest is like their regular clothing.
Oh, thank you for the reminder about Walking Dead. I need to see if it is on the schedule yet so I can set my DVR to record the series! I love my zombie movies/shows. AWESOME.
The 5 year old bean has been talking up a “scary” costume for months- Corpse Bride, Dead Cheerleader, ect. Finally decides on….a bumble bee. Go figure.
I’m going as Sookie Stackhouse for work.
A woofie (dog) for the 2 yr old. She’s pretty geeked about this right now.
a police man for the 5 year old.
My daughter wants my hubby to be a bumble bee.
We shall see if that happens, I am going to be a kitty cat at the 2 year olds request.
My 2 1/2 year old is going as Dr Who (the Tom Baker version. He had to be “da one wif da SCARF, Mommy!) trying to convince my husband to be a tardis to really pull it all together (since the Dr. Who obsession is his fault, I don’t watch it) but so far no dice.
The one year old will be Axl and the two year old Slash. The hubcap and I will be security.
I bought my 13 year old a really cute Indian girl costume on clearance (90%) off last year. Of course now she doesn’t like it. Now she says she and her friends are going to dress as ‘Barbies’ I think that translates into something along the lines of ‘Woman of the Night’. I think we still have some negotiation to do there.
I told the boys that we were not spending any money this year. We have to choose from what we have or make/borrow something. My oldest boy is still thinking it over, but this is what we have come up with for the others: Owen (8) -Boxer, Evan (6) – Cowboy, Quinn (22 months) – Dinosaur
My 2 year old has requested a pumpkin costume. Boring, but as my mother has volunteered to make it, I’m not complaining.
No one trick or treats at actual houses in our neighborhood, so we’ll join the throngs at the neighborhood boutiques mid-morning and get the kid all jacked up on sugar before getting on a plane with her for a 2 hour flight to Boston. Nothing about this scenario suggests immenent torture, right?
OMG —this…this? just about killed me I was laughing so hard “is going right the fuck on HOLD for the 31st” I’m going to use that “xxxx is going right the fuck on hold”…
My boys are going to be popcorn and root beer!
My girl (she’s 5) has two choices this year. #1 kitty cat or #2 is a blow up dinosaur costume, that somehow she is inside of…YEAH. Should be interesting.
Love the cowboy thing, way cute.
Two years ago I built this guy:
I was thinking that something along the lines of American McGee’s Alice would make a fun, if school-inappropriate costume (but the skirt goes to her knees!):
The boys (3 and 6) will be Mario and Luigi and my oldest girl (12) will be Princess Peach. The boys are already calling her their princess and she is loving it. The other 2 girls will be batarina (bat wings AND a tutu!) and a sorceress.
I may as well dress up as a chocolate bar since every cell in my body will be coated in chocolate anyway. Until then I’m on a strict diet.
Linda, what about the Thriller dance along? Are you In? I hope so – you are my insoiration and I absolutely must do it this year.
Either spending time with our first baby or wallowing on the couch like a walrus eating candy. It’s a toss-up. All depends on the baby!
My 2.5 year-old son is going as a tiger — I know, REAL original — but check it out: in a tiger costume I made myself! In increments of five minutes for the last 6 weeks! You, too, can achieve your dreamz!
My 8 month-old daughter is going as a sleeping baby. No one will recognize her!
Yup. Didn’t bother dressing Jess up when she was 2 1/2. She was having NONE of that! This year (she’s 5), she will be Sleeping Beauty, daddy will be the prince and mommy will be and I quote “Mommy. You will be Maleficent!” Thanks kid.
In truth, I already have the costume and I can’t wait!
My 6 year old will be continuing his almost 4 year run as a George Lucas inspired character- this year he is going as Anakin from the Clone Wars tv show (NOT the movie Anakin, gah Mom). Last year he broke rank and went as a Transformer and it was practically an earth shaking event.
My 3 year old is going as Scooby-Doo. Did you know that there are two different kind of Scooby Doo costumes- one that is a cheap polyester material that only fits 2T-4T and then a plush, magnificent Scooby that fits kids of all sizes but requires a substantial withdrawal from your savings? After scouring every garage sale, Craigslist posting, Ebay auction I could find, I finally caught the costume somewhat at a discount on Target.com. My youngest will go to college after all!!
I plan on wearing a Halloween t-shirt and harrassing the teenagers who come to my door and don’t even bother with a costume. My husband will take the boys trick or treating. My parents will come over so they can see the kids trick or treat and while I bought candy I hate so I won’t eat any of it, I am sure my Mom will bring the Snickers that I will stuff into my mouth after the kids go to bed. Oh, and she will also bring more candy to give to the boys, because they just won’t get enough at trick or treating. Nice.
Just started year two of the BOO! tradition in our neighborhood last night (thanks to your posts last year and this year…I needed the reminder!). Baby Boy will hopefully wear the cow costume his sister wore…but he still fits in his Yoda costume from last year and I know what my husband is voting for. The girl is overcome with choices because of the influx of handmedown costumes…Pirate? Cinderella? Fairy? Who can say.
When my son was one and a half, he didn’t want to wear a costume, so I put him in a pair of black sweatpants and a black hooded sweatshirt that just happened to have cat ears and a tail attached (each of my daughters had worn this several times before for Halloween…one of them was a cat three years in a row.). He had no idea. I just strapped him into a stroller and we followed his sister around trick-or-treating. He was a little concerned about the tail that was sticking out of the side of his stroller, but never realized he was dressed up. We had a great dragon costume the year after that, but he was afraid of it, so he was Bob the Builder.
My 2yo is super excited for Halloween. He adores Woody, and will be a Cowboy for Halloween. I love it just so I can hear him running around the house shouting “I’m a Cowboy!”
My 5yo is going as Buzz Lightyear. He didn’t really have a costume preference and does like Buzz, so that’s what we went with. We have friends who are dressing up their two boys (3 and 1) as the aliens from Toy Story.
The two year will be working the astronaut angle at our house.
After trying to find a costume that wouldn’t melt if near a flame (not that the toddler often plays nears flames…), I finally found one online that is somewhat decent. Except! It has to go over his head and, holy hell, that’s not acceptable. Nevermind the fact that a shirt goes over his head every damn day. But whatever.
We’re stuffing our kid into his costume from last year. Darth Vader. We thought we’d dress up as his parents: Shmi Skywalker and The Force (my husband would dress up like George Lucas – as “the force” behind Star Wars).
But…we’re lazy and traveling for a week beforehand and will be dog tired. So we’ll still stuff him into his costume and take him to a couple of homes. We still haven’t even decorated yet. Maybe this weekend.
My two year old is going to be the grumpy Care Bear, if I can get him in the costume. I might have to bribe with candy to get him dressed to go get candy.
My 3 year old wants to be either a frog or a duck, and my 4 mo. old will be whatever cute (cheap) costume I decide to buy.
And because I know you love zombies, have you ever heard of the Zombie Pub Crawl in Minneapolis? An estimated 13,000 people took part in the sixth annual Zombie Pub Crawl last Saturday along the West Bank of the University of Minnesota campus. Check it out:
My girls (now 11 and 10) went through a phase where they didn’t care what they were as long as it had wings. “Can I be the grim reeper but can I get wings too?” Um no!
Looking at a crayon (all her friends are going to be crayons) and an undecided over here. Last year I went to a party as Amy Winehouse. And then my 9 yr old (at the time) wore the wig for the next week, totally obsessed with it.
I am officially totally unable to stomach The Walking Dead. I wish I’d read it before I had kids and turned into a lamer.
The nearly 8 year old will be a cheerleader. I see expensive cheer camps and uniforms in my future. The 3 year old will wear whatever princess dress we have fits her. No costume, no candy is our deal too, but I don’t anticipate trouble now. I kinda like that it’s on Sunday too this year, no rush after school/work to get ready, have dinner, get out there, get back, go to bed, try not to eat all the kids’ candy before the next morning.
My 15mo old will be a hamburger… The costume is ridiculous but makes me laugh. And I will need something to laugh at while I eat all his candy and watch my rear grow…
My 5 year old is going to be a Red Power Ranger and my 2 y.o. is likely to be the same as Dylan, although I have a monkey costume in case he decides to cooperate.
However, one of the comments above got me thinking that Oscar the Grouch would be an appropriate costume for him, if I can find/easily make one. BTW – all the comments made me laugh – Halloween is so fun!
My 7.5 year old is going as Harry Potter in quidditch uniform. My 15 month old is going as a baby who probably won’t take an afternoon nap, and, therefore, will be asleep before we even get one trick-or-treater.
I will be going as someone who is ridiculously excited for the premier of Walking Dead. Husband will be going as long suffering spouse of someone who is ridiculously excited for the premier of Walking Dead…
The 6yr old in my life is going as a ninja. I’m making a tutu for me to wear at a race and halloween.
Already gave some thought to the candy he will be receiving. i leave for a business trip the next morning so I will be packing myself a goodie bag of my favorites to eat on the plane. I will call it breakfast with a cup of coffee.
My 3.5 year old is in to All Things Princess, and requested to be Ariel (from The Little Mermaid, for those of you without female offspring!) My 16 month old doesn’t have an opinion yet, so I’m dressing her as Ariel’s lobster tutor, Sebastian. We’ll see if she’ll acquiese to wearing the costume…
Me? Huh. Maybe I’ll go as a Middle Aged Mother of Two Young Children–a no-sew costume, that!
SO looking forward to the Walking Dead premiere here as well. My hubby is a total Zombiephile. He even got a “talking” book, How to Speak Zombie, from my sister for his B-day!
I’m going to have three little Sheriff Woody’s. There were only two Toy Story costumes at Big Lots, and with three boys, it didn’t compute. (The world was made for twins.) Hence, three Woodys.
We love Halloween at our house and have big plans for a pumpkin carving party, attending the city parks dept festivities and a school carnival. My oldest is bent on breaking her T-or-T haul record of 7 pounds of candy from last year. She’s dressing up as Medusa and my 5 year old wants to be Athena (“Afena”). I guess they’ve seen the Percy Jackson movie a few too many times.
THANK YOU!!!! I had not heard anything about the walking dead so i clicked on the link and I am sooo excited – I love zombie/end of earth movies sooooo much!! My husband will hate it but I can’t wait!
I’m planning to stuff my kid into the bat costume I bought before he was conceived and take him on a hay ride. Then on Halloween we’ll probably dress him in the miniature samurai robe that turned up in a box of hand-me-downs, dress ourselves in our samurai robes from a few years ago, and go for a walk on the busiest trick-or-treat street in our neighborhood.
11 year old -> Sharpener
8 year old -> Pencil
They are sure this won’t be too much work for me to create…