Some random housekeeping details:

1) For those who enjoy chatting about All Things Potty Training, and boy, who doesn’t?—I’ll be manning the official Pull-Ups Twitter account tomorrow from 12-12:45 PM. They, like, gave me a password and everything, which seems . . . ill-advised, but I did promise to try and keep the prison slang to a minimum.

2) I’m pretty sure my chances of winning this contest/job thing are exactly nil, but if you wanted to throw a vote my way I’d be super appreciative. Or maybe better yet, go ahead and apply for the gig yourself! I don’t know about you, but I could definitely make use of a $30,000 paycheck.

3) I am completely obsessed with this video and so are the kids. I see no reason to be the only one involuntarily humming the song 24/7 and secretly practicing my hand-dancing moves, so please, enjoy:

We No Speak Americano ft. Cleary & Harding from vepaks on Vimeo.


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Locusts and Wild Honey
14 years ago

Knock, knock, thump, thump, thump, slap, slap!

Translation to English: THIS VIDEO HAS CHANGED MY LIFE.

14 years ago

Love the video. And I’ll go vote. :) kim

14 years ago

My girlfriend pointed me in the direction of this video because she does Irish step-dance, and this couple recorded their (Irish) stepping and then played it in synch with their hand movements for the video. How awesome is that?

Also: voted!

14 years ago

If you don’t work “hot lunch” into you poopy twitter feed tomorrow, I’m taking back my vote.

14 years ago

I voted AND I put it on my facebook status. So hopefully some of my facebook friends will fall in love with that picture and vote for you!

14 years ago

Voted and I love that video.

14 years ago

People, I just voted and I was only #420! Get over there and vote!

14 years ago

voted! good luck. And I’ve seen that video, I love it too.

14 years ago

Voted. I love the video. Thanks for sharing!

14 years ago

I am voting for you! And I love the video, even more since after I shared it on FB a few weeks ago, my sister-in-law piped up to tell me that the man & woman in the video are friends of her boyfriend! And I’m FB friends with her boyfriend, so I think that’s maybe only 2 degrees of separation from me, which makes me – weirdly – very, very pleased. Heh.

14 years ago

That video just made my whole day. Thanks!

14 years ago

Already voted for you, good luck!

14 years ago

Voted! Will do so again tomorrow ;) Good luck!

14 years ago

voted today and will do so tomorrow!

14 years ago

I love that video so much – I think our household is responsible for easily 100 views ;^)

14 years ago

I wonder how they advertised for this job? Percussionists? Dancers? Hand-boners?

14 years ago

I voted…goddamn, you are ripped in that picture, woman!

Erika Peterson
14 years ago

Voted. Hope you win!

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
14 years ago

VERY cool video!

14 years ago

Ohhh – I forgot about that song… Yolanda Be Cool. Itunes – here I come!

14 years ago

If you lose the job to the girl who loves sparkles, puppies, cupcakes and overly enthusiastic punctuation in her writing I think you should chuck a kettle bell at her. Or show her the Jon Gosselin pictures.

14 years ago

Do you think their fingers are bruised?

Life of a Doctor's Wife

The job sounds awesome!! Good luck – you’ve got my vote.

Lori O
14 years ago

I voted! By the way, I want your arms. The photo in the Sam-e badge makes my arms jealous. But I don’t do CrossFit and have eaten like crap for awhile, so I got a ways to go. But my own version of your arms is my goal!

14 years ago

That job sounds perfect for you…or I guess you are perfect for that job. I voted for you!

.303 Bookworm
.303 Bookworm
14 years ago

Yes, yes all very cool but can you make your EYEBROWS dance?

.303 Bookworm
.303 Bookworm
14 years ago

Also, voted. or tried to. and agree – your arms are like WOW!

14 years ago

I voted for you twice so far! Will vote again every day. I looked at a bunch of the other entries and I think you have a pretty damn good chance of winning. Nobody else has anywhere near the voets you do, at least not that I saw. Go Linda!

14 years ago

Dude. How do you become a professional hand dancer? Do you call it “getting a hand job” when you land a gig? I need to know more! I never see “hand jobs” on Monster.

Voted! You’re awesome.

The Informal Matriarch
14 years ago

AWESOME! My two boys are gunna love this. They drum on everything right now so they’re going to toooootally be into this.

14 years ago

Voted. And nice guns girl!

14 years ago

Voted! Fingers x’ed for you!