The first 60-degree day we’ve had in I don’t know how long, scrubbed-clean skies, flowers and birds everywhere. A morning spent lazing in the sun, picnics and barbecue in the backyard, exploring an amazing new-to-us park before sunset. Damn, Sunday was so awesome.






It is, of course, cloudy and raining again now. Plus, epic pollen count, man. EPIC.


Did you have a good weekend?


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Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
13 years ago

PLEASE tell me about the baby panda!

13 years ago

The actual sad panda cracked me right up.

Looks like a great day there!

Sunday we went to the Mutt Strut – a dog walk around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to benefit the local Humane Society. Of course it rained the first hour we were there so we were all a bunch of wet dogs, but it was a blast. Three golden retrievers, our Labrador & 2 mini schnauzers in our little group plus hundreds and hundreds of other dogs in all shapes and sizes. For a dog person, it was a perfect day.

13 years ago

Chicago has been 40 (!) and overcast for what feels like YEARS. What I wouldn’t do for a 70-degree day. I feel your pain.

13 years ago

I LOVE the Ice Cube reference!

13 years ago

We tootled around the back roads of Lewis County (just a ways south of you) driving the convertible with the top down and LOVING IT! And then Monday — Pffft. Bite me, rain!

Life of a Doctor's Wife

Your kids are so cute – and that panda KILLS me. Adorable.

We are still getting rain, so I envy your sunshine. It feels like I’m living on the set of The Killing over here.

13 years ago

Did you get a new pet? Everyone should have a pet panda.

(Speaking of…how is Miss Dog?)

13 years ago

Wow, the boys are getting SO big! We had a gorgeous weekend in Philly with everything abloom and the sun finally out. Took advantage of the weather to hit up some yardsales, open houses, a street festival and take the plane up. Can’t beat a pretty weekend after so much dreary weather! :)

Shannon C.
Shannon C.
13 years ago

OMG, it took me about 5 seconds to realize that JB doesn’t have superhuman strength in that one photo!

13 years ago

I live on the east coast and we pay for those rare beautiful Spring days with several cloudy, wet, damp days that follow.

13 years ago

Those swings look awesome! It feels like we all live in Seattle now and it’s going to be rainy and gloomy forever.

13 years ago

Puhleeeeze send us some of your rain!!!! It is so dry summer hasn’t even gotten here and they are talking about closing the forests due to fire danger. Plus the fact that the wind has been blowing every freeking day since February is making me insane!!! Gusts up to 70 mph, blowing dust shutting down traffic, just shoot me now!!! Hating it! My poor trees have been putting on leaves, and they’re getting beaten off by the wind. I finally retire, and could work in my yard, and am afraid I’ll end up over the rainbow.
(Still, we aren’t having tornadoes or flooding so I guess I should be grateful).

13 years ago

Also, the boys and JB are cute as always! Not sure why there is a panda, but it’s good too!

13 years ago

So, is the playground any good for the preschool crowd? Lately they’ve been tearing out the jungle gyms at the parks we like and replacing them with structures designed for much older kids. It’s really starting to piss me off.

Also, the new designs are more like effing habitrails, in that they seem to have a very directed path and much less open space for free play and general screwing around and pretend play. Again, infuriating.

New pet peeve. Gah.

13 years ago

Awwwwww…who’s a sad panda? YOU ARE!!!

Sorry, overwhelmed by my dorkiness for a minute there.

As much as the rain’s return sucked, I have been grateful for the fact that we’ve been having a reversal of the usual Seattle weather game–it’s been nice on the weekends and rainy during the week instead of the other way around. It’s gorgeous today!

13 years ago

I had a GREAT weekend. Made even more awesome by the absence of the stomach flu – the previous weekend, first long weekend of 2011 AND my daughter’s birthday weekend – I spent all four days violently evacuating everything I’d ever eaten, from both ends. WHEE! But yes, this past weekend was awesome. Skating lesson for the kid, afternoon outside, and then an awesome playdate with friends who just moved to the area. Couldn’t ask for anything more.

13 years ago

Pollen counts are effed up here in Wisconsin, too. I alternate between near-fatal sneezing fits & trying to claw my eyes out from the ittttttcccccchhhhhhhhhiness.

Our weekend was low-key, too. It’s been cold/rainy/windy since, I don’t know, 1912; and all the for sale by owner signs for our house are now somewhere in Nebraska. But hey! Garage sale season is amping up, and I’m so looking forward to finding some great cheap outdoor toys for my little monkeybutt this weekend.

13 years ago

The fact that Allegra is now OTC is definitely going on the “best things of 2011” list!

13 years ago

So, is it just me, or do you not have any archives or ways to search old entries? This great post reminded me of one you wrote a few years ago in which you detailed your courtship w/JB in more details (a fabulous & touching entry, as are so very VERY many of them) — you know, how you thought he was arrogant at first and you didn’t really interact until after he (or you?) had left the company, and I felt like rereading that one. I can’t find it, or other old ones. Is this intentional? boo-hoo.

13 years ago

those hands holding the chains…. seriously CREEP me out!!!

13 years ago

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9 years ago

OK, I saw Knowing this weekend. It kinda gave me nihmtgares. I liked the movie, but the guys standing outside the house, and then in kiddos room…gave me the heebee geebees!

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