I wish I could provide some sort of fascinating recap of BlogHer that maybe even helps you decide if it’s worth your time and money to go, but all I can say is that I had such a great time and I just love being there so much. Every year, I love it. I don’t actually care much about the sessions or the keynotes or any of the things that the BlogHer team puts so much hard work into, although I hear they are very good. I’m just thrilled to have the chance to be around old friends and meet new people and generally behave like a total overcompensating buffoon all weekend because there’s just something about being around a ton of people that makes me turn into a urine-spraying donkey but WHATEVER, it is SO MUCH FUN.

I think this year’s location in San Diego was the best yet. If there was drama, I was unaware of it; if there were things to criticize, I did not notice. I had an absolutely amazing trip, and I hope I can go again next summer. I hope I see you there.


(My new favorite photo, courtesy of Angella.

(PS: Something weird’s going on with the comments. Apologies if the form doesn’t work for you.)


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13 years ago

I wish you would stop posting pictures of yourself. It’s very disheartening to know that you NEVER take a bad picture, ever!

BlogHer seems fun. If I had enough bloggy type friends I’d love to go there.

13 years ago

You’re such a DICK.

(Haaaaa. See you next year (if not before), friend.)


13 years ago

I checked the blogher website and found nothing posted (odd) but found it on their twitter stream… NYC again? Too bad it’s not going to be in Dallas or Austin!

13 years ago

What is the first name of the blonde woman next to you? Does it happen to be Kristin? She looks very much like someone I went to high school with…

Mommy Boots
13 years ago

I was going to go this year, but my plans fell through. I was very sad. I am bound and determined to go next year, though. I can’t wait.

Momo Fali
13 years ago

You all had the waitress take more pictures after I left, didn’t you? Because mine were sucky and blurry. Angella’s camera is like something NASA uses to see far away stars…it’s too much camera for me!