All I can really think about lately—other than writing deadlines, always with the writing deadlines—is how starting September 6th, Riley’s going to be gone. Every weekday, all day, except for Wednesdays which are half days for some weird reason but whatever, point being: OFF INTO THE WORLD HE GOES.

I feel like everything is going to change. I don’t know how, I don’t know if these will be good changes or bad changes or a mix or what, I just feel convinced that we’re standing in the edge of a new milestone, one that’s bigger than first teeth and first steps and first words combined.



It sounds ridiculous, I know, but the truth is I don’t want him to go. If I could hold this September date at bay for a million years, I would. But of course I can’t, nor should I. He’s excited. He’s going to have a wonderful time. It’s going to be great.


I hope, I hope.


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13 years ago

I’m a school psychologist, and I LOOOVE seeing the new kindergartners. Riley’s school is going to be so happy to have him. I recently read this, that may or not be helpful. Written by a fellow school psych :)

13 years ago

oh man, sorry about the wonky url. will get you to the post on top.

Aviva (

What a darling baby he was! He reminds me of my own little guy, who had a sense of humor very early on, it seemed. I just love that little smile. Aaaah! He will be fine and you will be fine. We adjust. But it’s hard, I know. Good luck

13 years ago

You did it again. You made me cry. Not sure if it’s because we have boys the same age and we’re going through the same things, or it’s because you do such a great job at putting your feelings to words. Probably both.

13 years ago

I just sent my older son to all day kindergarten. He will be 6 in November so we already waited an extra year, since the cut off here is early December. I just wish we could have sent him to 3 day a week 3 hr preschool again. We were not allowed to walk him in so as we watched him walk in with a teacher I had tears. Thank goodness for sunglasses!

13 years ago

Try hard to focus on the person who will come home from school and have LOADS to tell you about dinosaurs and about how the world works, and about how to do everything and everything and then some.
The next “first steps” are his first paragraph. His first story. His first A on a test from an intolerably blunt teacher. His first crush….

He still needs his mom.

He ever will.

13 years ago

Ack Linda. I am crying over here. My son is starting Kindergarten too in 2 weeks. He’s not even 5 until November. Our K program was 1/2 day and then they switched it up last minute and now it’s full day and I’m SO not ready for it.