A while ago my husband heard about this interesting story of how a 80-year-old Santa Fe art dealer/collector named Forrest Fenn has hidden an actual no-shit treasure chest for the public to try and find. Now, in order to understand what happened next, you have to realize that JB is really, REALLY into searching out difficult-to-find objects—for instance, a few years ago it was his obsessive investigation that helped locate a WWII-era war plane that crashed in Lake Washington in 1942.

It’s kind of ironic because this is the same guy who can stare directly at a jar of Jif while simultaneously bellowing, “HONEY DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE PEANUT BUTTER IS,” but JB is a hell of a researcher, and has the confidence to test out his theories first-hand—so really, it wasn’t much of a surprise when he told me he was thinking of traveling to New Mexico.

So that’s where he went last weekend, to a spot he’d been zeroing in on for a couple weeks. After countless evenings of watching him pore over maps and publications, while helping him brainstorm the meaning behind Fenn’s poem (in particular, the reference to “Brown” has become a lively topic of debate in our household), I was thrilled he had the chance to follow this through. I know it all sounds a little mid-life-crisisy, but really, how many shots do we have at an adventure like that? In the midst of our daily grind of work and mortgage payments, well, what the hell—why not take a break to fly across the country on a solo hunt for buried treasure?

I’m sort of sorry to report he didn’t find it, but in a sense I’m also not sorry, because the trip itself sounds like it was amazing. He got to see a beautiful area he’d never been to before, he had the satisfaction of exploring in person the research he’d done from afar, and now he can think about where he might want to look next time.

For as much as he is a dependable, responsible man, JB also has a wildly optimistic streak that I deeply envy. He has an adventurer’s soul, and a balls-out passion for the things he’s interested in. I love that he’s willing to get up and chase after a dream.






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11 years ago

whoever finds it should take a bit for expenses and hide it again. Start the whole adventure over again.

Babylon Slim
Babylon Slim
11 years ago

No one has been over here for a while so I thought I’d drop in and say – “Hay”. No but seriously folks, y’all han’t put nutin up for a while – yet the link on ff’s site remains pointing here. I wonder about that. Do you?

11 years ago

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[…] Treasure Everywhere […]

Thomas Miller
10 years ago

my wife and me are traveling from Savannah Ga this month to attempt this chase. Most likely 6 days on this part and 2-3 on the lost 1907 dimes in Black canyon Colorado. There maybe even some spots to metal detect in the mountains, old ruins.

Scott Waldrop
10 years ago

I too am in search of the treasure. I have been researching for two years and have about a half a dozen spots that seem to fit the poem.

I would be interested in what JB’s solve was to see if it matches one of mine. I guess I am asking because I would like his views on the “Home of Brown”, and also so I check this spot out last since he didn’t find it.

I’m taking my whole family to Santa Fe and then we are heading up to the west slopes in Colorado. They are all into Geocachng and think this is the ultimate geocache.

Worst case is we still have a great time looking for it because we all love the outdoors.

We are trading in the annual beach trip for something different.

Best regards,


also abroad market segments.


the challenge appears to be built.

David Olson
9 years ago

I have pictures of the same places you do. I went to NM last week. Funny that we would have went to all the same places.

Doug Hill
Doug Hill
9 years ago

I lived and worked in NM for 7 years and when I read about this treasure 3 weeks ago it was like someone gave me directions to go to an exact spot. I’m retired now and when I clear-up a few things around home I’ll be heading out west to (hopefully) claim the treasure. Good hunting all!

8 years ago

Nine West Table Treasure Crossbody

[…] a, Patrizia pepe, Pink, Religion, Black label, Vivienne and many other popular d […]

8 years ago

Table Treasure Trizip Crossbody

[…] uch sensation that people love to buy Oska trousers and trousers designed by the […]

8 years ago

Nine West Table Treasure Crossbody

[…] h sensation that people love to buy Oska trousers and trousers designed by the p […]

8 years ago

Nine West Table Treasure Crossbody

[…] ulture, Great Plains, High, Lauren Vidal, Made in Italy, Maison Scatch, Marithe […]

8 years ago

Table Treasure Trizip Crossbody

[…] en Vidal, Made in Italy, Maison Scatch, Marithe Francois Girbaud, Oska, Patrizia […]

Lewis Chandler
Lewis Chandler
8 years ago

What is “Brown”, what is treasure new and old.

7 years ago

Nine West Table Treasure

[…] ck label, Vivienne and many other popular designers are there and their collecti […]

7 years ago

What is the home of Brown its a lignite crack in the mountains

7 years ago

Lets be real. The treasure was hidden to generate revenue for his grand kids. ff is a master at taking advantage of a situation or people. That is why the FBI has him on the radar for pilfering. This why he felt so bad when his father said he made more money in 15 minutes than he paid for his home. ff has said that 1/2 of the world was placed here for the amusement of the other 1/2. So are you being laughed at or what 1/2 are you? ff hid the treasure to get the first 1/2 off the couch blindly looking in the woods for the other 1/2’s amusement. ff himself said that the person who finds the treasure is the person who solves the poem and walks to it. The moral of the story is stay on your couch and solve the poem and laugh at the rest. BDM

7 years ago

Treasure has been found and planted again. I have seen it with my eyes and have taken nothing. Continue with the search it remains in the same place.

7 years ago

If found then what’s home of brown and blaze

7 years ago

If found then what’s home of brown and blaze

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5 years ago

Wish there were some treasure hints like this around here, I’m in Ohio. I’ve been researching, reading, watching, scanning maps and I have no chance in the world to even come close to finding a trip to go search the woods for treasures.. you guys are very to be able to travel or live near there!! I’d be in the woods 24/7! Happy Hunting guy

5 years ago

can i ask if anyone has found an audio or video/utube …..anything where Forrest actually says in his voice that he took two trips in one afternoon to hide the treasure…i would really appreciate hearing this as i think it is a very important clue and i dont want to get it wrong…..i thank you ….debbie

Fellow treasure hunter
Fellow treasure hunter
5 years ago

Morly mission Colorado

Fellow treasure hunter
Fellow treasure hunter
5 years ago

He bought his coffee put his treasure in it put his coffen

5 years ago

I have a proposition…I will search for Fenn’s treasure for 1 full year for $20,000. If I find it, I only want 20% and half credit for finding it. I am not a greedy man by any means but I do have a family to support. I also have my speculations of where it may be.
Let me know if anyone is interested.


Clancy Littleboy
4 years ago

Here is the one-picture solution using the poem-as-a-map, as instructed:
comment image?role=personal
Here are the Google Maps coordinates where you CAN see the actual blaze, the “nn” painted on top of that large flat boulder: 36.6355, -106.2105
Open Google Maps, type in coordinates, then switch to Satellite mode, then zoom to the highest magnification.
I know that everyone is really surprised to see the location! As known, not many (maybe 3 or 4 people) were searching here along the Vallecitos RIo. It now becomes obvious that in the REAL world (not the imaginary world of the poem) that the clue LOCATIONS on land are not consecutive, not contiguous, and not chronological. Also the clue locations are not even in close proximity to each other, being separated by 60 to 170 miles.
. – – – – –

Joshua Fisher
4 years ago

I don’t believe for ( 1 ) second that “”The Famous Fenn Treasure has been found.
Why would I be saying this?
There are quite a few reasons why I don’t think it’s been found.

#1 I have AMPLE proof within my research that shows The Complete Solve. There is no denying, when The almighty God shows you things.

#2 I’m a Baptized member of The Native American Church up here, near Seattle. WA.

#3 Go read Raffle for Renee
= “” The 1 legend’s Alan trees.

& He talks about “”THE-HEART””
in my solve, there is a Boulder in the shape of a Heart. & it represents my prayers. Within this Treasure Hunt.
I am unable to show pictures here, but
I “”bury my heart at wounded-knee””

If you go go Facebook & go to groups. Type in Forrest Fenn solved by Joshua Fisher.

There’s just way to many things that don’t add up, when it comes to Fenn saying that his Treasure has been found. <—— it hasn't. I'm trying to figure out how to explain this to you guys here in a way you could understand. There's alot about Indian Country 98 percent of The Search Folks, just don't understand & it's
not there fault, they just don't know.
2 people can keep a secret if 1 is dead.
Well I know for a fact that Forrest Fenn will walk on before I do, so I'm going to have to keep his secret where.

I think Sittingbulls-Pipe has everything to do with all of this, and it's one of the reasons he put together The Chase.
I put 3 years of Full-time work into this, & a week before I go Botg, someone claims they have found it, making it so the people who were coming with me, didn't want to go with me anymore.

Where is thier FAITH ????

Anyway Faith moves Mountains, & you all can call me crazy, but these are my opinions.

I am going to figure out a way to hike up to the spot, which is oh so very special.
& follow MY HEART, all the way to the end,
Because what do I have to loose?
I believe The Chest is where I've said it was for the last 2.5 years. I wish I woulda known about The Chase earlier then just a few years ago.

There is ( NO WAY IN HELL ), that I will ever abandon my Forrest Fenn Treasure Hunt Campaign), because The Truth is too Bone-Chilling, I consider myself to be a humble person, but The Chase made the hair on the back of my neck stand up,& sent goosebumps
All throughout my body when I figured it out. I pray that I can find The Chest up there, & trade for Sittingbulls Pipe
After-all this is "" A Trading Post"',
So …… Let's Trade. – <3 Joshua
RIP Heather Dawn Cherokee White Buffalo.

Joshua Fisher
4 years ago

I don’t believe for ( 1 ) second that “”The Famous Fenn Treasure has been found.
Why would I be saying this?
There are quite a few reasons why I don’t think it’s been found.
#1 I have AMPLE proof within my research that shows The Complete Solve. There is no denying, when The almighty God shows you things.

#2 I’m a Baptized member of The Native American Church up here, near Seattle. WA.

#3 Go read Raffle for Renee
= “” The 1 legend’s Alan trees.

& He talks about “”THE-HEART””
in my solve, there is a Boulder in the shape of a Heart. & it represents my prayers. Within this Treasure Hunt.
I am unable to show pictures here, but
I “”bury my heart at wounded-knee””

If you go go Facebook & go to groups. Type in Forrest Fenn solved by Joshua Fisher.

There’s just way to many things that don’t add up, when it comes to Fenn saying that his Treasure has been found. <—— it hasn't. I'm trying to figure out how to explain this to you guys here in a way you could understand. There's alot about Indian Country 98 percent of The Search Folks, just don't understand & it's
not there fault, they just don't know.
2 people can keep a secret if 1 is dead.
Well I know for a fact that Forrest Fenn will walk on before I do, so I'm going to have to keep his secret where.

I think Sittingbulls-Pipe has everything to do with all of this, and it's one of the reasons he put together The Chase.
I put 3 years of Full-time work into this, & a week before I go Botg, someone claims they have found it, making it so the people who were coming with me, didn't want to go with me anymore.

Where is thier FAITH ????

Anyway Faith moves Mountains, & you all can call me crazy, but these are my opinions.

I am going to figure out a way to hike up to the spot, which is oh so very special.
& follow MY HEART, all the way to the end,
Because what do I have to loose?
I believe The Chest is where I've said it was for the last 2.5 years. I wish I woulda known about The Chase earlier then just a few years ago.

There is ( NO WAY IN HELL ), that I will ever abandon my Forrest Fenn Treasure Hunt Campaign), because The Truth is too Bone-Chilling, I consider myself to be a humble person, but The Chase made the hair on the back of my neck stand up,& sent goosebumps
All throughout my body when I figured it out. I pray that I can find The Chest up there, & trade for Sittingbulls Pipe
After-all this is "" A Trading Post"',
So …… Let's Trade. – <3 Joshua
RIP Heather Dawn Cherokee White Buffalo.