Riley has made a lot of new friends lately (blaring chorus from at least five kids when I meet Riley after school: “BYYYYYE RIIIIILEY!”), but his daily playmate is the kid who lives across the street. They are horribly obnoxious together, stampeding around like elephants and making a seemingly unending number of saliva-laden explosive sounds as they play their weird boy-brain Let’s Blow Shit Up! games, and sometimes I sort of look back on the pre-friend days and fondly remember a slightly quieter, more peaceful existence that didn’t involve quite so much yelling and so very many Band-Aids—but of course this is what childhood is all about. How lucky is Riley, to have a friend who’s right next door? Man, they love playing together, and as annoying as they can be, I love watching them.


As for Dylan, he just does his best to keep up.



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13 years ago

So hilarious. Poor little brothers (pfft–yeah, right).

13 years ago

That is the best picture of a younger brother.

Sarah Bell
Sarah Bell
13 years ago

Ha ha ha!! Epic scrolldown, my friend.:)

13 years ago

We were blessed this summer for Fuller to have a friend over almost every day. And poor Tebow is just miserable that he isn’t almost 7 like them.

13 years ago

I am in love with that pic of little D.
The motion, the determination. All of it.

13 years ago

As the youngest in my family, my rally cry was “wait for meeeeee”! That picture of Dylan made me smile.

13 years ago

Oh Dylan is wau to comical. I bet he provides lots of laughs for your household.

13 years ago

As soon as I saw the Dylan photo I thought of the Witch from the East in the Wizard of Oz, on her bike, flying through the tornado. I’m just saying in case Dylan needs any Halloween outfit ideas and isn’t opposed to a little gender bending.

So cute! all three!

13 years ago

so lucky. I had that growing up but my daughter doesn’t because we live in an older neighborhood filled mostly of retirees or older (HS/college) children.

13 years ago

Hi! I got the Versatile Blogger award last week and I would like to pass it on to you. There are some conditions to earn the badge (pretty easy) but hopefully it makes your Monday more happy to know someone read and likes your work. Keep it up, I need stuff to read 

13 years ago

We are in a similar situation. We moved into a neighborhood and our little boy’s new best friend is the little girl across the street. While I love that he has a friend, it is a bit noisier here now and there is a lot more tattling going on. Our baby girl is *just* like Dylan… she’s 2 1/2 years younger than her brother (she is turning 2 years old this month) and that’s a big age difference at this age, but I am happy to say that she holds her own in a lot of different ways! :)

13 years ago

Best photo of Dylan ever.

13 years ago

Agreed….best photo of Dylan ever.

13 years ago

I’m sorry! my hyperlink did not seem to work, go here for rules so you can earn your award.

13 years ago

having nothing to do with kid pal-ships (which are awesome)…man, I hate crocs. so so much.

13 years ago

Um, dude, does your neighbor come over and eat you out of house and home? Our new neighbor kids come over and as soon as I turn my back, the last piece of watermelon and 2 juice boxes are gone. Next – they come over and ask if I can make them a waffle too on a Sunday morning. Or maybe some popcorn? You would think their parents never fed them – au contraire – they eat their own parents out of house and home too. Their dad told me to shoo them away anytime I get sick of feeding them. Neighbor kids are a blessing…and a pain.