Have you by chance seen this video? The one that shows how, amazingly, one inexpensive 6V battery contains *32* AA batteries? And all you have to do to access this motherlode of cheap electronic go-juice is pry open the 6V and dump them out?

Well, I just stumbled across that video last night (without noticing the intro, mind you) and it blew my mind. I insisted that we immediately needed to run out and buy a 6V battery to try it out.

We got a standard large Energizer battery:

Screen shot 2011-12-28 at 11.41.59 AM

Opened it up ….

Screen shot 2011-12-28 at 11.41.44 AM


Screen shot 2011-12-28 at 11.43.41 AM

Whatever those big-ass things are.

In other words, when it sounds too good to be true, it pays to check Snopes.

Or see if anyone else has made a helpful video to explain the process.

Lantern Battery Trick Fails – Watch MoreFunny Videos

Mouthbreathingly yours,


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13 years ago

Oh Linda! That is hilarious. Thanks for taking one for the team!

13 years ago

Bummer, that would have been cool if it was actually true!

13 years ago

I feel your pain. My son and I once did an “experiment” on youtube that said you could make ice from water, salt, sugar and paper towels! At least the batteries in the battery is somewhat believable. I just didn’t think that anyone would deliberately try to trick people in a youtube video. Naive? Stupid? Uh, yeah.

13 years ago

Mwahaha! That is awesome that you tried. I would just be the doofus repeated, “hey did you know there were 32(!OMG) AA batteries in one single 6V?”

Also your last post made me misty. Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season!

13 years ago

Mwahaha! That is awesome that you tried. I would just be the doofus repeating, “hey did you know there were 32(!OMG) AA batteries in one single 6V?”

Also your last post made me misty. Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season!

birdgal (another amy)
birdgal (another amy)
13 years ago

According to my husband, I can be pretty gullible and was all set to be righteously indignant that I hadn’t heard of this before, and then I got to the ‘punchline’ and was horribly disappointed. Oh well, at least I got a laugh out of it (not AT you, with you!). Mouthbreathers unite!!

Michelle M.
Michelle M.
13 years ago
13 years ago

Crap, I told alot of people about that……and also? Duh!

13 years ago

Michelle M., I’m cracking up on the youtube VCR hack.

13 years ago

Hee Hee… made me think of Seinfeld for some reason, “Did you know that the original title for War and Peace was War, What Is It Good For?” and it got passed around…

13 years ago

Wait! Did you open those big ass things? I heard those are filled with candy.

Kelley O
Kelley O
13 years ago

And can anyone explain why a 6 volt battery is SOOOOOO much larger than a 9 volt battery? I mean come on, 9>6, right? But a 6 volt battery is at LEAST 4 times as big as a 9 volt battery. WTF, battery-mfrs.

13 years ago

The 6 volt battery is bigger because it supplies a lot more power. A standard 9-volt battery does have a higher voltage but supplies much less current. Total power is voltage times current.

As an analogy, consider squirting water out of a small toy squirt-gun versus turning a full bucket upside down. The squirt-gun shoots a lot farther (voltage), but the bucket delivers more water per unit time (current) and more total water (power).

It’s fairly easy to raise battery voltage by stacking a bunch of small cells in series; that’s what a 9-volt battery does under the covers. To get power, though, there’s no alternative to using lots of battery materials, which means a physically large battery.

13 years ago

I love that last video: “It’s a bunch of bullshit. FAAAAKE!” I think I’m going to try and work that phrase into everyday life, so see? All was not for naught.

13 years ago

Cracked my shit right up.

13 years ago

Also you can’t make your own glow sticks with Mountain Dew and hydrogen peroxide.

10 years ago

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