Quick to laugh, obsessed with Ninjago, kind to his brother (well … 85% of the time), wants to be an artist or a builder when he grows up, loves fishing, super affectionate, devious as hell. Officially seven — SEVEN! — years old.












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12 years ago

Beautiful, beautiful photo’s! Does not seem possible that Riley is seven – I’m sure that I read the blog post where you announced you were pregnant just yesterday :)
Also, you and JB are both looking mighty fine – your new locale obviously agrees with you! (hope that didn’t sound borderline creepy – it was not meant to… I’m not mouth-breathing over your photos or anything, you just both look healthy and glory… i’ll just shut up now )

12 years ago

Nice Family, happy Birthday Riley. Time is one way and goes fast. Enjoy it.

12 years ago

Happy Birthday, Riley! I can’t believe he’s SEVEN. I have been reading you way, way longer than he’s been around which I think means I have been reading you for almost ten years? Is that even possible? Mind = blown.

12 years ago

Man, I remember when you announced you were pregnant too! He looks so much like you, your Riley boy. Happy to everybody.

12 years ago

Happy, happy birthday Riley! He looks so grown up, suddenly.

12 years ago

Happy Birthday Riley! It definitely doesn’t seem like I’ve been reading your writing for over 7 years, but there you go! He looks very grown up :)

lesley t.
lesley t.
12 years ago

Happy birthday, Riley! You are such a handsome boy!

12 years ago

Happy Birthday, Riley! Can’t believe he’s seven! That means I’ve been reading your blog for ten years too….where does the time go?

12 years ago

Happy birthday, Riley!

I love of the photos, but most of all I love the last one where I can see a tiny bit of suspicious baby Riley. (was that the term you used?)

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
12 years ago

Happy Birthday Riley! I cannot believe he is 7.

12 years ago

Happy Birthday Riley!
Great pictures – now I’m jealous that you’re boys have each other. Mines a lonely only – but he’s 22 so, oh well!

12 years ago

I literally just got weepy seeing these photos! I’ve been reading about this sweet little guy since the day he was born and now he’s SEVEN! Such a beautiful boy! Happy 7th Birthday Riley!

12 years ago

Oh my gosh, he’s so big! Happy birthday, Riley! Don’t tell anyone, but seven’s one of the best ages to be.

12 years ago

Happy Birthday, Riley! I am also blown away by the fact that I’ve been reading you since before you were even pregnant with Riley… time, man.

12 years ago

It is amazing how fast they grow up! Riley looks like a “big boy” now. Love the boys’ haircuts!

12 years ago

Good lord woman, didn’t you just bring him home from the hospital? Happy birthday Riley! Also: He’s looking more and more like your Mini-Me.

12 years ago

Happy birthday Riley! Looks like that was an awesome party!
Seven! Mine just turned 5 and starts kindergarten on Tuesday. Where the hell has the time gone?

12 years ago

Oh crap, the photos at the end made me cry!

12 years ago

Your kids always look so CLEAN.

12 years ago

Handsome as all get out. Descriptors at the beginning are excellent. Realize I’ve been reading your blog for longer than 7 years. That’s a biblically long age!

Stacy H-W
12 years ago

Happy 7th birthday to Riley!! I can’t believe he is 7 already!! I’m like a few others around here and have followed you since before he was around! Wow time sure flies. Love the buzz cuts!!

12 years ago

Linda, my goodness how they’ve grown up so much suddenly. Both so handsome.

12 years ago

This whole thing might come out stalker-ish or creepy, but I swear it’s all said with the best intentions (and I’m not a creepy stalker). I’ve been reading this blog for years, though I’ve only commented maybe a handful of times. I just wanted to thank you for keeping things real. It seems like SO MANY blogs out there now are “focusing on the positive” — which seems to mean airbrushing over life to make it seem perfect all the time. And while you’re not doom-and-gloomy or anything, I feel like you address all aspects of life, even the far-from-perfect ones.

AND — I love the birthday pictures because they are absolutely refreshing to see after all the Pinterest-y, party-planner-worthy “kids” birthday parties that are clearly more for the adults’ impressions than the kids’ fun. My husband and I often wonder when kids’ birthday parties veered from, like your pictures show, the low-key, backyard, homemade-cake, family-filled thing of our childhoods to expensive bouncy-house, gourmet-cake, crazy things.

I hope I’m making some sort of sense — honestly, this was all meant to be a compliment, I swear!

Carrie (in MN)
Carrie (in MN)
12 years ago

Boy I hate to tell you this, but those handsome boys are looking so grown up! When did that happen?

12 years ago

Your boys are both looking so TAN. I guess that’s what happens when you leave the Seattle gloom for a warmer place with an outdoor pool next door!

Still really happy for you guys. And happy that the trek to the cabin for the birthday party was so easy this year!

12 years ago

Awesome. I am a few months away from a 7yo at my house and it’s freaky. He is a handsome devil and I know you are as grateful as I am everyday that you have him in your life. Way to go, Mom!!

12 years ago

Happy birthday! Summer birthdays are the best. In the last picture, I can just see the young man’s face that he will have in another 15 years.

12 years ago

So I have honestly only been reading your blog for about three years which is nothing compared to some, however I stumbled on your older blogs and have been reading them up to current for the last few months, (which makes me feel a bit more stalker-y than those people who’ve been reading your blog for longer,) but I feel so close to your family and love seeing the boys getting so big and looking so happy! I just want to let you know that you going after your dream of doing what you love, and living where you dreamed of living, is inspiring to me, so yay for you in this happy time.

12 years ago

Happy Birthday Riley. He so handsome and looking so grown up. Love the pics.

12 years ago

Wow, his face has changed! No more Baby Face in there… And I know I say this every year, but DANG, those boys look SO MUCH like their daddy. Adorable.

12 years ago

Oh my goodness. He is now a little man! He is comepletely into the all boy stage. No more little boy about him. Happy Birthday Mr. Riley.

Mary Clare
Mary Clare
12 years ago

Happy birthday, Riley! Gorgeous kid!Congrats, Linda & JB.

Amanda K
12 years ago

Ninjago and Beyblades! Looks like my son’s wish list. :) Happy birthday, Riley! He’s grown up so much!

Nicole S
Nicole S
12 years ago

Happy birthday to your handsome boy! My son too is obsessed with Ninjago.

12 years ago

So cute at that age. And you look stunning as well. ;)

April G.
April G.
12 years ago

They’re so cute with their buzz cuts! Amazing he is 7. Happy birthday, Riley!

12 years ago

OMG cutest picture of the boys together. I love the one of the younger kid (name slipping my mind currently – I’m 43, man, give me a break) looking at Riley. Too cute and a keeper. I remember that suspicious little baby Riley, too. My son, Wyatt, will be seven in November so our boys are close in age. I have enjoyed following your blog for many years because you’re just so real and that’s cool shit. Good for you on the low key birthday. Screw that Pinterest shit. Anyway – thanks for keeping it real.

12 years ago

INSAAAAAAAANE. I just pulled out some of the 0-3 baby clothes you sent. Don’t know what’s harder to believe–the Riley and Dylan were once that tiny or that my boys will one day be as big as yours.

Amy N
Amy N
12 years ago

Backyard parties are the best!! I would love to have a party at that cabin! I am amazed at how much Riley has changed…he is so self-assured and smiley. No hint of the suspicious toddler you once made him out to be :) Congrats mama…on living through it. Mine will be 8 next month and the older one 11 in April. I started reading you when Riley was a baby because he was doing things that reminded me of mine…time does fly!

12 years ago

Man, they’re handsome!!! Can’t believe how much they’ve grown since I first met them by Googling, “14 month old tantrum.” Happy Birthday Riley!!!

12 years ago

Been out of the loop for many months. Wowzers, does Riley every look like you :)