It snowed last Thursday, and the flakes kept coming down all through the day on Friday. Then it changed to freezing rain, and by Saturday morning it was like everything had been dipped in a half-inch coating of glass. Branches drooped with the unfamiliar icy weight, and soon trees started breaking apart and coming down with the heart-sinking tinkling crash of a collapsing champagne tower. Big green flashes from blown transformers, canceled plans, cabin fever creeping in. This suuuuucks, I moaned, leaving an oily noseprint on the window. Stare, stare, paw at the door like a cooped-up dog, pick my way across the crusted-over snow and screw up my face with a big AW SHIT when my foot plunges into bone-cold wetness. Ugh.

Riley, from the backseat of our truck as we skidded carefully down the street on Saturday afternoon: “Well, soon enough this will all be gone and it’ll be back to how it always is, just like you wanted. And it won’t be different any more.”

He was right. I mean, it is back to how it always is, for the most part. Wet and February-ish, with extra sogginess from the leftover slush. Dirt and debris everywhere from all those fallen trees. Everyone back in school, no snowmen to build, that strange icy wonderland already fading in the rearview.





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11 years ago

Since we moved to a small European country 3 years ago, it’s snowed every winter but, so far, hasn’t this year. Much as I whinge about the freezing cold and walking like a penguin across icy ground when it does I’ve missed the stark sparkliness.

11 years ago

We live in the southern part of Connecticut at the border of “all snow” and “mix of snow and freezing rain”. I’ve witnessed many storms like yours and they suuuuccckk!
Next one starts tonight and we’ve moved in to the “all snow” category – fingers crossed!
Riley’s right – soon it’ll be just like it was but it can’t come soon enough. Neither can spring!

11 years ago

From the mouths of babes. What a catch he’s going to be one day.

11 years ago

Looks like you got a Townsend’s Warbler in the mix! ( Based on their range map, that looks pretty rare for your area. Storms can bring out some really interesting bird behavior. My mother is in Georgia and she had the weirdest birds in her yard yesterday because of the impending snow.

11 years ago

Riley: the wise old owl perched in the back seat.

I love the bird photo. That would make a wonderful framed print or note card.

11 years ago

PLEASE write a novel. You string words together in such a beautiful way, even when you’re writing about the most mundane things. I would read a full-length Linda Sharps work in a heartbeat.

11 years ago

Your pictures make me realize how much I’m not doing with my big fancy camera. I need a class or something, but I’m stuck out in BFE. I love Riley’s point – but I’ll still dream of summer somewhere warm.

Jane K.
Jane K.
11 years ago

Great post and perfect reminder, “…. and it won’t be different anymore.” Thank you for this … and YES write a book!!

11 years ago

Yes! A Townsend’s warbler (migrating through) and a gang o’ bushtits (cutest teeny birds who happen to have the best name ever)! I was totally nerding out at the bird feeders over the weekend. I think the birds ate better than my kids did.

And wow, Reilly – way to be profound! I have resolved to not complain about the rain ever again. I had bruises on my shins from that crusty top layer of snow and almost went insane from cabin fever and the extra “snow days.” Kids will be in school until July at this rate.

11 years ago

Augh I love this. Kids are so good at life, sometimes. (And you’re a hell of a writer.)

11 years ago

Fantastic writing, as usual.

Reminds me of why I do love winter, for all my complaining.

I could never live somewhere with no seasonal changes; It’s that feeling of “and then it won’t be different anymore”. The cold helps time slow down, just a bit. I almost dread the spring/summer lately because of the way the time just flies through them.

10 years ago

Sorry but I’m not a fan of “different” anymore. I’ve lived in central Connecticut for 25 years and the winters are getting longer and crazier every year, or so it seems. I’m ready for some boring old spring warmth.

10 years ago

Thanks Perl for confirming the Bushtits on the feeder and ID’ing that Warbler! Bushtits are so adorable – they travel in little packs and seem to all be connected via a single hive-mind.

Riley’s a sage. And I agree with him – while I’m glad we’re not in a drought or a flood zone, it would be great to have “something different” for just a little while. Jealous of your snowy adventures.

10 years ago

My son is one month older than Riley (July 30, 2005). We had a random snow here in Seattle a month-ish ago and he was beside himself. Wanting me to watch it out the window! Etc! Snow!!!

Um, I hear you. That is all.

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