Middle school is going okay, so far, for both boys. I think? It’s so hard to know what’s really going on, from the bits and pieces they’re willing to divulge combined with what I can observe. I feel like I’m always trying to put together a puzzle with all sorts of missing pieces and some days it seems like the picture that’s barely coming into view looks pretty good and other days it seems worrisome. Sometimes things just don’t add up at all, like when I met with Dylan’s math teacher after a particularly grueling and despair-filled homework experience and she was like, “Oh, Dylan’s doing just fine! He’s got a great head for math,” and I was like, uhhhhh … kid about yay high, blonde, lots of freckles? That kid? So I don’t know, I guess all I really DO know is that kids often present different versions of themselves at school as opposed to home and honestly how’s a parent supposed to correctly decipher ANY of this hormonal mess?

Not to mention my own hormones. I don’t think this was well thought out at all, this business of being in my mid-forties when the kids are young teenagers. I should just buy a Costco-sized tub of Stridex and padlock the doors. DO NOT OPEN UNTIL SELF-CONFIDENCE IS SLIGHTLY LESS CORRODED BY SOCIETAL AND CRUSHING INTERNAL PRESSURES, the sign will say.

In other news, I have a new website! I have been wanting a place that’s specifically for product recommendations, and now I have one. It’s basically Sundry Buzz 2.0, for longtime readers, and there’s not a ton there yet but I’m plugging away at it. My top picks at the moment are this candle and this stupidly-named but highly useful face razor (when you are 45, you will have whiskers). You can get updates via Instagram, if you like.


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5 years ago

I’m 42 with a 3yo, soooo yeah. Plus I live in UT, where most of the moms with kids my daughter’s age are in their 20s. I guess I’m going to have to sell a kidney to basically get a face transplant so as not to embarrass my kid when she’s in jr. high / high school.

I’m thrilled about Sundry Buzz 2.0 – I’ve tried a bunch of the stuff you’ve recommended in the past. Those Tinkle razors are awesome, stupid name notwithstanding.

5 years ago

The comment part of your new site doesn’t appear to be working. PS Bought the candle.

5 years ago

Yay! I loved Sundry Buzz!!!!

Christine V
Christine V
5 years ago

The only thing that’s worked on my adult acne is Tula’s probiotic gel. As long as I use it every day, my skin is perfectly clear. I stop for a week and my face looks like the surface of Mars. https://www.tula.com/products/acne-clearing-tone-correcting-gel?g_campaign=TULA|Shopping|Goog|US|Brand|Product%20Category|Low&g_campaignid=1664291175&g_adgroupid=69475110900&g_adid=342547590664&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=pla-736223788740&gclid=CjwKCAjwxOvsBRAjEiwAuY7L8shM1qLWyfvBuWf0YCYf-1qzUyuN1qeT6RnJqkM9F_xjeBupFr-cahoC8vYQAvD_BwE

Christine V
Christine V
5 years ago

The only thing that’s worked on my adult acne is Tula’s probiotic gel. As long as I use it every day, my skin is perfectly clear. I stop for a week and my face looks like the surface of Mars. https://tinyurl.com/y696km8u

Lori Sekera
Lori Sekera
5 years ago

Perimenopause is CRAP.