June 30, 2006

Well, it’s official. Everything is on Wikipedia now.

Elkton is the area we’re traveling to on Saturday. I say “area” because we won’t even be in Elkton, with its population of 147 and disturbingly homogenized racial makeup, we’ll be several miles down the road at a curve in the Umpqua River where JB’s family cabin is.

So for all of next week, here’s where I’ll be:


JB loves that summer cabin, and I imagine Riley will grow to enjoy it just as much. Me…I wish it weren’t quite so far away, because after Hour Six crawls by on that slog down I-5 the whole ‘get away from it all’ aspect starts losing its appeal.

I always have a good time once I’m there, though. And lord knows I need a suntan. I look like something raised in a mushroom farm.

In my absence, I have posts scheduled to go up each weekday at Purple Is a Fruit. My bright idea was to write somewhat new-somewhat recycled entries about pregnancy, so if by chance you want to read about my constipation and water retention AGAIN…uh, awesome. You’re very kind. They’ll be over here.

Also, I wanted to steal an idea from my friend Kristin. I have four questions for you:

1. Who do you live with?
2. What are some of the things you do at work (“work” includes managing households and raising children, of course)?
3. What are you proud of?
4. What are five things you love, and five things you hate?

If you are up for it, I’d love to read your answers in the comments section. I had so much fun spying on Kristin’s readers; hearing from you guys would just tickle me Elmo. Er, pink.

In the spirit of quid-pro-quoism, here are my answers:

1. I live with my husband JB, my 10-month old son Riley, a perpetually pissed off Cat and a water-loving, fur-shedding Dog.

2. At my office job I write blog entries (for Workplace’s blog), press releases, advertising copy, website content, and lots of cranky emails about the development process of our software. At home I play peekaboo, retrieve dropped toys, say “that’s the doggie!” a lot, and attempt to meet Riley’s various nutritional, sleep, and grooming needs.

3. I’m proud of the mother I am becoming. I’m proud of having found ways to spend as much time writing as I do. I’m proud of my ability to find things on Google.

4. I love my family (pets included), taking photos and tinkering with them digitally, trashy celebrity magazines, the smell of autumn, and most things that contain sugar. I hate spiders, having contractors in my house, the bumpy skin on my upper arms, people who refuse to let me merge from the Montlake eastbound onramp onto 520, and tentatively waving back to someone who is actually waving at someone behind me.

No pressure or anything, it’s just that I’ll look forward to reading your answers all week long. It’s just that I’ll be completely crushed and disappointed if I don’t hear from you. But, you know, NO BIG.

Okay! Off to Oregon, then. You people have a wonderful week, a fantastic holiday – if you’re celebrating – and I’ll talk to you when I get back.


(P.S. I just left this in the comments, but I am AMAZED and totally enjoying reading about you guys. Seriously, this is awesome and I will read every single thing you post. This is now what I’m doing instead of PACKING, so if I forget the sunscreen it’s alllllll your fault.)


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18 years ago

1. I live with my husband of 9 years (three years married), our two fat lovable houscats (one who is currently trying to help me type this entry!) and one crazy crazy dog. Oh yeah, plus we rent out our basement (helps pay the mtg!) so we have a roommate too (sort of). :)

2. At work I go to the aquarium to see the “optopus’s”, read story books, race to the potty, make tuna fish sandwiches with “mommy pickles”, sing songs, dance, play the flower game, color, drive around precious cargo *a 4 year old*, walk the dog, and drink lots of water! I’m a nanny; so fun, so much work!

3. I’m Proud that we bought a house when we were 24, I’m proud that I’m married to my best friend in the whole world, I’m proud that I’ve been in therapy for 5 + years, I’m proud that I can *almost always* find the silver lining, I’m proud that I can always spot “the bad men”, I’m proud that I can protect myself, I’m proud that I know how to set boundaries, I’m proud that I can say no…

4. I Love it when my husband drives, I love making things with my hands, I love my stomache in a bikini, I love my brothers (does that count as 2?), I love lying down on a comfy bed in a dark room at the end of a long day! — I Hate politics, I hate that negative little voice in my head, I hate it when my mom is drunk all the time, I hate feeling helpless, I hate being sweaty!

I also Love this blog and how much you share with us. Thank you, thank you, and thank you!

I remember when I first started therapy (we were both living on Capitol Hill at the time) and I asked my therapist what we would do if we ever ran into each other in public… She said that she wouldn’t aproach me ever but that if I wanted to say hi to her that would be great and if I didn’t then that’s fine too. I haven’t had that happen ever but I always thought it would be strange… Someone who knows all your secrets and just walking away w/out saying anything. I’d talk to her, but some people wouldn’t I guess…

In that same way I wonder how strange it would be if I ever saw you guys in public. I feel strange like I know you but I know that I don’t. Like poor celebritys who people are always going up to and talking to like they know them… I’d probably be that strange girl in the corner who keeps pointing and whispering to her husband “look honey, it’s Sundry”, maybe. I’m pretty sure I’d never be able to bring myself to say hello though. Strange thought.

Oh yeah and PS. I have that stupid bumpy arm shit too and I was determined not to have that in my wedding pictures w/ my perfect dress! Everyone needs to feel pretty at their own wedding! I exfoliated every few day w/ some home made sugar scrub (Sugar w/ equal parts honey and olive oil) and every day after the shower I used this “Neutrogena Skin Smoothing body lotion” on my arms. It works like a charm as long as you apply the lotion every day, or a few times a day if you want. I’m lazy about it in my real life. It’s all about “the dress” though! :)

Thanks again, Cheers! -h

18 years ago

1. I live with my baby daddy, Sam and 16 month old son, Ryder.

2. At work, I basically babysit adults. I supervise an imaging dept at a insurance claims document center-all that paperwork/photo’s of the bad shit that happens to you and you want to get paid for that you have to send in-I see that it gets into an electronic format. I read many, many blogs (Sundry-you’ve made me laugh out loud many times to which I have to immediately cover up!) and chat with people I shouldn’t be chatting with at work. Oh yeah, and stalk IT guys. heh.

3. I’m proud that my son is growing up happy and well. I’m proud that I’ve made it almost 2 years and everyone in my family is still relatively sane and healthy. I’m proud that the changes I decided to make when I decided to have a child are still in effect. I’m also proud of the person I am becoming. I’m proud that for the first time in my life I am excited about the future and am able to let the past go.

4. I hate driving. I hate the buying a house game. I hate that I make more money than my partner. I hate when my child cries and I don’t know what he needs. I hate whining adults. I also hate that I haven’t been able to really write since this whole pregnancy/having a child thing took over my life. I love getting up at the ass crack of dawn and leaving work earlier than everyone else. I love that sometimes I am the one my son looks to for comfort. I love the feel of the air right before a storm. I love the rain (I lived in Seattle for 4 years and miss it desperatly!) I love the ocean.

Jennifer D.
18 years ago

1. I live with my husband, our son, 2 cats and a dog and my sister and her daughter are temporarily staying with us – I hope.

2. At the work away from home I write code for websites and web apps, design stuff centered around sites and apps and things of that nature. At home I chase after my soon-to-be 9-month old and I cook stuff like Indian, Mexican, Middle Eastern and other non-American foods and feed my boy who seems to love everything thus far.

3. How well my son is doing and how well we as a family are doing, just in general. While my boy is still very young, his little personality is so golden. He’s so happy and that makes me happy.

4. 5 things I love (kid and family goes w/o saying) would be cooking a great meal for the family, curling up in bed during a rainstorm and reading, cold and nasty weather (never happens here in AZ), the relief and satisfaction I feel when I’ve completed a project and watching my husband do normal things after coming so close to death via a car accident. Things I hate would be spiders, this Arizona summer heat, slobs, people who are lazy and stupid drivers.

18 years ago

1) I live with my totally awesome husband of 3 years, fat, piggy cat and darling little pug dog, Sunny.

2) At work, I’m a small-town newspaper editor and columnist. I edit articles, write really exciting copy like the police blotter, business events and photo captions, determine community content and spend time dealing with the elderly as they try to convince me that the photo of their grandson swimming in the Gulf should be on the front page. I also write a regular column on life in my area. In a previous life, I did what you do now for a technology company, plus financial communications.

3) I’m proud of my marriage. I’m proud of the fact that I had the balls to change careers at age 30, and give up working like a dog in exchange for living like a real person. I’m proud of my writing, and of my resolve to do it.

4) I love my family, including the furry ones, anything with heavy cream or butter in it, reading blogs and learning about other people’s lives, reading good books, writing absolutely anything – from blog posts to working on my novel to emails to friends. I also love my friends to bits.

5) I hate celery, mosquito bites, sushi that isn’t fresh and undercooked hamburgers. I also hate moodiness, excessively perky people in the morning, and people who can’t see beyond their own circumstances to understand other people.

18 years ago

1. I live with my boyfriend, Jesse James, and our mess.

2. I now work in a kitchen store and school and, while liking cooking and stuff, don’t much like the job, so, ech. My work is also to find different work.

3. I am proud of getting almost every job I’ve ever applied for and for spending a year teaching high school in Japan and not going crazy. Also for my sweet and endlessly satisfying relationship. Also for traveling to 15 countries.

4. I love Jesse, dogs, cooking, the beach and that end-of-spring-beginning-of-summer feeling of anticipation. And Portland.

5. I dislike all the east coasters moving into downtown Portland and making it stodgy, the callouses on my feet, doing the dishes, being told what to do (with my life) and the word “hate”.

18 years ago

1. I live with my husband of 2.5 years, two 6 year old cats & two Golden Retrievers
2. I have the great fortune to not work outside the home. My work at home includes standard domestic drudgery, trying to deter the cats from ripping up the furniture, wrangling the wild masses of pet hair (mostly dog) so they don’t come alive at night and smother us, and most of all, I am currently making a baby (I’m at 27 weeks).
3. I’m proud of my tiny family and the happy life we’ve created for ourselves.
4. I love: Food (well, that may be the pregnancy talking, I didn’t used to be like this), my family, a great head massage, the smell of fresh sheets on the bed & a lazy rainy day with good snacks, a good book & a nice nap. I hate: stupid drivers, scrubbing floors, feeling unheard, coming down from a vacation high, & ugly toes.

18 years ago


18 years ago


18 years ago

I will get there eventually — grr trying to do 12 things at once….
1. I live with my husband and 2 cats and 1 spoilt dog. In 7 months time I’ll be living with a brand new baby too eeekkkK!!
2. I work for a large govt organsiation as a consultant. I get to do fun things like advise community groups, give training and generally try and make a difference.
3. I am proud of how my marriage has changed over the year or so. 18 months ago it was falling to pieces and now its strong and going to bring a new life into the world.
4. I love food. esp the cooking and the eating . I also love having a shower and washing my hair and shaving my legs and then getting into afreshly made bed.
5. I don’t like people who blame others for their issues. I don’t brussel sprouts as well.

18 years ago

well since you seriously enjoyed this so much…

[1] i live in new york city [woot woot for queens!] in a two-bedroom walk up apartment with a friend from college, nicolette. no pets. unless you count the landlord that lives downstairs. however, i really would love a dog but im just not home enough to care for it the way it would deserve.

[2] i have a variety of jobs. my main job is as a pedatric hematology-oncology-bone marrow transplant nurse at the childrens hospital. i do that from 7pm to 7am for 13 shifts out of every 28 days. then on my days off im a hip hop and spinning instructor at new york sports club [one of the gyms in the city with like 60 different locations] and i also work at my job prior to working at the hospital as a home care nurse in east harlem [aka ‘the hood’]. there i work mostly with pregnant moms and then the moms and their babies [lots of teaching on child development, breastfeeding, nutrition, etc], kids with asthma and kids and adults with diabetes. and im also applying to columbia for grad school to be a pediatric nurse practicioner.

[3] im proud of graduating from university and doing so with honors and at the top in my nursing class. im VERY proud to sign RN at the end of my name. im proud of the job i do on a general basis. im proud that ive managed to make a life for myself here in nyc on my own, as my family is at the other end of the state.

[4] 5 things i love: grande one-pump-sugar-free-vanilla-non-fat-lattes from starbucks. [i am a coffee snob kinda.] guinness. [yeah and im kinda a beer snob, too.] sitting on the beach in a bikini with a beer in hand. my dvr. [im at work when all the good tv shows are on!] my ipod. [makes commuting on the trains and buses SO much nicer.] 5 things i hate: some days, the mta, when the trains and buses are messed up. crushing medication at work. the fact that new yorkers say “next on line” instead of “next in line” when youre waiting at the checkout somewhere. when people get your and you’re confused. [NOT interchangeable people!] beef.

18 years ago

holy cow! this crowd is a poll-lovin bunch!

1. Who do you live with? husband and 9 month old daughter

2. What are some of the things you do at work? primarily take care of daughter, which includes trying to figure out her optimal schedule, teaching her words, chasing the crawl-monster and picking up cheerios. secondarily, designing web sites and playing phone tag with clients.

3. What are you proud of? I’m currently proud of our newly-cleaned and super-organized condo. It took 3 days, but the place has never looked so good! I’m proud that I’ve been able to sustain working for myself. I’m proud that aforementioned daughter seems to be actually learning stuff, and I love teaching her!

4. What are five things you love, and five things you hate? 1. I love being a teacher (see prev.) 2. I love my family. 3. I love watermellon sherbert in a waffle cone. 4. I love working for myself. 5. I love my new facewash and lotion that I just bought. 1. I also hate the bumps on my upper arms (thanks for the link btw). 2. I’m not in love with my car, but live with it. 3. I hate peppers, and any food that is pepper-related. 4. I dislike phony people. 5. I hate that our condo is too small for us to have another kid.

18 years ago

1. I live with my boyfriend Patrick and our beagle Minnie, who thinks she runs the house. (and it just might be possible)

2. Work is kind of a catch all. The main parts – Manage my employees mostly and I also maintain the network and our website. I do all sorts of other small things, things that are too tedious to write about!

3. I am proud of the fact that I am debt free. I am proud that I quit smoking after 10 years, and I did it cold turkey. I am proud of the friends I have made.

4. 5 Things I love – the way seasons smell (when you can smell the snow coming or rain, the crisp smell of fall, etc.); people who make me laugh so hard I can’t breathe; reading a great book; anything pumpkin (flavor or smell); and dr. pepper (diet or regular). 5 Things I hate – People who are cruel; People who think they know everything; my lack of will power when trying to be healthier; Bad drivers; the last day of vacation.

amy (southkona)
18 years ago

1. I live with my husband, our five children (ages seven, five, four, two, and newborn,) and three big dogs.

2. When I had my “own” career, the one I went to school for, I taught gifted pullout reading and math programs in an elementary school. Now I file paperwork, pay bills, invoice customers, answer phones, etc. for our small business as well as cooking meals, cleaning house, changing diapers, and homeschooling my kids. The business part is about to go as the fifth child was just born (yesterday, seriously) and I have told my husband something has to give.

3. I am proud of us for following our dream in moving to Hawaii even when everyone thought we were crazy and making a great life for ourselves here. I am proud of building up our own business while making time to be good parents. I am proud of the education I am giving my children and the fun we have together.

4. I love my family, great books, the ocean, the palm tree outside my bedroom window, and the strong sense of community where we live.
I hate living so far from my extended family, people who give Christianity a bad name, anyone who hurts children, and the fact that mold and fungus grow so easily on anything I don’t get to cleaning here.

Teresa P
Teresa P
18 years ago

1. Who do you live with? My wonderful human husband, and 3 furry pseudo children. These children are living their current lifetimes in the form of a dog and 2 cats.
2. What are some of the things you do at work (”work” includes managing households and raising children, of course)? I am a office mgr. in a wholesale warehouse. I have to beg the customers for payment, pay the employees, pay our vendors, process general ledger paperwork for our accountants, and most importantly kiss my bosses’ ass whenever it is needed.
3. What are you proud of? I am most proud of my 23 yr old son. He has been on his own since 18 yrs old. (even if he didn’t go on to college…)
4. What are five things you love, and five things you hate?
Loves: 1. cuddling w/housemates, 2. reading, 3. making art, 4. eating, 5. time off work
Hates: 1. getting up for work, 2. being overweight (see #4 love), 3. hot weather, 4. worrying about paying bills, 5. getting old (turning 47 this month)

18 years ago

I live with Mr Man (man), Mud Bug (dog), Crackhead (kitty), Is he dead? (‘nother cat), 2 horses (if they are standing, they are alive…right?).
At work (depending on the day) I am instructing people how to kayak, dive or taking them on trips in the pacific. I spend alot of time in the water or on the water. And then I come home and clean up after all of the above.
I am proud that I asked Paul to leave. I am proud of the fact that I have moved beyond some really difficult things in my life. I am proud that I made a huge change in my life and it worked!! I am proud of my dog when she listens to me.
Five things I love:
First and foremost My Little Sister (I don’t know what I would do without her)
1. Kayaking.
2. That I have really great friends & family
3. Cheese
4. Diving
5. Mr Man
5b. My dog

Five things I hate:
1. That my mother and older sister are not here anymore
2. That I really can’t stand my step-mother
3. That she has ruined my relationship with my Dad
4. That I have trouble letting some things go
5. That I let things eat me up.

18 years ago

1. Who do you live with? My husband of 10 months and one tabby cat

2. What are some of the things you do at work? provide language therapy to students with autism and Asperger’s, run social skills groups, schedule IEP meetings, train other SLP’s in understanding social-cognitive deficits and how to best work with these students, am the SLP on the new Autism Team.

3. What are you proud of? I’m proud that I paid my way through six years of college, I’m proud that my Dad was proud of me, I’m proud that I had the courage to leave my homestate and move to CA by myself and I’m proud of the work that I do for my students

4. What are five things you love, and five things you hate? 1. I love being an SLP 2. I love my husband and Mom. 3. I love the Gap’s Long and Lean jeans (at 5’1″, I’ll take all the long and lean I can get! 4. I love fish tacos and a cold beer. 5. I love the Black Crowes. 1. I hate bugs of all kinds 2. I hate So Cal traffic 3. I hate that even though I earn a good salary, I still can’t buy any kind of home here. 4. I hate unfriendly people. 5. I hate any type of beans.

18 years ago

1. I live with my husband, Crazy Jeephead Man (“I have a jeep on my head! I’m crrraazyy! Now give me some candy!”), his jeep projects, our giant hound and a lot of dust.

2. I read leases, negotiate purchase and sale contracts, draft loan documents, have conference calls, drink gallons of coffee and try to get away with “business casual” as often as possible.

3. I’m proud of Crazy Jeephead Man, getting in better shape and owning my own home. I’m proud of handling a stressful work environment without cracking (most of the time). I’m proud of my sister for growing up into a cool person.

4. I love Crazy Jeephead Man, brownies with cream cheese icing, sexy shoes, weekends and curling up with a good book and a glass of wine. I hate having to go to the office on weekends, lima beans, seeing my grandparents get older, snobs and running late.

18 years ago

Hi! I love your site.

So… I live with my boyfriend of four years, my very nervous cat, and my other very mischevious cat, and my boyfriend’s four (and counting…) bikes. As in, bicycles. Not motorcycles, thank GOD. Because our house is too damn small for that.

At work I am a paper pusher for a Continuing Medical Education office. Sometimes I travel to push papers in other places around the country, sometimes even in Canada. I read about lots of gross medical conditions, and then convince myself that I have them.

I’m proud that my boyfriend and I have managed to stay together through some very rough times in the beginning. I’m proud that we bought a house when we were only 22. I’m proud that I’ll be finishing my Master’s in two weeks.

I love my cats, my boyfriend and all his many bikes, walking out of an over-airconditioned building into the warm blast of summer humidity, drinks with little or no calories (Diet Coke and Crystal Light Lemonade being the top favorites), and how close I’ve gotten with my brothers now that we’re older. I hate irresponsible pet owners, smug marrieds (as defined by Bridget Jones), people who honk the horn late at night instead of getting a cell phone or getting out of the car, plants that start to die if you don’t water them for one day, and cold weather.

Have a great time on vacation, and I hope you don’t hit a bit of holiday traffic.

18 years ago

1. Who do you live with?
My husband, my eight month old son, and our three Papillon dogs. Our horses don’t live with us, but they’re family too!

2. What are some of the things you do at work (”work” includes managing households and raising children, of course)?
Organize the scholarships for the college, assist our major giving officers.

3. What are you proud of?
My kiddo, of course. But also that I’ve managed to keep a lot of myself even now that we have Grant. I like to think I’m being a good mom too. Plus I ride a horse pretty well!

4. What are five things you love, and five things you hate?

Love: Grant’s soft hair, the feel of a great class showing my horse, my perennial flowers, the garden swing in our back yard, and driving fast with the windows down and the radio up.

Hate: Dirty baby fingers and toes, smokers who throw the butt out their windows while driving, the two bosses who left at work, pushy people, selfish people.

18 years ago

1. I live with my husband Adam, my 23 month old son, Conner, our two weims, Gandee and Gracee, the the baby that is currently enutero, Lillian.

2. I sell advertising for a magazine, which includes a lot of cold-calling (bleah) leaving a lot of voicemails, and hopefully getting people a successful campaign which will help them generate lots of calls. At home I try not to kill the plants, keep Conner from biting the dogs, and remodeling our 130 year old house

3. I am proud of my husband for being in the Army National Guard, I am proud of how well we have done with Conner, I am proud of the work I have done on our home, and in our city and the local politics.

Conner, Adam, my family, cheese, spending money

Hate-hair in the drain in the shower, cleaning my house, cigarette smoke, bad drivers and working

18 years ago

1. I live with my husband, my 9 and a half month old son.

2. At my office job I am a lawyer that writes, researches, organizes documents and does whatever the partners ask me to do. At home, I chase around my son who crawls and furniture walks lightning fast, read his favorite Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? over and over again, and in charge of all the contract and design details for the new house we are building.

3. I’m proud of being able to juggle work, motherhood, and my own personal needs pretty well. I’m not proud of the 30 pounds I still need to lose.

4. I love shopping at Costco, cooking for pleasure, Grey’s Anatomy, reading, talking to my husband each night and playing with my son. I hate rudeness and incompetence.

18 years ago

1. I live with my husband, our roommate, four cats, a gerbil and a turtle.
2. Email admin, storage admin in UNIX SAN and mainframe environments, mainframe security admin.
3. I am proud of myself for quitting smoking this year. I’ve had a handful now and then, but I’m not smoking a pack a day anymore!
4. I love the rain in summer, I love Stephen King, I love sleeping in air conditioning when I know it 90 degrees and humid outside, I love that my boss doesn’t care what time I come in in the morning, and I love reading blogs!
I hate that I’m so neurotic about making a mess that it takes me 3 hours to make a batch of cookies or a cake, I hate litterbugs, I hate aggressive drivers, I hate being co-dependent, I hate my facial hair.

18 years ago

1. I live with my 7lb Maltese, who is the biggest diva ever in the history of divas. I love her dearly.

2. At work? Hmm, I desperately try to get 14 year olds excited over World Geography. I teach at a high school that promotes athletics about 100 times over academics (I love Texas, really, I do).

3. I’m proud of who I’ve become. I’m a good person, a loyal friend, and I never give up. I’m proud of myself for sticking to my New Years Resolution (and as a result, have lost 40 pounds). I’m proud that I can budget, because that was my huge fear after college and I’m proud that I can actually save up and take good vacations (just got back from a cruise). Wow, I’m one proud biotch, huh?

4. Five things I love: God, my family, my friends, any type of office supply (I was born with a pen in my hand, I swear!), and the rare cold day (below 50) we have in Texas. Five things I hate: my alarm clock, the guy who lives above me with the treadmill, summer days in Texas (you can bake brownies in a car), Tom Cruise (seriously gets on my nerves), and Jessica Simpson (either she’s too dumb to function or it’s an act…either way, I hate her).

18 years ago

I’m sure you don’t care about any of us lowly commenters at the end of the list, but I’m a devoted fan of yours, so I’ll do it anyways.

1. I live with my fucked-up family in a tin can (single-wide trailer) out in the country. “Ya’ll come back now, ya hear?!”

2. At work, depending on what I’m scheduled to do, I make premium salads and parfaits, do dishes, work fries, and take people’s orders on register and make fun of their lack of ability to MAKE an order once they’ve left.

Customer: “I’d like a Whopper…hmmmmm….and a Jamoca Shake.”
Me: “Ma’am, this is McDonald’s. We don’t serve either of those products.”‘
Customer: ” *laughs* Oh, that’s right! Ha, silly me!” *walks away*

3. I’m proud of myself for getting my GED after making the difficult decision of dropping out of high school. I’m proud of my makeup art photography…and on occasion the abominations that I refer to as my web designs. I’m also proud of my undying geekiness and sheer love of gay porn. Yep, I said it.

4. I lurve: Thunderstorms, the sound a cigarette makes as you’re taking a long drag, fantasizing about my EXTREMELY attractive coworker, singing until my throat is sore, and swimming.

I HATE: People who SING AT OTHER PEOPLE, customers who can’t make an order at a fast ood restaurant to save their lives, two-faced “friends”, extremely flamboyant gay men who think they’re the shit (bring it down a notch, boys), and my bumpy arm shit (mine get’s all red and flaky when it flares up :/ I know how you feel).

18 years ago

Hi Linda! long time reader, first time commenter etc.

1. I live in sin with my boyfriend of 5 years (our anniversary is today! woohoo!). We have 2 cats and between them they have 7 legs. There are probably also some spiders in the house, and there are a lot of crackheads in the neighborhood but we’re working on pushing them out so they become someone else’s problem.

2. My job description is to run the statewide school-based Medicaid program. Which I do. Mostly by sitting in the basement dungeon cube and talking on the phone and answering email. In the fall I get to go out and train people about the program, which I love, and sometimes I get to go to school districts and do site visits, but mostly I am chained to a computer in a dungeon.

3. I’m proud of my ability to keep everything together. I’m the breadwinner (BF is in school), I pay the bills, I keep track of what needs doing when, I water the plants and keep track of the yard, and I mostly get birthday presents mailed out on time. I’m proud of my undergraduate experience, since I made of it exactly what I wanted.

4. LOVE: the definition in my arms and shoulders, drinking lemonade in the summer, afternoon thunderstorms with rain, reading a really good book, falling asleep spooning with my boyfriend.

HATE: drivers who don’t pay attention to pedestrians, the crackheads outside my bedroom window last night, brussels sprouts, cleaning the forgotten containers in the fridge that are growing their own ecosystems, this one ingrown hair on my leg that WON’T COME OUT.

18 years ago

1. Since 10 years I live with my darling boyfriend.
2. I talk to a lot of people over the phone, yawn, move some paper from one pile to another, talk to my co-workers and laugh laugh laugh, yawn again, and then I go home and try to have a life.
3. I’m proud of that my friends think that they can always count on me, I’m proud of my sister for having the guts to go to India for three months, I’m proud of that I can make an awesome birthday cake for you no matter what your favourite cake is.
4. I love my boyfriend, my family (relatives and friends, that is), live music, ice-cream on a sunny day and laughing with my sister until my stomach hurts. I hate ignorance, g-strings, people who litter, and food that tastes like coffee (unless it’s a cup of coffee).

18 years ago

1. I live with my husband who loves me dearly even though I am a bitch, my beautiful almost-two-year old daughter Bella who is the love of my life, and my Mother, who acts as rent-paying tenant and built in babysitter. I’m a lucky girl.
2. At work I collect money from people who bought oil but don’t want to pay for it. In Texas. It’s tons of fun. I once had a man tell me that he wouldn’t talk to me about what he owed us because I was a woman. He actually said that he would rather talk to a goat than a woman.
3. I am proud of my smart, funny, loving, beautiful daughter that we adopted from Guatemala. So technically she doesn’t have any of my traits, so I shouldn’t take credit, but I do. I’m also proud of the face that I haven’t done anything to screw her up yet and seem to be learning to be a good mother.
4. I love cosmetics and hair products beyond reason, my daughter’s laugh, fresh, clean sheets on my bed, jalepeno peppers in everything, and writing.
I hate Texas ( I don’t know how I eneded up here.) driving in the rain, (I’m one of those bad drivers that go too slow and piss everyone else off, sorry!) the fact that I can never remember not to touch myself after I chop jalapeno peppers for my salads, those little-bitty ants that show up out of nowhere even when there is no food anywhere around, and most of all, the fact that I am a smart, capable woman, but I can’t manage to lose weight consistently.

18 years ago

1. My sweet, caring, generous, attentive, funny and simply amazing husband, Jeff.

2. I work in academic advising and student services at a university, therefore I: endlessly explain that being on a WAIT list for a class means that yes, indeed, you must WAIT for a f-ing seat before being added; give effective guilt trips to whining students (“you wouldn’t want to be #1 on the waitlist and find out that the 17th person got a seat before you, now would you?”); sign too much paper; help students find classes; assure students that faculty members can assign whatever grade they feel is appropriate and perhaps you should talk directly with prof – only to find out they never go to class; bang head against wall daily; talk with distressed students and try to help them realize that dropping classes b/c their mom is dying of cancer is OK -and that we’ll help them in any way we can; and generally make sure they all get out of here with a degree in 4-5 years – and maybe have a little bit of a good time along the way.

3. I am proud of spending the last year facing a fear I’ve had for 25 years and tackling the related anxiety in one of the best exposure therapy programs in the country. It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t cheap, but I finally found the courage to say ‘I’m worth it’ – and I’m proud to have a husband who stood by my side no matter what. I am also proud of my marriage and that neither of us take each other for granted – and that we work together to be stronger each day.

4. I love: air conditioning and cable TV (this comes after a week with neither while on “vacation”), pedicures, girls night out (which are considerably tamer, but must more meaningful as we age), my family and husband (of course); and sleeping in whenever possible (aka “lazy lady mornings”) and reading this blog at the end of each day (yes, that is 6. gotta problem with that?!?)
I hate: traffic, loud neighbors, my mother in law (wha?huh? who said that?), unpacking suitcases, and self-righteous, preachy, religous zealots.

18 years ago

1. I live with my boyfriend Jarrett, and my three crazy bengal cats, Cosmo, Mai-Tai and Nova.
2. At work, I throw monkey biscuits to baboons, give showers to ostriches, and feed Wild dogs, giraffes, elephants, turtles, zebras and otters. Yes, I work in a zoo! Most importantly, I help enhance zoo visitor experiences, by helping to educate them about the natural world in a fun and entertaining way.
3. I am proud of making a whole bunch of changes in my life all at once, because I didn’t like the way things were going… I broke out of a 5 year relationship, sold a house, and quit my old desk job. I am also proud of taking a trip all by myself to Australia, having never left the U.S. or traveled by myself.
4. I love: My family and friends; The color of my eyes; the feeling you get when you just did an hour kickboxing class!; little kids; singing off key in the car.
I hate: paying bills; being too cold; second hand smoke; the people that live above me with the squeaky bed; doing laundry.

18 years ago

1. Who do you live with? I’m trying to finish my degree without digging a deeper whole of tuition debt, so I live with my parents (argh) and my 20-year-old younger brother and his random car parts that litter what was once a family room in our basement, now turned pseudo-garage.

2. What are some of the things you do at work (”work” includes managing households and raising children, of course)? Generally I’m a Customer Service Rep at a leisure centre in my city. For summer I took a promotion (similar to my boss’ job) and I staff all the outdoor aquatic facilities in the city. I deal with all the revenue, timecards, complaints, meetings and requests. I also go to university with the desire to finish my BA in English (almost done) and do a MA in Journalism. I’m getting there…slowly.

3. What are you proud of? I’m proud that I havne’t given up on my job. I’m proud that I’m digging myself out of financial debt. I’m proud that I pay my own tuition, bills and expenses. I’m proud that I’ve been able to travel and see things without expecting assistance or help from my parental units. I’m proud that I finally am living a healthy lifestyle and getting my body back to the way it was before I quit playing basketball.

4. What are five things you love, and five things you hate?
– Travel (London and Rome).
– Music and concerts (and really great lyrics).
– My books (reading) and music (concerts too).
– Gigantic summer thunder and lightning storms.
– Photography – taking pictures and fiddling with them – making the real feeling and emotions that go with the memory come through in the photo through the colour and lighting.
– Arguements about nothing.
– Constant and relentless rainy days where the weather does nothing outside but drizzle and rain on and off.
– Debt that won’t die.
– My sensitive teeth (owie!).
– Being the driver and the only person awake during a really long, boring drive on a roadtrip.

18 years ago

1. I live with one sweet, fat cat and his 1-year-old-kitten tormentor.

2. At work I edit a magazine, write a lot, do bunches of intranet stuff, answer random questions and find information that people need (yes, I too have fabulous Google-fu).

3. I’m proud of the fact that I’ve built a pretty solid life after starting from scratch. Three times.

4. Love: my family, my friends, music, film, books
Hate: rude people, my credit card debt, the administration, war and artificial sweeteners (not necessarily in that order)

18 years ago

Hate to give you YET ANOTHER to read, but here goes…

1. I live with my fiance, my sweet Starla who is almost 10 months now, and my mother-in-law. And sometimes my brother-in-law too. And we run a cat brothel outside. It’s ridiculous.

2. I play mmorpg’s, and listen to my daughter scream at nothing. Then I try to eat, but her screaming interrupts. This time it’s for food. Rinse, and repeat. Oh, and sometimes I clean or cook. But not often. : )

3. I’m proud of the fact that I’ve finally stopped caring what people think of me and my family. For the most part. And that I’ve finally got some self-esteem. Oh so nice.

4. Love: Life, friends, internet activites, Sundry hilariousness, and family.
Hate: Rudeness, snobbiness, insecurity, baby food being spit back in my face, and days when I click on the ali & sundry link and there’s nothing new. : (

18 years ago

1. For 8 months of the year I live with three roommates and one silly cat. For the other 4 months of the year I live with my parents and sometimes my brother’s goofy but adorable dog, Monty.
2. Once again, for 8 months I’m a student, it’s a job, a full-time job! The other 4 months I do reports and banking and talk to clients. I open files and track down documents.
3. I am proud of myself for realizing that growing up doesn’t have to be a bad thing and that sometimes you can’t fix things. I am also proud that I now understand it’s okay to fall in love, it might hurt but it will still be incredible.
4. Five things I love:
i) My Family
ii) My friends
iii) My education
iv) My fearlessness
v) Travel
Five things I hate:
i) People who try to make you feel badly about yourself
ii) Midterm exams
iii) Fighting with friends and family
iv) Having to pretend I’m cooler than I actually am
v) The fact that I cannot help everyone

18 years ago

1- I live in an apartment with a girl who is getting ready to move out. (So if anyone is in the DC area and is looking..) Her boyfriend is living here too, until the furniture arrives for their new place. It’s getting pretty crowded.

2- At work I look for things that other people have lost. I’m a librarian in a radiology library, so it’s mostly looking for mammograms and talking to people who say, “I had a xray of my chest.. 4.. 5 years ago.. I think it was here..it might have been my shoulder..”. My area also has taken to having a daily wordsearch competition, which we maintain is to Boost Employee Morale. So far it’s worked.

3- I’m proud that I made myself start to grow up, after throughly effing everything up. I’m proud of making the decision to move 1100 miles away from home to take a chance on a boy. I’m proud of the person I’m becoming, and I can’t wait to see who I end up as. (I’m also proud that I’ve been reading you since the bright and early d*land days, which is now a barren wasteland.)

4- Love: the Boy, my bed, crafting, kittens, cream cheese and pepperoni pizza from Pizza Shuttle in Lawrence, KS. Hate: bugs in my bedroom, not being able to use my living room because it is already full of people, being cold, breaking down in the everglades, post-vacation blues.

18 years ago

1. I live with my husband, 3 year old daughter, and two bad cats. We had a dog, but she died a couple years ago and we haven’t been ready to recommit.

2. I crunch numbers for a big, soul sucking corporation.

3. I am proud of my daughter, of myself for how much I’ve grown mentally in the the last few years, and of my husband for getting two degrees despite ADD.

4. Five things I love: my family, my friends, my garden, reading, and Sunday morning (bacon & egg breakfast and Coronation Street). Five things I hate: horrible bosses and coworkers, cold winters, sports, insomnia, and public speaking.

18 years ago

1. Husband, call sign “Tater”, kids: Dillon, 17 and Mackenzie, 11, five fish, one lizard named Stanley, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with OCD, Taiko (we got him in Japan, thus the weird name).

2. Wishing I wasn’t there most of the time. Note to self: Don’t take another job in Customer Service, no matter how bored you are and no matter how part-time it is.

3. The young adults my children are becoming. They are truly my Best Thing. And my margarita. I make a kickin’ margarita.

4. Love……. People who dance, liver & onions, my bed, red toenails, tiaras / Hate……. Pantyhose, high heels, whiners, when there’s a hair stuck inside my shirt and it keeps tickling my boobs and I can’t find it, milk.

18 years ago

1. Who do you live with? My stay-at-home-Dad husband, my adorable 5 month old daughter and a very needy, sheddy, white cat.

2. What are some of the things you do at work (”work” includes managing households and raising children, of course)? surf the internet too much, defend companies who have been sued by employees and former employees alleging various claims of discrimination/retaliation/failure to be properly paid etc – which means I read and write a lot and try to figure out how to mentally outsmart the other side and figure out who is lying.

3. What are you proud of? that I have become a good lawyer, able to represent my clients well; that I uncondionally love my child, that I am married to a good man with whom I am friends; that I care about children and small animals and try – even if it is in small ways – to help make the world a better place for both; that I try to listen when my husband gets mad at me and see his side; that I try to be introspective – even when I sometimes fail miserably at it; that I have the same friends that I did 10 years ago and some new ones I met 2 years ago.

4. What are five things you love, and five things you hate? Love: my baby, classic coke, a long bubble bath while eating ice cream and reading People, my husband, travelling (best trip ever – Africa!). Hate: people who hurt children and animals and anyhting else that cant defend itself, people who arent willing to listen at all to something they dont beleive in, rudeness, sushi, and liars.

18 years ago

I live with my husband of 10 years, my 8 year old son and 5 year old daughter, and a gray cat predictably named ‘Smoky’.

I plan and test computer systems for a government agency. Then I go home and play with my kids and ignore housework.

I am proud of finally being a grownup, of being with a man because I want to rather than because I need to.

I love my family, home improvement projects, writing, sunshine and cheesecake.
I hate posers, wiggers, racists, injustices to children and spiders.


18 years ago

1. I live with two boys: my husband John and our greyhound Moose.
2. At work I read, edit, “strategize” (heh, that makes me sound smart), and manage publications. Mostly I just read and fix other people’s writing mistakes. And I love it.
3. I’m proud that I just earned my master’s degree in writing. I’m proud that I have a good marriage. I’m proud that I lived alone and supported myself before said marriage. I’m proud that I manage to read almost every issue of the New Yorker that arrives in my mailbox (it comes every WEEK!).
4. Five things I love: tulips, a blank sheet of lined paper, sitting around a campfire with a beer, Cuban food, and exploring cities in Europe. Five things I hate: getting sunburnt, slow walkers on a busy sidewalk, spiders, Anne Coulter, and the bumpy skin on the backs of my thighs (and I NEVER KNEW WHAT IT WAS until I read your entry… so thank you!! That shit was driving me crazy).

18 years ago

Also, I just clicked on the Wikipedia link, and instead of “Bass Capital of Oregon” I read “Badass Capital of Oregon.” I think every state needs a Badass Capital in addition to the regular one.

18 years ago

1. I live with my boyfriend of almost 2 years. We are currently petless, which makes me a tad bit sad.

2. At work, I mostly do things that I don’t really like to do. There was a time when I was designing borchures, product briefs, posters, invites, etc. Now, I mostly read e-mails, and reply to e-mails and call in to meetings. At home, I do a bit of cooking, and a lot of knitting. I also follow the boyfriend around the apartment and close all the cabinets and drawers he’s left open.

3. I’m proud that in the past 2 years, I’ve been more active than ever (hiking, biking, and walking). I’m pround that I’ve managed to keep my silly website going for over 5 years.

4. Five things I love: my camera, my boyfriend, my family, the ocean, my friends (not necessarily in that order). Five things I hate: my upstairs neighbor’s stereo, bananas, rude drivers, when they make a movie based on a book and then have to change the cover of the book to match the movie, and food that is too spicy for me to eat.

18 years ago

Yeah, I’m like, LATE in responding…but here goes…
1. I live with two rescued cats, a mother and daughter; I feel I must clarify why I have TWO cats (rescused, related), for fear of “crazy cat lady” disease

2. I plan promotions and marketing for museum stuff (exhibits, dinosaur stuff, IMAX films), write web site copy, broadcast e-mail copy, brochure copy…it all starts to run together sometimes, but I do get to write about dinosaurs, dolphins, and deer – oh my!

3. I’m proud that I’m finally learing to appreciate life – the good, the bad and the insane of it all.

4. I love my family, my photos, the sound of my mother’s voice, rain and naps.

18 years ago

I’ll play!

1. Who do you live with?
Me, myself, and I. (Though that’s changing — this August, I’ll be moving with three friends into a house. It ain’t cheap living in the Bay Area.)

2. What are some of the things you do at work (”work” includes managing households and raising children, of course)?
I’m a full-time doctoral student, so “work” for me involves various levels of teaching, studying, writing, administrative junk, and futzing around on the Internet.

3. What are you proud of?
I’m proud of: getting myself into a PhD program; my three-and-a-half year interfaith, inter-cultural relationship; my hair; my knitting and crochet skills.

4. What are five things you love, and five things you hate?
I love:
1) My (nuclear) family
2) My boyfriend
3) My (extended) family and friends
4) Sunny California days
5) Snowy New England evenings

I hate:
1) Various haters (no, the cycle doesn’t end with me, unfortunately)
2) The death penalty
3) My procrastinating ways
4) Air conditioning that brings the temp to below 70 degrees
5) Menstrual cramps

Hope you’re having fun on vacation!

18 years ago

1. Who do you live with?

i live with the boyfriend, two cats and a dog. all rescued. well, except for the boy. ;)

2. What are some of the things you do at work (”work” includes managing households and raising children, of course)?

take care of all four of the above mentioned roomies! clean house, feed everyone and design various things on commission (that’s the money making part).

3. What are you proud of? y’all will think this is corny, but i’m soooo proud to be vegan. and even prouder when the boy said he was proud of me for sticking up for what i believe in. i’m proud of the way i live my life.

4. What are five things you love, and five things you hate?

love: my friends, my family, the fuzzes (those would be the dog and cats), earth, being outside hiking, swimming, playing etc., soy delicious peanut butter chocolate ice cream. *drool*

hate: people who don’t give a damn = global warming, war/violence, selfishness, disrespect, negativity

18 years ago

1. I live with my husband and our tamarind tree which we grew from a seed.

2. At my day job, I interview around 25 people/week for positions varying from sales manager to administrative assistant to machine operator. I also call 100’s of people weekly from resumes on find online. At night, after cooking dinner, I’ve started designing and making beach bags, totes, and purses for sale.

3. I’m proud of my marriage. It’s wonderful to have a strong marriage to rely on when things are tough. I’m also proud that I’m finally making headway with my own business. I’m not sure where it will go, but I’m just glad it’s started.

4. I love my husband, traveling to new places, cooking, being an aunt, and lazy weekend mornings.
I hate driving, living in Michigan, spending too much time at work, bad customer service, and my student loans.

Nichole White
Nichole White
18 years ago

1~ I live with my husband, 8 month old daughter and our all-too-rowdy and annoyingly energetic border collie-labrador puppy (okay so she is a year old, I think that if I keep calling her a puppy I can overlook her irritating behavior)

2~ At my day job: I run a business consulting firm, I do marketing and I help a friend at her office because she would drown if someone didn’t. I spend a lot of time on the phone, begging my clients to please excuse the screaming child in the background, whom was asleep 10 minutes ago and I thought that I would have enough time to make a phone call. But it seems that every time I pick up the phone, she wakes up. At my not-just-day job: I have a screaming 8 1/2 month old daughter. She crawls…fast. And climbs…faster. She is already trying to walk and I haven’t gotten used to her crawling…I’M NOT READY!

3~ I am proud of my family. I am only 19, I had my baby girl young, but that was the only way I would get kids. If I got wrapped up in my career we never would have wanted kids, it wouldn’t have been fair. I am proud that at 19 years old, I have found my soulmate and we are happy together despite money issues and moving cross country twice already. I am proud that since having my daughter in October 2005 I have opened and made successful my own merketing business, run from the desk in my bedroom. My husband thought I was crazy until I made double his salary in 2 weeks…that was my 1st month. (Okay bragging a bit, but I haven’t really been working outside the home since the June before she was born and I got fired because while my boss knew I was pregnant, the owner of the company didn’t realize and fired me the day he found out…illegal a little?

4~ I love my family, not just my immediate family…but even my in-laws. I have been stranged from my side of the family since I started dating my husband (they never liked him and made it clear that I had to choose, I chose the one who loves me unconditionally. He drove 628 miles in a VW Bug to come see me the first chance he got because my mother mpoved me 628 miles in an attempt to split us up. FAT CHANCE MOM! I love that mu husband makes me get out and do stuff, like move to a house that I have 103 stairs to get to my front door (way to support weight loss). I love that my best friend has been there with me the whole time (while I was pregnant and even when I was in labor, and every day). She helped deal with the family issues that arrise when naming a new baby (especially when the family has had only boys in the last 3 generations and I was having a girl) she held my hand until my husband got to the hospital (he was at work), she held my hand when I was threatening to kill the anesthesiologist (uh…) and the nurse who was telling me how to labor and never had a kid. She held my hand when my mother unexpectedly showed up. She drags me out to play Volleyball every single thursday with about 12 people…because she loves me and hates that I always bitch about my weight. I love cooking, which is good because my husband works a fireman’s shift at a boy’s home at the other end of town. He leaves on Wed. and doesn’t come home until Saturday. I only get to see him when he brings the boys to play Volleyball or I go over and cook for 6 teenage boys, 2 staff myslf and Mallaika (my daughter). I love that my husband loves his job. Even though it ius a crazy stress sometimes due to the natural involvement that his job has (we talk about teh boys all the time, we take them out to breakfast sometimes when he is off shift)…but how many people, especially our age, can say that they love what they do? We are comfortable and happy and love each other…and we both love what we do!
I HATE: BAD DRIVERS! I live in a tourist town..I hate bad drivers! I hate people who are always telling me how to raise my child…ie: I am spoiling her because we are in public she cried and i picked her up so i could continue a conversation…or that she is too thin (her dr says she is perfect…she couldn’t be much heavier…shes just tall.) or that it is dumb that I am practicing baby signs with an 8 month old…and she responds. She knows dog, cat, grandma, grandpa hungry and how to tell me her diaper needs changed. I hate that my mother in law feels the need to compete with me over my husband’s attention. And I hate that my Grandmother in law decided to take my husband’s inheritance money and spend it rather than put it in a savings account for him…paying for school would be a lot easier if she had.

There’s my take on it…Oh and I used to live in Bandon, OR…find that on a map. I know where elkton is because i used to have to drive thru. Bandon swells to 1000 in the summer because of the golf course. (Sorry this was so long…I started ranting)

18 years ago

Fun survey, Sundry! I’m really enjoying everybody’s comments.

1. I live with my husband and our one-year-old twin boys. (We recently lost our 18-year-old gentleman of a kitty, who is greatly missed.)

2. My day job is lawyerin’. I mostly write briefs in complex civil cases. I will do oral argument and depositions, but prefer not to, because it requires me to leave my office, speak in public, and be confrontational. At home I do a lot of laundry, keep things picked up, feed everybody, and keep the boys clean and dressed. In between work and home I end up doing a lot of grocery shopping, despite my best efforts to get it done online.

3. I am proud of my academic achievements, that I have gotten nearly every job I’ve ever applied for, and my analytic skills, but most of all, my family and the life we’ve made for ourselves.

4. things I love: camp fires, playing with my boys before work, swiming in lakes, the way pilates makes me feel when I’m done (but not actually doing it), and art for art’s sake

5. things I hate: mean people, George Bush being in office (sorry to get political), yard work, the song “Come on Ileen”, and the thought of eating sweetbreads

18 years ago

Is it too late to reply? I need a(nother) break. :)

1. I live with my wonderful Darling Husband, my just-almost-2-year-old, AJ, and our lab-chow mix, Napoleon.
2. At work, I project manage. I call up clients (or, really, email them to try to avoid The Phone), talk to graphic designers and technical people, and spend quite a lot of time surfing the ‘net for relative and irrelevant information.
3. I am proud of my son, who is, I am told, the MODEL of good behavior nad pleasant toddler-hood (they haven’t been here at 6:45 pm on a Friday!). I am proud of being a full-time-working-outside-the-home mom, even though I don’t like it.
4. I love drinking coffee outside in the morning, taking hikes when it’s overcast, reading a a good book with a blanket over my knees, watching my little boy play and discover stuff, and cheese. I hate the anticipation of crowded, overblown social events; mealy apples; long commutes on Friday afternoons; bad music; unloading the dishwasher.

18 years ago

Oooh fun!

I live with my husband, GW, a saint in his own right for merely putting up with me let alone always emptying the dishwasher; a perpetually hungry/whiny cat, and Bella, the cutest little puggle/rose-bush-killer in the world.

I’m a facilities manager so when I’m not moving people all over the place (modular furniture is so… NEAT because it’s so… FUCKING FLEXIBLE), I’m worrying about smelly drains, clogged toilets, and other glamerous building issues. I also deal with security stuff, but that’s kinda all I can say about that other than the fact that it is only slightly more glamerous than the facility stuff.

I’m proud of my husband, my friends, my family. I’m proud to be living in this country. I’m proud that I can bring people out of their shells in almost any situation (read: I am the annoying one you DON’T want sitting next to you on the plane); I’m proud of the fact that I made it 6 months without drinking; I’m not proud I didn’t make it longer, but I know I will next time.


1. SUNDRY entries! Love love LOVE them.
2. Fall
3. That broccoli/sunflowerseed/mayo “salad” — I mean, it’s good for you, right? Broccoli? Right.
4. Bella when she’s doing that “Oooh, I-want-to-stay-awake-but-I-can’t-head-nod-thing on my lap.”
5. I love my husband, and the thought of not having him in my life is not even something I can fathom, but my girlfriends… My God, my girlfriends (and I include my sister in this group). They truly do complete me.

Strongly Disklike/regret/resent (I’m actually not real fond of the word Hate, mostly because it leaves you no “outs”. Kinda like saying your an atheist… I mean…. a little wiggle room is good):

1. The phrase “You complete me”.
2. People whom you are kind enough to let in front of you in traffic and never acknowledge it — I mean, come ON. A wave? A blown kiss? A hundy?
3. For that matter, rude people period. I hate the fact that so many basic courtesys and manners have disappeared. I hate the fact that it’s okay for 14 year olds to dress like hookers. Ahem. Perhaps it’s time to move on.
4. I resent the fact that I’ve struggled with my weight my ENTIRE LIFE. I’m sure it’s helped to shape my dazzling (cough) personality, but there are times where I’d rather have the brains of and body of Daisy Duke than this vessel. And please, God. STOP with the gravity, okay?
5. I regret that I never got to know my Mom as an adult. She died when I was 13. I always wanted to have a Manhattan and a cigarette with her and gossip. She’d have a FIELD DAY with Britney Spears.

18 years ago

OK, I’ll delurk and play.

1. I live with my fab husband of almost 5 years and three cats, two of whom were my husband’s and one of whom was mine. We’re like the feline Brady Bunch over here.

2. Ugh, work. I do science-y things in an academic setting very near where Sundry lives, I do believe. My research is environmentally-oriented, which is cool, and at times very applied, which is also cool. I do a lot of stuff with computers, mostly, which is not so cool. I also am doing some freelance editing and layout work for my husband’s company, although that is kind of turning into a nightmarish situation that I prefer not to think about too much.

3. I am proud of being able to drive a stick shift well, the fact that I’ve been keeping up something resembling a regular exercise routine lately, and that I finally mastered the Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie this weekend.

4. Love: family/friends/pets, fresh cherries, hot showers after jogging, eating stuff grown in our very own garden, and snuggling with the kitties.
Hate: incorrect apostrophe usage, people who micromanage, people who abuse/mistreat animals and children, and that goddamn TV show “Married With Children,” the mere mention of which sends me into a rage even though it’s been off the air for years.