Honest to god song lyrics heard this morning through the shower as JB serenaded Riley:

“Don’t go chasing waterfalls, stick to the rivers and lakes you’re used to…”

Somebody needs to change the radio station he’s been listening to lately.

I wish I would have caught it on video, but now our shower has a glass door, and thus I’m probably banned from Capturing the Manhood in Full Pert-Soaped Glory, you know?

It’s not like the good old days, when a wife could humiliate her husband however she pleased:

(Heh. Just a little blast from the past, there. Also, holy crap, our bathroom looks totally different now.)

Okay, before naptime’s over I should maybe consider brushing my teeth, but real quick-like, I have some Extremely Important Questions for you:

• What are you doing this weekend? Do you have plans, or are you working, or just taking it easy, or what? Nosy-ass inquiring minds want to know.
• Anyone seen the new Scorsese flick? Is it any good?
• How many times can you say “Unique New York” without saying “Unique Yoo Nork”? My best record so far is zero.
• Is there any way to keep a toddler’s socks on if said toddler is intent on pulling them off? Staple gun?
• I think I have found my boots. You like?


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17 years ago

That video ROCKS. I tried to capture my husband doing some car dancing to Raspberry Beret, but you must be way more slick than I.

Also, I heard the Scorsese flick pretty much rocks, but haven’t yet seen it myself.

And “Unique New York” = twice. Slowly.

Lastly, those boots are the least hooker-ish ones I’ve seen yet, so, props.

17 years ago

I’m going to the Oregon Coast with my boyfriend. Patchy weather, some fog, some Pig n’ Pancake…it’s goooood times.

And the boots are awesome.

17 years ago

Just saw the Scorsese flick last night…it was SO good. Mark Wahlberg, Leonardo Dicapri-pickle, and Alec Baldwin had awesome roles, and played them amazingly. The ending was kinda, “Holy fuck!”, but still, wicked good movie. Definitely a go see!

17 years ago

This weekend we’re driving a couple of hours each way to pick out wedding rings and to get them engraved. Apparently engraving titanium is not something everyone can do. I’m very excited, although I didn’t expect to be – I’m usually pragmatic. This, though, the whole getting married thing, is making me silly and bouncy and giddy, which is very funny. Sunday we’re singing and have an extra rehearsal in the afternoon. Busy weekend, but it should be fun.

Nope, haven’t seen it yet.

3, apparently.

Heh. No way in the world, unless you want to try either duct tape or superglue. If they want the socks off, the socks come off.

Oooh, nice boots.

Have a great weekend!

17 years ago

1) I have nothing planned. I never have anything planned for the weekend. I would like to.
2) Haven’t seen it.
3) I got to 8.
4) I’m going to put garters on my daughter. The back seat of the car is littered with tiny socks because she takes them off before we reach daycare. Sometimes we don’t even make it out of the house.
5) Yes.

17 years ago

Twice, and then I end up saying, “Noo-yeek new york.”

I like the boots.

Haven’t seen the new Scorcese flick, but would like to.

Can’t help you with the toddler socks thing. Maybe epoxy?

This weekend I am hanging out with my sister and going to HOBO (Home Owner’s Bargain Outlet – the ghetto-tastic alternative to Home Depot) to assist her in her quest for a new bathtub. I am also cleaning my house and raking a frillion leaves from my yard, which is an exercise in futility because the lawn inevitably looks like I didn’t do a single thing by the time I’m done. It’s the one thing I truly loathe about fall: raking leaves.

I also forsee a trip to the dogpark in there somewhere.

Yes, my life is a non-stop thrill ride.

17 years ago

i’m cleaning out the garage (but it’s supposed to rain cats and dogs, so i’ll probably just do the closets – i have the world’s tiniest apartment, but i have TWO full closets and floor-to-vaulted-ceiling-cupboards and cabinets) and then i will spend the rest of the weekend cocooned in my apartment, working on my creme brulee. I fucked it up last weekend and now perfect creme brulee is my new mission in life. i will also be calling and bugging the BF because he swears he’s gonna study for his CQA exam all weekend, but if i can perfect the creme brulee i will lure him to my place with it. heh. i’m so mean.

17 years ago

Starting to train for Solvang (March 10) this weekend. Since it’s hard to get a sitter we havent’ seen the movie yet. Love the song. ;-)

17 years ago

When the shower curtain parts at the end, is that Dog entering the shower or Husband coming out.

Mary O
Mary O
17 years ago

Love the boots. I like the fact that they don’t have like a 10-inch spike heel, like most tall boots these days. I think of all the shoes that I’ve bought over the years, my tall black boots have been the best investment, because I wear them ALL THE TIME with such a variety of outfits. They are worth the slightly spendy price tag.

Boring weekend coming up! (Not boring…relaxing.) We need to knock a couple of things off of our ever-growing home-improvement checklist.

Also, the only way I’ve found to keep socks on my little guy’s feet is to put shoes on him too. (Preferably shoes that he can’t also pull off.) I usually just let him tool around the house barefooted and crank up the heater so that his little tootsies don’t get too cold.

17 years ago

That was FUCKING HYSTERICAL. I am peeing.

17 years ago

The boots have a 16″ shaft. I, of course, giggled my head off when reading this because I am as immature as the day is long.

17 years ago

Oh yeah, and I am working this weekend (wahoo…..), and I can say “Unique New York” six times before I flub it. Rawk.

17 years ago

We are going apple and pumpkin picking out in NJ tomorrow – if I find a trebuchet I’ll let you know!
Dying to see The Departed but have no babysitter – Netflix on the agenda tonight.
Unique New York – I actually managed to say it three times but that was after some practice. (yes, I’m a dork)
Everywhere I go, someone tells me that my daughter is missing a sock. It was 50 degrees here in New York today and the only way I could keep the socks on was by putting her Robeez on over them (so she could work on getting those off first).
I like the Bandolino boots…gotta love Zappos.

17 years ago

We don’t have many plans for the weekend. My stepdad’s dad is in the hosptiall and the question of him living or not is a definite one. So we will probably be spending the weekend with family. As for socks, when Ian is at home, I tuck the pants legs into the socks and roll them down (the socks) so they are tight but not tight enough to cut off circulation. It only prolongs the time till I have to put the socks on again. BTW, they need to make beeping socks because we lose so many of them. *smile* Glad you found some great boots. Not seen the film and don’t remember the last time I set foot in the movie theater.

17 years ago

First on the socks: get one of those thingys parents clip kids mittens on, then loop it through the back & sleeves of the kid’s coat. You know what I mean? Get a big one, and use it for keeping Riley’s socks on.

Second, boots = nice. Mainly, any shoe which is described using the term “shaft” just HAS to be great.

Third, this weekend I am working, teaching a group of 120 Missouri kids about white-tailed deer and how to shoot them and field dress them. My job rocks, yeah. Ok, now everyone go ahead and dissect me for my barbaric ways, but YES we kill & eat deer here in Missouri.

17 years ago

I am nesting! My DH is gone to Victoria for a 2-night bachelor’s party, and as I am almost 32 weeks pregnant, I am cleaning and sewing some things for the nursery, unpacking a bunch of shower gifts, and maybe painting/drawing a little artwork for the walls of the room. If I can squeeze it in, I’m also making (and canning) applesauce, getting a pedicure, and catching up on Project Runway episodes as well as a tivo’d chick-flick. I will try to sleep in and mosy around in my pajamas all day. I will, for one weekend only, wish I were back in Connecticut to see the leaves change. Otherwise, I don’t miss it a bit!

I want to see the scorsese flick, but will wait until DH returns. The boots are awesome. I only managed to say Unique New York once, but I’m really good at Red Leather Yellow Leather and Toy Boat.

Ahhh, crap, babies need socks? Back to the store- I have so much to learn :)

17 years ago

LOVE the boots.

I never found the secret to toddler socks. My kids always had one sock off the the other dragging behind them like a dirty deflated balloon.

This weekend my husband will take boy 7 and boy 5 to airshow while mom 38 engages in the torture of shopping for jeans. There will also be family movie viewing and pizza eating. A quiet weekend overall.

Jenny J.
17 years ago

Damn it Kari! I was coming here to make the 16″ shaft joke!

17 years ago

HAAAA! My husband also chose the titanium band because of The Abyss!

17 years ago

Ha ha..I’m with Kari on this one.

All I saw was:

16″ shaft.
13″ circumference.

And all I thought was….”um, ouch?”

17 years ago

Those boots are killer. I love Zappos, btw. Best customer service. I bought a pair and they sent the wrong size, so I sent them back and they sent me another pair and gave me a gift certificate for my troubles.

Also, if you catch him singing anything by Salt-n-Pepa, please tape it.

17 years ago

They don’t say it’s a race but the riders who are in good shape (not me) treat it as such. I am happy if I don’t have a coronary. ;-) I haven’t been training in over ten years (since we had kids oddly enought) and I did an easier ride last weekend without dying so I though I would try something harder. A Titanium band would have been soooo cool, I have to look into swapping my gold thing out for one of those.
I would never put sock on the kids so don’t know how to help on that one.
I could say “Unique New York” as long as I long as I was reading it but screwed up when I looked away (different parts of the brain involved).

17 years ago

I’m going to sit in a warm car and proofread while my boyfriend swims from Alcatraz and jogs himself to an untimely death. Oh yes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_from_Alcatraz_(triathlon)

Inquiring minds will check back to see how the boots treat with you. (Read the fine print to make sure they’re made for walkin’.)

17 years ago

The Departed was fantastic. In my own humble opinion, it was Scorsese’s best since Casino. No joke about the end, either. At one point I said “holy shit!” out loud–it was reflex.

Weekend plans: cleaning house, making green minestrone, watching movies. I know–woo hoo.

17 years ago

watching that video i so felt like i was in your house and it scared me just a little bit. i feel as if i already know enough about you guys and that was too spyish for me. hahah. yes i am a freak.

-plans for the weekend as of yet: nada. my bf and i will probably go see a movie, food shop and go out to dinner tomorrow night. nothing exciting. after reading about the creme brulee maybe i’ll make these: http://www.boston.com/ae/food/articles/2004/10/13/my_mothers_pumpkin_chocolate_chip_cookies/?p1=email_to_a_friend

-i saw the departed. excellent movie although a bit trigger happy. being from boston i was highly critical of the sometimes sucky accents but good movie overall.

-twice on new york.

-toddlers aren’t mean to wear socks. i have a niece who is 15.5 months and still refuses to wear anything on her feet, nor does she like jackets. poor parents.

-love the boots. i love flat boots and in brown? *swoon*. i want new boots even though i am really not able to afford them at the moment. tuition in january= killer.

sorry for the insanely long comment. *takes a breath*

17 years ago

This weekend, I am going to play video games and sit on my ass, while my husband does the same. I am going to try to force myself to get outside and take a 3 mile walk at least once. We’ll see if that happens!

Not yet to the Scorsese flick.

Unique New York – that was fun and cracked me up! On my tries, I could do it once, twice, then four times without screwing it up. Perhaps I get exponentially better ever time I try? I’m just going to pretend that’s true.

As for the socks – superglue?

Those boots are cool! Enjoy ’em!

17 years ago

1. I’m going to the Red Bank International Film Festival in Red Bank, NJ. Check out the website at http://rbiff.org/

2. Haven’t seen the Scorcese flick, and I don’t think RBIFF will have it. Oh well.

3. I got to 8, but f-ed up when I got too cocky.

4. Never underestimate the power of distraction. Also a great way to keep a cat from eating paperback books.

5. Love the boots. I love that they’re kinda sexy-like but don’t have big heels. I’m 5’10” so that can be a bonus for me.

amy (southkona)
17 years ago

socks- what worked for us was moving to Hawaii where no one wears them :)

the last movie I saw in the theater was Curious George. life with five kids. we have found a great babysitter though- just have to convince the three month old that occasional bottles really are OK.

this weekend- we have kids’ club at our church on Friday nights (I teach 2-4 year olds) while my husband has his weekly massage appointment. what’s wrong with this picture?? Saturday my three oldest kids have soccer games and we’re going to a housewarming party in the late afternoon where we’ll probably stay all evening. no idea about Sunday yet.

made it three times on unique new york

pretty boots!

17 years ago

That movie was GREAT. Go see it!

17 years ago

NICE boots! They are exactly the kind of boots I coveted as a tuff teenager back in the day (“bitch stomping boots” is the phrase my eyelinered chums and I used).

This weekend: viewing pleasures abound. A Friday the 13th burlesque show, the New Orleans Film Festival (my only chance to see many good good movies that otherwise won’t come to the South), and probably some quality time with the 3rd season of the Sopranos since my man and I are late to that party, but loving it so damn much. Oh, and reading Neil Gaiman’s American Gods.

For those that have seen the Departed–is there a man-love scene between Jack and Leo or did I hallucinate someone telling me this?

17 years ago

1. This is my weekend for fall debauchery here in the Northwest. To the Redhook Brewery for lunch (by which I mean brewery tour), to the South 47 farm for the corn maze adventure, and then home for apple cider and pumpkin eviscerating.

2. Not yet, but the BF gets home Sunday night so maybe sometime this next week.

3. I got to 11, a talent for which I think years of choir warmups and tongue twisters.

4. Absolutely no idea. Double sided tape?

5. Good boots, and less likely to make you fall down when it gets slick out than those stiletto-type numbers.

Anne L.
Anne L.
17 years ago

Hmmm… Saturday is the first day off my husband and I have off together in months, so we are going to a place called Green Lakes (Upstate NY) for a nice chilly fall walk in the woods and a picnic for two. Then out to dinner at “our” restaurant. Then, MOVIE NIGHT!!! What movie, I don’t know, but it will be in an actual theater with popcorn, soda, Milk Duds and everything! WOO!

17 years ago

I saw “The Departed”; it was definitely worth seeing. I’m still thinking about it a week later, and want to see it again. That’s about as highly as I can recommend any movie. :)

This weekend, I am taking it as easy as possible. I never get a chance to watch TV during the week, so I have lots of poker to catch up on, as well as “Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel”. I can’t wait!

17 years ago

• What are you doing this weekend? Do you have plans, or are you working, or just taking it easy, or what? Nosy-ass inquiring minds want to know. – We are lounging! It’s the first weekend in a while we haven’t been going out of town! I’m really looking forward to sleeping in and maybe getting some good breakfast! 5 Spot Cafe! Also, we might watch the UFC fight somewhere tomorrow :)
• Anyone seen the new Scorsese flick? Is it any good? – N/A
• How many times can you say “Unique New York” without saying “Unique Yoo Nork”? My best record so far is zero. – 5, damnit!
• Is there any way to keep a toddler’s socks on if said toddler is intent on pulling them off? Staple gun?- Maybe you need to put him in some man tights! er um, boy tights~ Do they make these? Maybe knee socks?

17 years ago

1. watching carpet dry (we just had all the carpet in our house cleaned, first time in 6 years with 2 black labs and 2 cats)
2. not me, no interest
3. 5 but then it turned into nu-yeek u-nork
4. duct tape, lots and lots of duct tape, around and around and around his shins
5. nice boots

17 years ago

1. I am taking high school students on a fossil hunting excursion. Let’s find some fossil seashells! Go Pycodonte! Yeah Exogyra!
2. Nope.
3. Hee. My brother always tries to sing along to that Decemberists song, but he never gets it right.
4. Nope, sorry. It is just not possible.
5. Very nice – they look like dressage boots. Actually, if that’s the style you’re looking for, why not just buy dressage boots? They’re usually available in a variety of calf sizes, and a good pair will last forever.

Aunt Linda
Aunt Linda
17 years ago

Single worst movie ending of all time. I mean, the baboon’s ass of endings. Otherwise, pretty good. AL

17 years ago

Sorry, can’t help you with the Toddler taking his socks of problem, but if you get any suggestions that might work for my son who insists on taking his pants off and wriggling around the room in his diaper, please let me know.
Winter is coming and the floor is getting slightly frosty.

17 years ago

The only way I’ve ever been able to keep a toddler’s socks on is with shoes. And even THAT doesn’t always work, with wily toddlers who can also remove shoes.

The boots are hot stuff.

Weekend plans: whining, barfing, weeping. (First trimester.)

kara marie
17 years ago

–I just finished a hellish work week, and went grocery shopping so I won’t have to leave the house/neighborhood this weekend. Tonight I’m going to attempt to clean the house, so the next two days I can work on some paintings without feeling guilty. I also need to take the dog for a few runs. And I should rake. And I want to read. We’ll see.
–Haven’t seen it.
–I got to about four.
–Cute boots–it’s hard to find cute black ones without high heels. Hooray!

17 years ago

1. Well we’re a day ahead here…last night I was meant to be going to my friends bar, but my cat didn’t come home for dinner, so I stayed home in case she came home and was hungry. Am good like that. I don’t know what I’m doing tonight though – I think Nate’s downloading the Lost episode that just showed in the States so we can watch it, and I’m not sure after that!
2. I haven’t seen it
3. Twice! I messed up on the third time.
4. ha. That just reminded me – One of my friends from high school had the quirkiest mother ever, and she told us this thing that her mother used to do in order to keep her in one place. She used to put red food colouring on her leg, tell her it was blood, then put her in front of the TV for a couple of hours so she’d sit still and be too scared to move. Probably the most horrible thing I’ve ever heard, but my friend grew up okay, so its hard to be too shocked!
5. Very classy. I like equestrian style stuff.

17 years ago

First, the video cracked me up. Also? Caused my husband to walk up behind me and ask what it was all about. Then threaten horrible things if I ever did anything like that to him. You know what? He should learn…threatening me only makes the urge stronger.

This weekend? A Harvest Festival with the kiddies. Stagecoach rides and bluegrass bands, I’m actually really looking forward to it. Oh, and Midway games! Woo! Useless prizes!

Love the boots. I have the same problem as you. Despite the fact that my legs are the only part of my body that are still reasonably shapely (as in, the shape you would reasonably expect that body part to be) all those boots make my calves bulge over the tops like very jiggly (and extremely pale) jello.

17 years ago

The Grandparents are in town this week for my birthday and elliot’s 1st, so this weekend will be an extension of the fun birthday celebration. We’re gonna hit the end of the season ‘holy shit it’s cold outside’ garage sales, blow dry the winterization plastic on the windows, put the garden hose away, not to mention all my planters (good bye pansys and geraniums, see you next summer!) and maaaybe just maaaaybe the honey and I will make it to a movie (see above: grandparents are IN TOWN!)

Maybe we’ll see that movie this weekend because let me say it one more time THE GRANPARENTS ARE IN TOWN. Hot dawg that rocks.

I was messing up the “new york” thingy and my husband asked what I was saying (headphones on) and when I told him he smirked cause he’d read this entry before me heh! Oh, and I only said it three times badly.

The boots are cute and very equestrian-esque.

17 years ago

As your Paris-based style advisor, I give you two thumbs up on the boots. One for practicality, one for “currently seen everywhere on the streets of Paris.” Good choice, Grasshopper.

17 years ago

This weekend, I will be exploring more of the Island, hopefully getting a hike in up in Pololu Valley (psst…amy southkona…am I correct in assuming you live in Kona? I *just* moved to Kona last month. hi!) I am also going to spend a bunch of time at the library, gathering up a solid pile of reading.

Toddler socks are a losing battle, but the mock mitten get-up was a pretty good idea.

I will be seeing that movie. At some point. Assuming it plays at a theate near me, of course.

I. Love. Those. Boots.

17 years ago

1. Making a pearl bracelet
2. Haven’t seen it.
3. Three, and i tried for ages.
4. Let him go barefoot.
5. Love the boots.


17 years ago

Doing the pumpkin patch this weekend…the weather finally changed! Oh and trying to figure out movie maker or something so I can attempt that whole movie thing…so awesome.

Havent seen it, but saw a preview for the new Quentin Tarentino movie yesterday and want to see that.

I can’t say it the first time

Don’t need no stinkin socks….forget about it.

Love those boots, I can’t do the pointy skinny heals.

Have a great weekend.

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