January 24, 2007

I am trying to eat better.

I can’t type the words I am dieting because I feel like that will instantly jinx me and I’ll find myself eating fistfuls of Krispy-Kreme-and-bacon sandwiches while power-chugging melted lard. Or something.

God, that was gross. The melted lard part, I mean. Because Krispy Kreme and bacon? Together? Clearly I have just invented some sort of culinary holy matrimony! In fact, let us all just take a moment to let the angelic chorus reverberate through this web page. Boowaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

It’s been nearly 17 months since Riley was born and it’s taken me this long to feel anything more than a fleeting sense of unhappiness about my body. Nothing much has changed, I haven’t gained or lost any weight to speak of, but I think it’s finally time to be serious about getting in shape.

JB and I have created some really unhealthy eating habits — mostly stemming around nightly “treats” that involve baking cookies or having ice cream or whatever. It’s like…this thing we do together, that is fun and indulgent, after the boy is asleep and we both feel, however briefly, like our responsibilities are lifted.

We don’t drink, after all. We don’t smoke. What do we do? Eat cookies, that’s what.

Well, the food-as-reward thing might work long term if I had the metabolism of a toddler, but sadly I do not. Plus, it gets kind of pathological, feeling destitute if you can’t access the magical combination of sugar and bad television, you know?

So I’m cutting that shit out and substituting healthy snacks and I’m trying to make sure our dinners do not include an actual square foot of melted cheese and etc, etc, etc. I’d like to fit back into a size 8, or at the very least be a leaner, healthier size 10.

I want to feel more attractive, basically. Right now, I feel completely invisible: out of shape, sort of frumpy, nothing particularly pleasing to the eye. It’s spectacularly unsexy.

I just weighed myself (am I really about to type this oh my god I am) — after dinner, but also after peeing, and on a questionable scale that had an embarrassing amount of dust on it, I weigh 148 pounds. I’m going to check back in with you on my progress or lack thereof, not because I have any misconceptions over your level of interest (I know, blogging about dieting is about as thrilling as blogging about children, which is to say I should really starting writing about Cat more often because hoo boy, TRIFECTA OF SUCK HERE I COME) but because I am going to hold myself accountable, by thunder.


My friend Jen came over today with her 10-month-old son Theo, and while Riley was pretty interested in Theo’s presence (“BA BA!”), he was awfully possessive about his stuff. God forbid another baby drool on one of his eight thousand plastic blocks, you know. It was sort of funny to watch him manufacture a deep and emotional attachment to some toy he’d been ignoring for the past month, but at the same time I was a little dismayed by his bogarting ‘tude.

Luckily, we discovered the perfect activity for the two kidlets:


Of course, it would be nicer if that were Riley pushing Theo around, being as how Theo was the guest and all, but maybe next time.


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17 years ago

Hey guess what–you and me are about the same size! I’ve managed to drop 5 or so pounds recently. And just that little bit of difference in how your PANTS fit does wonders for one’s self esteem. Not to say that esteem is tied up in image, but that having one’s pants fit properly and not be pinching your belly or giving you a permanent front-wedgie is a wonderful thing.

Anyway, I also think it’s wonderful that you are eating better. What I did was make a list of all my “weakness” foods with the word NO at the top and put it in my wallet. Then I didn’t allow myself to eat those things. Because I’m the type of person who needs rules. Otherwise I’ll say to myself “Oh it’ll just be this one time…” and then it’s all downhill from there. Top of my NO list was pizza. Then cookies, candy, ice cream, donuts, etc. Generally we don’t have that stuff at home–so it was a matter of making myself say NO (um, to myself) when I passed by them in the breakroom at work.

Also–weight yourself first thing in the morning every time you do it. That is the time of day to get your most accurate weight. And also if you do it at the same time (every day, or whenever) your weight will be more constant and you can guage whether you’ve lost weight without worrying about whether or not the extra pound is because you just ate dinner or whatever.


17 years ago

Hey guess what–you and me are about the same size! I’ve managed to drop 5 or so pounds recently. And just that little bit of difference in how your PANTS fit does wonders for one’s self esteem. Not to say that esteem is tied up in image, but that having one’s pants fit properly and not be pinching your belly or giving you a permanent front-wedgie is a wonderful thing.

Anyway, I also think it’s wonderful that you are eating better. What I did was make a list of all my “weakness” foods with the word NO at the top and put it in my wallet. Then I didn’t allow myself to eat those things. Because I’m the type of person who needs rules. Otherwise I’ll say to myself “Oh it’ll just be this one time…” and then it’s all downhill from there. Top of my NO list was pizza. Then cookies, candy, ice cream, donuts, etc. Generally we don’t have that stuff at home–so it was a matter of making myself say NO (um, to myself) when I passed by them in the breakroom at work.

Also–weigh yourself first thing in the morning every time you do it. That is the time of day to get your most accurate weight. And also if you do it at the same time (every day, or whenever) your weight will be more constant and you can guage whether you’ve lost weight without worrying about whether or not the extra pound is because you just ate dinner or whatever.


17 years ago

I know that you’ve received so many non-dieting-just-being-healthy tips, and you’ll probably never make it down this far. But it’s true that little things make a difference, or at the very least won’t pack more pounds on. I have an un-quenchable sweet tooth, especially in the evening hours, so rather than deny myself, I’ve just tried to find alternatives that will still satisfy me.

– have dried fruit (that you like) for when you need a sweet snack or dessert. I loooove dried mango or cranberries. Raisins? Would never view them as a treat, but the mango just does it for me.
– yogurt is also good for a sweet snack/dessert, but be careful not to get the ones that are too sugary. Dannon gives me a sugar seizure, but I really like Wallaby. Plus, acidopholus & calcium!
– green tea in the afternoon helps to keep the snacking monster at bay. Plus, anti-oxidants & caffeine!

I also indulge in hot cocoa and occasionally light ice cream/frozen yogurt. But even having that stuff in the freezer ensures I’ll eat about 300 more calories a day than I need until I’m licking the carton clean, so I generally just ignore the freezer aisle.

And the last thing, although it’s been said a million times and we don’t like hearing it: exercise is absolutely essential and makes all the difference. You just have to find a way to fit it in everyday, even if it’s just walking during errands.

17 years ago

For you, honestly, there is no such thing as a trifecta of suck. You could write about watching paint dry (to drag out the lamest cliche I can find) and I would voraciously read it. So there. Bring it on, man. Diet, cat, baby — we want it all!

I am with Leah on the Big-Ass Salad, by the way, which I mentioned in her comments can be switcheroo’d into a Big-Ass Soup in the winter, since, for me, the last thing I want to do when it’s freezing out is to dive into cold, crunchy veggies. Nay. I throw some tomato soup (creamy if I’m so inclined), some precooked chicken (I am not above the Perdue Shortcut), a can of chickpeas, maybe some corn, maybe whatever frozen veggies I have, and some presliced mushrooms into a pot and let it simmer for a bit with some minced garlic and other random spices/seasonings.

It’s SO easy, and since I get home after 8 usually and am ready to tear my face off in hunger, easy is key. And by the way? If you want to add some kick to a soup? Throw in some V8. Seriously. Good stuff.

And my husband and I never skip dessert, even if it’s just a couple of pieces of dark chocolate (Hershey’s Special Dark, O! how I love thee!).

On this “eating better” plan (not that we eat the soup or salad EVERY night; we vary it with whole wheat pasta/veggies, stir fry and of course ordering in stuff like Thai and whatnot), both of us have remained the same (healthy, low) weight for about 4 years (erm, we don’t weight the same as each other; I mean…well, you know what I mean). And that’s even when, like now, we’re in a too-lazy-to-exercise phase.

Also, and this is so doofy sounding, we bring our own lunches to work — sandwich, yogurt, fruit. It’s boring, but keeps me away from the Combo’s in the vending machine. MOST of the time.

God, did you even want all this advice? I just spewed it all over your comments. So sorry! I am sure you know how to eat! Doy.

17 years ago

My guilty pleasure….potato chips…yum…could eat them for DAYS on end..is that bad???

I do Weight Watchers online….I am a “tracking” nerd..so I love entering my points and planning my menu…anywho…it really opened my eyes to bad eating habits (what is portion size???) and now I am down 17 pounds….

I LOVE the hair.

And please do blog abot Cat…..

17 years ago

The V8 is completely optional! I always thought it was really gross, too, but in the soup it’s hardly noticeable, and it’s not the same as drinking tomato-y stuff, which is just so odd — nevertheless: optional.

God, I can’t help myself, and I hate sounding even remotely preachy especially about food matters, because honestly I couldn’t care less what other people eat, mostly because other people getting overly interested in what *I* eat feels like a weird invasion of privacy, which clearly is my issue and also weird. On the other hand, in general, of course, I am in favor of us all eating better because, you know, let’s all resist the tyranny of the snack food oligopoly and the fast food nation and all that.

So. That said, I will also add this: aside from pretzels (which are so, so tasty dipped in hummus — Sabra hummus and Bachmann butter twist pretzels specifically) and maybe some cashews, I don’t keep snacky things in the house. If I want a snack, I am forced either to go hungry or to eat carrots. And sometimes that makes me grumble and moan, but I definitely feel better post-carrots than I would if I’d eaten a whole bag of chips. Which I would totally do, if said chips were in our house.

Thus endeth the comment-y spree.

17 years ago

Ooh – can we do a weekly “good eating” discussion and talk about your (and OUR) progress? That really piques my interest – I love to hear that other people are having the same struggles/issues as me. I WISH I weighed 148 pounds. Me, I’m in the size 12’s, looking longingly at those Seven jeans I used to fanny about in and even more longingly at the size 6 khakis and “slacks” (for work, man). I am willing to settle for an 8 or even 10 but am truly tired of the 12, for sure. Anyway, I am inspired to some degree by all of the posts. I think you look great, but I totally understand that feeling of dissatisfaction – especially since having a kid! Really changes things, doesn’t it? Hey, the Krispy Kreme bacon sandwich sounds fabulous. When I was pregnant, I was fond of a grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich with bacon – the “Elvis.” It sounds gross at first but I am telling you – the salt with the sweet – mmmm. Hence, my size 12’s. And I’ve actually LOST 50 pounds since I gave birth (only 40 of which was baby-related)! I’m off the Elvis sandwiches but still have a hard time turning down a good burrito… Good luck on your quest for health and the size 8 and keep us posted!

17 years ago

I miss Cat. I would like to hear a few Cat stories.

You will think I am totally kissing up, but I am totally telling the truth when I say you have a figure most women would be seriously willing to kill somebody to have. A size TEN? In your THIRTIES? Jesus. *Looking around to see who I could kill, if such a bargain were possible*

17 years ago

Please. Oh please. Tell me there are more pictures of Riley & Theo. Because the cuteness is AWESOME.
Good luck! I’m trying to change my eating habits too. Unfortunately, I am also full of excuses & justifications. And Goldfish crackers. I think I eat more like a three-year old now in my 20’s than I did when I was 3.

17 years ago

mmm..krispy kreme…

17 years ago

Good luck with your change in lifestyle, I know you can do it. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes a couple months ago and I think that controlling my carbs is the only reason I haven’t gained 80 pounds while pregnant. This has been a huge lifestyle change for me and I have learned so much about my diet through this. Now that I’m in the hospital (Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes) and have to get my food ordered from the food services people (who, by the way can nix anything I ask for… drat!) I have learned yet another thing that I guess, deep down, I really did know but never let myself believe… portion control is such a big thing! I love food. Period. So, when I eat, I eat because I like the taste of it and I keep eating until I can’t eat anymore. Here, I have no choice, they are giving me my food and I am amazed at what a real portion of food truly looks like and that I can eat a “true” portion and I don’t feel hungry. I would have never thought this. So, when I am no longer pregnant and want to lose weight, I’m going to remember these lessons I learned while pregnant: that too many carbohydrates are bad and I can limit them without too much trouble and that I don’t need to eat until I can barely move. Add in a little exercise and maybe I can get back down to my perfect weight of 125-130 instead of 155? I’ll be watching for your progress, Linda, and rooting for you. Keep us posted.

PS) Katie, PUH-LEASE email me the frappucino-ish recipe also. I’m dying to have it.

17 years ago

Crap! I guess the email address doesn’t come through… telegirl@email.com. Thanks!

17 years ago

Krispy Kreme – bacon sandwiches? Isn’t McDonald’s already sort of doing that with the McGriddle?

But yeah, Linda, 148 is NOT fat (unless you’re like, 4’5″). I hate to uh, weigh in with the other dieters, but, uh, yeah, the low carb thing really does work IMHO. You don’t have to go all crazy-ass Atkins on your body, and you don’t have to really reduce your calories very much, either, but just avoiding sugar, flour (including “whole” wheat, which usually isn’t), white potatoes, white rice, etc. will work magic. Avoiding “white” foods (well, you also have to avoid fruit juice, sorry) stabilizes your blood sugar & you don’t get the nasty mood swings, food cravings, mid-afternoon fatigue, post-prandial drowsiness, etc. You feel better. You don’t feel like you’re dieting. You start to avoid the white foods not because you think “I’m on a diet so cannot eat the forbidden pasta,” but because you think, “Gah, that’s just gonna make me feel awful.”

17 years ago

That’s what I weigh too. I’ve lost….um, a bunch…..lately, but I’d love to lose about 20 more.

I suppose in light of the “eating better” goal I should not offer to hook you up with my Girl Scout cookie selling six year old. I probably shouldn’t buy any for myself either. But the Thin Mints, they call my name.

Mrs. Breedorf
17 years ago

Oh, how I love that photo of the beh-behs. The perfection of the Theo-push, Riley-ride arrangement was beautiful to behold. A true win-win.

17 years ago

And now I have had Adam Ant stuck in my head for hours. Thanks so much.

(Uh, I have nothing else useful to add.)

17 years ago

I’m still struggling with feeling deprived about being diabetic, but when I think I’m going to tear my hair out craving chocolate, I’ve found a secret weapon: Jell-O sugar-free pudding, which now comes in chocolate mochacchino (!) and chocolate mint fudge. The packaging in single-serving cups acts as a built-in portion control, too. Blue Bunny sugar-free ice cream bars (made with Splenda) are amazingly good, too, especially the peanut butter fudge and raspberry cheesecake flavors. I don’t indulge too often because they kind of reinforce the wanting-chocolate thing, but they’re great emergency treats.
Oh, and I loathe drinking V-8, too, but it makes a terrific base for a veggie soup.

17 years ago

Oh, the babies look like two little old guys, on their way to the golf course. I’m squeeing over here, and I’m not a squee-er.

Hey, we weigh the same amount! Though, I have to really suck it in to get into a size 10. Damn Western European peasant stock in my genes. I’ve been trying to eat better myself, which has mostly involved keeping lots of fruit in the house to grab instead of chips/cookies/crackers, as well as trying to stick to that whole “just eat HALF of what’s on your plate” thing. I’ve lost two pounds so far, so I guess it’s working out.

17 years ago

Your dreams could come true, complete with picture: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=2362369

17 years ago

I meant to respond to this yesterday. I’m right with you on the baby weight issue. I have been very lucky to have a gym close but baby-raising doesn’t provide you with much time to work out. It’s a good release but there are so many better things to do with your time when the baby is sleeping or if you happen to have a babysitter.

My daughter is a few weeks shy of a year and I have almost gotten back to pre-pregnancy weight. But my body is not even close to being what it was and my stomach, dear God, has wrinkles!!! And they don’t seem to want to go away. What does it take to be sexy or even feel sexy again? I saw something on TV about a woman who lost a lot of weight and one of her hints was to drink a glass of water and wait 15 mins when she wanted to eat something bad. I’ve tried it…it does help with the cravings sometimes. :)


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