September 11, 2007

I have another blogging-related question for you, since you guys are always so insightful and smart and shit (seriously, it’s kind of intimidating, visualizing all of your ginormous pulsating brains. I bet you’re good at math, too, and you can parallel park without backing and filling nine thousand times, and I bet you can even put on mascara without gaping your mouth wide open like a Golden Retriever).

Starting sometime in the next week or so, I’ll be writing a blog for Work It, Mom!. I know, you’re probably thinking that the last thing the internet needs is another goddamned blog from me, because haven’t I sullied the web enough with my foul language and tiresome Simpsons references and inability to spell “restaurant” without using a spellchecker every single time?

Well of course not. Voluminous Blog Content of Dubious Quality, that’s my motto!

Work It, Mom! asked me a while back if I’d be interested in doing this, and I reluctantly declined because I thought it would be hard to find the extra time. Lately, though, I’ve been thinking that things like interesting writing projects are things I need to make time for, as long as I can do it without jettisoning any other things I love to do (you know, like spending time with my son. Oh, and watching television while flopped on the couch and eating fistfuls of Triscuits).

So I’ve decided vacuuming is off my to-do list starting now, because I’m positive that will free up a useful amount of time each week. Say, anyone need some extra dog fur? I HAVE LOTS.

Anyway, the blog is going to be focused on product recommendations, parenting tips, and idea-sharing—fun, useful stuff for busy moms. We’ve been kicking around name ideas, and I could really use your feedback. Here’s what’s in the hopper:

Mixed Bag
Milk and Cookies
Tools of the Trade
A La Mode
Creature Comforts
The Right Stuff

Are any of those jumping out at you? Let me know what your top choice is, and if you have a blog name idea of your own, please share!


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16 years ago

Another vote for Milk and Cookies.

16 years ago

Actually, I like Milk & Cookies … with a little backwash. Nothing says sharing a drink with a toddler like getting it back with extras thrown in!

16 years ago

How about “Finger foods”

16 years ago

Yeah, Milk and Cookies. Comfort foods from moms! Tools of the Trade sounds too DIYish – and not warm or fuzzy enough.

I can spell most anything, but typing them is a different story! So I type into my custom dictionary all the words I consistently spell wrong with all versions of my mispellings and then it changes it automatically while I type. Works for me!

16 years ago

To me, Tools of the Trade is the most AWESOME, and therefore the most YOU, because dude, you said “tool”. I know that I both USE tools of the trade and AM a tool of the trade, if you know what I mean.

Also, THANK YOU for the restaurant thing. I cannot spell that shit to save my life. I want it to be “restaraunt”. But it is not.

16 years ago

Milk & Cookies is jumping out at me, but that might just be because I need breakfast. Good luck deciding!

16 years ago

Dude, am I the only one who learned “Ew, there is an -ant at the restaurant!”? It helps me remember that the u doesn’t go with the second a.

Jen O.
16 years ago

At first I liked ‘Milk and Cookies’, but then someone said it was already taken, so that’s no good. Then I liked ‘A la Mom’. But now I like ‘Tools of the Trade’ because, like Tessie, I giggled when you said ‘tool’. And saying funny cuss words is SO sundry.

16 years ago

Milk and Cookies, because mmm…those would be good right about now.

Niki P.
Niki P.
16 years ago

how about Milk and Cookies a la mode??? (I am one of those people who tries to make EVERYONE happy)

16 years ago

How about Mom’s da Bomb? Kidding. KIDDING.

Okay, in the milk and cookies (sweet mommy stuff) realm, what about:
Warm Fuzzies
Baby Love
Tip Jar
Everyday Q & A
You Want Fries with That? (Kidding. AGAIN.)

My favorite for now is: Warm Fuzzies.

I’ll keep thinkin’!

16 years ago

None of the titles is really screaming out to me…. what about…. hmmmmm…

The Juice Box.

Don’t Forget Your Lunch Box!

The Jungle Gym.

Recess For Mommies.

Man, sounds like I’m crushing on boxes!

Leticia Sembera
Leticia Sembera
16 years ago

I like the Tip Jar (suggested by McWriter)…but what about the “Cookie Jar” instead? Or, Box of Chocolates (playing on the Forest Gump reference).

16 years ago

Milk and cookies! Milk and cookies!

16 years ago

Oddly, I like either “mixed bag” because it suits you or “milk & cookies” because it is how every harried mom I know placates a child.

16 years ago

I like Tip Jar best! (Great suggestion McSister-in-law) =)

But if you want a choice from your list – A la mode

16 years ago

I like Mixed Bag the best! Yay! More blogs!!

16 years ago

Tools of the Trade. It’s kind of the only name that made me want to read it. ;o)

16 years ago

You are always frank that I am compelled to be as well -I don’t like any of them. Here’s what I came up with: MacGyver Mom -tools and tricks.

If I had to I would pick it would be Mom Ala Mode but once I start thinking about pie with ice cream I think The Cherry on Top which I like better and lends itself to cooler logos than melting ice cream does.

16 years ago

I like Tools of the Trade, but like someone else said, I’ll read it no matter what. I’m a working-pregnant-mom of three-with a remodel going on. I need all the help I can get.

I don’t wear mascara, but I have real trouble spelling “license” without help.

Also, in Russian? “Restaurant” looks like PECTOPAH (“restoran”). Which doesn’t help anyone spell it, but every time I see it in English, I think, “Pectopah!” Oohhh-kay, I’ll take my craziness away now.

And, I never share drinks with my daughter. She once was a backwasher and just the thought of it made my stomach churn. She may not do it anymore, but I’m not taking chances. She always gets her own cup. Urk.

16 years ago

Mommy Gearist

16 years ago

I think “Life in the Fast Lane” would be cool, but I’m not your target demograph, so my opinion doesn’t really count.

16 years ago

I like Tools of the Trade from your list.

Running with that whole “tools” idea, how about “Swiss Army Mom?”

(The idea being that you have an idea, product or tip for every occasion!)

16 years ago

Tools of the Trade really stand out for me!!!

16 years ago

milk and cookies!
mmmm..milk and cookies…

16 years ago

mom’s mount (n)everest

16 years ago

I love Mommy Gearist, suggested above! I like something that either ties it into a work theme (Tools of the Trade out of the ones listed is best for that) or some way to suggest that it’s tips, lots of tips (i.e., The Tip Jar) or something about how it’s meant to help moms who are otherwise swamped (Life Preserver, maybe?).

I am not good at this, as you can see, but I would be so into reading the blog once you get started! I think there is a dearth of bloggie stuff out there geared toward working moms.

16 years ago

I am not really overly drawn to any of them for some reason….I guess I would pick Milk and Cookies. I like the above Mom A La Mode suggestion too!

Melissa H
16 years ago

I like Tools of the Trade and The Right Stuff. Creature Comforts would only work for a petcare blog (I think). I’m glad you decided to say yes to work it mom. Vacuuming is very overrated (and is also a word I can’t spell without spell check)

16 years ago

Mommy Gearist totally cracks me up! :o)

16 years ago


16 years ago

I have this tendency to misread things and find something I like from that. Kind of a poetic lyrical dyslexia……. anyways I like “Tools for the Tirades”, or “Creature Comforts” because I love Nick Parks.
As for parallel parking I am very good at it, grew up in a city. On the other hand I suck at that other kind you do at the Mall….what is that called?
Mascara? Barely know how to put it on let alone know whether or not my mouth is open.
Math…….not my best attribute (see Dyslexia issue above)

16 years ago

I vote for Mixed Bag!

16 years ago

Mixed Bag is awesome for it’s flexibility… but what about “Sucto-pedia”
probably needs too much backstory eh?

16 years ago

I like mixed bag but honestly I think they all kinda suck. How about ‘Holy shit, where did all these fucking kids come from?’ That would rock.

16 years ago

Ummm, how about:

LindA La Mode? :) With the ‘a” in Linda upper-case on purpose? :)

16 years ago

I’m not too fond of any of those. How about “I Love Lamp”? You know, lover of stuff, quoting funny things, etc. Such as.

Did that joke get old already? Oops.

16 years ago

Voluminous Blog Content of Dubious Quality, also with tips! (from somewhere up above) gets my vote. It says all the things that keep me coming back for my Sundry fix.

16 years ago

Mon’s Mount etc makes me think of the term ‘pubic mound’.

My bad.



16 years ago

all about Creature Comforts

16 years ago

Us moms are kinda all over the the place…how ’bout


I think I tried to use it in a day-long burst of blogging and then quit. I’m 2 years old like that. But I still like the name! Appeals to the vagabond in us…

(And yay more Sundry!)

16 years ago

I like Milk and Cookies
I can never spell restaurant either.

16 years ago

I like “Tip Jar”…..

If you want to continue your Simpson’s roll you could go with, “Save me Superman!” or “Electrified Fooling Machine” or “Think of the Children!”

I have too much time on my hands…

16 years ago

If I HAD to choose one, I might choose The Right Stuff, but honestly, all those titles are really vague. If I’m a busy mom, no way am I going to read someone’s “mixed bag” or “handy tips” because dude, I already have ENOUGH on my to do list.

As a busy working mom, personally I’d like to see articles about what’s necessary and what’s not. Streamlining, baby, and definitely not the fly lady way.

Also way to go on the vacuum-less prioritizing.

16 years ago

Oh God, ‘Vagamom’ makes me think of vagina-mom … is it just me here with the snickery two-year old mind about that & ‘Mom-mount”? ;) (And please don’t get me wrong, both of those are great suggestions in the way they’re intended – I don’t mean to be disparaging of anything other than my own filthy mind :)).

I think “Think of the Children!” (oh, won’t somebody think of the children?!) is HILARIOUS :).

16 years ago

Oh Linda, I am so glad to know that I am not the only one that can’t spell restaurant. I mean, for the love of beer and skittles, I’ve worked in one (in one form or another) since 1987. I STILL have to say to myself when I type it “rest-OW-rant.” Wish I wasn’t so tired, so that I could come up with good name for new site, but looks like people have done a pretty good job for me.

16 years ago

I love “Tools for the Tirades” from above.

and “sucto-pedia” from above is pretty sweet too :)

stephanie brown
stephanie brown
16 years ago

Heather in Australia….we can be 2 year olds together. Maybe our mom’s can meet up for a play date and we can become friends.

16 years ago

I like Mixed Bag. Or maybe Variety Pack? (in reference of course, to the 1001 different things to have to purchase to keep multiple children happy. One likes Cheetos, the other likes Banana chips) I don’t like The Right Stuff at all. Scratch that.
Looking forward to more Linda on the net!

Marie Green
16 years ago

I like Mixed Bag- because that’s what it is, this motherhood/parenthood thing.

Def. Mixed Bag.

(Everyone else must be Hungry! Wanting milk and cookies!)