Thing the first:
Is anyone else watching that TMZ show on an embarrassingly regular basis? I am ashamed to admit how entertaining I am finding it. Like maybe even more so than my Us Weekly subscription. Shut up.
Thing the second:
Lots of people have asked me how Riley feels about having a little brother on the way. I think the answer is “fairly clueless”. I mean, we’ve talked about the Baby in Mama’s Belly etc etc blah, but I don’t think he really groks the whole concept yet. He doesn’t even seem to notice the mondo belly protuberance, although if he spies me changing my shirt he will announce to the entire world that “MAMA BEEBEES!” are on display.
Thing the third:
Can we play the What Are You Doing This Weekend game? My weekend is shaping up to be so boring (clean out old office, shovel wet dogshit out of the backyard, maybe get crazy and revive my 3-month-old DYI pedicure) I’m hoping to live vicariously through you. So tell me, what have you got planned?
Bonus thing the fourth:
Behold! The weirdest toes west of the Mississippi.
Weekend the mine:
-laundry and gym and possibly dusting
-watching the first season of Rome
-working on my Grad work
-eating not very healthy food
-sleeping in!
-finishing The Other Boylen Girl
-catching up on posts and reading blogs
Another person taking a Big Ass Test tomorrow. At 8am. And it’s 3 hours. And it’s about computer science. And I think I’m gonna cry, because everyone says the CS GRE is really really difficult.
I might get to go out to the Brooklyn Museum’s dance party tomorrow night though. And I fingers-crossed am going to fit in a visit to Williams-Sonoma on Sunday afternoon (between coding almost the entirety of a video game demo for a class) to see Nigella Lawson!
OK, it’s going to start off boring: doing laundry, vacuuming, other household chores. But then, on Saturday night, we’re planning to get Theo fed, bathed, and to bed early so we can order a Pagliacci pizza and eat it in front of a netflix movie. I know, it’s insanely exciting, right?!!!!!!!
Because I like to live on the edge, I’m going to hopefully get both the kitchen floor and the hardwood vacuumed and washed tomorrow. And then after that, hopefully finish getting all the seasonal outside crap back into the garage before it really starts to get cold.
Of course, I’m going to have a highly energetic 15 month old ‘helping’ the entire time…so we’ll see how far I really get.
Love the weirdo piggies!
I’m going shopping! And doing laundry! And working! (Only one of those things really deserved the exclamation mark.)
Well, being that I’m stuck in Tokyo until February or until my lungs collapse from inhaling the pollution, I went to the Tokyo Motor Show on Friday afternoon (OMG AWESOME. Check out my blog for a few photos if you really care), I’m going to a potluck tonight (drunken college party? Japanese socializing event?), and then Sunday I will either do homework or go see a movie to the horrific tune of nearly $20. The boring parts will be laundry and homework, of course!
I am actually really looking forward to this weekend…we’re having my son’s 5th birthday party tomorrow at a local place that’s an indoor inflatable/jumpy heaven. It’s the first year we haven’t hosted a bbq birthday party for mostly family and our friends with kids…this year his preschool class has been invited so he should have a blast. I shall surely need a lot of wine and a hot bubble bath when I get home!
Then on Sunday we (including my almost 3 year old son, but not my unadventurous husband) will be making sugar cookies and using the cutest cookie cutters ever (a number 5 and a little hand–with 5 fingers–duh) so he can bring them to school on his actual birthday, which is Monday. Martha Stewart I am defniitely not, but I am trying to do more fun things at home with the boys.
Have a great weekend! And, by the way, you look so adorable in your maternity clothes that I am aching to have a 3rd baby so I can wear simiar items!
What a gorgeous picture of you! Oh, to be cute AND pregnant at the same time!
This weekend I will be doing a friend’s tax return. Oh the joy of being an accountant.
And, um, yea. That’s it.
Thing the first:
Your living room, esp. the windows, is beautiful.
Thing the second:
Heh, you used “grok.” That’s awesome. And only 17 other people probably think so.
Thing the third:
My son and my baby daddy both have those toes, but EAST of the Mississippi.
oh, and this weekend, my best friend from college is visiting, so we’re leaving the baby with daddy and blowing up the town. If we can manage.
I have to force myself to turn away from TMZ and watch, like, How It’s Made or something. I get sucked into it and stare, horrified, at Britney’s newest escapade.
This weekend is going to suck here. I really, really wanted to go to Pumpkin Chunkin’ in lower Delaware, but because my husband’s company sucks ass, he’s working the night shift this week and will probably be sleeping half the day on Saturday and Sunday. So Monday and Tuesday will be our real weekend. I’m planning on going to Payless in my never-ending search for red flats that don’t fall off my feet, and making more pecan pie muffins (and then devouring them in thirty seconds). Because my ass is obviously not big enough as is.
I have nothing-except this…
Whoah whoah whoah, PECAN PIE MUFFINS? I was just reading along, thoroughly enjoying the diversity of everyone’s weekenderies, and then–PECAN PIE MUFFINS.
I now have a weekend mission: figure out how to bake such a thing, then see how many I can eat before passing out.
Oh dear Lord, those toes are freaky. Too Feeky! Yeah anyway, uh besides my own set of man bee bee’s and the time I will spend occupied with those, I plan on mostly just fixing the computer. It crashed. Bad. Everything is gone. We rebooted. Not good enough, the virus persists. Weak!
Also I have to clean an ass load of shit before noon tomorrow because my brother and sister-in-law have decided to become best friends with all of my best friends and invite them over for cook outs and shit. And while that solves my problem of not being able to drive to my friends homes anymore, it double whammies me with the fact that my sister-in-law has pretty bad OCD about cleaning. Especially before guests arive. So tomorrow is gonna suck ass and be fun at the same time.
Sunday I get to help my brother try and replace the water pump on his deathtrap of a vehicle, and possibly do yard work, or laundry, or start rapairing the boat and motor he bought on a whim. Damn you Craigslist with your un-pass-by-able deals. And also damn you energizer-bunny-work-ethic-of-my-brother. (Yes I realize I should find better ways to articulate myself than just stringing run on sentances together with dash lines, but fuck all that, this is the internet!)
may i just say your house is shaping up to be so damn classy. i love it.
this weekend will also be lame for me considering i drove home to boston to gt my muffler fixed so i can get a new inspection sticker. that and do lots of laundry at my moms for FREE. yay!
lastly, riley does have some funny toes!! haha.
Oh god, we’re moving in less than 2 weeks so we’re packing (almost forgot, we’re also giving blood). Trying to pack with a 5 year old and a 2 year old is nearly impossible as they like to unpack everything we’ve JUST packed.
My daughter was totally unphased by my pregnancy, but she did take interest to what she called ‘mama’s oobies’. No interest in her brother, just the oobies.
I love US Weekly, and there is a TMZ Show that I’ve heard nothing about? Must find out about that ASAP. Sounds like heaven.
My older boy showed no interest really while I was pregnant with his brother, but he did like the booobees, isn’t that funny? Now I have TWO little ones interesting the booobees, just wait!
I love the way the new living room looks, you are looking fantastic, and Riley is cute, cute, cute! Oh and as for our weekend, we are hitting the zoo today, having dinner with Grandma and Grandpa tonight and tomorrow I’ll probably drown myself in cleaning supplies, laundry and at some point make a visit to the grocery store!
What is it with little boys and being fascinated with breasts… mine is too. I’m pretty sure he gets that from dad. *sigh*
This weekend stacks up as hockey, study, play with husband and child, hockey, play with husband and child, study. Do you sense a theme there? But the weekend was made with my pumpkin muffin this morning before studying. Mmm!
love that photo of the two of you! i know you feel huge but i think you look amazing. this weekend for me: kelly clarkson last night (woo hoo! so good!), today a hair cut/color and halloween party at night (i don’t really have a costume yet, eek!), and tomorrow, a wedding shower for someone who’s wedding i will be a bridesmaid (bad grammar, sorry).
i’ll chime in as a young single male reader, with probably a bit of a different weekend:) last night i took my mother to the chicago bulls home opener, and watched her scream MISS IT MISS IT every time the other team took a freethrow. then i met a group of old friends at an urban/chic bar that just opened in wicker park (where the movie was based !!)
now i’m either gonna go figure out how to bake those muffins, or ride up lake michigan on my bike and take some pics.
tonight i may see a concert and tomorrow i’ll watch some football and meet the parents and my cousin for dinner in the suburbs.
oh…and i’ll blog:)
This weekend, I am tearing down my kitchen in anticipation of the contractor showing up Monday morning to begin our kitchen remodel. I should be working on it right now. And here I sit. My husband is coming home tomorrow from 9 days of hunting, so I should try to come up with something for dinner tomorrow night…..while he’s been gone the boy and I have been surviving on Lean Cuisines and fish sticks. Sorry, I’m not much fun to live vicariously through right now! LOL!! :-)
Hee! You are a supercute pregnant lady :D
This weekend I’m at an environmental education seminar. So far I have been to a presentation on polar bears, went to a presentation on fire that involved some audience participation (we got to light things with matches), got to meet a canine conservation officer, and went to an exotic feline rescue center. I really don’t think the rest of November is going to be able to stack up against this type of debut weekend.
Um, my toes do that if I point them. . . I always thought it was a result of my tremendously wide feet.
Friday my daughter had an allergic reaction, I had to use her epi pen (meaning, use it on her) and we spent 6 1/2 hours in the ER. Today things are just back to normal; which seems strange but I’m obviously thankful she’s okay.
We went and had a family picture taken this morning, to use for Christmas cards. We’ve managed to include the dog in the studio portrait for the last two years, but this year he was having none of it; so there’s a lovely picture of the three of us, sans puppy.
Tomorrow I’m hoping to stay home (after church) and watch football, with no need for epi pens or ambulances!
I love the colors in your house.
I should show you my kids toes, they are really, really long & have been since he was a baby.
Okay, since I brought up the muffins, I guess I’d better drop the recipe. FYI, These aren’t giant, fluffy muffins. They’re little, compact, crunchy bundles of goodness. Definitely best served warm.
Pecan Pie Muffins – from Paula Deen
1/2 c. butter, softened
3/4 c. packed light brown sugar
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 c. all-purpose flour
3/4 c. chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour 8 muffin tins or use paper liners (or if you’re like me, use that oil-and-flour-in-a-spray-can stuff).
In a medium bowl, cream the butter and sugar. Add the eggs and mix well. Add the flour and stir until just combined. Stir in pecans.
Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin cups, filling each about 2/3 full. Bake for 25 minutes. Serve warm with butter.
Makes 8 muffins
Saturyday: Matthew watched 1 hour of TV while we (being good parents) slept an hour longer… Pancakes that my husband thankfully makes – Target – Get and take food to friends who just had baby #2 (and gifts) – Acupuncture appt (best thing invented on earth!) – Shop for flipping winterized Crocs for my croc lovin’ son… go for a walk with family – eat dinner – listen to Praire Home Companion (SHUT UP!) – Read great Irish mystery.
Sunday: Laundry, groceries, the library, spend some time outside in the last of the fall sunshine, shop for Christmas gifts on line, call my mother, relax… probably more but that is all I have though of for now!
I just went around the cook out and asked the various males and females, most of whom had no idea who you are, whether you looked good for a preggo lady, or really really good for a preggo lady. Turns out most of my close friends think you are rocking the pregger body like some sort of excercise freak, in a good way. I have to say, I have gained more weight based on stress. Especially my sister in law wanted to say you look really good. And Sami is an in-shape bitch! So feel good about yourself! Even the family of Josh thinks you look crazy in shape! And JB needs to do something manly enough to merit a mention in one of your posts.
I didn’t sleep a wink last night in anticipation of my daughter’s big race today (state meet, it was huge) and now that it’s over, I’m crashing. I hope to recover tomorrow, as she will, and I need to take her to a college orchestra concert so she can write a report. Also – laundry.
Actually, we have been having and are continuing to have The Most Boring Weekend Ever. I cleaned the closet, I’m doing laundry, and right now am visiting my mom (aka on the computer while she cooks and the Boy plays ball with my dad. I need the peace.)
Our kids have the same freaky toes.
You, Riley, and your living room do the whole capuccino scheme well.
Went to prepared childbirth class today and spent all of time trying to look intently as though paying attention to nurse instructor whilst hubby made cracks like that kid in the back row THE WHOLE TIME.
First ~ Love the color scheme
Second ~ my 18-yr-old has been know as “monkey toes” since infancy has crossed his toes, twice on each foot, for longer than I can remember! Yeah! for weird toedness!
You look so great it almost makes me want to be pregnant again, but not quite! Especially since I know I looked more like a beached whale and less like the super cute and petite mama to be (again) you are.
Your living room furniture, color choices, ALL OF IT, is GREAT!
I too have monkey toed boys! Aren’t they awesome?
I love the paint choices on your walls! They are nearly exactly the ones I have gotten down too (hey did you know there are 43 million shades of taupe and brown?) I have all the swatches to prove it!
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