Can you even imagine a better scenario for Dog while we’re away from home? I mean, my GOD. Seriously. I am so thankful for Valria and her amazing generosity and the clearly superior lifestyle she has provided for Dog, goddamn.

In other news, I have almost no news, really. Things have been enjoyable and mild and the hours are just flying by, and it’s apparent to me that I am about a thousand million times happier with other people around while staying at home with the boys. I mean, that’s sort of a no-shitter, and yet it’s been a surprise, this visit, how entirely pleasant it’s been. Except for the tines-up utensils in the dishwasher, which ARE YOU KIDDING COME ON DO YOU WANT TO FUCKING STAB YOUR HAND-MEAT OR WHAT.

I miss talking to you and I miss hearing from you. So can we play a game, just so I have an excuse to hear from you: tell me, who are your all-time top movie crushes?

Here are mine:

• Ed Harris, as his character in The Abyss (the ring-being-caught-in-the-door scene in that movie is the very reason JB has a titanium wedding ring)
• Johnny Depp, especially in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie
• Nicolas Cage in Wild At Heart

Your turn!


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16 years ago

Hands down: Andy Garcia in When A Man Loves a Woman. So sweet.

And, Jake Gyllenhaal in pretty much any movie. So cute.

16 years ago

I think that Bruce Willis movie referenced above is “Striking Distance,” maybe?

Johnny Depp
George Clooney
Andy Garcia

and my really dirty secret is Ken Wahl, who hasn’t done jack shit in over ten years and even then it was on tv, but OMG, Wiseguy. Swoon.

16 years ago

Pierce Brosnan and Cary Grant. I like suave, gorgeous “real” men who have a sense of humor, can do slapstick comedy in a tux and can laugh at themselves. I dig Johnny Depp too. David Bowie, though, rules my universe. He’s been in movies so he counts.

16 years ago

Hmm, I *must* second Ed Harris in the Abyss before anything else. (I campaigned for a titanium wedding ring, but no dice!)

Pierce Brosnan in the remake of The Thomas Crown Affair. Bonus points for the glider.

Cary Grant in Father Goose–I’ve loved that character since I was eleven, and he gave me an unfortunate taste for rakes.

Somebody mentioned Daniel Craig as James Bond? Yum. Honorable mention.

And, oddly, Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta. Another honorable mention.

16 years ago

The character Will from Good Will Hunting. So my dream guy.

16 years ago

Ha! I’m with Melody. Let’s do TV crushes next.

16 years ago

Ioan Gruffudd in Horatio Hornblower (holy swoon).

Christian Bale in . . .everything.

George Clooney. Of course.

16 years ago

1. Eric Bana in anything, absolutely ANYTHING. He’s just so sexy!
2. I have to second Liev Schreiber, that man has the best voice.
3. Matt Damon as Jason Bourne…YUM!

16 years ago

I love the photos of Dog first and foremost. Perhaps you need to set up play dates for Dog as well?!

Johnny Depp in pretty much anything but I have to agree definitely the Pirate movies!!!

Matt Damon esp. in this last Bourne movie & Good Will Hunting – omg I wanted to die during that last Bourne movie… Of course I was newly pregnant and hormonal and having those weird early pregnancy dreams so who knows what I would think now…

Leonardo DiCaprio – Again someone I normally think eh but in The Departed. Oh. MY. GAWD! Again I was in the same state as above so I may watch that again after pregnancy and see how I react but good lord!

And oddly not that you asked but I have this thing for the guy who plays Charlie Crews on the TV show Life (Damian Lewis) and I have no idea why?!

16 years ago

Brad Pitt and George Clooney in Ocean’s trilogy
Matt Damon in the Bourne series and the Departed (and, oh hell i’ll admit it…Eurotrip)
David Morse in Proof of Life
Mark Wahlberg in the Departed and Invicible

16 years ago

Mmmm…Jake Ryan, 16 Candles – definitely.

Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You.

Johnny Depp in Crybaby. Lord, I used to LOVE that movie.

Paul Rudd in Clueless.

Matthew McConaughey in A Time to Kill – he’s so sweaty!

And finally, the guy who plays Buzz Ravenel in Shag. Wowza – random list, huh?

16 years ago

….and from the older crowd…..

Richard Gere in Officer and a Gentleman
Richard Gere in Pretty Woman
George Clooney in anything….

I have a yellow lab the same age as Dog and have to go away for ten days in June…..ya think Valria is available? Will she come to Colorado? ;)

16 years ago

Johhny Depp
Tadanobu Asano.
Mr Asano is considered “Japan’s answer to Johnny Depp.”

Which makes me ask: Wait a second. Johnny Depp was a question? And why isn’t that question: WHY HAVEN’T YOU CALLED ME YET, MR DEPP?

Seriously, though.
Tadanobu Asano, for the win!

16 years ago

I’m going to have to be choosy, I think. This list could go on forever!

1 – Johnny Depp, especially in Chocolat, but also in Pirates. . . YUM!
2 – Viggo Mortensen in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and in Eastern Promises
3 – Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy (sigh)
4 – Orlando Bloom, for LOTR and Pirates
5 – Hugh Jackman, in “Someone Like You” opposite Ashley Judd

And oh, God, Gerard Butler, Daniel Craig, John Cusack, James Spader. . . I told you I could go on forever here. . . :)

16 years ago

Awwwww. So nice to see Dog having such fun!

As for the list–

Daniel Day Lewis — Last of the Mohicans
Julian Sands — Room With a View
Cary Grant — Notorious
Harrison Ford — Witness
Jake Gyllenhaal — Donnie Darko

16 years ago

Awwwww. So nice to see Dog having such fun!

As for the list–

Daniel Day Lewis — Last of the Mohicans
Julian Sands — Room With a View
Cary Grant — Notorious
Harrison Ford — Witness
Jake Gyllenhaal — Donnie Darko

16 years ago

Awwwww. So nice to see Dog having such fun!

As for the list–

Daniel Day Lewis — Last of the Mohicans
Julian Sands — Room With a View
Cary Grant — Notorious
Harrison Ford — Witness
Jake Gyllenhaal — Donnie Darko

16 years ago

The dude from Sweet Home Alabama. Ahh…

16 years ago

Ohhhh, Leonardo DiCaprio in Romeo+Juliet. He was so baby-faced and had those piercing eyes, and….hummina.

Also, Brad Pitt in A River Runs Through It; Johnny Depp in just about anything; Taye Diggs in Go; and Jake Gyllenhaal in…anything. I also found Tim Olyphant in Catch and Release (worst movie ever) and Skeet Ulrich in Scream to be hot in a grungy/bad boy kind of way.

16 years ago

By a long shot it’s Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. My God, I’ve watched that movie far too many times, all 6 hours of it. But I see that I’m not alone in this obsession at least.

Misguided mommy
16 years ago

1. Michael Schoeffling in Mermaids and wild hearts can’t be broken

2. Will smith in hitch

3. brad pitt BUT ONLY in the oceans movies

and for nostalgic purposes I had the HUGEST crush on Jonathon taylor thomas and joey lawrence WHOAH

16 years ago

Harrison Ford in anything Indiana Jones and Star Wars, Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting, Daniel Craig in Casino Royale, and Ryan Gosling in The Notebook. Oh, and looking at Annie’s comment, I second Josh Lucas from Sweet Home Alabama.

16 years ago

Sam Elliot in anything (love the voice)
Pierce Brosnan in James Bond series
George Clooney in anything (yum)
Cary Grant – Bringing up Baby
Hugh Jackman in Someone Like You

16 years ago

First off I’d just like to say The Abyss is one of my all time favorite movies and I haven’t seen it in years. Anyways though…here’s my list.

1. Freddy Price in Down To You – It’s the part at the end when he sings. Ahhhhh

2. Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible and Jerry Mcquire. In Mission Impossible he’s sexy and tuff. In Jerry Mcquire it’s the ‘you complete me’ part.

3. Heath Ledger in 10 Things I hate…especially the singing part. I seem to have a thing for guys who sing.

16 years ago

LLOYD DOBLER. i hardcore crush on lloyd dobler. (john cusack’s character in say anything.)

16 years ago

Tim Robbins in The Shawshank Redemption (not really the moment where he’s crawled through human yuck yuck to his freedom, but more the moment he is on the beach at the end, basking in his freedom all bare foot and HOT!

16 years ago

oh yea, and micheal vartan in just about anything.

Amy M.
Amy M.
16 years ago

Dog looks like she’s having so much fun! My dog is jealous of her “kennel” arrangements!

As for the list (I’ll try to keep it brief):

1. Christian Bale in ANYTHING, but especially “American Psycho” (and, ahem, “Newsies”)
2. Paul Rudd in “Clueless”
3. David Duchovny
4. Andy Garcia
5. Timothy Hutton in “Beautiful Girls”

16 years ago

Once I lost my “first crush on a movie star” virginity, I never gave my heart to another. And, IMHO no one else compares so why bother.
They are both from the same movie actually and even though the movie came out in 1980, they are both still searingly hot and I will watch anything either of them is in.

From “Little Darlings” (cinema magic)

Armand Assante and Matt Dillon.


Pickles & Dimes
16 years ago

Ed Harris in “Needful Things”

Michael Keaton in “Batman Returns”

Bruce Willis in “Die Hard”

Tom Berenger in “Major League”

George Clooney in “Out of Sight”

Gary Cooper in “Morocco”

Paul Rudd in “I Could Never Be Your Woman”

16 years ago

Hugh Grant in Notting Hill and

Colin Firth (NOT Hugh Grant!) in Bridget Jones’ Diary

16 years ago

Harrison Ford as Han Solo – especially in the scene where he and Leia kiss. “My hands are dirty.” “I like dirty.” My first movie star boyfriend. *sigh*

The Jane Austen crew – Colin and Alan. Pha and Rowr! Would you mind please, just reading the encyclopedia to me whilst I soak in bubbles?

Angus McFadyen as Colin – Sandra Bullock’s boyfriend in the Ya-ya Sisterhood.

John Cusack as “THE BOYFRIEND” – but not as the guy in High Fidelity. Hated that character.

Tom Arnold as Marty in 9 Months. I know, I know, eww… but he plays such a cute family man! Especially in the scene at the vineyard where he exchanges unpleasantries with Hugh Grant and Jeff Goldblum. “He’s a dick! And you’re an even bigger dick for siding with him over family.” Love that scene.

And GAWD YES Daniel Craig! The eyes. The body. The body and the eyes. The line, “That’s because you know what I can do with my little finger.”

Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart in The Philadelphia Story. *Sa-igh*

I have more, but these are my go to guys.

16 years ago

Oh Dog, how we love thee. I was wondering where she was hanging during this trip. I LOVE the picture of her in dog park just SITTING SO CLOSE to the people who brought her. Loyal is gooooood.

OK, let’s see I’m going to go with:

John Cusack in Grosse Point Blank

Viggo in A Walk on The Moon

Russell Crowe in Mystery, Alaska (good lord the Dear Abby scene makes me weep just EVERYWHERE)

Tim Roth in the Legend of 1900

Yes, let’s do TV crushes next, please, I’ve got a million of ’em!

16 years ago

Haven’t read any comments yet – but I doubt anyone has picked my biggest all time crush ever in the history of movie crushes. I’m talking, if this guy shows up at my door, I’d have to think REALLY hard about how well-behaved I’d be.
Ready? The male leads in Crouching Tiger are both seriously heart-melting… but my all time movie crush is the Desert one, Luo, the Dark Cloud. Makes my knees weak just thinkin about him. Yeah. He’s just… wow. Just… Wow. :)
also – there’s a certain appeal to Jason Statham in… well any movie he’s ever been in.

16 years ago

OH this is a GREAT question!

Matthew MacFayden as Mr. Darcy in “Pride and Prejudice”

Ewan McGregor in the late “Star Wars” movies

Ewan McGregor in “Moulin Rouge”

James and Oliver Phelps as the twins in “Harry Potter”

Matthew McConaughey in “Sahara”

Heath Ledgar in “Knights Tale”

Hugh Grant in “Notting Hill”

And I know this isn’t a movie, but I have to put in on here because of my infatuate love…

Hugh Laurie as Dr. House. Do me now with your sarcastic wit, sir.

16 years ago

I was just thinking about this last night!
Ryan Gosling in anything, but come on — “The Notebook”? Swoon.
Cary Elwes in (what else?) “The Princess Bride.” As I wish, indeed.
Matt Damon from “Good Will Hunting”… What IS it about damaged boys that is so appealing?
And finally, George Clooney. In anything. The man could read the phone book and I would sit mesmerized.

16 years ago

omfg – i cannot BELIEVE i am about to divulge this list.

First Movie Crush Ever:
Thomas Ian Nicholas in “Rookie of the Year”

Most Lasting Movie Crush:
Christian Bale – started in “Newsies” but lasted until…well, RIGHT NOW BECAUSE HE IS STILL SO UNBELIEVABLY HOT.

Most Ridiculous/Unexplainable Movie Crush:
D.B. Sweeney in “The Cutting Edge”

I’m seriously blushing right now. So embarassing. I might as well be sitting at my desk naked right now. GAH

Someone Being Me
16 years ago

Val Kilmer in The Ghost in the Darkness
Jude Law in the Holiday
Michael Schoeffling in 16 Candles

16 years ago

i wonder if dog will want to come home. ;)

16 years ago

1) I was a late-comer to the Johnny Depp craze, but after “Pirates,” I’m SO on board. Rowr.
2) Orlando Bloom
3) Colin Firth, “Pride and Prejudice”
4) Adrien Brody
5) Joseph Fiennes, “Shakespeare in Love”
6) Ralph Fiennes
7) Alan Rickman
8) Timothy Hutton, “Beautiful Girls”
9) The oldies-but-goodies: Cary Grant, Gene Kelly, etc.

THERE. I kept it under 10, which was NOT easy for me! Ahem.

16 years ago

Indiana Jones.

16 years ago

1. Johnny Depp in just about anything. (Seems to be the popular answer.)

2. James McAvoy, also in anything, but especially in The Last King of Scottland.

3. And my new one, Michael Cera in Juno. He is so exactly like my husband when we were in high school, he really touched my heart.

16 years ago

All-time movie crushes, huh? My list looks pretty similar to the rest, but here goes!

*Clive Owen – fabulously sexy in everything, but first fell in love with him in Gosford Park

*Hugh Jackman – mmmm Logan (Wolverine!)

*Heath Ledger – A Knight’s Tale and The Four Feathers

*Edward Norton – he just has to go on the list

*Daniel Day-Lewis – The Boxer

*Orlando Bloom – but ONLY with the blond hair and pointy elf ears!

And last, but certainly not least….the only movie crushes I have that I have not seen listed:
*Ethan Hawke – Reality Bites

*Robert Sean Leonard – Dead Poet’s SOciety

16 years ago

Too Good to Pass on this one~

Jason Statham ** Crank
Kevin Costner ** Bull Durham
Viggo Mortensen ** History of Violence
James Spader ** Secretary ~HOT~
Tony Soprano ** NOT James Gandolfini
Heath Ledger ** Knight’s Tale
Nicolas Cage ** Wild at Heart
Jean Reno ** ANYTHING… but espessially The Professional
Woody Harrelson ** Natural Born Killers and Cheers ~ Polar Opposites but one is bad boy hot and the other so sweet
Ed Norton ** American History X
Ray Liotta ** Anything
Sam Elliott ** Anything
Val Kilmer ** The Doors
Michael Madsen ** Anything
Mel Gibson ** Braveheart & Maverick
Mickey Rourke ** Angel Heart

OKokokokok I’ll Stop!

16 years ago

Oh, fun! Let’s see where to start? There are many, many men…

Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn. And Sean Bean as Boromir, while I’m in Middle Earth. Mr. Bloom wasn’t too bad either.

Russell Crowe in “Gladiator”.

Gabriel Byrne in “In Treatment.”

Johnny Depp, in, yeah, anything. Esp. the 1st POTC. John Cusack in anything too.

Kevin Costner in “Bull Durham”.

Kiefer Sutherland in “24”. Jude Lao in “The Holiday”.

Hmm, I could go on and on…did I mention Viggo? Oh, yeah…and sorry, I mixed up movies and TV because I getta get my men wherever I can!

16 years ago

Of course! How could I have forgotten Robert Sean Leonard? (Dude, this is addictive.)

16 years ago

Cripes, sorry for the typo..I meant Jude LaW, obviously…yeesh…

16 years ago

George Clooney in any of the Ocean’s movies.

Ashton Kutcher (aka Mr Demi Moore) in The Guardian. He’s got this clean-cut, cocky, hero thing going…

16 years ago

Keanu Reeves in Speed (when the girl is handcuffed in the subway car and he stays with her and wraps himself around her to protect her from the crash…sigh).
Mel Gibson in Mad Max.
Colin Firth.
Alan Rickman.
Chiwetel Ejiofor.
Nathan Fillion in Firefly.
Simon Pegg in Spaced and Shaun of the Dead.

16 years ago

I love reading all the other choices, I didn’t want to be on time to work anyhow!

Russell Crowe-Gladiator

Gerard Butler-in anything, but especially Dear Frankie

James Macavoy-found him via Shameless, now have to watch everything he has done.

Kevin Mckidd-Bedrooms and Hallways (double bonus for having James Purefoy in it) and HBO’s Rome.