(Speaking for myself only, your mileage may vary, different strokes for different folks, etc.)

It’s possible to change your eating patterns, but more importantly, it’s possible to change your eating preferences.

Transforming your body and mind takes time. If you try to rush the process, you’re doing it wrong.

Muscle is beautiful.

There is no such thing as not having enough time to exercise. If you can’t find the time, MAKE the time. This is entirely within your control, and telling yourself otherwise is simply an excuse.

When you put the right foods into your body, you will experience long-term positive effects. You could eat junk food and feel good for five minutes, or you could eat something healthy and feel good for hours.

As your body gets stronger and you stay committed to your health, every aspect of your life will improve. Every. Single. Aspect.

It feels amazing to treat your body like a partner instead of an enemy.

It’s better to find your own diet and fitness path than to follow a rigid set of instructions. It’s easier than you think to do this.

Working out isn’t easy or comfortable. Don’t expect it to be. If you’re not challenging yourself, you’re cheating yourself.

It takes about three months to establish a good routine and see the beginnings of the changes happening in your body.

Perfection doesn’t exist.

Keeping yourself in shape and healthy fills you with self confidence, and self confidence is the best feeling in the world.

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t start now. If you need to start over, that’s okay: start again now.


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16 years ago

I think I might need to print out a copy of these little gems as a reminder. Thanks, Linda!

samantha jo campen
16 years ago

Yup. I want to print this out too and post it in the living room (my work out area of choice. That is, when I actually DO work out).

Well said. And I’m so happy for you that you’ve had such wonderful success! You look fabulous and I’m glad you feel great too!

16 years ago

no joke – I’m with Amy…these should all become daily mantra’s for me. You are so motivational, especially since I’ve been milking the whole “I just had a baby” excuse for the last 5 months!

16 years ago

Uhh, yeah Kirsten, my “baby” is almost 5! (years, that is…) Linda, I seriously came here today to find out the names of some of the videos you’ve been using, because I need to start NOW! Thanks for the extra inspiration… I’ll need it.

16 years ago

Thanks for that. I’ve been back in my routine for the past 3 weeks and feel great. Stuck at the office late last night and working late when I got home resulted in me being too tired to get up this morning to train. I turned off my alarm.

But you’ve just motivated me to leave the office, go for a run, clear my head, and then get back to work after.

Thanks. Bye.

And you are absolutely right about EVERYTHING you wrote there.

16 years ago

That’s funny, I always though the best feeling in the world would be punching Pat Robertson in the balls. Or punching Rosie O’Donnell in the balls maybe.

This post was depressing. Fitness makes me sad. We don’t need more skinny women Sundry, quit trying to rob America of the T&A we’ve worked so hard to stock up on. I mean just think what would Jebus do? The skinnier women get, the smaller everyone’s collective boobs get, and that’s un-American. Unless this post is gonna be followed by a second post about the ass-kickery that is breast augmentation then I’m gonna have put you on my titty terrorist list. Good luck coming through my airport any time soon.

16 years ago

Great post! I love the one about treating your body like a partner. I’m definately printing this out!

16 years ago

This is exactly what I needed to read. Now All I need is a nice, healthy kick in the ass to get mine in gear.

Wear big boots.

16 years ago

I need to start again! I started Turbo Jam in February and then 30 Day shred in May and I fell off the wagon in August. This was the first year in 11 years that I have put on a bathing suit and I have you (and myself) to thank for that! I reached my goal and then went on vacation and promtly quit working out. Why? When I know how great it makes me feel.
Thanks for this post today, hopefully it’s what I need to get back on the workout wagon! (Yes, I said workout wagon)

16 years ago

what did you do with the real linda?

16 years ago

Thanks Linda! I have been snooping around here for months and watching you transform. It is really awesome to see how far you have come. Each time I read your posts (and see your pictures) I feel a renewed desire to get started again on my fitness regime. I want to do more for myself and I know I will be proud once I get started on that path. I find you especially inspiring because you seem to strike the right balance between admitting that it is a difficult process yet making the reward sound too good to deny myself. Also, I think I have a similar body style/shape as you and am in about the same condition you were when you started this process the first time (post Riley). I want to see what I can do for myself in three months time. Amazon.com here I come for that dang 30DS and Turbo Jams!

P.S. Ever consider posts with food ideas? I think part of my problem is not knowing what to make for lunch and dinner. I suppose I could get some cookbooks and not depend on someone else’s ideas…or I could just ask you!

Mama Ritchie
16 years ago

This is really inspiring. Question – why do you think people, i.e. me, and I’m assuming the old you, cringe when they hear such positivity regarding working out? I know once I get into it, I feel much better physically, emotionally. But when I’m slothing, I am so negative about it. Why do we hate it so, when we know it’s so good for us?

Katie (the Yap)
16 years ago

Dammit. Now you had to go and inspire me. I am 38 weeks pregnant and have been stuffing my chip/cookie/twinkie hole nonstop with nothing but junk and I’m feeling a tad guilty….

16 years ago

I was just getting into Turbo Jam and ordered 30DS from netflix to try. I haven’t see great results yet but I have only been using a month. Of course I just found out I am 7 weeks pregnant so I feel foiled. I have not lost 25 pounds from my 1 year old (thanks baby!) and now I feel like I need to slow it down a bunch. I am so sad about this but happy to be preggo again so soon. Maybe this time around I will not eat pounds of almonds, apples, pineapple, whole milk and blueberries. I know these are all healthy foods but I still managed to gain almost 60 pounds eating them! Yikes.

16 years ago

Wonderful advice.

16 years ago

“If you’re not challenging yourself, you’re cheating yourself.” That. and you. amazing.

16 years ago

Dammit, thanks for inspiring me. I’ve needed a kick in the ass to get off of the couch, this may have been it.

16 years ago

You continue to be an awesome inspiration – I ordered my 30 day shred today and can’t wait for Jillian to kick my ass.
Also, Biggest Loser starts tonight and I’ll admit it right now – I love it.

16 years ago

Um…that part where you said that thing about not having time to workout is crap? You’re talking to me, aren’t you?

Eric's Mommy
Eric's Mommy
16 years ago

That was awesome, simply awesome. Thank you for the motivation, you rock!!

16 years ago

Great reminders!

I’ve always battled my weight and, as a result, battled the overall negativity and moodiness that springs from feeling poorly about myself. It’s amazing the bullshit excuses I’ve come up with to get out of working out and, wait for this, I don’t even have kids! For the last 8 weeks, I’ve set my alarm at 0430, laced up my running shoes and scampered out the door before my body has had a chance to wake up and realize what the hell I’m doing at the nearby middle school track. By the time my mind is clear enough to formulate yet another bullshit excuse, I’ve already started “wogging” (my own pathetic mix of walking and jogging). Once I’m there, I figure it’s ridiculous to call it quits and I finish what I’ve started. I come home an hour later feeling a sense of accomplishment, feeling strong and very satisfied.

As for eating, I agree it’s amazing what we can program and de-program our bodies to consume. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll do a back-flip and beg like a dog for a good dish of creme brulee and I could practically make love to McD’s fries with ketchup, but I know how damn hard I’m working to improve my body and neither of those things are worth setting back the progress I’m making.

I’ve found that there is one thing that is sinfully delicious- being able to try on a great pair of jeans or a kick-ass shirt and having it look good. You see, it wasn’t that long ago that I had tears in my eyes when I finally achieved my goal of shopping in the “normal” section of my fave dept store. Prior to dropping 30 lbs., I was banished to the out-of-the-way Womens Dept. They may call it “Encore” at Nordstrom, but it still felt shitty when I had to take the next escalator to shop in the “special” section. I still have a ways to go before I can prance the beaches in a bikini (unlike you, hot mama!), but I can taste success and it’s insanely delicious.

16 years ago

My favorite line from 30-Day Shred is “I want you to feel like you’re going to die.”

Tru dat you crazy bitch, Jillian. Love ya!

Working out isn’t meant to be easy.

I love your lists.

16 years ago

Excellent advice Oh Wise One!

16 years ago

I’ve seen all of these very true statements countless times in many places.

Sometimes I read them and go “YES!” and other times I think “Oh shut the fuck up…”

16 years ago

Wow. I feel lazy now. Thanks for the positive and empowering thoughts.

16 years ago

I have struggled with this for 8 months now, but feel amazing and get compliments from family all the time. It sounds so corny, telling others to work out and eat healthy to raise your self image, but wow, it actually works.

16 years ago

As Yoda would say “Do or do not. There is no try.”

Seriously Linda, your journey thru/to fitness has been very inspiring. I recently wrote a post about something similar and how I’ve dedicated myself to reaching my potential. I’m blessed with good genes yet haven’t made the most of them, and with the years piling up, a few pounds are creeping on. And gosh darnit, if I have to be 40 years old (soon), I don’t have to look it.

I’m finding that my diet is changing as I work out. I don’t want to erase the benefits of an hour long sweatfest by going and eating a cheeseburger. So I find myself making better choices. Yes, I’ll still eat an occasionaly cheeseburger but it will be a treat instead of a staple.

Thanks again for your inspiration. Keep up the good work and the great workout recommendations! (I bought a Turbo Jam DVD and so far like it.)

16 years ago

You’ve officially gotten me over the “but I’m too tired to work out” hump I was sitting on tonight. Thanks for that.

16 years ago

As a fitness instructor on month 3 of maternity leave, I too find your words inspiring me to get back to the gym and ramp up my fitness level again. I didn’t gain a ton with my son (31 lbs) but I’m still tired of my clothes not fitting me properly… those that fit me at all that is! I still have almost 10 lbs more on me than usual and they’re distributed all weird.

My bigger challenge is diet and not just grabbing whatever junk will fill my growling belly fastest while my son is napping. I have noticed that I’m eating a whole lotta sugar these days and am not proud of it.

16 years ago

This post did not have a single joke about cock. I demand a refund!

16 years ago

Amen to this! Have I mentioned you are one of the most motivating bloggers out there! Rock on.

16 years ago

My husband and I have just signed up for an 8 week challenge with our local gym. I know it’s going to be incredibly hard, but I hear you, we have to work at it, don’t we?
Thanks for your inspirational words.

16 years ago

So here’s what I want to know. What exactly are you doing workout wise, how often do you do it and what has worked best for you??? You just look so amazingly toned everywhere.

16 years ago

I like that you opened with “your mileage may vary”, but your advice is really only applicable to Women Like You. You enjoy luxuries that other women haven’t dared to dream of. It’s not true that everyone can just MAKE TIME. You perhaps have no excuse for not being fit. And kudos to you 100% for living a healthy life. But listen, the world is full of all kinds of people. Please don’t make blanket judgments from your admirably high horse.

16 years ago

Most excellent advice!!

16 years ago

I know someone mentioned it above, but I think it’s awesome timing that you posted this on the day that Biggest Loser starts. What with the whole “I want you to feel like you are going to DIE” thing Jillian has going on in 30DS and all. I read your list to my husband with whom I am starting the Body for Life program this month, and he really liked it. He wanted me to add (from Body for Life) “nothing tastes as good as thin feels.”

16 years ago

I dunno, but I thought the whole phrase “speaking for myself only” virtually eliminated this post as being a “blanket judgement.” Huh.

I do think that maybe Linda oughta have another look at her own legs and re-assess that whole perfection does not exist thing, though…cause they are pretty DARN CLOSE.=)

16 years ago

I seriously think the folks at Turbo Jam and 30 Day Shred should be paying you as their Spokesperson! That could take your freelance career to a whole new level. I can picture the infomercials now!

16 years ago

Well said, Linda. Perfect.

16 years ago

“There is no such thing as not having enough time to exercise. If you can’t find the time, MAKE the time. This is entirely within your control, and telling yourself otherwise is simply an excuse.”

Sheepishly lugging my fat ass off the couch now. Thank you for this. Seriously.

16 years ago

you. are. awesome.

AMEN, sister. amen.

16 years ago

Sooo needed to hear that. Thx!

16 years ago

I miss the hilarious non-body image blogs. :(

16 years ago

I’m with Anon. So sick of body/weight/food/fitness obsession. I used to read this blog daily because you weren’t all about that. I’m all for healthy. I’m all for self confidence. But if I have to hear about the shred I think I’m going to scream. I don’t troll and I hate posting Anon…but I also want to express my feelings without getting attacked by the tribe. Congrats Linda.

16 years ago

I seem I’m not the only one who thinks printing this out and reading it every damn day is a great idea! I loved working out and getting strong and feeling good! It’s been so long since I’ve MADE time to do it! I need to get my head out of my ass and get started. Again. And quit kicking myself for letting myself get soft and fat. Thanks Linda!

16 years ago

Thank YOU for sharing YOUR experience, which happens to be both interesting and inspiring to ME.

My copy of 30DS just arrived, and I watched it…eeee….and will jump in for real tomorrow!

16 years ago

Wow, go you! I like working out, but never seem to have any motivation to get my ass downstairs to the gym. I think I’m going to print this out, thank you.

16 years ago

Linda, your high horse is the shit. Who wants to be on a sober horse. (aka, a boring, stick up it’s ass, whining about other people who fixed their shit cause it can’t fix it’s shit horse)

(You see that? I made a double entendre to lighten my defense of this post without even once using the term “cunt-patrol” to describe afore mentioned horse metaphor, who shall go unnamed. My high school AP English teacher would be proud)

I would say your high horse even comes with “luxuries” such as not being a douche bag who bitches for no reason, which, by the way, I have no intention of mimicking. And I still stand by my previous opinion that thick girls are hotter.

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