(Speaking for myself only, your mileage may vary, different strokes for different folks, etc.)

It’s possible to change your eating patterns, but more importantly, it’s possible to change your eating preferences.

Transforming your body and mind takes time. If you try to rush the process, you’re doing it wrong.

Muscle is beautiful.

There is no such thing as not having enough time to exercise. If you can’t find the time, MAKE the time. This is entirely within your control, and telling yourself otherwise is simply an excuse.

When you put the right foods into your body, you will experience long-term positive effects. You could eat junk food and feel good for five minutes, or you could eat something healthy and feel good for hours.

As your body gets stronger and you stay committed to your health, every aspect of your life will improve. Every. Single. Aspect.

It feels amazing to treat your body like a partner instead of an enemy.

It’s better to find your own diet and fitness path than to follow a rigid set of instructions. It’s easier than you think to do this.

Working out isn’t easy or comfortable. Don’t expect it to be. If you’re not challenging yourself, you’re cheating yourself.

It takes about three months to establish a good routine and see the beginnings of the changes happening in your body.

Perfection doesn’t exist.

Keeping yourself in shape and healthy fills you with self confidence, and self confidence is the best feeling in the world.

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t start now. If you need to start over, that’s okay: start again now.


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16 years ago

Linda, this is a fabulous post. It’s inspiring and so honest in its simplicity!

I’m not at the fitness level you are — I’m just starting — but you got me off the couch to go walk for a mile. And I got the 30 Day Shred DVD. ;)

One thing I like about this DVD is that is is captioned! I’m deaf (but just recently got cochlear implants) and this is the first workout DVD I’ve ever seen with captioning. I turned it on just to check and halfheartedly worked out with it for portions…and was incredibly sore for 3 days afterward. LOL!

16 years ago


I’m doing the Shred – in fact, I was the first person who recommended it here – and taking care of myself but this comment right there? Major turn off.

Sorry, Lesley. I didn’t mean for my (what I thought was a) funny, kind of sarcastic comment to be SUCH a TURNOFF! But congratulations on being the first person to do the Shred DVD, ever. You’re the coolest!

16 years ago

THank you I needed that…

16 years ago

Thank you for making me wake up a little! :D

16 years ago

Brilliant. I found myself nodding in agreement on all of your points. Especially the “working out isn’t easy or comfortable” comment. I tell myself this over and over when I feel like wimping out after only a mile on the tredmill. Congrats on reaping the benefits of hard work!

16 years ago


16 years ago

Eh. This comment section is getting a little testy and what I’m doing is unwise. But hey. Them’s the internet.

What I like about this blog is Linda’s humor. I like my heartwarming stuff cut with sarcasm. This was just straight inspiration, and of that I am not such a fan. Personality defect of mine, maybe, but there it is. Linda can post whatever she wants, it’s her blog. I mention whether or not I cared for it only because I assume she’d be sad if people stopped reading her blog, and therefore would care what compelled people to read it. As can be seen above; I don’t appear to be in the majority, and pretty much everything you write, if it’s read by enough people, will piss one of them off. But it’s not as if this is a 13-year-old girls’ LJ; Linda’s a grown-ass woman who writes professionally on the same themes she often discusses here. Knowing what people like and don’t like about hr style is probably of use to her in that profession. Or so it would seem to me from my far-removed vantage point on the other side of the screen.

16 years ago

Some people don’t want to hear the truth. It’s really that simple. I salute the shit out of you for saying it anyway.

16 years ago

I need to print these out too. They are so simple, but so resonant. You are so awesome, Linda. If you, a mom of 2 with a job, a budding free-lance career, a house, etc, etc, can work out, eat right, and look freaking incredible, than this single, barely-employed college student, mom of 2 cats sure as hell can! That was way convoluted, but you get my point. :)

I did 30-Day Shred for the first time tonight. Holy shitballs. My arms are en fuego!!

16 years ago

Congrats on your successes. You should be VERY proud of yourself.

16 years ago

Very well said. I started changing my diet and exercise routine 2 years and 66 pounds ago. Having spent 20 years of my life in the obese end of the chart – I marvel at the things my body can do. Everything you said is true – and it took me a lot longer to discover. I’ve hit a plateau right now, and the part of your post that struck me the most was the line “If you’re not challenging yourself, you’re cheating yourself.” So very true. 2 weeks ago, I went to a new class at the YMCA and it kicked my ass and rocked at the same time. Congratulations on your success!

16 years ago

Linda, I’ve been on a similar fitness/health journey to yours for about the same amount of time, and being able to read about your experiences and successes has helped to keep me motivated (and I have picked up some fabulous tips and leads, such as the 30DS). I just want to congratulate you on your hard earned success and shout out an AMEN for everything you said in this post.

And Josh? Your comment was pure awesomeness.

16 years ago

ppl suck that they have to tear you down on your accomplishments. whether they admit it or not, i think it stems from jealousy – that you are doing it, and they can’t seem to. i know i’ve had some pissy, spiteful moments lately reading your blog, but then i stopped and said “wtf?” and realized it was all because i was jealous of what you have accomplished, while i’ve done NOTHING. i’m extremely proud of you. and i think you’re AWESOME.

i also think ppl should fuck off about what they do or do not want to read in YOUR blog. they don’t like it? go buy a fucking book. when they start sending you monthly cheques to write your blog, then maybe they can have a say.

i sort of agree with ppl on the “not having time” part though. i use that excuse allll the time. and yes, it IS an excuse. no one is saying you need to carve out an extra 3 hours every day. try 20 minutes. 20 minutes won’t break you. but at the same time, i TOTALLY get where they are coming from. say you are a single parent who has to be both mom AND dad. say you have 3 jobs and are only just scraping by. say you have a child who is sick, or difficult, or demanding. say you get up at 5 am every day and go to bed at 1 am. you are TIRED. you are mentally, emotionally, and physically EXHAUSTED!!! i get it. i’m there RIGHT NOW. but…take a walk on your lunch break…get off your bus 1 stop early and walk an extra couple of blocks. no one is asking you to start with The Shred. and trust me, you WILL feel better for it. and believe it or not, doing that little bit of exercise will give you MORE energy, not take it away.

that being said, i’m still a lazy ass. i still have no energy, and still feel i have no time…but i also grudgingly admit that that’s a load of bullshit i’ve created for myself so i don’t feel so bad.

keep doing what you’re doing, and will continue to love you/envy you, and i’ll try not to get too petty with my jealousy ;)

16 years ago

Dear Linda: You.Rock. Keep doing what you are doing.

Dear 30 DS DVD: I.Hate.You. (But you rock regardless)

Dear haters: Fuck.Off. Go read a blog about twinkies and shizzzzz.

Dear Josh: You.Da.Man.

16 years ago

Linda – if you were to start a website to inspire healthy living. (weight loss, healthy eating, etc) I would totally be the first to join up!!! You inspire me…..nough said! (perhaps something to consider when pondering your future..hint hint)

Josh – love love love it!!

16 years ago

“Transforming your body and mind takes time. If you try to rush the process, you’re doing it wrong.”
This is the one that really got me. I am a horribly impatient person, and when I’m not uber-motivated to do something, I just give up and say “I can’t” and come up with more lame-ass excuses. I need to give myself the time to make exercising a habit, and remember that nothing is going to happen overnight! Thanks for being an inspiration, you rock in so many ways!

16 years ago

Thank you so much! That post and then the comments from Momma R are amazing. I am totally printing them out!

16 years ago

The commenters who claim they don’t have time and can’t make time need to TURN OFF THE COMPUTER AND GET ON THE TREADMILL.

16 years ago

Great words, every damn one. Screw the haterz.

My daughter is almost 3, and at 38, I’m still fighting the male version of “baby fat”. The worst part was starting the workouts again after 7 years or so.

The best way FOR ME (the caps are for the whiners that can’t read) to get in some workout time is to ride my bike to work–I live fairly close (6 miles), so I traded my car time for bike time, I buy less gas, I’m in better shape, and I wonder why I didn’t think of this before. And while I’m not trying to lose weight, I sure as hell wouldn’t mind converting some of the fat to muscle and moving it around a bit. So, yeah, diet is everything. Self image is everything.

Screw the haterz. Did I mention that?

the other ginger
the other ginger
16 years ago

I just wanted to roll my eyes at the whole idea that you were on your high horse. And at the idea that a single entry of “straight inspiration” somehow merited concern for your continued readership. Come ON, c. Be snarky, sure, but own it. Fake concern is gross.

16 years ago

Josh scares me.

16 years ago

I’m a lurker:) but, i LOVE you site. Great job and excellent writing. i ‘shred’ with a girlfriend of mine in the mornings. we have a blast. we alternate houses and I personally don’t travel with my weights, so I just use cans of soup or beans (I know, light, but I’m out to tone, not build muscle). Just thought I’d toss out that tip for those who don’t have or want to buy hand weights!


16 years ago

Ummm, whatever (to those doubters of making time).

I work full time, go to school part time and have a four year old. I’m 37 and in the best shape of my life.

I get up at 6am five days a week to run or bike. You can do it if you want to.

Linda, you look beautiful. But more importantly you feel good and and are proud of it. Good for you!

Also, you are so fucking funny it kills me.

Heather B.
16 years ago

I’m really shocked by the vitriol of some of these comments that said, you know how I feel about The Shred and now, I have these interesting things called ‘muscles’ in my arms. Amazing. Thank you.

16 years ago

haha. right. no time for the luxury of exercise, but PLENTY of time to troll personal blogs. funny, isn’t it.

anyway, i appreciate the honest simplicity of all of this. you CAN make time if you decide it’s worth your time. if you decide that YOU are worth your time. ahhh. sometimes the truth burns a little.

16 years ago

You? are awesome. Thanks for the inspiration! :)

16 years ago

When I read this post the other day I nearly cried, and then I printed out copies for my office, my kitchen, my living room and the rec room where I sometimes work out. I have been reading here for years and your journey to become more healthy and fit has inspired me to keep working toward my own goals. I have not (yet!) had the same amazing improvements as you, but I’m trying. Thank you for helping me, and I’m sorry that your fantastic post has to be marred ever so slightly by doofs. And thanks for the link to the paralympic photos. Those did make me cry.

16 years ago

Just wanted to say thanks. And, printed! Now going to check out 30DS.

16 years ago

I wish I could pay you to be my personal trainer. I wish you weren’t right about everything on your list. In fact, I need to be getting off my ass, off of this computer right now…

After I print up your post. Thank you for your inspiring words.

16 years ago

Wow, I have just started a business as an on-line fitness coach. My motivation is my belief that we could solve a lot of problems in our country if we all got fit and healthy. (my whole fitness thing is competing in triathlons, not much to worry about with weight loss, diet, etc as you are too busy swimming, biking, running – all things you LOVED as a kid)

I am surprised at the negativity some have expressed here. When I have been at my most fit I loved the feeling of strength I had. Your body is one thing you have that is yours and yours alone. And if it isn’t working that well for you – you are winded going up the stairs – you can’t stay awake during the afternoon – you panic at being asked to join a volleyball game…. don’t you want to fix it? Is that a body image complex? Surely not.

A friend who trains for Ironman with me is a surgeon with 4 kids and he finds the time. Mind you he probably doesn’t read too many blogs or watch much TV. A telling example from my own life is when I have a race scheduled and when I don’t. With a race on the calendar suddenly I find time for the workout. We manage to find the time for the things we want to do.

16 years ago

I too, jump on the “exercise wagon” and bought 30DS. I was good for 3 days and thought, fuck it, I’m sleeping in. After reading this, my dimpled butt is getting out of bed! I swear!

16 years ago


Self confidence IS the best feeling in the world. Being healthy is the best feeling.

I’ve got 2 kids under 2 and just lost the rest of my pregnancy weight. I always hear “you bitch”, even though I never personally bring weight up. They just have to look at me. I’m a bitch because I follow the “don’t eat shit” diet and don’t sit on my ass? OK, fine. ‘Cause really, that’s all it takes.

16 years ago

To all of you who don’t have the “luxuries” that women like Linda are SOOOOO priveleged to have: In the time it took you to read this blog and comment you could have almost completed a workout!! Now get your ass off the computer and MOVE! Jeez

16 years ago

I really have nothing new to say, but hey, that’s never stopped me from talking before! =)

I love your sarcastic and funny entries, but I’m also completely thrilled for you that you have had so much success in getting healthy. I think that some of your readers need to remember that you are a PERSON with a LIFE and a PERSONAL BLOG — you’re not an on-demand comedy show. Jesus. Is that really such a hard concept to grasp?

I’m off to take a tentative peek at this 30DS thing. I’m terrified, I’ll admit, but I just got my ass back to using my Wii Fit and it’s probably time to kick it up a notch…

16 years ago

I’m still amazed at people who, by their own free will, come to a blog, read the material, get pissy, and then feel the need to comment. Seriously?

Regardless, I loved this. You are so right, and I’ll say it.. you’re not only right for YOU, but this is advice that ANYONE can use and benefit from. You are great, keep writing about whatever the hell tickles your fancy, and we – the faithful sundry readers – will love every bit! :)

anon 2
anon 2
16 years ago

i love this blog but have to admit i did find this post to be a bit sanctimonious. Its great that u got fit but u really werent exactly biggest loser material or anything. I sorta feel like you have been jamming this down our throats and have become a bi narcississtic. You didnt even give your body time to heal after having dylan. It just propagates the hollywood mentality of having to have a perfect body right after delivering. and yeah…u do seem to be on quite the high horse. That post may just be when sundry jumped the shark. Your response to valid commentary isnt very endearing. I guess its true. Skinny women think theyre better than everyone else

Some fat chick
Some fat chick
16 years ago

I agree. I used to love reading this blog, but…lately, it’s all about Linda.

16 years ago

“some fat chick” – it’s all about linda…..

it’s all about linda? on linda’s website? imagine that! who should it be about? what a ridiculous comment.

Lisa S.
16 years ago

“Skinny women think theyre better than everyone else”

You mean they’re not?

Well, shit, there goes my entire belief system.

16 years ago

I just really wish that I could bag up Anon 2 and Some Fat Chick’s comments and fertilize my roses with them.

Liz in Australia
Liz in Australia
16 years ago

I read the first para of this when it came up in my RSS feed the other day and went, Oh, more fitness stuff, not interesting [to me]. And then I read something else. I did not read the whole thing then comment complaining about how much I didn’t want to read it, because I am a sensible person. Why do people bother trolling comment sections saying “But this blog should be all about what I WANT!” If you want to read a blog that only talks about your own pet topics, start your own.

Shutter Bitch
16 years ago

God, who pissed in the Internet’s Wheaties this morning (and since this post was written?)

I for one and printing this out. Also, checking into workout DVDs that I can AFFORD (nice that 30 day shred is only $10, and a 5 disc set is only $24 on Amazon) and will be commencing that lifestyle change I’ve been dancing with the last few weeks.

Thanks for the inspiration, Linda. I like your high horse. Reminds me a little of Jillian herself. No excuses.

16 years ago

If nothing else this post will weed out the ASSHOLES who come here, there is that.

16 years ago

Eff the naysayers (with a leperous dick!). That was bad, sorry!

I loved this post. Your transformation after 2 kids has been really awe-inspiring. In your writing, you seem so much happier and more content than in posts from long ago – good for you!

I have fallen off the workout bandwagon now and again and recently started going BACK to school to finish my nursing degree. This is a HUGE time committment for me and I convinced myself that there really was no time in the day for working out. Some days, that may be true, but like you said, You have to make time!! So, this week, I made time to workout and damn, I feel better! I am more alert, my study sessions are more relaxed and effective, I concentrate better and feel more accomplished. It’s not about being skinny (which I never think you implied) – its about feeling awesome! It’s a nice perk that a bangin’ body comes along with it though!…

16 years ago

Eff the naysayers (with a leperous dick!). That was bad, sorry!

I loved this post. Your transformation after 2 kids has been really awe-inspiring. In your writing, you seem so much happier and more content than in posts from long ago – good for you!

I have fallen off the workout bandwagon now and again and recently started going BACK to school to finish my nursing degree. This is a HUGE time committment for me and I convinced myself that there really was no time in the day for working out. Some days, that may be true, but like you said, You have to make time!! So, this week, I made time to workout and damn, I feel better! I am more alert, my study sessions are more relaxed and effective, I concentrate better and feel more accomplished. It’s not about being skinny (which I never think you implied) – its about feeling awesome! It’s a nice perk that a bangin’ body comes along with it though!…

16 years ago

Hi Linda,

Just found your blog through a link on Big Fat Blog. I love this post and got a good laugh because, I wrote a very similar one in my own blog only yesterday!

I, too, am on a longterm fitness/weight loss journey (118 pounds down and counting). I, too, have gotten crap from some people who want to cast me as living a life of luxury and privilege because I make time to work out and prepare healthy food. Shrug. Don’t let ’em get to you. People prioritize what is important to them, end of story. Just keep doing your own thing — clearly it’s working for you — and congratulations!

I’ll certainly be back to cheer you on. :)

16 years ago

this is TMI for anyone i actually know, but i feel like linda for one wouldn’t care:

i am 36 weeks pg and just looking forward to a time where i can comfortably buckle my own shoes and wipe my own ass. oh my god it must suck to be permanently fat.

16 years ago

Can I just say that I have the Turbo Jam DVD thanks to you, Linda, and also the 30 Day Shred. I just finished doing 30 Day Shred (only for the second time though, boo). What I have learned is this: jumping jacks and jump rope performed after one has had a child takes on a whole new challenge! It also includes a necessary kegel!

15 years ago

This is just a follow-up note to say, I printed out this entry and posted it on my refrigerator. It has been inspiring me for weeks now. Thank you.

15 years ago

Good Morning Good Folks

I’ve been passive on this forum for a while now, so here goes my first post! a great site I’ve found for Free Mobile Applications etc. is Esnips.com I’ve found everything on my list…

let me know what you think!, Hope this helps ;-)

I’m Out