NaBloPoMo: THE END THANK GOD. Thank you for enduring these past 30 days of uninspired daily blather. Next up: uhh . . . uninspired non-daily blather. Hooray!




As I type I’m looking out the window at a gloriously sunny day, the temperature is surprisingly balmy here in Coos Bay and the sky is a rich bet-you-didn’t-expect-this-in-November blue, and I feel like I should be strolling on a nearby beach and soaking up the salty ocean air and listening to that timeless sound of the waves rolling in, but parenthood revolves around naps and so the window will have to do for now.

Luckily, there’s plenty of time for both naps and seaside walks.

Yesterday at Bastendorff beach:


Same beach, April 2008:


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