Remember a while back when I was bemoaning my problem with snacking at night, and some of you recommended finding something to keep busy with? Like something with my hands so I’m not just mindlessly project-managing an entire sleeve or two of Saltines into my face as soon as the boys go to bed?

Well thanks a lot, dickbags.




You owe me a rapidly dwindling sense of badassery. Also, about $57.

But I probably owe you this dropped jeans size, so thanks I guess.


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14 years ago

I just laughed so hard I snorted at your new domain name.

14 years ago

Your troll is friggin awesome! Does she mean literally lost, like in the Oregon wilderness? Dang, are you scrapbooking from the river bank right now? Post artfully decorated “help” page if yes.

14 years ago

Can you add hoarder to that domain name too? They’re beautiful, and it means you aren’t shoving junk in your pie hole…WIN!

14 years ago

I don’t know about scrapbooking but I do know that the last scrapbook page appears to be about a trip to the Rogue River (where perhaps you hiked the river for a couple of days and stayed in some kick butt lodges) and I totally totally want to do this. I’ve been stalking this trip for years (I have little wee babies and so have placed this dream on a back burner.) But it made my mouth water!

14 years ago

I need a 12 step program for my scrapbook/paper addiction! I just came back from a scrapbook retreat weekend (yes I admitted it).I got 35 pgs completed too!! Love your work thanks for sharing them!!
PS I almost wet myself when I read “dickbags” love it!!

14 years ago

Are you taking requests? I’d like to see a page titled “Dickbags” featuring photos of your internet friends and followers. You can use my BlogHer photos if you’d like.

14 years ago

My mom made scrapbooks for us (her kids) and I still have them. I love them, have pulled them out and enjoyed them for years. I have her old scrapbooks of when she was young and gorgeous too; I also love having them. Great way to save memories (rather than a shoebox of unsorted photos like I have).

14 years ago

Call it what you like.
But isn’t blogging and tweeting just . . digital scrapbooking? More journal heavy, less photos, no embellishments but . . . isn’t it?

I have gone through and printed my tweets, chopped them up, mixed with photos and made some cute scrapbook pages. I am not so good at the journaling and realized I was *already* journaling! Tweeting is journaling in 140 characters!

Do you have books or something made from your blog? Those are scrapbooks.

I shrink & print emails and use them on pages all the time (in the baby pages are emails sent during & post birthin’ and the congrats emails we got back, the birth story, etc).

I love printing photos taken on cell phones- they seem more spontaneous somehow. And I love to take photos of stuff (kid art work, books, baby clothes, furniture) before I toss, sell or give it away. So much easier to store than all the kid art in a box! And years from now I think it will be neat to look at what I was reading the spring of 2010 or exactly how many shoes the baby girl owned, or how awesomely cool was my Startac phone!

Scrap on, Sister!

14 years ago

Scrapbooking is a gateway drug to stamping, and omg how you make me laugh!
It will be good when you finally do get moved and into a new (bigger) house that you will need for all your crafty stuff.
And my daughter the junky’s website for when you hit the wall of the dark side, lol.
Dickbags, ha! You kill me!

14 years ago

I don’t understand why anyone would bother telling you that they don’t relate to you anymore and that you’ve lost them as a reader. Seems pretty pointless- what, are you supposed to have tailored your personal blog to fit this person that you’ve never met’s interests? That sentence was terrible, but you know what I mean.

Also, watch this from minutes 1:30 to 4:30. Snarf!

14 years ago

Couldn’t have said it better, Karen!!! Speaking of dickbags….

14 years ago

I totally relate to dickbag and will use it in a proper way tomorrow I promise!! Dickbags of the world unite!

14 years ago

So, my badass self makes greeting cards with pretty papers, little embellishments and rubber stamps. (It’s like ‘scrappin’s younger cousin.) Except most of my cards look really bad and I don’t want to give them to anyone. Used to be I could say that my daughter made them, but now she’s 13 and I just can’t shame her like that. Oh, and the ones that I wouldn’t be embarrassed to give someone? I have a hard time giving them away because I maaaaaaaaaaaaaade that. Oy.

14 years ago

My new favorite word = dickbag. *Snerk* I am a scrapbooker, and really love to sit down and accomplish SOMETHING that gets done and stays done. I haven’t made the time to work on my books in awhile, and save the bulk of it for a twice yearly retreat at Wallace Falls Lodge in Gold Bar. I missed the last one though. My best friend and I go together, and we’re the smart asses in the corner, giggling at our own inside jokes. I can do between 40 & 50 pages in a weekend.
Your pages look great!!

14 years ago

“Thanks a lot, dickbags”!!!
No, thank YOU . . . that was awesome.

14 years ago

Your scrapbooking looks like you have been doing it for years…Maybe the domesticity of the other sister wives has worn off on you? ;)

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