Some random housekeeping details:

1) For those who enjoy chatting about All Things Potty Training, and boy, who doesn’t?—I’ll be manning the official Pull-Ups Twitter account tomorrow from 12-12:45 PM. They, like, gave me a password and everything, which seems . . . ill-advised, but I did promise to try and keep the prison slang to a minimum.

2) I’m pretty sure my chances of winning this contest/job thing are exactly nil, but if you wanted to throw a vote my way I’d be super appreciative. Or maybe better yet, go ahead and apply for the gig yourself! I don’t know about you, but I could definitely make use of a $30,000 paycheck.

3) I am completely obsessed with this video and so are the kids. I see no reason to be the only one involuntarily humming the song 24/7 and secretly practicing my hand-dancing moves, so please, enjoy:

We No Speak Americano ft. Cleary & Harding from vepaks on Vimeo.

Thank you, thank you for all your kind comments and emails. I feel . . . well, so grateful. So happy that you are all a part of my life, and that you’re patient with me when I whinge.

Yesterday in the midst of reading your lovely, thoughtful words, I heard from my gym coach. As embarrassing and awkward as it was to have a candid discussion about what went wrong during Monday’s workout, it was exactly what needed to happen. I went back and worked out in his class yesterday and it was much, much better.

You, my friends inside the computer, so often give me the push I need to get myself pointed in the right direction. Whether that’s kicking a bad habit to the curb or taking on a new goal or bolstering how I feel about myself as a person, you guys always, always help.

For that and so much more, thank you.

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