Funny, we must be in a “what’s up with guys” mood. I just posted on my blog about weird boy behavior from my sons.
Eric's Mommy
13 years ago
Ugh, the toilet paper kills me.
Pamela Brookins
13 years ago
How on Earth did you sneak into my house and take these pictures??!! LOL!
13 years ago
LOVE it! These pictures say it all.
13 years ago
Yikes! My husband is going to be prety surprised to fun out he married a man!! (Except for the TP, thats annoying. I mean–youre SITTING THERE ANYWAY. Its not like you dont have the 30 seconds to change it out.)
The bowl is there because the dishwasher is clean and I don’t have the time to empty it, and the shoes jut make sense! I’ll need them when I leave, so why not keep them in the most convenient spot?
All that aside, Linda I love your rug! Where did you happen to snag it?
13 years ago
Ha! This could be my house. My 9 year old son takes off his pajamas in the family room and stuffs them under the couch with his underwear and socks while he gets dressed in front of the TV. And he is amazed when I find the stash after a week. I mean, they were so craftily hidden there!
13 years ago
See also: discarded socks by couch, wet towels on bed.
Imake Themoneyz
13 years ago
Well, maybe after coming home from a long strenuous day at my real job, while you’re lounging around the house, if you would do your job, we wouldn’t have this problem. I’m pretty sure that had you been cleaning up instead of sitting on your rather large posterior, it wouldn’t look like that. I am fairly certain that if you were in the kitchen as you were supposed to be, there would not be dishes unattended to.
This is why I love you! There’s someone else in the world who UNDERSTANDS.
Throw in a pile of toenail clippings on an end table, and you’ve got my ex-husband.
Funny, we must be in a “what’s up with guys” mood. I just posted on my blog about weird boy behavior from my sons.
Ugh, the toilet paper kills me.
How on Earth did you sneak into my house and take these pictures??!! LOL!
LOVE it! These pictures say it all.
Yikes! My husband is going to be prety surprised to fun out he married a man!! (Except for the TP, thats annoying. I mean–youre SITTING THERE ANYWAY. Its not like you dont have the 30 seconds to change it out.)
The bowl is there because the dishwasher is clean and I don’t have the time to empty it, and the shoes jut make sense! I’ll need them when I leave, so why not keep them in the most convenient spot?
All that aside, Linda I love your rug! Where did you happen to snag it?
Ha! This could be my house. My 9 year old son takes off his pajamas in the family room and stuffs them under the couch with his underwear and socks while he gets dressed in front of the TV. And he is amazed when I find the stash after a week. I mean, they were so craftily hidden there!
See also: discarded socks by couch, wet towels on bed.
Well, maybe after coming home from a long strenuous day at my real job, while you’re lounging around the house, if you would do your job, we wouldn’t have this problem. I’m pretty sure that had you been cleaning up instead of sitting on your rather large posterior, it wouldn’t look like that. I am fairly certain that if you were in the kitchen as you were supposed to be, there would not be dishes unattended to.