August 16, 2007

When I was around 18 or so I worked at a movie theater in downtown Portland—the Broadway theater, for those who might live in the area. Its fishbowl-like ticket selling stand and central location made for some great people watching, although unfortunately many out-of-towners did tend to treat it like an general information stand for the city (Helpful Tip: surly minimum wage earning teenagers forced to wear clip-on polyester bow ties are not your best bet for getting accurate directions on locating your tourist destination of choice).

During my stint as cashier/popcorn hawker/inventory counter-wronger (I remember being continually assigned to count the inventory in the stock room, which involved, among other things, visually tallying the number of paper cups in a giant stack—I’d get about two feet up and blink, then have to start over. And over. And over. Don’t even get me started on the giant case boxes of Twizzlers and the impossibility of accurately counting those motherfuckers), I saw a number of quasi-celebrities at the theater, including Willem Dafoe (in town, I think, to film the oh-so-unwatchable Body of Evidence), who is even shorter than you might guess; Lori Petty; Ed “Pale Eyebrows” Begley Jr; and most exciting of all (hey, it was the 90’s), Keanu Reeves, who I sold a ticket to and observed the social phenomenon of a crowd of people suddenly recognizing a movie star in their midst—it was freaky, like a pile of metal shavings being exposed to a magnet.

Since then, I once met Patrick Warburton outside his beautiful ranch house on the Rogue River, I saw Sinbad come by my company’s booth at a streaming media tradeshow, and last year at Macworld I saw Robin Williams.

I think that’s it, as far as my personal brushes with fame. I’m telling you these boring anecdotes in hopes that you’ll share your own celebrity encounters, for no particular reason other than I have the feeling some of you will have some interesting stories. Dish!


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17 years ago

Funny that you brought this up!
I have been toying with the idea of trying to locate some photos.

Here’s the thing. When I was a little kid (like 2 or 3 or 4) I was really cute. So the family story goes my grandfather wanted to go see a wrestling match but my grandmother said no. So he took me “out” and we went to the big match.
And there was a wrestler named Gorgeous George and he picked me up and held me. Years ago when my grandmother told my now hubby the story, he was pretty impressed.
So now that I am doing family research, I’ve been wondering if maybe there are some photos of that Pensacola Florida wrestling match from 1970 or so somewhere.

17 years ago

As a birthday gift from a friend, I was able to go to the “meet and greet” after a Vince Gill/Amy Grant Christmas concert. They were both fabulously nice and normal people who talked at length with absolutely everyone in the very long line. I actually could have cared less about meeting Amy and was more than willing to shove her out of the way to get to my Vinnie (who I’ve been known to dream about). I made sure in the picture that I was in front of HIM so that I could get his hands on my shoulder. And, yes, I was star-struck and barely could get out two words. Just stood there grinning like a big Dork while he was talking to me.

Meghan McDonough, who played one of the strippers in “The Ice Harvest”, played soccer with our son when they were 5-6 on the team that my husband coached. Sweet and cute little girl who grew up to have a couple of fabulous lines, smacking her own ass, in the movie. Who woulda thunk it. Kinda creeped us out!

Mamacita Caliente
17 years ago

I saw Val Kilmer (dressed like a hobo with a fake mustach) shopping at Office depot. Yes I know it was him, he used his credit card to pay. I also saw Robert Deniro eating outside at an Art Gallery/Cafe on Canyon Rd. in Santa Fe, he looked so debonair. Neil Patrick Harris went to HighSchool here before Doogie got big, and I saw him perform live at a high school play Greater Tuna. When introduced to him later he said (and I kid you not) How nice for you to meet me, wasn’t I great?” WTF!! In a separate incident he cut in line in front of my then 12 year old SIL at a book store, very rude.

17 years ago

I have to say, Jenn, as a former band nerd, that was hilarious…

17 years ago

My husband and I were sitting on a park bench in Austin one afternoon when Eric Stoltz walked by with some arm candy. He was about one foot away from us when my husband says loudly “Hey, that guy’s famous.” One of those moments when what you’re thinking just fly’s out of your mouth unexpectedly. Stoltz just smirked and kept on walking.

17 years ago

I was once on a plane with Ray Charles. Also one with Heather Graham.

17 years ago

I plan on having my very first brush with celebrity this Labor Day. I’m going to ATL to attend DragonCon to meet: James and Oliver Phelps (yum!), Matthew Lewis and Kari, Grant and Tory from Mythbusters. I may also get to meet Jonathan Frakes and Brent Spiner. I’ll let you know how it goes.

17 years ago

I was on a plane with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore from LA to London. They were on a promotional tour for “The Wedding Singer.” Then while in London I saw Sandler again at a theater performance of “Showboat.” (!)

My fave celeb sighting was Stephen King at a truck stop in Kennebunk, Maine. I really wanted to approach him but know he is a private person and didn’t want to bug him.

Barry Williams (Greg Brady) came to speak at my college and he was a pompous ass. Author Amy Tan (love her), former VP candidate Jack Kemp and Mohammed from the San Francisco Real World cast also spoke at my school.

17 years ago

I wish I could answer for my mom, she got high with Jimi Hendrix and was put on restriction because she told her parents she was going to a friends house to study but they saw her on the news at an Elvis Presley concert.

As for me, I tripped over Kurt Cobain’s feet and legs at a party, he was sitting on the floor blocking the hallway. He was an ass.

17 years ago

Oh and also when I was in college (at Smith, a women’s school), Ben Folds played a concert on campus, which I attended. Later that night I was walking to our campus center to buy a drink and he was just kind of hanging out on the lawn, so I went over and chatted with him for awhile about our home state and his concert and kids. All I had on me was my wallet so I asked him if he would sign a dollar bill and he looked at me sternly and said very seriously that defacing currency is a federal crime. Then he signed the dollar and said he thought Smith students were great and he hoped that his daughter would attend a school like ours when she was older.

17 years ago

Many years ago, my bff and I were 17ish and hanging out downtown in Orlando during Daytona 500 week. Two old guys (who we thought were gross) picked us up and told us they would get us into a bar and buy us drinks. Once we got in, the bartender and customers there kept asking us if we knew who the guys were we were with and we didn’t have a clue. Turns out, it was Bill Elliot and his manager. We got drunk and my bff ended up in his hotel room that night. I met up with her the next day and she says nothing happened to this day but whatever.

Also, I dated a guy years later who designed some of the sets for Titanic and I got to talk to Leonardo DiCaprio and his mom all the time during filming, so that was fun and they are both really nice people.

17 years ago

When I was about 10 years old, I saw Ben Vereen at the Cape Cod Melody Tent with my parents (this is about 30 years ago). We waited in the parking lot in hopes that we might get a glimpse of the star and after a long time, he did start walking across the empty parking lot (with another person). My mother, being anything but shy, jumped out of the car and approached him telling him how much I loved him and admired his talent. He walked over to our car where I was cowering in the backseat. He knocked on my window and said “Roll down that glass girl”, which I did, and he gave me a kiss. Oh, and he signed my autograph book.

But let me tell you how it is from the other side of the coin. I’m not famous, but my niece is – JoJo. She came up to NH last weekend to spend some time with family and we went to a local Old Home Days celebration to see a cousin of ours perform in a band. I have to say it is unsettling to have hordes of teenage girls and boys grouping around you, staring, texting and phoning their friends while you are trying to have a normal conversation. I’ve been out to dinner with her and had people approach our table, while we are eating, and ask for autographs and photos. It’s just rude. While she is always gracious, I’m surprised it doesn’t wear on her yet. On the other hand, she wouldn’t be in the business if she didn’t like the attention!

17 years ago

I saw Tea Leone and David Duchovny on their honeymoon (1997) in New York City at Starbucks in the Upper West Side. Bronson Pinchot (Balky) was on my plane from Los Angeles to Detroit senior year of high school (1992) I saw Al Roker and Eugene Levy at DTW (on separate occasions). When I was a kid Adam Rich (Tommy from 8 is Enough) was the celebrity MC at a benefit at our local health club. Oh, and my neighbor (the one keeps our emergency house key) is a radio personality on a popular morning show in Detroit. He is good friends with Eminem and Kim Mathers. One evening on our usual stroller ride, we stopped to say HI and Slim Shady was hanging out on our neigbors deck. Oh and also one of the Detroit Pistons (circa 1990) , Joe Dumars, at the car wash and one shooting hoops at the JCC, Vinnie Johnson and one at the Sushi place, Jerry Stackhouse. I think that is all of my brushes with celebrity.

17 years ago

OMG I can’t believe I forgot to mention this:

I have been in the same room (but not met) three American Presidents: Clinton, Bush Sr. and Ford.

Clinton and Bush Sr. at the 1992 Presidential Debate at Michigan State University. Ford when his jersey was retired at University of Michigan.

Lucy's Mom
17 years ago

This one’s an oldie. I almost ran James Garner down at the Burbank Airport. In CA pedestrians have the right of way and I just didn’t see him and he stepped right out in front of me. I was ready to scream until I realized who it was. Boy, he was a BIG man. Easily 6’4″ or more and 200+ pounds. He was not one of those little weenie runts who are 5’2″ and wear “high heels” so they look all of 5’4″. What is it with so many actors being little short guys? Do the talent gene and the short gene go hand in hand?? Anyway, James Garner, good old Rockford himself, is not one of the runts. Very, very handsome man back in those days. Now he’s an old fart like all the rest of us who liked The Rockford Files.

17 years ago

Nothing special.. I was underage at a bar celebrating St. Patty’s day in Chicago in 2000, and there was the former Governor of Illinois… George Ryan (the convicted one- truck license scheme somesuch). I got my picture with him. Me. Drunk. Underage. In a bar. With the GOVNAH. LOL

17 years ago

Not too many, I guess that’s what happens when you live in the midwest. I’ve seen Keanu Reeves and Nicholas Cage randomly around town when they were filming (separate) movies. I also saw Joaquin Phoenix coming out of a fire station around when he had a movie released about firefighting or something.

I was at the same (very long) table as Kelsey Grammar at a luau back when I was in high school and Cheers was still on television.

In college I was in a bar in Madison, WI with Henry Winkler. I think he had a child that went to UW.

I ran directly into Scottie Pippen at the health club back when he played for the Bulls. I took a corner too quickly, trying to get to aerobics class on time and plowed right into him. He was very gracious and also very giant.

Most recently, I was waiting in line at Borders behind Barack Obama but I could not see what he was guying. He was very well dressed and I wanted to say something intelligent, but was too star struck.

17 years ago

I have a picture with Adam Sandler from the ShoWest convention in Las Vegas when he was promoting Mr. Deeds, about 6 years ago. He was absolutely the friendliest guy ever. I didn’t know what to say while we were posing for our picture, so I blurted “My husband is a big fan of your movies.” And he very sweetly said, “Tell your husband I’m a big fan of his, too!”

I also met Jason Statham (action star…is star the right word, I don’t know!) and Shia LeBeauf this past spring and they were both very nice.

17 years ago

I went up to Stephen Colbert at the Atlanta Bread Co. in Hartsfield Airport. He was incredibly nice and I was incredibly fawning. I should have gotten his autograph but I already felt bad for interrupting his dinner.

Authors I have gotten books signed by include: Jonathan Harr, Dorothy Allison (twice), Wendy Wasserstein, Lynda Barry, Marge Piercy, and Dave Eggers. I also have little cartoons drawn by Ivan Brunetti and Chris Ware, which I should really get framed. Most of the above were in Chicago but a couple were at my humble undergraduate institution (uh, go Cocks).

17 years ago

Because of my job, my list of celeb interactions would take 30 pages. Here are the highlights: Stars I’ve seen in their panties: Courtney Love and Nicole Kidman. Donna Karan once grabbed my butt. I’ve disco danced with Jay Kay from Jamiroquai, partied with Duran Duran, chatted with Billy Zane, lunched with Jean Paul Gautier. But my favorite interactions are the chance ones. Like when I saw Al Franken at the airport. I said “Hi!” to him, because, well, I love him. He looked at me like a lunatic. I also squealed in delight at a random James Lipton sighting once in NY, he also just glared at my glee.

The biggest was meeting President Clinton. He shook my hand, said my name and that he was pleased to meet me.

I responded with a very suave: “hheeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhuh huhuhh.” And he moved on to the next person. Yes, I brayed like a donkey at living president.

I am so cool.

A different Leah
17 years ago

I once interviewed William Hurt (it’s my job). Not only was he pompous, he was disappointed I was with the English media and he didn’t get to wow me with his French.
The movie, Le Papillion Bleu, kind of sucks btw.

17 years ago

Living so close to NYC I’ve seen quite a few people. I end up forgetting unless it was something major.

Stuck in traffic while waiting to cross the GWB, Corbin Bernsen next to us in his convertible. Who kept his eyes straight ahead. We might have been trying to get his attention. In my defense, we were young and it was my first celebrity sighting and I was thrilled.

At a cafe in Bryant Park three years ago, THE HOFF with one of his daughters eating lunch at the table next to us. My mom might have squealed a little bit while grabbing my arm and hissing his name. And asking me about “that show that he was on…with the car…what was it???” Unfortunately not all that quietly. Thanks mom.

Walking around the city – Carol Burnett, Kevin Kline, Rosie O’Donnell, Liza, and many more.

One of my favorites because I find it so amusing. While in college at Texas A&M, Mark Price (Skippy from Family Ties) was hanging out at one of the main bars on Northgate, the Chicken. He had done a show somewhere nearby (he was doing comedy at the time – early 90s) and had gone out afterwards. Very cool guy, who I was impressed kept his cool considering how many people kept shouting “SKIPPY!!!” while trying to get his attention. because yeah, thats not annoying. He was a super nice guy.

17 years ago

So at 112 I must add… we sat next to John Mellencamp and his model wife Eileen at dinner in Bloomington IN (where they live) on our third anniversary. Eileen is stunning and she was dressed down and casual. I could not stop staring at her… Made me feel infinitely… UGLY!

That is it… I have NEVER actually met any of these people besides the swimmers and like Swistle I guess they are only celebrities in certain circles so they may have to retracted! LOL… though it was fun to think back and remember meeting them because honestly I have not thought about that in years!

And I agree with another poster – you need only open your eyes and look. Airports are a great place or if you go to visit another city… I am telling you I have probably rubbed elbows with tons of people without having a clue… I guess I don’t really care because they are just people who pulled up their pants one leg at a time just like me… but with more press!

17 years ago

Back in my rugby-playing days I played with and against some world-famous internationals such as Mike Gibson and Willie-John McBride. I was just starting my career as Mike Gibson was ending his. I remember one occasion travelling on the ferry to Scotland for a match. We could see everyone recognising him and trying to pluck up the courage to come and speak to him. It was early in the morning and the sea was quite rough, so I was quite amazed how patient he was with them all.

Also, at the height of the Peace Process, when Bill Clinton was in Belfast, he went ‘walkabout’ quite close to our office building. We sneaked out to see if we could meet him or get to shake his hand. Quite a few of us succeeded. It was surprising to see that the ones most critical of him seemed to be the keenest to get as close as possible!!

17 years ago

One of my only brushes with celebrity is actually a timely story this week: Merv Griffin.

I was four, my family was in Mexico for a beach vacation and we had dinner at a restaurant in the little town were were staying in. Across the room, my sister and I heard someone barking like a dog. It was Merv. He was trying to get us kids to giggle (and it worked).

We didn’t go up to meet him (my mom said, “I guess we were trying not to look like idiots”) but I’ve never forgotten it. She told us at the time who he was, and we were as impressed as 4-year-olds can be. Heh.

17 years ago

The closest I ever got to a celeb was a Christian Rock band called Sanctus Real who I got to introduce at a concert once…lame I suppose!

17 years ago

My mom was the Marketing Manager for a Celebrity Golf Tournament that was held in Houston back in the 70s. Bob Hope was in his golf cart and people were running to get his autograph. He ran over my foot in his golf cart by mistake – I got his autograph! The nicest celebrity was Telly Savalles (sp?) who was golfing at the same tournament. It was pouring rain and he was playing and took the time to stop and sign his autograph for me while we were both getting drenched. Very nice guy.

17 years ago

Ryan Gosling went to my high school before he became really famous (and before I ever went there, too bad!). He had just done Murder By Numbers and there was those rumblings that he was dating Sandra Bullock but I don’t think he was too well known internationally yet. Regardless, we all knew who he was because having a celebrity, no matter how small, come from your hometown and attend one of the local schools is a pretty big deal!
Anyways, he came back for a visit and the school went pretty ape-shit, and my friends and I decided to stalk him through the hallways and finally cornered him, where he graciously signed us all autographs on ripped out notebook paper. He was a really nice guy, and even introduced us to the friend he’d brought with him.

17 years ago

my first trip to LA I met Fabio while he was eating a burrito, and I met Pauly shore walking with his girlfriend!

Eric's Mommy
17 years ago

JAB- I am VERY jealous you met Jason Statham I am a huge fan. Okay I’m drooling on my keyboard right now.

17 years ago

We saw Bob Newhart at Il Fornaio (restaurant) in San Jose, CA.
My husband used to be an extra in Hollywood, so he’s seen some people.
When I lived in England, I went to some small town rummage sale type thing, and the ‘celebrity’ Terry Wogan was there. He was some radio talk show personality type. I was very excited to get his autograph (at age 8. me, not him).

17 years ago

Worked on the concert committee when I was in school many moons ago and met:
Billy Joel (in his pre-Christy Brinkley, Piano Man days) very nice guy
Jackson Browne (with whom I was besotted–took his broken guitar strings off the stage as treasured keepsakes) very private guy
Bruce Springsteen (used to play the commuter lounge at my college before he got huge with Born to Run then came back and played the biggest venue we had) very tiny guy
Oh, and I went to a backyard wedding in Asbury Park of someone connected to the E Street Band where I met Clarence Clemmons and Steve Van Zandt (“Silvio” from Sopranos)
Elvis Costello (completely intense guy)
The Kinks (got propositioned by Dave Davies, Ray Davie’s shorter, uglier, brother)
Livingston Taylor (James Taylors less famous brother. Got propositioned by him, too. Hmm. Sensing a theme here)
Greg Allman (with Cher!) It was the middle of July and sweltering and she was swaddled in a big coat and spoke to no one.
Oh, and I used to frequent Cafe Central in NYC when Bruce Willis bartended there. Amazingly charismatic and funny, even before he was famous.

17 years ago

I live in ny so there are sightings a plenty…

Claire Danes in central park by the boat house. She looked kind of tortured and confused- just like one of her characters.

Melanie Griffith and Antonio banderos on 49th by 7th ave when she was doing the play Chicago, she was really tall and he was really short.

Tony Danza roller blading in central park- he was in great shape!

Chris Noth wearing a red fez (why??) on the subway at 49th. pretty short.

Robert Duvall, looked like an everyday guy who really didn’t want to be recognized.

John Corbit- REALLY good looking and tall, walking with equally good looking and tall blond model type down 8th ave.

Bud Melman…the old guy from Letterman. I rode a subway home with him and we were the only ones on the train car at 1AM, sitting right across from each other. It was kind of surreal.

Anna Wintour at the US Open. Had a good chuckle when she fell off her seat and onto the floor.

My favorite sighting…Madonna. My hubby and I ended up walking behind her for about three blocks up 8th avenue. We were literally 3 feet behind her and could hear their conversation. She had a body guard and a rabbi with her. She went for two block before other people started recognizing her. She was very tiny and much prettier than I thought she would be. I’m not actually a big fan.

17 years ago

Dur. I was so excited about responding to this post yesterday but then stupid work got in the way — and now! — 130 comments? Geeez.

Anyways, wanted to share my one run-in with fame.

In high school, a bunch of friends and I took a road trip from Central WA to Seattle for some shopping, Indian food, and body piercing (it was something like 1994. that was cool then. really. right?) We were walking through the West Seattle Mall when someone shrieked: “OHMYGODITSJAREDLETO!”

Panic ensued. Eyes were batted. Hair was flipped.

He saw us, batting and flipping, and dropped it into high gear and ran and hid in a store.

Unaware of his blatant attempt to avoid us like the plague we followed him into the store and proceeded to be interested in whatever type of glassware products that were sold there while inconspicuously gazing ogling at the star in our presence.

Probably in fear for his life (remember: High School, piercings), he tried to return one of the (unidentified) glass item to the shelf and, as I remember it, the entire shelf fell to the ground and glass went crashing everywhere. And while we tried to protect our eyes from glass shrapnel, he bolted and we were left standing in a mound of glass, in some random glasswares store.

My brush to fame. And first experience with stalking.

17 years ago

oh, I forgot the bad ones…

Soupy Sales on a school trip to Rock Center. He dropped a barrage of F bombs and screamed at us (a group of 30 8 year old children).

Andrew Dice Clay when he was working the Sheepshead Bay Clubs in Brooklyn- he’s even more obnoxious, nasty, and rude in person.

And the most crushing one…I was on Romper Room when I was 4 (which btw was sandwhiched between two porn shops in Times Square. Miss Sally (I believe was her name) was the hostess. What a vile woman! All the children were terrified of her. She threatened to smack one kid (for no real reason- all of us were too scared to misbehave) and kept yelling at both the kids and the crew and muttering f-ing kids during the commerical breaks. Wow was I disillusioned.

17 years ago

Ooooh, I forgot my best one!! At the brunch for my husband’s grandmother’s 90th birthday, we saw Ron Jeremy. RON FUCKING JEREMY! He was there his what I can only assume was his wife and kid and a bunch of other porntastic friends. Evidently he goes to that restaurant every Sunday for brunch. I can’t remember if it was my MIL or my SIL, but someone told me that she was talking to him last week and he was a really nice man–whoever it was had NO IDEA who he was. The cognitive dissonance of my mother-in-law chatting with Ron Jeremy over blintzes is too much for me to handle.

17 years ago

Prepare to be dazzled. I was an extra (in 5th grade) in the movie Roller Coaster. The theme park scenes were filmed here at Kings Dominion and my teacher had an in with someone on the film crew. I rode the Scooby Doo roller coaster 21 times in a row and George Seagal was at the top of the highest peak. He was inches away from for hours. Whee! Also catered a reception at a private home once in which Colleen Dewhurst was the special guest. She was very nice though her choice of muumuu was something that would now be highlighted on Go Fug Yourself.

17 years ago

I ran into Tommy Lee on a flight from Detroit to Amsterdam as I was making my way up to the first class bathroom. I was on my way to Prague with some friends and he was on his way to…..Ibiza (of course).

He got the girl sitting next to him so drunk, they (her friends/family) had to carry her off the plane. He was perfectly nice to me but looked extremely ragged. Or as one friend put it “Rode hard and put up wet, over and over and over.”

17 years ago

Once I was walking down a dark street alone in the West Village. I saw a man coming toward me. He was wearing a fedora.

I thought, “That’s a brave choice. He’s kind of carrying it off, though.”

As I got closer to him, I thought, “He looks kind of like Gary Oldman.”

When I had walked about ten feet past him, I thought, “I think that was Gary Oldman.”

17 years ago

I went to school at Indiana University and waited tables at a local restaurant, when John Mellencamp came in. He looked like he was trying to be inconspicuous. At the same restaurant I also waited on Bobby Knight, who spent his whole meal working hard at recruiting some young kid.

In Denver I attended a baseball All-Star game and Kevin Costner asked me if I’d just seen a girl in a yellow dress. I think she had asked him for an autograph and he lost track of her. It was nice of him to try and find her. He looked older, like someone’s dad.

I also waited on Ed Harris when I worked at Red Robin in Boulder. He came in by himself and ate by himself. I kept thinking he looked familiar and brought over another server, and said, “Don’t you think this guy looks like that guy who was in that movie we just saw? What was it again?” she goes, “The Rock.” I’m like, “Yeah! You look just like that guy in The Rock!” He smiled and didn’t say much. Later he signed his name to his check, and I realized that I am suprmely dorky.

17 years ago

I used to work at, then manage, the coolest used record store in Seattle in the early-to-mid ’90’s, Cellophane Square in the U. District. It was pretty awash with rock stars at that time, not to mention the numerous in-store gigs we had. Because of that job, I’ve met: Mike McCready of Pearl Jam (1994, I had no idea it was him, we flirted with each other, then he invited me to see his non-PJ band play, we talked at that show, & I never saw him again, but man alive, was he nice!), Krist Novoselic (he consigned Nirvana tshirts at the store), Guided By Voices, Kim Deal, Soundgarden, the Melvins, Kurt Bloch, the ever-so-dreamy Bill Rieflin (Ministry, Swans) whom I still have a huge crush on, Peter Buck, John Doe of X, Kristin Hersh, Jonathan Richman, Dead Milkmen, Luscious Jackson, Dylan Carlson of Earth, Mark Lanegan of Screaming Trees, Michael Franti of Spearhead, Courtney Love, Kristen Pfaff (who applied for a job there & who later OD’ed) of Hole, Wayne Coyne of Flaming Lips, and my favorite non-musician celebrity, LYNDA BARRY! I know there are countless more, I just can’t recall right now! It seems like a long time ago. . . But man, does this bring back the memories! Thanks, Linda, for the suggestion.

17 years ago

I forgot to mention that I once attended a reading by Jeremy Irons and was loitering afterwards to ask him to sign my ticket stub while he was talking quite seriously to this guy. I finally interrupted, which I never do, but he was very nice, if distracted. He started to sign, stopped and said, “I’m so stupid,” then finished up and handed me my pen and ticket. And it took months and months until someone was finally able to help me decipher what the autograph said. He had signed it “J. Irons,” then added “I mean, Jeremy Irons.” Heh.

17 years ago

I stood in an elevator with Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie Howser, M.D.) in NYC – he kept his ball cap pulled low and acted like he wanted to shrink inside himself.

I met Brigiette Nielsen (back in 1990 – post Stallone, pre-Surreal Life) at a British Airways ticket station in London, got her autograph. She is TALL – and I am 5’11”.

My mom and I saw Sarah Ferguson (Fergie – the royal, not the Black Eyed Pea) in London, and chased her motorcade after looking at each other and screaming “FERGIE!!!”

I came thisclose to meeting Drew Barrymore once in NH, but she didn’t show up for the party that we were at. She was renting a house next door at the time and had met the host of the party I was at.

I know Warren Kimble, who is a primitive American Folk Artist that lives near us – it’s cool when someone famous on some grand scale knows you by name. He and G served on jury duty together.

And there’s an article in Oprah magazine this month about Sally Goodrich, a woman that lost her son on 9/11 who has done an enormous job of building schools in Afghanistan for women. Her other son and his wife are dear friends of mine, and she is a wonderful woman. She’s in Oprah, so she’ll be famous in her own right.

17 years ago

I know i am a little late to the party but here it goes….

I grew up in the Catskills about an hour drive outside of NYC and my parents owned a store Both Whoopie Goldberg and Jud Hursh shopped regularly at our little mom and pop place. I also met Scott Baukula (Quantum Leap) in a Shop Rite up there, my mom loved the show and him and squealed and said the guy from Quantum Leak in here rather loudly and then said hi to him and his family to get an autograph and told his daughter that she must be very proud of her father, he smiles and said he was very proud of her (his daughter). Very nice but my mom felt like and ass! It was amazed that she was so weird about the whole thing, she used to work as an actor and singer in the village in her 20’s and met a ton of people! I have also got pulled on stage and “sung” with the band Candlebox, met the guitarist from the band who sang Hey Jealousy i didn’t know who he was and we were talking to him at his concert! We went to see Spin Dockers so had no clue. I have also met and partied with Disturbed and got to see Scot Weiland’s ass, and what a glorious ass it was! Other than that i can honestly say i don’t remember…..

17 years ago

I’m glad I read through the comments. Great stories!

I used to be a reporter for a weekly paper in NJ, so I saw Jon Bon Jovi at a ribbon cutting for a free health clinic. He was flashily dressed in a straw cowboy hat and purple sunglasses. He and his wife had donated a lot of money.

I also got to go up to Manhattan to interview Karen Duffy (aka “MTV’s ‘Duff'”), because she was from the paper’s local area and had written a couple books. I almost threw up, I was so nervous, but she was very lovely. She has a very serious nerve disorder, which I think might have been behind her decision to wear sunglasses inside through the entire interview. But oh my gosh, what a very nice lady. And her book Model Patient is hysterical and moving.

I later worked in NJ state politics, and had the opportunity to set up a fire hall for a Howard Dean appearance. I had been out until all hours the night before at a Halloween party, so I was an absolute wreck. I was electrified by his speech , though (almost enough to become a registered Democrat, but not quite – – still an I), and he was gracious and engaging when I shook his hand and told him that he was the reason I was involved in politics in the first place. I almost cried, seriously, and I am not some crazed political person, either. He’s just very inspiring.

ALSO, I went to some stupid concert with a boyfriend at a club called Brownie’s in Manhattan, and the bf just had to go stand at the front of the crowd, so I said screw it and went to lean against a wall in the back. About 30 minutes into the show, this elven looking, adorable woman, sat down on the floor near where I was leaning. It took me a few minutes to realize it was Bjork. No one bothered her, but everyone was locking eyes with each other with a look that said, “Holy crap. That’s Bjork!” She had on the cutest shoes and outfit. And she’s itty bitty!

17 years ago

They filmed parts of Dumb and Dumber in my hometown in Northeastern Colorado. I was still in High School and spent afternoons watching Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels run around town in that stupid Dog-van! Didn’t meet them, just got within 20 yards (what the studio guards would let us) of them!
Met Baxter Black (cowboy poet) at a book reading in college. Also Chris LeDoux (country singer) at Colorado State Fair.
Many various Denver Bronco’s players at different fundraising events throughout the state.
I now live in south-central Idaho and on trips through Sun Valley you routinely see the regulars up there. My co-worker actually had Arnie (the Govornator) barge into the restroom at the Sun Valley Lodge ice scating rink looking for “Maria and my kids!” She was so shocked that he was in the women’s bathroom that she forgot to ask for a autograph! Have seen Jamie Lee Curtis strolling the Ketchum streets, and have driven past Demi’s houses. I guess I’m used to it now.

17 years ago

i saw jessica simpson fall flat on her face, but then attended the press conference and she was adorable, sweet, articulate, seemed humble, and funny–all things i didn’t expect. she was also very polite. i saw fred durst shopping at the mall of america once. my first instinct was “I know that guy. did i go to high school with him?” then i saw his bodyguards, who made eye contact with me. and they smirked when they saw the light dawn on my face. i saw a girl from laguna beach at a bakery. i met liz phair–the crowning glory of my meetups–after a show here in minneapolis. she actually almost kinda approached me (although i was waiting in the parking lot after the show). she was polite, friendly, and offered to take pictures and sign something. she’s my idol and i could barely even speak. i acted like a fool because i just smiled dumbly mostly, and then called my brother and screamed into his answering machine that i had just met liz phair. it dawned on me later that she perhaps heard me. she also put her arm aorund me, and someone who doesn’t know her, saw the picture of us together and asked if it was my sister. i was flattered, since she’s hot!

17 years ago

0 degrees of separation! – kevin bacon and i rode in the locomotive of a train together for about 3 hours. i still have the framed photo on my desk at work – and finally had to get a photo of my husband so he’d stop whining. also saw bono getting on a train in washington, dc and eddie vedder waiting in the first class lounge (not on the same day). Train stations – good celeb spotting.

17 years ago

My sightings are not very exciting…
My husband and I met and talked with Exene Cervenka from the band X. She was very nice, we chatted, took pictures with her. She even let us take pictures of tattoos that John Doe had given her on her hands in the documentary “The Decline of Western Civilization”.

I was at the Nascar races at California Speedway and met Sterling Marlin, and another driver I cannot remember right now…

When I was a teen, we saw Corey Haim at a restaurant.

I was a candy striper at Centinela Hospital in Inglewood, CA, and met Hugh Downs from 20/20, members of the Lakers, and other athletes.

Nothing too exciting…

17 years ago

I live in New Haven, CT, which happened to be one of the filming spots for Indiana Jones IV. My husband and I went downtown to eat dinner one night (we figured the crew had probably finished up by then and the crowds would be lighter) and after we got our main course, Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart were seated at the table next to us! I was way more excited than I probably should have been, but it was surreal to hear that voice I knew so well in person! I kept looking around to see who had turned on the TV.