October 26, 2007

Show of hands, how many of you find those widget boxes in the righthand sidebar to be useful? If you don’t read those other blogs, I promise my feelings won’t be hurt, I’m just trying to figure out if they’re handy for the folks who are interested in seeing when I’ve updated—or if, as I’m starting to suspect, they’re just cluttering up the page and also triggering random crashes in some Mac browsers.

Speaking of other blogs, I posted the pumpkin-chocolate muffin recipe over here. Warning: your eyes may become stuck at the top of your skull in orgasmic delight as a result of eating those things. Also, I take no responsibility for what might happen to your ass (I’m pretty sure mine has grown three times in size, just like the Grinch’s heart).


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17 years ago

I use a reader so it’s a non-issue for me, I never see them unless I come to comment which is like never because I’m lame like that.

And those muffins are good with no chocolate in them as well, or put chopped walnuts in too, yum.

17 years ago

I use the widgets, but yeah, they crash my Mac from time to time.

17 years ago

A long-time lurker (hi!) says: Don’t get rid of the widgets. I click on about half the links in them — probably not enough to bookmark the pages and check them all the time, but definitely enough that I want the option of looking. It’s increasing your traffic on those sites for sure.

17 years ago

For God’s sake, I am making those muffins this weekend, the first weekend I’ve been home (and not had houseguests) since SEPTEMBER. I do use the widgets occasionally!

17 years ago

I use the widgets, because I read ’em all. You are my substitute for adult conversation!

17 years ago

I use the widgets. Sucks that they’re causing browser trouble, though, thats no fun.

17 years ago

Yeah, honestly I really don’t check out your other blogs very often. Cause 1) I’m not a mom or even a female, so Purple is a Fruit isn’t quite as entertaining for me, and two, er 2) … pretty much the same thing for Milk and Cookies, and 3) I’m a dude once again, and I don’t go shopping, especially not for the stuff you review on Sundry Buzz. But don’t worry, I still get a woody for new posts over here. Minus that recent one which actually killed it for a while. All & Sundry is my blogosphere head quarters. You introduced me to the world of blogging, and if it weren’t for you cracking me up almost every day, I would never have started reading other blogs, or gotten one of my own. Now I interact with kick ass people all over the fucking world! It’s so damn cool, it’s ice. Or possibly something less corny than what ever that craptastic dork phrase I just typed up was, but you get the idea. I think you should put up your blogroll again though. I did link to some kick ass shit from that list, but I didn’t check out everything.

17 years ago

I use the widgets……

Can’t wait to make these muffins!!!!1

17 years ago

I always use the widgets, but also acknowledge that they tend to be a bit wonky. As long you still have an obvious way of navigating to your other blogs, I’ll be happy. You know, because you’re hilarious and I want to read every word. ;)

17 years ago

Something has been kooky with your Widget Box lately. It doesn’t show your reviews, just has the icon for Widget Box. I click on it + it goes right to their site, not yours. :( I need to just bookmark your other site, I guess.

17 years ago

I like the widgets! And also, I like the word widget. widgetwidgetwidget. Hee.

The Other Jen
17 years ago

Negative on the widgets.
Yay, for the muffins.

17 years ago

I absolutely rely on the widget boxes, not only for *when* you update, but also how much time it will probably take to read them. “Halloween Crafts,” for example, I’m saving until I’m doing more than a quick drive-by.

17 years ago

I suppose a link to the other blogs would suffice for me; the only thing I don’t like about the widgets is that they push your flickr widget 18 miles down the page.

stacy harper-watson
stacy harper-watson
17 years ago

I don’t use the widgets but I do plan to make the muffins this weekend! Kitchen looks great!

17 years ago

I rely on your widgets!

17 years ago

I like the widget things…and YES I read your other blogs…they come up just fine for me (but sorry to report that I don’t use a mac…wish I did).

I’ll subscribe to your RSS feed if you remove them though – so either way I’ll still follow your other writing.

Seriously…I have kitchen envy! It LOOKS FABULOUS – congrats on surviving the remodel.

17 years ago

Definitely use the widget boxes…and I’m making those muffins this weekend!!! :)

17 years ago

i use the widgets too!!

17 years ago

I don’t use the widgets because I get the new post in Google reader subscriptions.

17 years ago

I use the widgets. I’ve been too lazy to bookmark your other sites, so I just have this one bookmarked. :) The widgets also let me know when new posts have been made on your other sites.

17 years ago

oh yeah, i view your site on several macs that I have (that are updated with the current software), using safari and I have had no crashes. hope that helps

17 years ago

I use them but in the reverse order you have them in (sundry buz#1, M&C #2, PIF #3). I like to be able to see at a glance if there issomething new. Wish there was more sundry buzz!!

17 years ago

I love them and I use them.

Jen J.
Jen J.
17 years ago

Chiming in late to say that I use the widgets. I was very happy when you added the Milk & Cookies blog in the sidebar. I check the widgets daily for new posts!

17 years ago

I like having them to link to the other pages, but I don’t like that they are widgety. I’d rather have regular old links, to be honest. But, you know what? It is your blog, girly! Do what you will. We come for the cookies and the snorting-with-laughter, and widgets are beside the main point.

17 years ago

Do you really need me to chime in here? Probably not…but I have all of your blogs in my reader (but I still swear I am not a stalker).

But mostly I want to declare myself completely smitten with you and your muffins.

(Heh. That sounded kinda dirty.)

17 years ago

I use the widgets, but I would rather they were lower on the page than both the Elsewhere list and your Flickr widget. I always scroll down to those other things first, and since you have 3 very tall widgets now, it seems there is a lot of scrolling being done.

I’d be happy just with links to your other blogs, if you’re trying to save space. I check SundryMourning every day, but only surf over to the others once a week or so.

Have a great weekend! We’re taking a road trip to Seattle and it’s supposed to be sunny. YeeHaw!

Rebecca M.
Rebecca M.
17 years ago

I use the widget boxes, but I have to say I liked it better when you just had the “I also write here” header with a link to the latest entry in your other blogs.

Although I think that was when you only had one blog other than this one, so that may be asking a bit much now.

17 years ago

I have a complex series of links from widget box to blog to blog etc… if you remove widgets you will break my chain and cause my entire clicking system to crash. No pressure.

17 years ago

I use them.

17 years ago

i say keep them, i use them everyday

17 years ago

Clearly, I live under a rock, because I have never even heard of Google Reader before now.

Anyway, I totally use your widgets all the time. I just come here whenever I get a notification of a new entry, and then catch up on your other blogs via the widget links.

17 years ago

I love them, I use you as my blogroll, please keep them!

17 years ago

I like the widget boxes.
Leave them please?


17 years ago

I am a user of the widgets.

17 years ago

Even though I read this blog DAILY and seem mildly obsessed with it (shhh, okay more then mildly). I only scan the titles in the others and then click on something that looks interesting. Only because I don’t have kids, nor ever will I, they don’t invoke complete rapture to find the best diaper bag. But with that being stated, since everything you write borders on brilliance with a mild dose of lunacy. I really should read every single post, every single day.

I clearly would rather read your blogs then type my own which pales in comparison.

BUT to answer your simply put question with an overblown answer, Yes, I use the widgets.

17 years ago

I use (and like) the widgets!

17 years ago

I never remember to check your other sites until I see them, so I’d say keep em :)

17 years ago

I use them too. The last thing I need is more bookmarks!

17 years ago

I use the widgets.

And while I am aware of the existence of RSS and feed readers and suchlike, I don’t prefer them. When have the time to blog surf, then I clickety click on over to my favs. I don’t like the pressure of feeling like I have to keep up with every single blog I may enjoy. Some blogs (yours is among the few, the proud, the marines) I check often. Some I go to only when no one is updating and I am killing major time – airport layovers are a good example.

A link of some kind would be nice, though it doesn’t need to be a widget.

Also, if this matters, I use Firefox on my iBook at home and my XP Pro machine at work. But I am now also a member of the iPhone clique, so I’m using Safari, too.

17 years ago

I don’t use the widgets, because I use an RSS feeder.

17 years ago

I use the widgets, too! Keep ’em!

17 years ago

I use ’em regularly and it’s handy to get the teaser on new titles. But they do randomly show up way down the page and such frequently.

17 years ago

I use ’em. A while back, they did crash Safari when I would click on them, but I haven’t had that problem for several months.

17 years ago

My mac crashes occasionally in Safari but not in Firefox.

17 years ago

Honestly, I don’t even look at the widget things on the right. I just read the post, read a few comments and move on. I think I’ve been trained to not pay attention to stuff in the right nav because it often is a space for ads, or other “kind of useful” add ons that so many web publishers use.

On my blog I don’t bother putting anything in the right nav, preferring a simple approach of a few past posts and a small blog roll on the left nav.

17 years ago

i just seriously had a heart attack, i clicked on you from my favorites list and it came up with just a blank page, and your header, nothing else. then i clicked it again and it came up an error and that the page might have been removed. shoo, your quote about ignoring weirdness just set my heart back into pace, you know, because my day would just like so not be half as nice if i didn’t get a little tidbit to read from you

17 years ago

I use the widgets! I like them! I like the new look too! Very nice!
Have a good weekend!

17 years ago

I like the widgets, they let me know when you’ve updated. Also, I like the word “widget.”