Oh hi there, it’s ME AGAIN, just doing the blog equivalent of blathering nervously out loud while I drum my fingers, chew my bottom lip, and that annoying sound from 24 plays in my head: tink . . . tink . . .

I thought there was a good chance I’d get ushered over to Labor & Delivery today, since they had me scheduled for another blood pressure test at 10 AM and hey, you know one thing that I bet sends people’s blood pressure skyrocketing, it’s knowing that the results of the test could send you straight to the operating room, but no, everything was totally fine. Whew, I guess. Except truthfully I was sort of hoping we might just get the ball rolling instead of waiting all weekend and getting progressively more FREAKED THE HELL OUT.

I have now packed my hospital bag twice, so by Monday I should have this whole routine down cold and will have have strategized the right amount of stuff to bring. Camera battery: yes; two different kinds of perfume: no.

A nurse presented me with some sort of hardcore antibacterial soap and instructed me to wash from the neck down on both Sunday night and Monday morning, then she paused, perhaps assessing my intellect and finding it lacking, and told me not to use it in my hair (duh) or inside my lady parts (no KIDDING, really? Because I was planning to really have a go at myself with a turkey baster and maybe a Magic Eraser). She also reminded me not to shave my own belly, an activity which I had not considered but once she mentioned it I instantly started wondering who would need to do so and just how thick and luxurious their belly-pelt might be.

Aside from any last-minute labor shenanigans, we’re now supposed to show up at the hospital at 6 AM on Monday, at which point we’ll probably sit around in some bleak-ass waiting room for about a thousand hours while I get progressively more despondent about that whole no eating past midnight pre-op thing. I’ll post something on Sunday about where/when you might find some baby news on Monday, stay tuned.

So tell me (DISTRACT ME), what are your plans for the weekend? Are you doing anything in particular for the Superbowl? Me, I don’t much care about the teams playing, but it seems like a fine excuse for eating a bowl of nachos the size of my head.


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16 years ago

I was at a party once where a woman went on and on about having to get a bikini wax before giving birth because – gosh – no one in the hospital has ever seen naked hairy lady parts before! I guess a similarly grooming-obsessed person might feel the need to shave their belly pelt (heehee) before going into the OR. Maybe that nurse noted your perfectly trimmed hair and fancy toenails while giving you the once over…

I can’t wait to see STP’s cute little face and find out his name. This is better than Christmas :)

16 years ago

Birthday party (#15) for my son tonight. I’m actually cooking supper for it too. Something new so hmmm we’ll see how that turns out. Sitting on my rather large rear tomorrow since I cleaned house all day today getting ready for said party. Super bowl party at my sisters. Off Monday and Tuesday. Your posts really crack me up. Will be waiting to hear……

16 years ago

Tomorrow hubby and I are going to the flea market. I’m not sure when that became exciting. Sunday we are going to a superbowl party so I can cheer on my Patriots! And I have to say I’m hoping they do win because…well… aside from being my team, this type of record hasn’t been broken since 1972 when the Dolphins did it first.

By they way…belly pelt is hilarious.

16 years ago

Digging out from the snow that hit Idaho courtesy of the Pacific Northwest is first on the list. Then making chocolate chip cookies, snickerdoodle cookies, cinnamon rolls (made from yellow cake mix!) and your Gooey Butter Cake. I’m going to die from plugged arteries for sure! Might take the 3 boys out and try for some fun in the snow, but it’s still nasty out there! Can’t wait for the game though!

Oh, and belly pelt fit me when I was pg. I was embarrasingly furry during both pregnancies! Something to do with too much testosterone, I blame it on having male offspring!

My Buddy Mimi
16 years ago

When my four-month-old daughter was scheduled for surgery, they gave us the same instructions for the antibacterial soap. On super-sensitive baby skin? Ha! We decided not to use it.

16 years ago

I think that if I had gotten the “not inside the lady parts” instructions, I would have been hard pressed to refrain from laying it on thick: “What??? How ya’ll ‘spect me to clean my cooter??”

As for weekend plans – I’m taking leave of my sanity and taking four kids to the museum. Then I’ll be heading home for a drink.

And without the Steelers in the Superbowl, I’m pretty much with you in the head-sized nachos camp.

16 years ago

I will be checking your blog repeatedly for baby news. :o)

Can’t wait to hear about your new arrival and wish you, JB and Riley the very, very best. Hope all goes well.

16 years ago

Tonight we’re going to San Francisco with another couple to have dinner at a cozy little mediterranean restaurant named Cafe Casablanca, then we’re of to the Great American Music Hall to see a concert (Mark Olsen and Mary Gauthier). Since I’m old, I’ll probably spend all Saturday “resting”.

Sunday will be spent at my MIL’s house eating her wonderful homemade chicken and duplings. I have a bet with my 18 year old daughter that the Patriots are gonna win. I hope I’m right because a box of See’s candy is at steak…

16 years ago

I plan to attend a couple of farewell parties (for ME!) and show my Japanese teacher from middle school around the Waseda campus. Then I gotta pack for my trip home and say my goodbyes to Tokyo. So while I will not have a Super Bowl to watch, there’s certainly plenty to do. And of course, I’ll be emotionally destroyed if you don’t update before I get on my Tuesday flight! You’ve spoiled us with all of the times you’ve done it this week. =P

16 years ago

Tonight we’re going to San Francisco with another couple to have dinner at a cozy little mediterranean restaurant named Cafe Casablanca, then we’re of to the Great American Music Hall to see a concert (Mark Olsen and Mary Gauthier). Since I’m old, I’ll probably spend all Saturday “resting”.

Sunday will be spent at my MIL’s house eating her wonderful homemade chicken and duplings. I have a bet with my 18 year old daughter that the Patriots are gonna win. I hope I’m right because a box of See’s candy is at steak…

I just really cannot wait to see this beautiful new baby. Sending good thoughts your way. Soon all of this waiting will be just a memory and before you know it you’ll be home with your new son. {{{hugs}}}

16 years ago

Ugh, sorry for the double post…I’m a dork.

16 years ago

Double ugh, that should have said STAKE not steak. And we’re having DUMPLINGS not duplings. Egads…

Ok, I’ve filled my commenting quota for the week now…

16 years ago

This weekend….tomorrow I’ll be attending my nephew’s 5th birthday party (it’s a Star Wars theme, fun times!) And on Sunday I’ll be at the in-laws’ watching The Game on their new widescreen TV. I’m not usually a football fan, not even for the SuperBowl, but I figure since Logan Mankins of the Patriots is from my hometown, I’ll show him some support. And also consume vast quantities of guacamole.

16 years ago

Because I’m such a rock star, I’m going to be making a meatloaf and then doing the metric ass ton of dishes that I’ve been putting off. Exciting!

Enjoy your last few days of three-dom!

16 years ago

it is summer here, and i am eight months pregnant, and i am MELTING. i am going to organize my freezer which everyone else thinks of as nesting (wtf does organizing the freezer have to do with nesting? its not like i am going to KEEP THE BABY IN IT) but honestly, its because i am so hot; none of my clothes fit me, and i cannot think of anything better to do than spend a couple of hours hanging into a giant box filled with ice and cold air.

except for maybe, being able to take a nap in it.

16 years ago

I’m throwing a shower on Sunday for a friend who’s due in April. Any ideas for shower activities that aren’t games? (I am SUCH and awesome advance planner, yes?)

16 years ago

I should have said “that aren’t LAME games.” Games are okay, I think. They just can’t be stupid.

16 years ago

Linda, I read ya all the time, love ya! but never stop to comment ~ so today I just want to say best wishes, and I can’t wait to see and hear all about ‘D’. take care

samantha Jo Campen
16 years ago

Hi. My name is Samantha. And I shave my belly.

No seriously. I really do. And my arms. And my toes. Not to mention my legs and arm pits. So if I were to have a scheduled c-section, that nurse’s advice would have been very helpful.

Um, well ANYWAY! I’d be going nuts if I were you this weekend. So I think I’ll be thinking about the impending STP as if it were my own, and run around all frazzled this weekend. But in addition to that, I have three seperate baby shower gifts to buy, and we’re getting book shelves from IKEA so we can clear out all those damn books from the nursery. Then, with that 90% empty, we can get crackin’ on the other baby stuff. Add a nap or two in there and that’s my weekend.


16 years ago

The Superbowl is HERE, if I stood on my roof I could see the stadium from my house, and you’d better believe I will be hiding inside from all the kooky out-of-towners and locals hoping to catch a glimpse of a celebrity. Traffic is already a clusterfuck, and it’s only Friday. Gah.

Although guacamole does sound pretty good…

16 years ago

Best of luck on Monday Linda. I am sure that everything will go swimmingly. Can’t wait to hear the details!!!

16 years ago

while my house is full of people getting drunk and eating sausages and rooting for the giants, i will be hiding in my room watching my google reader for any interesting blog activity. and also sneaking beer and sausages and glimpses at the puppy bowl. exciting times around here!

16 years ago

i was planning to watch the superbowl, even though i don’t care much who wins either (mostly because of the afore mentioned plate of nachos), but my friend recently sent me an invitation to her “jason bourne birthday par-tay!” which is also on sunday. the invite promises food, drink and all three bourne movies. yummy…(that’s in reference to the food and matt damon.)

16 years ago

No plans this weekend at all, which seems wrong. It seems like I should have plans. I did have today off, and decided that today I would take my meals from the fuckit bucket, so that part is good. I’ll be thinking about you Monday, hoping everything goes wonderfully!

16 years ago

As usual, I have to clean the house tomorrow. On Sunday, I’ll watch a little of the Puppy Bowl and maybe some commercials during the Superbowl.I usually watch Iron Chef America and Breaking Bad on Sunday nights, so I hope they aren’t repeats. I hate when the other channels give up on Superbowl Sunday and throw repeats and crap at those of us who aren’t glued to the game.

Good luck on Monday. I hope you can relax!

16 years ago

Hey! It’s February now, ergo the amethyst bracelet is the true and correct birthstone! (I’m embarrassed to say that I have been concerned about the birthstone ever since your “Shiny” post of Jan 10.)

We so love football at our house. We’re excited for the big game, yet in mourning because no more football until September. We plan our SuperBowl menu for weeks; this year we’re having king crab legs, hummus with pita chips, guacamole, and Ashley’s soft pretzels (recipe from her Jan. 18th blog entry… BTW I found her thanks to you).

Thanks for so many blog posts these past couple weeks. Have a great weekend and an exciting week ahead, we’ll be happy to see you back when you’re ready.

16 years ago

This weekend. Let’s see. I’m planning to FREAK OUT about you and Beth Fish both being due ANY SECOND, and try to guess the names you’re using.

Get this: I don’t even KNOW WHO’S PLAYING in the SuperBowl this year. But perhaps I’d better help out with the nacho consumption anyway.

16 years ago

I just want to tell you how much easier my second C-section was from my first (and third even easier!) I think it was because I knew what to expect. So I know everything will go so awesome on Monday for you.

We took all three kids to the Great Wolf Lodge – so fun!

16 years ago

I did have two sets of people coming into town, but they both cancelled. No matter, my husband is sick and I have an art show coming up that I need to work on. I rented King of California, Rocket Science, and Sicko for him (me) to watch. Maybe we’ll go to breakfast on Sunday if he’s better. Good luck on Monday. I can’t really know how you feel, but I’ve had to wait on stressful/exciting things lately and, man it blows. I say distract by any means possible. There’s always textwist. I’ll send good vibes.

16 years ago

If this is the last entry, all the best on Monday!

Wow, how the time has flown (I almost said it like Sid Dithers: “So did you drove or did you flew?” Hah!

16 years ago

Combing my belly pelt..

And just so you know..everyone that laughed at said ‘belly pelt’ comment…has one.

I should run now huh?

16 years ago

Hi! I found your site via Beth over at So the Fish Said — been reading for a few weeks now, and I love it! You crack me up, and your pictures and stories are great. Thanks for the entertainment!
I’m up in Boston, and Pats fever has spread like the plague. Possibly worse than the plague, actually. I must admit, it’s been a fun sports town to be in this year, and I’m not even much of a sports fan.
Wait….how did I start talking about sports?? I guess maybe because my weekend will be filled with football whether I want it to be or not. But it’ll be filled with some good food (no, I’m not talking about superbowl snacks — a couple of good meals out planned!), and good friends, so who can complain?

Keep up the good work, and thanks for the laughs!

16 years ago

Lady parts? (Well, you’d be surprised, people have been known to do exactly that, yeah I know, they’re nuts). Hang in there, hon. Soon it will be all over and you’ll have that new little baby. You’ll be in my prayers this weekend and Monday.

16 years ago

Best wishes for you and baby on Monday. Depending upon which version of the nursery rhyme you like best, your new son will be “fair of face” (the class heart throb!) or “full of grace” (the star athlete!). Or, I guess he could be both!

16 years ago

I’m down with the nachos. I may just have to go there. Thankfully, my Weight Watcher weigh in is Saturday morning so I can redeem myself during the week. Saturday going to lunch with mom and sis, she’s going to be 30 on Sunday. Big controversy in my house Super Bowl or birthday party? Actually, just the hubby’s issue, not mine. But he’ll be cut off if he choses wrong.

16 years ago

I will be doing…erm…nothing…probably. Although I have this book, “Best Friends” by Martha Moody (isn’t that a great author name?) that I will be reading. And hey, when nurses tell you goofy stuff like that doesn’t it make you wonder about all the really odd stuff they must see on a daily basis? My husband’s aunt was a nurse and she tells some wicked funny (and also put you in a panic) type stories about her career as a labor nurse.

16 years ago

God, GOOD LUCK! I will be thinking of you all on Monday and can’t wait to meet Smalltopus! I hope you find some time between now and the big day to kick back with your jumbo plate o’ nachos and RELAX!

Today I am FINALLY going to get my busted car in for repair. We have been hemming and hawing about getting it in as both the Walrus and I are too cheap to pay for a tow truck to get it to the dealership. Maybe now would be a good time to look into triple A!

We’re going to a neighbor’s house to watch the Super Bowl and I’m hoping there will be lots of yummy treats to go around. I’m currently scouring cookbooks for a dip or two to bring. Hopefully one will involve lots of bacon!

Also, is it weird that I totally want some of that hospital-strength antibacterial soap with which to scrub myself spotless? What? What’s that you say about OCD? Sigh.

16 years ago

Belly-pelt. Too funny.

This weekend I am going to try and forget about the utterly crappy week I just had at work. Don’t care about the football game; my husband is going to take one of the kids over to a SuperBowl party for awhile while I stay home with the other. Woohoo!

Best wishes for the delivery on Monday – can’t wait to see pictures of STP2 and find out his real name! :)

16 years ago

“belly pelt” that made le laugh too!

Today I have the “pleasure” of going to a shower/brunch for our little alien given by husband’s former workmates (yes, you read that correctly…..). While it should be fun, it also has the potential to be WEIRD TOO…updates later.

Sunday a friend of mine is coming over to help me get more and better photographic evidence of my immense (and apparently still growing as evidenced by the look on my OB’s face on Friday) midsection.

40 weeks somehow seems too long sometimes!

Best wishes on Monday…we’ll be thinking of you and can’t wait to meet the newest squishy member of the clan

bad penguin
16 years ago

I think belly pelt is my new favorite phrase.

I am getting a manicure and pedicure and looking for a birthday present for my boss. Then I’m going to do laundry and put some new music on my iPod.

Good luck on Monday!

16 years ago

I would totally bring two kinds of perfume. How are you going to know what mood you’re going to be in? You’re certain to feel like wearing the one you don’t bring. And they take up no space. What luxury to have a choice. Pack em both. I say so.

This weekend I am:
1. Being ignored by the opposite sex for some strange reason
2. sewing a bra, panty, shrug for my fashion show in Italy
3. Cleaning the flat because we’re doing a photo shoot here tomorrow.
4. Dying a skirt/top black
5. Trying to raise 200,000k single handedly because my financier let me down and I must not lose my boutique.

Can you loan me some money?

16 years ago

Hey Linda! Just wanted to wish you lots of luck on Monday!!! Can’t wait to “meet” the new guy!!! I’ll be thinking of all four of you on Monday!

16 years ago

I swear I was just in your place almost 1 yr ago – 2nd boy, scheduled c-section….the whole 9 yards. I would give anything to do it all over again – yes I said that. My baby is going to be 1 next Friday and I am trying so hard to remember the beginning moments with him, they seem so so far away now.

Sorry – back to the distractions – since we live in MA, it is impossible to avoid the Super Bowl – blech….so we will be having a few friends over and I will pretend to be interested in the whole thing.

Thinking of you and can’t wait to hear what name you guys picked!
Hang in there!

16 years ago

I’m recovering from a nasty cold, so we’re not doing anything this weekend. Hubby’s upstairs doing the laundry at the moment… that’s his big thing for today/tomorrow. I might get a wild hair to go grocery shopping. :)

Less than 48 hrs to go! Tick tock!

16 years ago

Good luck – This weekend I actually will be celebrating the fact that I just found I am pregnant with #2! I love your blog and read it every day, so I will be anticipating how life is for you raising two kiddos!!

16 years ago

oh Sundry! I’m so EXCITED for Monday!

This weekend my husband and I are going on a DATE, which we haven’t done in, like, centuries. I’m also hoping to purchase some makeup which I haven’t done in, like, my whole damn life. Not nearly as exciting as birthing a baby, but I’ll take it.

16 years ago

OH, Sundry! I am so nervous for you! And excited! And god, I cannot WAIT to see pictures of smalltopus, I’m squirming over here…now I’ll shut up because I’m sure this is not what you meant by a distraction.

I’m going to the local bar for the super bowl (wooHOO, right?) where they traditionally have oodles of delicious, FREE food like fresh fish and steak and yum yum. I’m dragging my friends, in favor of the Patriots, although I’m hoping they prefer the Giants because super bowl is always more exciting when people and hollering over who’s who.

Goodluck, Sundry!

16 years ago

MY plans for the weekend include making Gooey Butter Cake for the Super Bowl. I am totally blaming any resulting fat on you.

16 years ago

Just chiming in with my excitement for you guys! I can’t believe #2 is almost here. It seems like yesterday we were waiting on Riley with you!
Best of luck, here’s to a quick non complicated delivery so you can get back home to your Gooey Cake! :)

16 years ago

I totally have to work “belly-pelt” into my conversations this weekend.

Today we’re cleaning the house (okay, the main floor where people will actually SEE stuff on Sunday), buying rolls, chopping veggies, and making cookies. Oh yeah, big day here. A few people are coming over tomorrow for the Puppy Bowl and the Super Bowl, though I think we’re all more interested in the former than the latter this year.