The vast majority of the comments I get on this website are helpful, pleasing, entertaining, and basically an utter joy to read. To the very few, though, who took the time out of their busy day yesterday to display their lack of manners, I can only say this: I think I know where you’re coming from, and it’s an ugly, unpleasant place, and I truly hope you find your way out of it soon. I’d tell you to suck a bag of leprous dicks, but I think you’ve got enough unhappiness in your life as is.

In other news, while I was in the midst of navel-gazing about feeling stagnated in my job and pondering my options for the future and how much I’d be willing to change to make change happen and all of THAT happy crappy, my boss up and quit. Things are definitely different now at Workplace than they were, say, a week ago, and while I sure don’t know what it means for the long term — it doesn’t seem likely that they’ll hire a replacement any time soon, is that good or bad? Will my one remaining marketing coworker and I survive the period of time between now and Macworld all on our own? How does this effect some of my goals for 2009? — I feel . . . hmm, it’s hard to describe. Not happy about this situation, exactly, but like at least some small sense of usefulness has been injected back into my machinations there.

I don’t think I’m saying anything here that hasn’t been made common knowledge at my office, but my boss — with whom I thought I had a pretty good working relationship and we got along on a friendly basis just fine — left abruptly, not long after a meeting last week that turned into a bit of a heated discussion between the three of us in marketing. I mean, he didn’t storm out of the building telling me that he hated my coworker and I and our ASS FACES, but man, it wasn’t totally far off from that, either. I know he wasn’t happy and our meeting was surely the proverbial last straw and I don’t blame myself for his departure, but I feel shitty that it ended so badly. I suppose I also feel a little angry and resentful that he chose to write me off so quickly — as a colleague he supposedly respected, as his employee for the past twelve months. It’s so weird, one day we’re cracking jokes in each other’s offices and bullshitting about product taglines, the next he’s cleaned out his desk and left without so much as a goodbye.

Well. So, there’s that.

Since I’ve got nothing but luxurious amounts of extra time on my hands these days, I’ve started writing for a new website. My first post is up today, and some of you may find the blog name familiar. Come by and say howdy!

(Speaking for myself only, your mileage may vary, different strokes for different folks, etc.)

It’s possible to change your eating patterns, but more importantly, it’s possible to change your eating preferences.

Transforming your body and mind takes time. If you try to rush the process, you’re doing it wrong.

Muscle is beautiful.

There is no such thing as not having enough time to exercise. If you can’t find the time, MAKE the time. This is entirely within your control, and telling yourself otherwise is simply an excuse.

When you put the right foods into your body, you will experience long-term positive effects. You could eat junk food and feel good for five minutes, or you could eat something healthy and feel good for hours.

As your body gets stronger and you stay committed to your health, every aspect of your life will improve. Every. Single. Aspect.

It feels amazing to treat your body like a partner instead of an enemy.

It’s better to find your own diet and fitness path than to follow a rigid set of instructions. It’s easier than you think to do this.

Working out isn’t easy or comfortable. Don’t expect it to be. If you’re not challenging yourself, you’re cheating yourself.

It takes about three months to establish a good routine and see the beginnings of the changes happening in your body.

Perfection doesn’t exist.

Keeping yourself in shape and healthy fills you with self confidence, and self confidence is the best feeling in the world.

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t start now. If you need to start over, that’s okay: start again now.

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