Let’s take a break from the school-musings to talk about a different subject, because once again I could use some advice. A PR company has invited both Riley and I on a complimentary trip to DC in order to participate in a corporate-sponsored event promoting the “Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian” movie. The event includes flying out to DC, touring the Smithsonian Air and Space museum at night, and probably some other festivities along the way. The tour lasts about an hour and the event ends at 12:30 AM.

So here’s my question: would you go for it? I mean, there’s the whole flying-across-the-country-with-a-preschooler thing, the late night aspect of the event, and the fact that while he’s not nearly as uncontrollable as SOME of my children (I AM LOOKING AT YOU DYLAN) he has definitely mastered the art of triggering Spontaneous Parental Brainstem Combustion via Turbo-Whine (see also: the “Why” Factor).

He might think flying in a plane is awesome, he might lose his shit. He might love the museum beyond all reason, he might lose his shit. He might really enjoy staying in a hotel and hanging out with just Mom for a while, he might . . . you get the idea.

Book it and hope for the best, or hope we get another invite a few years down the road?


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15 years ago

Go for it!

15 years ago

Do it! Do it! Take a boatload of DVDs and CRAZY-cool snacks on the plane. If he loses his shit at the tour, just go back to the hotel. I honestly think he might just enjoy having you all to himself for a couple of days.

15 years ago

Do it. Here’s why: best case scenario = he loves it, you love it, you get to spend lots of Mommy and Me quality 100% focus time together. worst case = he totally loses his shit and you get to remind him when he’s 18 “Remember when you lost your shit at the SMITHSONIAN?” in front of his beloved new heart-throb. AND you still get to spend logs of 100% focus time.
This will also be a great chance for your other two men to kindof lock crosshairs on eachother and get some together time too.
Even if it’s a disaster, it’s a memorable disaster and you’ll ALL FOUR grow from the experience.

Operation Pink Herring
15 years ago

After that horrible flight you had a few weeks ago you’ve surely used up all the bad karma in the universe and this will go splendidly! I vote: DO IT.

15 years ago

if you do decide to come, want to meet for a drink afterward? :)

15 years ago

Yeah, I’d say go, too. My brother, sister, and I all luh-huh-huvved the Air & Space museum when we were little. It’s cool.

15 years ago

on a more serious note, after just having taken my 2.5 y.o. niece to that museum last weekend, there’s not much there to entertain the young ‘uns. There is one room set aside with hands-on learning type things, and perhaps there will be other special programs set up, but … that might be a long way to go for not much to do at his age. (But I’d still buy you a drink. :)

15 years ago

Every time I think my daughter wont be able to handle something…a week in Myrtle, multi connection flights, 9 hour drives for extended getaway weekends, inoculations, blood work, etc…she totally surprises me. Kids are resilient. I bet he will enjoy his 1 on 1 time with you, and you will cherish the memory.

15 years ago

Go for it!! Sounds like an awesome opportunity!

15 years ago

Some stranger in Texas mailed you your wallet? Oh, Linda, that’s wonderful! Not because it spared you any inconvenience (it didn’t) but because it restores my faith in human goodness. Was your cash still inside? (I needed to have my faith in humanity colstered. My car was just broken into and some jackass stole my iPhone, costing me $600 to replace the phone & repair the window.)

15 years ago

Go for it!!!

15 years ago

Take your chances and go, it is worth it if it ends up being a good decision, and if not, then at least you tried.

15 years ago

The tour is too late for my daughter ( who is 3). She’s a night owl and sometimes has to be forced back to bed until 10 pm. BUT the time change thing would work in your favour. I dunno. Is it a direct flight?

15 years ago

No one knows Riley like you and JB, of course, and how well he’ll handle it, but if it were me and my little guy, I’d go for it. Regardless of whether or not he remembers it or has mind-melting tantrums, the chance to have his mommy all to himself for a change is something that I’m sure Riley would love. And for what it’s worth, my family did a cross-country trip when I was two and while parts of it are a big blank (we went to see Niagara Falls? Really?), I can still remember Mount Rushmore & the Laura Ingalls “Little House in the Big Woods” birthplace museum in Wisconsin. So the chances are good that he’ll remember at least parts of the trip — and that he got to be with you.

15 years ago

I think he’s too young.I have travelled with my two cross country many times (family lives on the other coast) and no matter how well the plane ride goes, it still is no fun. Only in the last year (they are 4 & 6) now has it been manageable. Also, the up till 12:30 would absolutley not work with my 6 year old, even now. All kids are different but if Riley needs a lot of sleep, he is most likely not going to get it with the excitement of the plane, the new city etc and that just increases the lose his shit factor.
For the record, I would probably do this right now with my 6 year old just to take advantage of the opportunity but I’d leave the 4 year old at home.

Wait a while and do it again with both boys when they are older. That’s my bet.

15 years ago

I’m with the majority here – take him. He’s old enough to remember it (he’s smart…not all boys his age would, but he will). It’s an adventure for both of you. I can’t imagine turning it down. I would think JB would be all over this too. Grab life as it happens – this is a great opportunity!


15 years ago

You only live once. Go for it.

15 years ago

I say go for it! Who knows if you’ll get another chance to do something like that! I bet Riley will love being with just you for a little while. You can always hang at the hotel the whole time if he freaks out.

Amber S
Amber S
15 years ago

Perhaps he will prove to be a world class flyer… If not, Benadryl.

Perhaps he’ll become a world-class engineer because of the inspiring trip through the museum…if not, you’ll have funny ass stories to tell about how much he hated it.

Lastly…If you don’t go, I would happily pretend to be you for the event. You know, to alleviate the to go, or not to go presssure you must be feeling. My 10 year old would be in heaven.

Melissa H
15 years ago

Go for it! And, if you don’t, hook up me and my own 3.5 year old. ;) You’ll have an awesome time and shouldn’t pass it up based on things that might happen.

15 years ago

Oh i live but fifteen minutes from that museum. and i kind of feel like a rockstar is coming to town and am a little giddy. you know, i really never envisioned myself growing up to be a mommyblogger, well freakshow if we’re being perfectly honest, but alas, i didn’t envision a lot of things that have come to pass. blah, i have two toddlers, the oldest is about riley’s age. we live on a vineyard with a puppy. if things get too crazy… i’m just sayin..