December 10, 2006

I’m sitting at my computer right now watching a page of holiday-themed mailing labels slowly disgorge from the printer’s stuttering maw, and I’m thinking, since when did I become the type of person who uses holiday-themed labels on their cards? I even agonized over the freaking typeface on these things (Edwardian script for the family name, Copperplate for the address. If you were wondering. Which I am sure you were NOT), and I probably need an intervention because surely this is a sign of Christmas Insanity and the next thing you’ll know I’ll be buying those plastic containers of candied fruits in order to bake my very own fruitcake.

(I like fruitcake, by the way. I realize I’m in the minority here, and I don’t blame you for not wanting to deal with a cherry that requires fifteen solid minutes of vigorous chewing, but what can I say, I find something strangely comforting about a fruitcake’s Plutonian density.)

Every year I sort of enjoy the process of putting together holiday cards up to a point, and then I feel resentful that I’m addressing card after card for members of JB’s family I barely know, while my own family requires pretty much only two stamps in total.

“Here,” I eventually snarl, “You write something.”

JB: “Well I don’t know what to write.”

Me: “How about Merry Fucking Christmas? Jesus.”

Happy goddamn golden days of yore, that’s our household.

We got our tree this weekend, out at the same tree farm in Issaquah we went to last year. Last year it was all snow-covered and wintery and picturesque, this year it was just kind of muddy. JB manfully sawed it down while I annoyed him by yelling “TIMBERRRRR”. I pondered a follow-up informative shout such as “FORE!” or “GOALLL!” or “LET’S GET READY TO RUMMMMBBLE!” but I wasn’t sure what was most seasonally-appropriate.

So far Riley hasn’t been too interested in the tree, although he was greatly intrigued by his father assembling the tree stand in the backyard. We hung the lights and ornaments and I am quite pleased by the tree’s presence. Every December I feel as though the Christmas tree adds so much character and festivity to the household I don’t understand why we don’t keep trees inside year-round, just switching up the decor by season. Spring trees with dangling ceramic bunnies and Peeps-on-a-string! Summer trees with ornaments shaped like watermelon slices and beach balls! Fall trees with real leaves and tiny pumpkins!

Except I guess no one wants to deal with pine needles twelve months out of the year. I tracked some into bed last night and I have pitch in my hair.

JB and I also managed to get out on our own for a bit on Friday night because daycare was hosting a “Parent’s Night”. We ate a leisurely, fattening dinner at the Yarrow Bay Grill, and do you know who had to do the dishes afterwards? NOT ME THAT’S WHO. Huzzah!

Today I plan to finish up a freelance article, wrap a present or two, and maybe buy some holiday-themed stamps for our cards (what? I’ve already got the labels…). JB and I have a couple of movies to watch, and Riley will probably spend a good part of the evening engrossed in his favorite new activity: spinning in circles, laughing hysterically, then falling flat on his face.







Okay, your turn. What did you do this weekend?


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17 years ago

I went on a very confusing second date. yay me!

And then I just finished up some work that I didn’t get to finish in the office on Friday because we were evacuated at 11am for the explosion and fire that took place three buildings down from my office building so I got to go home early.

And now I’m going to dive into my DVR. Or read a book. Whichever takes less effort.

17 years ago

Peeps on a string….heh. That could be arranged. They’re made right down the street from me.
Love the pictures, as usual. No tree for me. A dog and two cats in a one bedroom apartment…just haven’t found a feasible way to make it happen.

17 years ago

Friday I made a crib dust ruffle before my baby’s impending birth (Suzie Homemaker has invaded my body, I am no longer in control.) Saturday I went to a cookie bake with my college girlfriends; and I didn’t think it was possible, but there is such thing as “too many cookies.” The husband and I worked a bit on a closet organizational system (which should be done now as the closet contents have been all over my living room for the past week and I’m becoming annoyed, but it’s not.) Now I have some papers to write and a final to study for.
I love your tree and am seriously contemplating printing out the picture and hanging it in my house because the closet contents are inpeding my own tree placement. I think we are going to forgo it this year, and I’m mildly bummed. But I have cookies to comfort me…

17 years ago

Me? Well saturday was unbearably hot (over 120 again) so we stayed in and put together the damn fake tree. I would love to live (even if just for a little while) in a climate that allows for live trees at xmas. All the pine trees round here are spindly things that are turning brown. evergreen, my arse. at 7pm it was still unbearable hot, so we packed up the kidlets and took them to the local pool.
Sunday – helped the kidlets write letters to santa, watched T2 (who here doesn’t think that it’s a great movie for xmas) and went to work for the afternoon. Thats it in a nutshell really

17 years ago

I hosted a Christmas party on Friday (it was a lot of fun!), and went out to a birthday party afterward. Last night I went to a housewarming party, and today I went to the gym and am currently working on my senior thesis. Later tonight I’ll going to another Christmas party, and then I’ll be working on the paper again once I’m home. A nice balance of fun, and not-so-fun, I think. ;o)

17 years ago

I did as little as humanly possible this weekend. The End.

17 years ago

Hmm, what DID I do?

Ahh yes…Saturday I had a gig playing violin at a wedding, then I had work for a couple of hours…we went to our friend’s flat that night and then to another friend’s flat, watched Little Britain (which I had never seen before, only heard about!) Computer says no…

On Sunday I got up early-ish and went home in order to learn some songs for a rehearsal I thought I had that night (I’m doing backup vocals for them at this big Christmas party gig at a bike park)…turns out they’d sent me the wrong times or something so I didn’t have to go to rehearsal that night after all. So Nate came over and I ate tons and tons of fatty food.

kim de kimblahg
17 years ago

we also put up our christmas tree. i’ll post some pictures when i get around to it but sadly, it isn’t real. i will spray it with febreeze christmas tree spray.

17 years ago

We set up our tree, too! It’s a fake one, but it does look pretty. And now we have a light up Tinkerbell tree topper, which I love. Her wings are glowy!

Also, I got two loads of laundry done. The rest of the weekend has been consumed by sleep and lazing about. I may take a walk this evening, though, because stepping on the scale yesterday was not smart, and I can’t stop obsessing over the number I saw. Of course, that didn’t stop me from eating coffee cake last night! Heh.

17 years ago

Got about 50% of my Christmas shopping done. Ate way too many peanut m&m’s (those things are from the debil!) and cleaned my house. Yes, another exciting weekend.

Anne L.
Anne L.
17 years ago

Hey, we got our tree, too! Also somewhat wet and muddy here in upstate NY, it was all sunny and drippy. But we got our little 5.5 foot Douglas Fir up in the living room. It was damn funny to watch our new-ish Siamese cat try to figure out what the heck was going on. The Vince Guaraldi Trio (Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack) was excellent for decorating music!

17 years ago

a college friend flew in on friday morning and stayed with us until saturday. it would have been a wonderful visit except my 14 month old daughter was pretty sick. when I informed her of my daughter’s state, she shrugged it off and decided to come anyways. she stayed with me all day as daughter vomited repeatedly. although despite the vomiticious atmosphere, we managed to spend the entire day talking and catching up. if that isn’t the definition of a good friend, I don’t know what is.

it is now sunday evening and daughter is still sick :-( we think it is the stomach virus that has been going around, but it also might be that on thursday night she managed to suck the paint off a possibly leaded christmas tree ornament. we will see when we go to the doctors in the morning. having a toddler is fun.

17 years ago

Did you get to put the tree in one of those shaking machines? I don’t know the technical term, but I watched this woman cut down the tree at a farm in Auburn and when the guy put it in the shaking-doo-hickey, the tree turned into a large squirming beast. It was so cool!

Mama Ritchie
17 years ago

Uh, I bought a house.

Well, technically, I made an offer. But the house is already mine. So I won’t be at all disappointed if it falls thru (PLEASE PLEASE ACCEPT OUR LOWBALL OFFER!) Lake Forest Park, baby. Get Riley ready for his playdate with Charlie!

17 years ago

Spring Cleaning. Picked up a used pool table. So, my general rule of stuff is that you have to remove stuff from the house as you bring in new stuff.

17 years ago

I love fruitcake! And those little candle-powered chimes, which I see you have. I spent the weekend holed up at my significant other’s place, trying to recover from writing about fifty pages’ worth of research papers in, oh, four days.

17 years ago

I’m so jealous of you. I haven’t gotten to have a Christmas tree in my own personal home where I live in, um, four years? Five? Too fucking many, is all.

What did I do this weekend … I went out to the karaoke bar (wooo!) with my cousin, where we danced the Sprinkler and sang Jingle Bell Rock (complete with a slurred “Merry Fucking Christmas!” at the end), wandered around downtown Savannah looking at all the crap I can’t buy for myself because if I do, I’ll be too poor to eat until March, then today dragged my husband to the local production of the Nutcracker, which I had never seen on stage before. As a return favor, I am planning to accompany him to [shudder] “Apocolypto” in less than an hour and a half. Pray to Bob that my brain survives Mel Gibson’s masterpiece.

niki p
niki p
17 years ago

I went to the LAMEST Xmas party ever Saturday night and got a tree today. I ran into my EX brother-in-law and his wife and family. The pretended to NOT see me but I couldn’t be that rude. I offered up a very warm “Hi Dave and Mere!!” and they mumbled “oh hi” and shuffled off. My boyfriend said, “Wow- you are such a bigger person than they are.” That felt nice. We decorated the tree, made a turkey dinner, cleaned up and now I am about to fall into bed……

17 years ago

Aw, I love your tree! My folks just sent me a three foot fake tree with lights already on it–my mom said she couldn’t stand the thought of me being surrounded by only palm trees during the holidays. (my dad: You sent her a *what*?!) I myself don’t mind the palm trees, but it’s nice to have a little touch of familiarity.

Friday night was yoga and Saturday night was spent out with the Ladies, drinking–a nice balance, no? Today was football (go packers) and organizing my disaster of a living area. For someone who thrives on organization, I can be awfully sloppy sometimes.

17 years ago

I did a lot (and by a lot, I mean more than I should admit) of lying about on couches with the dog. I watched movies, baked cupcakes and slept more than I should be allowed. It was pretty damn awesome.

I see that Riley has not changed his suspicious stance even when activities involve Christmas trees.

(Amy, I grew up right near where you live. And although I felt somewhat obligated to like peeps growing up, what with the “made in your hometown” thing, I hate them. HATE THEM. TThose peanut butter meltaways? A different story altogether.)

17 years ago

I flew home for Christmas this weekend! I get to laze around my parent’s house for a whole month! HURRAY! No stupid grad school until January!

17 years ago

(Never mind, peanut butter meltaways are Josh Early, where I always think of those foul, foul Jordan almonds. JustBorn = Mike & Ikes! Jolly Joes! Of course! So much Pennsylvania candy to remember, so little time!)

17 years ago

The husband and I went to his company holiday party *yawn*, and ate really good food then laughed at the folks who were rather tipsy, dancing* to the live band.
*I’m pretty sure that was dancing.
Saturday we lazed around for far too long, while my parents took our son to see Tim Noah perform in Snohomish. Apparently, the boy giggled maniacally through the whole show and my parents recommend it highly. Bugga had a fabulous time, and was still full of giggles when he got home. Saturday night we continued with the lazing after the boy went to bed and we watched a couple of movies.
Sunday morning we all got up at 9am (sleep in!!) and read the Sunday newspaper whilst sipping some (really good-Storyville) coffee, and the boy ate cereal while watching Tom & Jerry cartoons.
This afternoon I met a dear friend who was in town a short time for lunch at the Macaroni Grill in Alderwood. She and I then made like salmon and swam upstream through the mall toward Nordstrom. I got to watch her drop a wad of cash on really cute clothes and shoes. We had some really good girl time and chit-chat. Also, I got out of the house away from my CRANKY husband. Seems as though he doesn’t know how to be home, calmly and appreciating the down time.
I am still searching for some holiday spirit. We’re not getting a tree. Thanks for posting pics of yours, it looks really nice.

17 years ago

I babysat my 3 year old grandaughter, (the only grandaughter), and took her shopping, we rode the merry go round, and she rode the little caterpillar. Then we went to the food court, had dinner, went to the bookstore and got 2 kid books, and a curious George snowglobe (only 3.50 with the purchase of two books), and visited my hubby at the police substation, (he was working) where she dropped her snowglobe and now the station has glitter all over the floor, (it was pretty), went back to te bookstore, and got another one, but the big thing was that we hit the build a bear store. What a racket that place is. She already has a teddy, so we got clothes for it, I could have bought an outfit for myself for what I paid for it. She was thrilled though, and we drove around looked at the lights, came home, got ready for bed, had popcorn, hot chocolate, watched monsters inc, and then ice age the meltdown, and in the meantime she informed me that her teddy looked gorgeous, mom never lets me eat mcdonalds, (as if), never makes me hot chocolate, (except every morning), and you’re my favorite gramma and I am your favorite grandgirl huh gramma?
Then at 3 in the morning, she rolls over, in her sleep, and says I love you gramma.
Good times.

17 years ago

Friday night we went shopping as a family. I got a necklace repaired, then hubby and I got talked into buying a diamond pendant for me too. (Interest free payment plans are aewesome!) We also bought a bracelet for my mom as a thank you for months of watching our babe. We bought this year’s Christmas ornaments – a Waterford crystal angel for us since my hubby and I both last parents this year, and a Pooh and Piglet ornament for babe. Then we found some shoes for the babe and a jacket for me.

Saturday the babe woke up with a scorching fever, and grandma came to the rescue so hubby and I could get the tree up and put up lights outside. (Note to self: plug them in before putting them on the house.) So we did that sort of thing, before putting the sick babe to bed.

Sunday I got to have a glorious nap in the morning (payment for being up with sick babe last night) while dad watched him for a while. Then the rest of the day was spent tending the babe as his fever bounced from 99 to 102. He’s sick, but not sick enough for urgent care. Right now we’re all snuggled in bed with the babe catching some z’s and the rest of us watching football.

Tomorrow: the doctor!

17 years ago

I drove six and a half hours to visit my college friend and her family in St. Louis. We had a fabulous time and I made it 2/3 of the way back to Ohio before the stomach flu caught up with my two-year-old, and you can imagine the rest! I maintain the trip was totally worth it, but she was the one who had to stew in her own nastiness for two hours. . .

17 years ago

I set up my HELOC on Saturday, automatically approved, thankyouverymuch. My glee with the automatic approval quickly turned to I.better.sit.the.hell.down when I decided to jot down my list of projects and their costs thus far. I’ve been in the process of getting bids for various projects and let me just say: I am GREEN with envy of friends who have live-in handymen in their lives. Those people suck. I’m up to about $25K in estimates and haven’t started a project yet, nor have I received the final bids for one of my two largest projects, rebuilding my garage. Window estimates were enough of a heart attack. I’m excited to get going, but sort of freaked out as well. I ended the weekend watching various home shows this evening, and wishing to all holy home improvement heaven that Ty Pennington would just show up (with a side of Nate Berkus for fun) and help a poor girl out. I actually starting eyeing some things around the house wondering, thinking, daring to consider: could I do that myself? If I walk into Home Depot and just close my eyes, will I hear the voice of Gene Hackman telling me that indeed I can do it, and they can help? Oh, I pine…

17 years ago

Am I too late for this? early sort of weekend starting with a friend flying in on Thursday I was still working but Friday a Christmas party with a chinese auction, cake and spinach dip, Saturday, bagel sandwiches and a jaunt to the apple store to fix a dead laptop, window shopping, farmer’s market, fabulous chinese food, a beer, a movie, and hanging out at my apartment and Sunday, veggie burrito, the airport to drop off, picking up my friend/personal shopper, then west hollywood shopping, lunch, more shopping and a fantastic dinner with friends. Wow. This makes it seem like I am a big shopper when really I don’t buy anything ever. However, we (the new husband and I) decided to go shopping to get ourselves some decent clothes instead of buying christmas presents. It was a very busy weekend and the busier I am the less likely I am to suffer from the Sunday going back to work blues.

17 years ago

Friday, we went to dinner with two couples, then went to one of their houses to let the guys watch Battlestar Galactica in geeky camraderie with one another. I knitted, and then we separated by gender and chatted frantically (in that way that parents who rarely get out to see others do) until 1 am. Babe watched by her grandparents.

Yesterday, Husband had a solo in a tiny community’s Christmas Cantata (sp?) north of here. His boss at work was directing it, and she asked him, and he couldn’t say no. Three months of rehearsals later, it’s finally done. That’s about all I have to say about that, other than his solo was very nice as far as Christmas cantata solos go.

Today, we drove 2 hours west for my cousin’s husband’s homecoming after spending 1.5 years in Kosovo with a UN peacekeeping force. YAY KOSOVO, FOR IT KEPT HIM OUT OF IRAQ. He’s healthy and happy to be home. The babe pitched a fit after about an hour of hanging out in a parking lot waiting for his arrival/the ceremony’s conclusion. We came home a bit early, grabbing dinner at Penguin Ed’s barbecue on the way.

And now, I’m surfing the web instead of doing my work. Which is dumb, as I’ve been too busy to get my (online) work done all week. But now I”m going to go to bed rather than do it. Tomorrow is Monday, and I’ll work then, I swear.


17 years ago

Main event of the weekend was my 16-year-old son’s first performance with the choir he joined recently. (My nephew’s wife helps to run it). This was in the foyer of the Waterfront Hall before each of the two children’s concerts performed by the Ulster Orchestra entitled ‘The Snowman’. Also had my wife’s niece’s two kids staying over on Saturday night while she went to her workplace’s Christmas dinner.

And I’ve been struggling with a sore throat and cough for about a week now. I hope that disappears before Christmas!

17 years ago

I worked 26 hours of overtime in two days. Fucking end of the semester. After working a 14-hr shift that stretched from Saturday into Sunday, I came home and slept 10 hours before dragging my ass back into work to begin my ‘regular’ week. I’m tired and cranky and I’ve eaten fried chicken three meals in a row because I DIDN’T HAVE TO COOK IT.

17 years ago

Second photo – LOVE the face!! :)

17 years ago

Love the photos!

This weekend I, um, hmmm…what did I do this weekend? Oh! I watched three movies (well, technically two movies and a tv show on DVD): Clerks II, Christmas with the Kranks, and Rome Episodes 1 and 2. I also rearranged my bedroom and avoided the mall like it had the plague because I can’t deal with crowds even if the fact remains that I have done exactly zero Christmas shopping yet.

17 years ago

I introduced my new (been dating two months) boyfriend to my sister! My parents are gone already, so she’s the family he had to meet. The dinner went well, and now he has Christmas dinner on the 26th to look forward to – with my sister, her husband, their SIX kids and all of their significant others, so he’s going to be faced with 15 people, and he’ll only have met two of them. Ha! It’s going to be a fun Christmas. :)

17 years ago

It feels like I spent the entire weekend lounging around in my sweats…gnashing my teeth over how Christmas is only a couple of weeks away…and how I haven’t done ANYTHING…and really, I should…one of these days… But I did do a couple of things. I attended a fundraising lunch yesterday for my friend’s 5-year-old granddaughter who was paralyzed in a car accident a week before Thanksgiving. (Great turnout, thankfully.) And Friday night I got the idea to build a Flickr fan club for her–to create a slideshow of photos to cheer her up in the hospital. I asked my bloggity buddies to be the first ones to put some photos there, and there are some wonderful photos there already. I’d be honored if you’d consider adding Riley (since he is the cutest boy on the internet). Bloggers sent photos of themselves, kids, grandkids, pets, beautiful things…anything to make her smile. The Taylor Parker Fan Club is here:

And her blog (which tells what happened) is here:


17 years ago

(Everything I did this weekend is in blog – but that’s not a shameless plug to get more readers!)

I love fruitcake! I actually want to make my own but I’d be the only one eating it. I think people “hate” it just because we’ve created this stigma about it being this ungodly tradition of regifting. I don’t know – it tastes pretty yummy to me.

17 years ago

I introduced my (new) fiance to my extended family…and a couple of old friends. It was overwhelming, to say the least! Sunday, we went to Charlotte for the Panthers-Giants game. Good times.

17 years ago

That picture of you and Riley – he looks so much like his mama! The eyes, definitely. I like that he wss outfitted in camo just like his dad. In case, you know, you guys had to hide at the tree farm.

This weekend I drove to Boston to have brunch with a friend (she lives in Eugene, Oregon and I met her on the internet, we have met in person twice when she comes to Boston to visit her brother…we tell our families we know each other from college so they don’t freak out – “you’re meeting someone from the INTERNET?! alone??!! ‘She’ could be a serial killer 68-year-old male sex offender!”). I also cleaned my dirty house – my tree is losing way too many needles already; I think it will be completely dead by Christmas. That’s what I get for being lazy and buying a pre-cut one.

Last night was my work Christmas party – thanks to the technology of digital cameras, I now possess high-quality photos of my coworkers doing the Worm, and drinking tequila shooters out of white wine glasses. Although, scarily, that means someone out there probably possesses similar photos of me.

Aunt Linda, Mom
Aunt Linda, Mom
17 years ago

Let’s see. We unpacked, donned our gay apparell and our sun screen and hit the deck. Eat and shit, eat and shit. That’s what cruising is all about. Love, AL and MOM

17 years ago

Battled the stomach flu with my little boy and husband.

Sweet god.

Do you know at this very moment I have poop on my shirt?!? I have POOP! ON MY SHIRT!!


Her Ladyship
17 years ago

We went to go see “Stranger than Fiction,” which was just as lovely as I’d hoped it would be. Which was a good thing, as two adult movie tickets and a popcorn/soda combo adds up to 36 freaking dollars. As I get older, my parents’ habit of never taking us to first-run movies and sneaking popcorn into the theater makes a lot more sense.

17 years ago

Where’s the squirrel ornament with the beads? Pretty tree BTW. I have about 9 billion lights on mine. It takes hours and hours to put up and down. But it is worth it every night when I plug it in and get to stare at it’s mesmerizing lights dancing. My mother in law was down this weekend and we ventured out to the mall. Pretty fun. We went to Bath & Body Works and bought some pretty smelling things. I bought some lotion for work….the antibacterial kind. I was applying it in the car, my mother in law asked for some, etc. Good stuff except that it just really doesn’t soak in that well. Got to work today and actually read the bottle….”Anti-Bacterial Moisturizing HAND SOAP!!!!” I started crying I was laughing so hard. I had put this shit on my arms and the sleeves of the shirt would not slide up and down very well on Saturday. I wondered why my mother in law never asked for any more after that. OMG I am so embarrassed. I know BBW makes an antibacterial lotion and this stuff is thick and very lotion-like looking. Oh well, the blonde in me just won’t die (although I wish she would). The other highlight is I talked my hubby into buying me a Dyson. L-O-V-E it! I told him while nerds are playing hours on end with their PS3, I will have my Dyson. I look forward to going home tonight and pushing it around again.

17 years ago

This weekend I shopped, of course.
But that’s not what I’m here to say – I had to tell you that the spinning angel candle-thing (does it have a proper name?) is awesome. We always had one when I was growing up. And then when I got married and had kids, I missed having one for those first few Christmases. Little did I know all I had to do was make a trip to my local Walgreens and TA-DA! I would have my very own. So I’m loving your spinning angel thing-y. And your tree is pretty too. Oh, and the boy – too cute for words.

17 years ago

We had swimming lessons Saturday morning then went to a holiday dinner for my grandma at her nursing home. Sunday, we had a holiday dinner for the folks on my mom’s side of the family. After that, my sister and her boyfriend came over and we played the DVD game Wheel of Fortune. Good times. : )

17 years ago

On Friday, I wept and consumed an entire bag of neon sour gummi worms while I coped with the fallout of an argument with a friend. Saturday, my husband, two sons and I went ice skating. I did not fall once, but I can’t say the same for the boys in the family. We spent the rest of the evening nursing our blisters and numb toes. Sunday was spent finishing up the holiday decorating- putting ornaments on the tree, setting up our kitschy little North Pole village, and hanging the rest of the outdoor lights. The latter prompted much swearing as previously tested strands suddenly went inexplicably dark, and our neighbors got to witness me batting futilely at these strands with an inflatable Titanic.

17 years ago

I love the year round tree idea. Or at least I loved it up until the point of thinking about having pitch in my hair. :)

I spent the weekend performing with my bellydance troupe at a Renn faire. Going from two days of medival funnery back to work in a conservative office is nearly traumatic… I’m having trouble not dancing around and yelling drunkenly with a Romania accent. It was awesome though, my first public performance (actually about 6 of them by the time the weekend was over) and I really had a good time.

Now I can’t wait to get home and turn on my tree lights. :)

17 years ago

Oooh, oooh, tell us more about this glamorous freelance article!

This weekend I (wait for it)….went Christmas shopping. And that’s really about it. Had a nice dinner, read a lot of Mary Gaitskill, watched the Graduate, went out very late Friday night and slept very late (then walked to fetch my car where I left it like the responssibible adult *hiccup* that I ams). Cozy and calm.

17 years ago

Friday…blissfully nothing more than sacking on the couch and catching up on shows.

Saturday I went to a friends baby shower. (who finally found out today that she is having a boy! Yay! He was too busy hiding last time they tried to find out) Which ended up being more fun than I thought it would be, mostly because it was a small group and the games were few. Not a fan of the shower games. But these were pretty good. For example, the host listed a bunch of animals and you had to list what the babies were called. Did you know that a baby llama is a cria? Learn something new every day.

The man and I went for grabbed dinner at this great BBQ place and then went and saw Casino Royale. Ok, I’m on the bandwagon. Who knew Daniel Craig would be so good. And also? So darn sexy? Rwoarrrrr!

Sunday we put up a new timer for our outdoor christmas lights as the last one froze. Or something. (wouldn’t it being an “outdoor” timer make that impossible?) And we went to Lowe’s and prepared for winter by buying shovels, salt and various crap. Bring it on old man winter!!!

17 years ago

We went to a birthday party for a 3 year old. A swimming birthday party, for Pete’s sake. I’m not even kidding. In December! Like I’ve got nothing else to do! Oh well, my two kids had a blast.

17 years ago

Friday I went on a manic hunt for Christmas presents. Saturday, after another manic hunt for Christmas presents, my boyfriend and I did groceries and invited some friends over for poker. Sunday was spent writing the Christmas cards and sticking Christmas stickers all over them and their envelopes. So, you’re not the only one with Christmas insanity.