November 9, 2006

I really enjoyed reading your last great thing comments (I now have a Scum Buster to buy and a box of Snickers ice cream bars to devour) and so did JB; he’s officially convinced he should drop his XM radio in favor of Sirius.

I tried to think of the last great thing I bought for my own self and I think the answer is a “mini-prep” Cuisinart, which was purchased to replace the older, smaller one I broke a while back. Totally not as interesting as your answers, what with your trips to Paris and new kittens and exotic perfumes and chocolate body lotions and all.

Riley appears to have made a speedy recovery, just in time for JB to return from the business trip he was on during Barforama 2006. The man flew to Chicago to have Brazilian barbecue dinners (“More meat on a stick, sir?”) with suit-wearing clients while I was trapped in a House of Barf obsessively googling “vomiting +toddler+should+I+fucking+panic+or+what”, I think he owes me a favor or two. (I can just picture him reading this, nodding his head and raising his eyebrows like the sleazy guy from Office Space [the “O face” guy] and saying, “I’ll give you a favor, baby.” I AM TALKING ABOUT THE BRAND NEW FULLY LOADED INFINITI FX KIND OF FAVOR, JACKHOLE. In black with the tan leather interior, thanks.)

This weekend Riley and I are descending upon my mother and aunt’s house in Port Angeles, where they will doubtlessly immediately regret their cheery invitation once he demonstrates how he can actually shatter glass with his voice, now that he’s a bit older since the last visit. Then again, maybe grandparents see their grandchildren through eternal rose-colored glasses; JB’s mom sure goes on and on about how Riley’s such a “good, sweet kid” and I have caught myself thinking, wait, are you talking about THIS KID RIGHT HERE? Don’t get me wrong, I’d take a bullet for him even on a bad day, but are you talking about the kid who is currently going apoplectic over the existence of carseat restraints? You must mean sweet like a lemon.

(Actually, now that I think about it Riley’s usually on better behavior when there are lots of people around, I think he enjoys the activity and attention and is less likely to burst into actual flames over a dropped toy. This is a rule with no guarantees, however, considering that he recently chose a crowded Fred Meyers to protest at top volume the great injustice of socks.)

So tomorrow we’ll be taking the ferry (the ferry, not the ferry boat as they repeatedly and annoyingly say on Grey’s Anatomy, it’s a goddamn ferry, saying ferry boat is like saying car vehicle; ferry ferry ferry ferry!) over to Kingston and driving up the peninsula; I’m looking forward to getting the hell out of Dodge for a while.

JB will be spending his own weekend shooting at innocent, moist-eyed Bambi-esque woodland creatures in Oregon. God help me, I actually encouraged this activity because he doesn’t get to spend much time with the Menfolk wearing their Hickory Shirts and Crapping in the Woods Wherever They Damn Well Please. Of course, that was before the Barf-fest so I hope he brings me back something purty. Like an Infiniti, not a fucking elk pelt.

If you’re not sick of me asking, and I totally understand if you are, what are your own plans?


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Julie B
18 years ago

It’s the first weekend in about 87 weeks that I don’t have to go somewhere for work or to visit family or what not, so I am so happy to be staying in the City. However, Saturday will be filled with the stress of trying to buy a new car, since husband got hit by a jackass who ran a red light last weekend and smashed our car.

But, I am so psyched because Sunday I am going to the Museum of Science to see Gunther von Hagen’s Body Worlds 2. If you haven’t seen this, check out his website, it’s pretty amazing stuff. (

18 years ago

I’m thinking maybe Greek food tonight. The kids brought home these amazing report cards (WHO’S kids are these anyway I asked myself?!) and passed their swimming levels to boot, so a celebration is in order. Then I must pen a Eulogy for my Grandgeezil’s memorial service on Remembrance Monday. I always get the jitters at even the prospect of speaking before a group of people, so I have to find a way to push those thoughts away and reflect on his amazing life without reservation. Soccer on Sunday, if the fields are not still flooded after all the rain we’ve had here in BC this past week. And definitely, sleeping in! The only thing I like about all this rain, is hearing it patter on the roof when we’re all snuggled up in our beds! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

18 years ago

It’s going to be cold and snowing here in Wisconsin, so I plan on making a pot of 5-alarm chili and hunkering down in front of a roaring fire.

Saturday morning my son has basketball practice, which is fun to watch (3rd graders!) and I got some of those little stained glass kits to work on with the kids.

That’s about it. And I suppose I’ll have to do some laundry at some point.

18 years ago

I only work a half day today (that is, if the moons align correctly), so I’m hoping to get down to the salon and get my brows waxed, as they currently resemble two furry caterpillars perched above my peepers. Tonight is weekly potluck with my girlfriends, where we are also setting up one friend an online dating profile (she needs a man yo! Or a woman! No pickiness here!) Saturday is the Arkansas vs. Tennessee game, where ESPN Sportscenter will be broadcasting from, so I’m sure I’ll get drunk and make a fool of myself on television at some point. And Sunday I hope to finally change the cat’s litter box, lest my husband and I perish from ammonia fumes.

18 years ago

gull. Not sea gull. gull, gull, gull.

18 years ago

Are you ready for this one? You’re sure to be jealous…
I have to take care of a plant for one of my classes and then write a ‘creative paper’ on its ‘adventures’. So I’m taking my plant around campus all “Flat Stanly” style and taking pictures of it with all the campus landmarks and then writing a paper on it.
And also coming up with a tapas-style menu.

Yes, my weekend is filled with homework and greenery. Not exactly the most thrilling of all weekends, but I guess I still have half a box of Ice Cream Snickers to fall back on….

18 years ago

This weekend my husband and I are house/babysitting for our pastor’s kids. (Two boys – 10 and 14.) The parents left us a little money to take the kids out to dinner and rent a movie, but other than that we’re on a tight budget, so we’re still trying to figure out what to do. Especially tomorrow. It’s easy for me and my husband to spend all day on Saturdays watching college football and not get bored (well, as long as I have knitting I’m fine – gotta have something to do with my hands), but I’m not sure if middle-schoolers are going to be interested in our sedentary plans. Heh. Maybe we’ll go hiking or something…who knows!

(Can you tell we don’t have kids and have no idea what to do with them?)

18 years ago

The kids are going with their dad tonight which will give me time to get as much cleaning and errands done as I possibly can until 3 p.m. on Saturday (I need a nap just thinking about all the work!). Then I will be taking the kids to see my friend’s 11 year old son (who is also blind) play in a recital at a Borders bookstore in DeKalb, IL. Cody is the 11 year old’s name and he is such an amazing boy! He taught himself keyboards when he was just a tot. For the last couple of years, he has been taking music classes at Northern Illinois University (NIU) which is also in DeKalb, IL. I am looking forward to watching and hearing Cody play!

The rest of the weekend is play by ear. We will go to church on Sunday and after we get home, my 3 year old girl will need a nap (and so will I).

Have a nice weekend, Linda! You will probably get to relax some since it sounds like Mom and Grandma will be falling all over Riley.

18 years ago

I’m going to see my mom as well (well, my dad too, but, yeah). Which means that tonight will be comprised of chicken wings, beer and trivia games, and then tomorrow while the boys are playing computer games and watching football (and probably drinking more beer), my mom and I will be visiting a small nearby town which is full of antique and trinket shops and a chocolate shop that has desserts to die for. And we’ll probably work on a quilt I need help with. Should be an awesome weekend, and I’m really looking forward to it. Hope you have a great time too!

random stuff
18 years ago

Tonight I’m watching TV and doing laundry. Saturday my sister, brother-in-law and I are going to visit our NYC grandparents, grandma’s in the hospital, as I said to my sister, well at least there’ll be enough parking there. We’re going to take Grandpa out to lunch so we can give Grandma a little peace. Drive back the two and a half hours, make cookies for Sunday and go to a neighborhood gathering in the evening. Sunday I have church and then a surprise baby shower, the thing that the cookes are for. Then in the evening I have auditions for a show.

18 years ago

Tonight we’re babysitting our friend’s 18-month-old and hoping he doesn’t cry the whole time we’re there. Our friends say he’s the Easiest Kid Ever (“You won’t even have to ask him to go to bed. At 7:30 he’ll just stop whatever he’s doing, say night-night, and walk to his room.”) Somehow I don’t think that will be the case tonight—but maybe we’ll be surprised.
Saturday we’re escaping the dreary cold and snow of Minnesota for … the dreary cold and snow of Wisconsin. Staying at a friend’s cabin, complete with fireplace and excess amounts of space for two people and NO TV for my husband to watch sports (YES!!) and privacy, privacy, privacy and the peace and quiet of being tucked away in the midst of the Northwoods. I can’t wait.

18 years ago

Hey MELISSA! Have fun at Church Landing! What a beautiful place! My MIL has a cottage right down the street (literally have to drive through the CL parking lot to get there) right on Meredith Bay. I highly recommend “Sunshine & Pa’s” for breakfast…. good eats and great local color. (It’s just up and around the corner from Mills Falls).

As for my weekend….I will be spending it in a rehearsal hall. I am in a production of “South Pacific” at the Skylight Opera in Milwaukee (…. 8 shows a week starting the day after Thanksgiving and running til the day before Christmas Eve. Good times!

Have a banner weekend everyone!

18 years ago

A friend of mine is coming to visit whom I ever so rarely see. So we are going to tour some NYC staple sites and go see BORAT! That’s about it! Have fun!

18 years ago

I honest to god can’t believe I’m posting this in cyberspace, but I shaved my legs yesterday for the first time in AGES (it looked like a small bear exploded in the tub when I was done), and so am feeling more feminine. I may dress up, fix my hair, open a bottle of wine and get laid. ….maybe I should also change the name on this entry to Jane Doe…. Naaaah. Live a little, right?

18 years ago

Tonight my husband and I are going to a fundraising gala/dinner. The organization that helped us raise money to buy his wheelchair accessible van is holding their annual fundraiser and my husband is this year’s featured recipient. Whee!

Tomorrow I am spending time with my parents and nephews as they are in town for a quick visit.

Sunday I am going to the Minnesota travel show at the convention center AND to the Chocolate Extravaganza at the International Market Square. Yum.

Linda, I don’t know if you read parenting books or not, but I found a book that reminded me of your writings about Riley. It’s called The Happiest Toddler on the Block by by Harvey Md Karp and Paula Spencer. Search for it on Amazon and read an exerpt. Their premise is that toddlers are like chimps or neanderthals and a parent’s job is to integrate them into polite society. It’s an interesting read whether you have children or not. Let me know if you get it and what you thought about it.

18 years ago

We’re taking our 27 month old son to my hair stylist to get his first haircut. *sniff* He has beautiful red ringlets, but it is getting to be such a chore to wash and comb his hair out (he needs more “product” than I do!) that it’s time for a trim. Just a trim, though. I’m also going on a home visit to check out someone who wants to adopt a dog with the rescue group I belong to–Yay!

18 years ago

Today I’m going to the fabric store with my sister to get the rest of the fabric for my nursery (because I have nothing else better to do that actually sew all the crap I think I need for that room) and maybe I’ll pick up some paint too. Then I will “politely remind” my husband that he was going to move his shit out of the soon-to-be nursery and into another room by the end of the weekend. I will watch the Vikings on Sunday; I will say I am going to study for my classes and then silently nag myself all weekend as I obsessively read blogs and get nothing done. (And I bitch about the hubby playing WOW all the time; am I really any better?)

I may go to church, (that is the plan anyway) but although I complain about the hubby, we are really enjoying each other’s company lately, so I may just stay in bed and cuddle up to him before I get all domestic and make something stereotypical for Sunday breakfast.

And I may look into that Chocolate Extravaganza thing at International Market Square, because, really, can a pregnant lady have too much chocolate?

18 years ago

Well, I THOUGHT my plans for this weekend were going to involve working on my novel (for NaNoWriMo) and hooking up our second-hand plasma screen (bless my parents and their constant need for a better TV), but instead we’re entertaining people. My husband’s cousin called us last month to say he would be in the area this week and maybe we could get together for dinner. We’ve heard nothing from him all week long and then we got a phone call this morning saying “Oh yeah, we’re still on for dinner, right?” We tried to call him back to arrange plans, but only got his voicemail and haven’t been able to confirm whether we’re having him over, meeting in the city, or what have you. Now maybe my mom was a little strict on the ettiquette, but I was raised to believe that this kind of behaviour is a bit rude. And then we’re meeting more friends tomorrow, because my husband can’t say no to any sort of social engagement. Sorry if I’m a bit ranty, but I don’t think you can encourage a person to try to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days and then proceed to arrange your whole month so that said person is lucky to fit in a thousand words a day, what with booking every single goddamn day of every single goddamn weekend in November so that I HAVE TO SEE OTHER PEOPLE.

I’m also planning to purchase my Thanksgiving turkey.

18 years ago

This is so embarassing to admit, but I will be taking part in a craft fair in my town. Now, I don’t mean any offense to those who lurve to do craft fairs, but, if I was told five years ago that I would be getting up at 7 a.m. on a Saturday, not hungover, to drive to a church and sell crap that I made, I would have fucking slit my wrists then and there.

But, I have taken up a few “hobbies” over the past few years, and then promptly dropped these hobbies, and I have enough scrapbooking, arts and crafts, Rag Shop shit in my basement to decopage an entire town, and I am tired of lugging it from house to house everytime we move. I’ve lost interest in all of it, so I am selling all of the supplies in order to make some room in my basement and maybe a few extra bucks.

18 years ago

Tomorrow I am going to a clothing-exchange party in Shoreline, then hanging out and making dinner with friends at night. But the rest of the weekend is free and empty, as my husband just left play a couple of shows in Canada with his band. Just me and the cats sitting here in the rain! Maybe a walk around Green Lake today? Nobody’s there when it rains, which is nice.

18 years ago

Very dull weekend ahead, much like my plans for the rest of November through mid-December, which I refer to as “End-of-the-semester-freak-out-holy-shit-what-was-I-thinking-applying-to-law-school-time?!?”

Friday night: lots of cleaning to be done..dishes, refrigerator, laundry, dusting, sweeping, mopping, vaccuuming, and junk mail trashing. Drinking wine. Lots of wine. Ordering pizza. Watching Battlestar Gallactica, my husband’s favorite tv show. (At least that’s what he claims as his favorite…ahem…Grey’s Anatomy)

Saturday and Sunday: reading cases, outlining rules, studying the law, over and over and over until I go cross-eyed or run out of coffee.

18 years ago

Tonight I’m meeting a friend — the kind who makes you laugh until you almost barf — to analayze and discuss the recent insanity in Hollywood. Reese, Ryan…. Brittney, KFed. If Rita and Tom are next… it is Armegeddon. (Yes, we have no lives.) Saturday will be spent taking care of Silly Errands, like maybe finally doing something about the 3 Zappos boxes in the back seat of my car which have been there since… oh, I don’t know… August? — as well as finally getting postage on the first series of “Lost” which I promised to send a fellow blogger. Oh wait, and there’s a huge poker game — I forgot about that. Sunday morning I will watch HB tear around the house flinging open boxes muttering things like “where is my goddamn fingerless camo gloves, goddammit my Bum Warmer — you have it, don’t you?” as he prepares to venture north to the hinderlands for an entire week of “deer hunting” (which I now know translates into “reading” and “napping” and “drinking beer”, but I think they still might poop in the woods because… well, who wouldn’t given the chance.) Personally I think it’s all about how long they can go without bathing or changing their underwear. I count. It’s bad. As SOON as he leaves the girlfriends descend upon the house at which time we will watch 27 of the worst movies in the world while sneaking cigarettes and making bread (seriously — we ARE going to make bread) and doing WHATEVER THE HELL WE PLEASE because the MEN ARE GONE. I love my man. I love hunting season, too. Have fun at your Mom’s — SO glad Riley is on the mend.

18 years ago

Going out with my husband tonight…to a nice restaruant? a dingy bar? Doesn’t matter which. I don’t care becuase we are going WITHOUT THE BABY! That means I will actually be able to sit back and relax instead of holding onto the slippery piece of contorting jello that I refer to as my 13 month old son.

Lisa B
Lisa B
18 years ago

Hmmm, tonight: moving furniture out of the family room so that the carpet guys can come and lay new carpet tomorrow, whee!! No more denim blue, cigarette burn-full, ugly as hell original carpet! Saturday: see above. And maybe Hellvue Square for a dress for Teatro Zinzanni next weekend – I saw something in a Coldwater Creek catalog (for once) that bears a closer look. And dinner in Seattle. With wine. Lots of wine. Sunday: recovery. And the gym. Hopefully in that order.

18 years ago

Jon and I will be finishing the Great Maude Bathroom Remodel of 2006, which at this point really only includes installing the bathroom sink. We were originally slotted to go out to the Peninsula, but there were a lot of people going and we would have had to board the dog, etc etc etc and so decided to finish the guest bathroom *before* the in-laws arrived for Thanksgiving. Fancy that!

18 years ago

If all goes well (ie, nobody gets sick) – ha, get it? Well. Sick. I slay me. Anyway, I plan to drive up to IKEA with my sister for our annual voyage of spending money we don’t have on things we must have. And, going to the grocery store, the library, etc. Doing laundry. Cooking meals. The usual.

18 years ago

Well, as a Seattle native, recently re-located to SF, I feel your pain on the massive amounts of rain you guys are getting. If it makes you feel even a little better, we’re getting your leftovers this weekend, so we’re heading up the coast to Mendocino for a little mini-getaway. It may still be raining, but at least I won’t be trapped in my own house. Of course that means massive amounts of laundry tonight so we’re not stuck with it on Sunday night.

18 years ago

Netflix just delivered the Sopranos season…6 I think? Whatever the last one was. I will be watching that from start to finish. I am going to go on my first solo outing with my 8 week old son (can I reach the carseat to re-insert binky while navigating through these CRAZY snowbirds here in the desert? Only time will tell) I am in that lame stage where my pre-preggy clothes are WAY too small, and my maternity clothes are too big…good in-between stage clothing suggestions would be appreciated.
ALSO, I am going to take a real, no joke, honest to goodness, no fakies, NAP. I hope.
Have a fabulous weekend!

18 years ago

I need your advice because my weekend plans include giving AJ a haircut. He’s about a year older than Riley but, ask JB: how do you get them to SIT STILL??! I’ve done it a few times before but it’s never easy, and I’ve been too timid to use the clippers before, but reeeeeeally want to this time….

18 years ago

Or plans only include having a friend ove r for dinner tomorrow evening as excitement. My husband and I head up the greter ministry at our church so we are trying to work up a schedule for next year, plan an appreciation and see who actually wishes to continue greeting next year. We’ve had some drop out, my only discovering it when I called them to remind them that they were scheduled to greet that Sunday. I’m not sure why I signed up to head this thing, but that’s not about weekend plans, sorry. I also plan to teach Ian new animal sounds. He says that a duck says, “Cack! Cack!”

18 years ago

I am heading into the last week of the academic quarter, so I will spend many hours studying and working on projects and kicking myself for reading too many blogs and being such a grad. school procrastinator. I will also be pinning my nearly-ywo-year-old down for breathing treatments, as she has recently contracted some kind of virus that is wrecking havoc on the little lungs. Jealous, are you?
I will be escaping the house for class on Saturday morning and to play a tennis match Saturday afternoon/evening. By then I’ll probably need to take some frustration out on a little yellow ball!

18 years ago

Today I’m heading to Norhtland (NZ) where my band are performing at a beach party. We are awful. We’re called Cabin Boy, and in keeping with the nautical theme we headed to the army surplus store to kit ourselves out in some naval gear. We did our best with what was available and the guys are all wearing white pants several sizes too small and white shirts (the only ones available were womens so they have a generous bust). I’m in the same shirt and a knee length white skirt. Hopefully the comedy of our terrible outfits will compensate for just how bad we’re going to be. On the setlist? A handful of originals, and butchered versions of ‘Summer of ’69’, ‘Livin on a Prayer’ (so what if we can’t reach the high notes), ‘I Think We’re Alone Now’, ‘Wicked Game’ etc and so on.

We’re picking everyone will be drunk so we might be able to pull it off.

18 years ago

I will be working. All weekend.

18 years ago

I, along with 6 other women in my family, will be crossing the border into Buffalo, to go shopping. Apparently, an hour and a half outside of Canada will bring you retail wonders… I really hope they mean more than Target…

18 years ago

Watch Chris play Ultimate Frisbee (or sleep in, hmmm…), clean girls’ bedroom, rehang pictures so our wedding picture is prominent when Chris’ ex shows up next week for daughter’s bday party, write thank-you notes, plan next summer’s road trip, wash car, walk dogs, drink lots of chai lattes, maybe catch a movie, clean living room, check gifted stemware for breakage, return ugly wine decanter (possibly exchange for mini-prep), buy new Wusthof kitchen shears….

18 years ago

I’ll be sleeping late with the main squeeze. Also on the ticket are items like “try to get guesstimate values for obscure and tacky witchcraft books from the 60’s-70’s”, as I’m presently faced with a box full of ’em (thanks dad) and have no idea what to do with them. Ebay? Main squeeze will be baking his famous chocolate babka. Also we’re slated to help a friend move. That’ll be like, easy though. Won’t take any time at all – barely worth mentioning really. (HAR HAR!)

18 years ago

I’m headed back to school! Binghamton here in NY is hosting a Super Saturday visit day! I’m going to go check out the nursing program there and then head to a delicious dinner with my boyfriend at Big Willie’s Cajun Barbeque. (This would be so much funnier for you if you could see where it is.)

18 years ago

maybe on grey’s anatomy they are saying “fairy boat”, like it is full of gay guys.

18 years ago

Going to Rio de Janeiro to spend the weekend!
Hope it doesn’t rain!!

18 years ago

I have no plans! My husband just left today for AU (lucky dog) and I am left home with a 2 yr old and am 7 mos. pregnant! What to do?? I will prob go shopping :) When all else fails! Enjoy your weekend.

18 years ago

well, let’s see. thing 1 still has an ear infection so we’ll be stuffing him full of antibiotics and tylenol. thing 2 just has fluid on the ear so hopefully he’ll maintain. thing 3 is her same ol’ self but just started crawling so she can keep with her toddling brothers (triplets, blah blah blah). older kid walks around complaining that he’s bored and i hobble around in my cast. but!! husband and i are getting away for a few hours tomorrow to “talk”. how exciting! maybe we’ll drink a little and come back to tipsy child rearing (i’m kidding).
oh, and fernada? going to rio? man, just rub it in. i’m so jealous.

18 years ago

My mom is coming to visit (next weekend, not this one) for the first time since we moved into this house in Bellingham. Her visit is the catalyst for us to do (THIS weekend) all the little house projects that we keep putting off. For example, about the SIX bicycles that are currently leaning against every wall in the guest room: put up bike hangers in the utility room and hang the suckers in there. Also need to put up the stairs banisters (so she won’t fall to her death balancing down a steep set of stairs with nothing to hold on to… she is getting older, stairs are not her favorite!)

Also we’re going to the Whatcom Symphony Orchestra concert Saturday night, they are featuring Evelyn Glennie as the guest soloist. She’s a professional percussion player (plays all the cool “you can hit it and it’s music” toys such as marimba, tuned cymbals, vibraphone, gourds, congas…). She has also been profoundly deaf since age 12 so hers is an even more inspiring story!

katie d
18 years ago

yay, friday, my favorite sundry feature and blog event, the posting of the plans! :) seriously, i love reading what everyone is doing. :) glad riley feels better, and goooo zoot!

today i went to notre dame to take gargoyle pictures, but the sky sucked, so i wandered around the 4th and took street pictures and some of the seine. tomorrow i am taking statue of liberty and eiffel tower pictures, now that i finally found that kickass riverwalk i’ve seen pictures of and always gone “where the hell is that?” and sunday night, i am going to a french musical called “le soldat rose.” since i don’t speak french which in any way approaches what could be called fluent by even the loosest of definitions, it should be…fun. i hope the music’s good…

18 years ago

Taking care of my mom’s farm, which includes my horse, while she and my dad are on the first vacation I EVER remember them taking. Wrangling my son away from the electric fence. Leaving him at my best friends’ house for a couple of hours in the evening so my Godson can “babysit” him. (How can I be old enough to have a Godson who is old enough to babysit? I don’t know when that happened.) Going to a dear friend’s 30th birthday party for a couple of hours. Sunday the boy and I will head to an ex co-workers’ house for a baby shower. More farm animal care. That’s it! My husband is (perpetually) at the fire station this weekend, then off on business for his other job for 2 days.

Do I sound bitter? I might be feeling a tad bit bitter.

18 years ago

My weekend is filled with the joy that is preparing to move into a new house.

Saturday: carpet cleaning. Cleaning kitchen and laundry room. Waiting for delivery guys to deliver and install new oven.
Sunday: shopping for stuff for house (as carpets will be drying) and doing homework.
Monday: To be determined. Whatever needs to be done.

Monday’s a holiday here. And its supposed to pour all weekend here in Vancouver.

18 years ago

I don’t know if anyone mentioned this to you the other week/day/whenever you asked for good children book suggestions – but I just wanted to mention the ‘just so stories’ by Rudyard Kipling – classics and very cute fantasy stories about how the whale got his throat or how the camel got his hump. Enjoy!

18 years ago

ok. so i know its sunday, but i thought i might say what i DID this weekend. i live in nyc and my parents and sister came to visit. we saw THIS , which was like an acid trip but without all the nasty side effects and at a slightly higher price. [$125 a ticket wasnt cheap, let me tell you…but worth it, really.] go see it, if it comes by you. trippy and entertaining.

AND we had a nearly orgasmic dinner at at very reasonable price [well…reasonable for nyc and also the incredibly high quality food] here. a place definitely worth checking out if youre ever in the city. their wine list is ridiculous.

oh…and im moving and found a new apartment. so all in all a productive weekend.

when do we get to see pics of the new car? ;)

18 years ago

I want to know how Zoot’s half marathon turned out because I’m running my first ever half marathon in about a month and I’m starting to panic. I don’t want to be a wuss!

I was too late to say what my weekend plans were, but it turned out that’s fine because they were: work. I got to hang out at the office this weekend. Awesome!

Also, the “ferry/ferry boat” thing reminded me of a similar quirk on a show that I think has now been cancelled. It was “Vanish” or “Vanished” or something like that, set in Atlanta. Since we live in SC (practically an Atlanta suburb), we thought we should watch. Anyway, in one of the first episodes, one of the characters refers to someone taking the interstate somewhere, and they say something like, “He’s taking the 20 to Birmingham.” We were all like, “THE 20???” I think maybe that’s a west-coast thing? Referring to interstates as “the ___”? We tend call them “I-__”, as in “I-20” or “I-85” or more likely just the number itself. As in, “He’s taking 20 to Birmingham.” It was just funny that we were all instantly like, “What the…? Those wacky Hollywood types!”

18 years ago

Late to the comments, but we had dinner with friends on Friday night–newish friends we met at a party last summer. It was kind of our “second date” with them. While we have a lot of old friends, it’s rare these days for us to meet another couple who are fun enough for us to make the effort to get to know them. We are just too busy with the kids, extended family, old friends and TiVo. Other than the fun dinner (looks like there will be a third dinner) we brainstormed activities to keep two toddlers occupied inside while it rained and rained outside. This will be an “interesting” winter.

Your description of Riley’s temperment reminded me of my son. He has a realistic toy cell phone that rings randomly. He was holding it on Saturday when it rang. He looked at it, emitted a glass shattering scream and spiked it on the floor. It was hard not to laugh. Turns out someone was tired (besides me).

amy (southkona)
18 years ago

Friday.. made peanut butter bear shaped cookies with my kids (so cute!) and took them to our church kids’ club, where I teach 2-4 year olds. (The class is called the Cubbies, thus the bear cookies)

Saturday.. 7 yr old, 6 yr old, and 4 yr old had soccer games in the morning. My husband was working so I was there on my own (also have 2 yr old and 4 month old) and said NO when my 7 yr old’s friend’s coach asked her to stay for a second game and fill in for one of his missing players.

Saturday night… left kids except for baby home with husband and went to friend’s house for a baby shower. My baby was the only child there and everyone passed her around and paid so much attention to her that I hardly saw her all evening.

Sunday.. took all five kids to church on my own since husband was working again. Two oldest went to their friend’s house for the afternoon. I thought the younger ones would nap and I would have some quiet time, but they actually demanded my constant attention all afternoon and I missed my older ones who usually keep them entertained! Made a big pot of potato soup and some garlic toast, then went to pick up the kids before Amazing Race started. The friend’s family had built a bonfire and were making smores, so we hung out there for a little while.

I think I need a break from the weekend :) but am actually trying to clean my mess of a house today!